
Comments by Dave_Anderson

  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Taylor Swift exposed as globalist prop
    When the media labels something a "conspiracy "theory,"" that's when you know its true.
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    9 months ago
    Taylor Swift exposed as globalist prop
    Why would the establishment allow a lilly white blonde gal who only dates white guys to get this big and popular if their wasn't sold ulterior motive to brainwash dumb white women who aren't ready to fully embrace black culture yet. That demographic remains one of the keys to globalists winning elections. Duh. They don't let any other blonde white girls get this big unless they are lesbians, total sluts, or date black guys. If people aren't smart enough to figure why Swift has been allowed to rise to this level of mainstream prominence, I give up. Yes, she's a CIA or other government asset. Duh.
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    9 months ago
    Journalist Gonzalo Lira murdered by Ukraine with full support of Biden administr
    The American mainstream media seems more angry about people correctly identifying Gonzalo as a journalist (he met the legal American definition of one BTW) than about what happened to him.
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    9 months ago
    Journalist Gonzalo Lira murdered by Ukraine with full support of Biden administr
    Just so you know, the same people who supported Gonzales imprisonment and are now celebrating his murder, would just as much like to see millions more of those they disagree with imprisoned and killed simply for having different views. They are justifuing and celebrating Gonzalo's torture and murder on Reddit... https://www.reddit.com/r/tankiejerk/comments/195fps2/a_selection_of_tankie_tributes_to_gonzalo_lira/?rdt=48676
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    10 months ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    newest website changes.
    I hate it. If something isn't broken don't "fix" it is my motto.
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    10 months ago
    Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
    When Worlds Collide
    My company didn't have anything this year. Cheap ass bastards.
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    10 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Our system only works if the legal system isn't abused as a political weapon. Unfortunately that seems to be the "in thing" today.
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    10 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Fuck off. Selevtive prosecution of people over their political views isn't "democracy," its literally tyranny and the end of democracy. In fact all politicians should frankly have immunity like diplomats. Its the only way we stop this abuse of the law as a political weapon. And yes all these phony non-sense "charges" against Trump are simply abuse of the legsl system to eliminate an opponent of the estsblishment. I think we all know that.
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    a year ago
    How is this happening in a "free country"?
    If big companies can conspire to "punish" people with loss of employment and financial harm over reasonable off-hours political opinions, we live in a dictatorship. Its enough that the government does nithing to protect people from this even its not the one doing the "punishment" itself.
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    a year ago
    Media refusing to call it Daylight Savings time
    If you dig into this I would bet money the Ass-sociated press or a similar organization came up with this change. Screw the Ass-ociated Press and its totalitarian "Style Guide." Who died and made them unelected arbiters of our language?
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    a year ago
    Media refusing to call it Daylight Savings time
    I'm sure someone will attempt to excuse this by claiming that "it was originally called Daylight Saving Time" and "that's the correct term for it," blah, blah, blah. Sorry, while I don't know if that's true, even if it were, for generations the common person referred to it as Daylight Savings time not Daylight Saving time. Precedent matters. Common usage over many decades becomes standardized even if it differs from some alleged "proper" whatever. So save it "smart guy." You're still wrong. Yes, the media is conspiring. Nobody cares about you defending or legitimizing the media bastards.
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    a year ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Palestine, Israel, and Hamas - the long view
    ADL = every white majority Western country must invite the entire third world to overrun its borders and become the majority or its "full of hate." Same ADL = Israel is a Jewish national homeland that has an inherent right to exist as an ethnio-national state for the Jewish people with strict border controls and mini-enclaves to segregate the indigenous population.
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    a year ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Palestine, Israel, and Hamas - the long view
    I don't ever want to hear shit about the Holycost or Jews being "victims" ever again after what they are doing to the defenseless people in Gaza.
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    a year ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Palestine, Israel, and Hamas - the long view
    I don't even completely blame Israhell for what its are doing to the defenseless people of Gaza. I blame the US regime and the American people who support it for enabling this genocide. Biden is 100% guilty of this crime against humanity by green lighting it, encouraging it, and, as always, funding it.
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    a year ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Palestine, Israel, and Hamas - the long view
    Fuck so-called Israel and its US sponsored genocide of the native Palestinians. The world stands with the people of Gaza against US/Israeli genocide.
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    a year ago
    Politicians and their looks
    Lukashenko looks old school cool.
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    a year ago
    Politicians and their looks
    AOC is a hideous horseface, as well as wanting to put everyone she disagrees with in prison. There is a 60 year old bag lady with a grocery cart who talks to herself who lives behind the local shopping center. It AOC gave me $1,000 I would still pay the bag lady for sex first.
