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avatar for wallanon
1 yr ago

6 or more partners, huh? Oh well. Can't win 'em all.

avatar for misterorange
1 yr ago

I'm a dead man.

avatar for shadowcat
1 yr ago

The stripper that I was seeing weekly OTC told me that her BF/baby daddy/live in lover was being treated with chemo for throat cancer. If she had HPV she never told me about it. Too late to worry about it now.

avatar for Mate27
1 yr ago

So….what are the symptoms to look out for early throat cancer detection?

avatar for wld4tatas
1 yr ago

Important sentence in the article I think: "The health agency [CDC] also states that it is unclear if having HPV alone is enough to cause oropharyngeal cancers, or if other factors — like smoking or chewing tobacco — interact with HPV to cause these cancers."

avatar for Dolfan
1 yr ago

And guess who funds Dr. Hisham Mehanna's research grant? Would it happen to be Merck? Would they happen to sell a HPV vaccine that could prevent this epidemic?

I seriously don't know, but it smells fishy to me. And BTW, a fishy smell is more likely to get me to stop eating pussy than this bullshit news and piss poor science.

avatar for Tetradon
1 yr ago

I love headlines like this: "Marcia Cross says her anal cancer is linked to HPV and husband’s throat cancer" She might as well be directly bragging that her husband eats her ass.

avatar for Dave_Anderson
1 yr ago

Does this apply to preforming it on men or women? If its back of mouth, throat, tonsils, I don't know how preforming it on a woman would be a cause. Yes, I guess the cancer could spread from the front of the mouth or tongue or the virus could enter from the front of the mouth and move to the throat and hang out there. I would need more clarification, but rationally it sounds like this is more about performing it on a male which is not something of concern to me.

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

Lets not tell the strippers about this one

avatar for drewcareypnw
1 yr ago

If you swallow your own spit from time to time, you can pass virus from the front of your mouth to your throat. So yes, if you ate some hpv pussy, you got hpv in you throat. Everybody who has sex with a non virgin gets exposed to it, so if you ate pussy, your throat has met hpv, especially sw pussy. Lots don't ever show a wart, and its hard to notice a tiny bump inside your throat anyway. The main thing this article leaves off is that most people don't get this cancer and don't get killed by it if they do. American men are dying of heart disease, next on the list is cancer. If its cancer, its lung (smoking dumbasses), colon, pancreatic, melanoma, etc. if you actually get throat cancer, you've got a 90% 5 year survival rate. The reason people are talking about now is 1. We actually can test for it and actually detect it, and 2. Its going down in prevalence bc the vaccines are reducing the number of cases. Your dad probably had throat hpv and just didn't know it.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

I'm not worried - I eat Organic

avatar for georgmicrodong
1 yr ago

Good thing I don't do oral sex then. I just eat pussy.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Government war on sex was a huge part of 1984.

avatar for ATACdawg
1 yr ago

Michael Douglas had issues with throat cancer after engaging in cunniligus with his wife. Given that that was

avatar for ATACdawg
1 yr ago

Catherine Zeta-Jones, it may have been worth it!!

avatar for chugwa
1 yr ago

You really think Marcia Cross and her husband aren't getting paid to talk about this shit in public?

There is no requirement that people report intimate health details to the media. In fact it's the other way around: HIPAA.

Merck is just pushing their shitty HPV vaccine with 60+ class action suits on the docket. HPV vaccine has a 1 in 1000 chance of causing a serious neurological problem and only works against a small fraction of HPV variants, if it works at all.

I'm not antivax, but I'm definitely skipping this one.

avatar for Cashman1234
1 yr ago

Chugwa makes a good point regarding possible compensation for Marcia Cross.

I saw her (Marcia Cross) once in person and she is a very nice looking woman. I sadly didn’t get to see her bare ass, but I’m sure it’s quite edible…

avatar for chugwa
1 yr ago

Of course she is.

You going fo go talk about gross anal warts you got doing something nasty, or whatever, on national media for nothing? LMAO

avatar for Tetradon
1 yr ago

As far as the HPV vax, a few years ago I asked my doctor about it, and she said if I've been more than nominally sexually active, I've probably been exposed so there's no point.

avatar for wallanon
1 yr ago

I thought Marcia Cross was decent on Melrose Place. She just had the bad luck to be on a TV show where every other chick was much hotter.

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