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    a year ago
    Politicians and their looks
    There's no one on the planet who looks sleezier and greasier than Gruesome Newsome. Nor is anyone more of a pile of living excrement. Fuck you if you don't view that thing as used toilet paper
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    a year ago
    September just ended and I didn't hear this once
    Oh ffs my old "banned" YouTube account is not playing it. Hopefully you can play it. This is all so ridiculous.
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    a year ago
    Girls suddenly comfortable with kissing
    One point, I believe the original poster is a troll but the basic point that women in general don't like to kiss the way they used to in previous generations is a valid issue for discussion.
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    a year ago
    Girls suddenly comfortable with kissing
    I remember growing up in the 70s and 80s, we used to be told "women love to kiss, while men are pigs who just want to have sex." Another variant was "women could kiss all night while men just want to fuck." The obvious implication was that kissing was morally superior to actual sex, and females were more in control of their desires and therefor preferred kissing to more sexual activities. Somehow in recent years this has been turned completely backwards as many women won't even kiss men, since even that is "giving men too much happiness." Femanazis have done a number on young women's attitudes, especially when it comes to kissing the opposite sex (on the other hand kissing other girls is promoted to young girls by the pop culture [Katy Perry, etc, for example]). Interestingly, kissing didn't even used to be considered that big a deal. Kissing grandma or aunt Ester on the lips used to be expected even if it was horrified by kids, kissing booths at county fairs were no big deal, Europeans would kids both sexes on the cheek or even the lips. It just wasn't the "big deal'" its become since the turn of the millenium or so.
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    a year ago
    Worst States to live in
    Lol. The mainstream media is a ludicrous joke. They don't even make a half-assed effort to appear unbiased anymore.
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    a year ago
    Gonzalo Lira is alive, posts update on his status to YouTube
    Its widely believed the US government gave a green light to Ukraine to arrest Lira, who is known both for anti-New World Order populist views as well as being an advocate for young men as a dating coach. It has been suggested that Victoria Nuland, one of the chief architechs of the aggressively provocational and hawkish American policy toward Russia personally has a vendetta against Lira and possibly, perhaps, could have some involvement in the effort to charge Lira. Either way, the US government has clearly made no effort to advocate for Lira's release, unlike its efforts to free the black lesbian drug dealing American basketball player from Russian prison.
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    a year ago
    Gonzalo Lira is alive, posts update on his status to YouTube
    He claims he is going to try to seek asylum in Hungary. If he's unsuccessful, he believes he will be convicted and sent to a Ukranian labor camp for 5 to 8 years, which the 55 year old with health conditions believes will be a death sentence. He also detailed beatings and torture during his three months in jail before being granted bail. He is charged with promoting "pro-Russian "propaganda"" and "fake news," ie speech crimes on his online channel. An American born, Chilean dual citizen, Lira coincidently had moved to Ukraine prior to the war, where he had been living with his wife and children for several years.
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    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    The real reason stripping is dying
    They are giving these girls money because in their minds they think its some kind of relationship. Thats how awful its become for large percentages of young men to find girlfriends or relationships. A 2019 study showed that around 30% of young men age 18 to 30 had not had sex in at least a year. These numbers have no doubt only increased in the past 4 years. Society either still doesn't realize this is happening, is completely indifferent and uncaring about their plight, or worse yet, but most likely, those in power want this to happen and think its great for ideological reasons. We can discuss why this is happening, but the reality is that it is and it doesn't seem like its going to reverse anytime soon. That said, the idea of giving money to some girl online that they will never meet, never have any real life interaction much less physical intimacy with, is both bizarre and pathetic at the same time. While I understand the need for these vast percentages of young men to at least have the illusion of some sort of relationship with a woman I still have to fault them for doing this. When there is endless amounts of free nudity and porn readily avaliable online, there really is no excuse for giving money to these lazy money grubbing do-nothings taking advantage of young men's loneliness and hopelessness. The young men need to man up and stop doing this. People can deride real life strip clubs, prostitution, etc, as fake and pretend, but at least in that moment the customer is actually interacting with another real life person in the real world. Giving money to some fake pseudo-whore online for literally nothing is not just a sad commentary on how society is failing the young heterosexual male but also pathetic and embarrassing on the part of young men. They need to stop giving these girls money when porn is already free and ubiquitous, or conversely get out in the real world and go to actual strip clubs or real life prostitutes. Stop enabling this crap.