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Comments by rogertex

review comment
11 days ago
avatar for rogertex
New club. Will close in one year
bfc1978 - agree SC pricing is fucked up. Club has to change it, or offer something else - or they’ll close when money runs out
review comment
11 days ago
avatar for rogertex
New club. Will close in one year
Techman - this is legally topless only club since they serve alcohol. Dancer was trying to get more money on the side by offering this ‘extra’. If i were to guess- for $35 a dance (vs $25) she would’ve dropped that thong.
article comment
11 days ago
avatar for Ryking75
The Strip Club Paradox: Pleasure, Emptiness, and the Price of Desire
Written by a rookie - i would write something like this when i started clubbing. Over years every patron settles on this basic - you bring money, club provides the hot bodies. Officially and legally - no prostitution just other forms of entertainment (like lap dance). One can tailor their fantasy within these boundaries and budget. Once done for the visit - patron has a life, dancer has a life. Rinse and repeat. Rookie patrons and dancers may well start with delusions. High chance of emptiness afterwards or even getting fleeced. Enjoy !
article comment
11 days ago
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
I'd live this way again
Why Strip Clubs Can’t Be Run For The Dancers
As much as i read it made sense … but it’s too long ! In Dubai the high end strip clubs are like that. They won’t allow 9999 out of 1000 American strippers to dance there. Do not meet standards. Almost all will get employed by other strip clubs catering to laborers. Business is brisk there as well. I think the high end SC you describe will work in Mountain View California and maybe Miami
review comment
a month ago
avatar for Ted1982
Palace is #1 in SATX
What a crappy review! Dude’s describing stuff like $100 area, the $400 area and what not. What are the dance prices? $20? $30? …. Waste of time reading these poetic reviews
discussion comment
a year ago
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
I'd live this way again
“ATF” Ad Rejection Option
I'll take any "real" review with at least on bit of info that I found useful. Lately, I see "fake" reviews or ChatGPT reviews - and I'd reject them when I see them. If you are looking for a Papi calibre review, each club would only get 1 or 2 reviews a year. Multiple so called "incomplete" reviews help compose a general vibe of that club.
discussion comment
a year ago
avatar for datinman
Not in Kansas anymore
CFP Final Four?
Agree I wouldn’t wanna be CFP committee right now ! Unfortunately FSU May be dropped. They’ll cite injured star player. Texas, Bama rounding out Michigan & Washington. Of the Power 5 conferences - one champion has to be dropped each year. This year FSU - unbeaten ACC. Big 10, PAC 10, Big 12, SEC champions get the nod
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for rogertex
Not worth it
What you say makes sense. But no alcohol - man I feel sorry for the dancers 😊
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for sandyman
Good start for a slow afternoon.
Dances are $20. Sorry you got a ROB, but hope you had a good time !
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for mcs240
Gone down, down, downhill
Owner lost Expose, now red rose. Still had Palazio and LS … he’s sticking to his guns and keeping the pricing same as palazio. I and you won’t go to this club, but it will survive. Austin is experiencing crazy growth, club is close to airport by a highway and there isn’t a short supply of PLs !
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for rogertex
As austin gets crowded, this remains chill and laidback
Thanks for the tip. Will send message. The two clubs are very different- not worthy of using the same name
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for rogertex
As austin gets crowded, this remains chill and laidback
Sorry this is a review for Highland location of P10, not the Bratton location
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Gsin
Good time, it's what you make it.
Have you been to this club? or Work From Home review? Review was going well until you furnished one last bit of info, that tells me you ain't been to this club :-)
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for emilio42
New York
Cool Place, but too Rich for me, not worth it.
Gotta give it to you - these are funny as hell reviews !
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for MrDeuce
Two hits and a strike-out at the Landing Strip
Thanks for reporting ROB. I'll avoid this bitch here or any other club she uses the stage name, even though I ain't interested in ITC.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Shadowcat's 80th birthday
80 !!! and rocking. Man you're inspiration Happy Birthday
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Is it important to maybe have ROB in your life maybe every once in a blue moon?
... sorry hit the send button Write a review and call out this dancer by stage name. TUSCLers would be aware. Agree with others, not a ROB. Had she simply not allowed touching, you'd probably label her as poor value for money, but not ROB. Unless this club two way touching is norm.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Is it important to maybe have ROB in your life maybe every once in a blue moon?
Write a review and call out this dancer by stage name. TUSCL
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Electronman
Too much of a good thing is never enough
Should a Monger Travel Advisory be issued for Texas?
yeah every spineless slime is gonna try an milk this law.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Electronman
Too much of a good thing is never enough
Should a Monger Travel Advisory be issued for Texas?
This is a new law (from misdemeanor to felony) and needs to be taken seriously just like any Felony grade offense. I agree it is a very ineffective way of curbing human trafficking and has the adverse affects of increased rapes and violence. Not to mention millions employed in the sex industry making an honest living. However, such laws are proposed and then passed by people who see a need to prove their impeccable "moral fabric". A way of redemption - and many supportive lawmakers and their cohorts have a crappy and sinful past. There are countries that have curbed human trafficking, venereal disease spread and pimp domination very effectively by appropriate laws - while allowing consensual paid sex between adults. Fundamentally, making prostitution between consensual adults (18+) criminal, is against United States Constitution. I have not heard of raids, arrests or changed behavior. But you can be sure they are coming. The entire legal industry likes this kind of crime - from cops, lawyers, judges to everyone in between. It is a safe crime and LE is not endangering life or limb arresting a lonely John seeking company. If you are a cop - what beat would you like to be assigned for the night? Watch for criminal activity in thug alley with open firings or visiting a parlor looking for solicitations for sex? ... there's personal safety and pleasure at stake !!! If you are lawyer - what case would you like to handle? A guy who shot two people and is broke and has 99 other problems, or an embarrassed John looking to get out of the situation at any cost. So knowing the politics behind grand politics - once a bill becomes law - we have to follow. And deny the legal/LE industry any chance for having fun and getting paid - at our expense.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Sexy Politicians
You filthy perverts !!!! ... surprised Nancy Pelosi's not made your fuck list (yet?) https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/4NWUCAUTOMI6BGVHK7RXN52374.jpg&w=767
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Extinction of the Fugly/Morbidly Obese Stripper?
I like dancers with big asses. Some chubbiness comes with the territory. I know I'm not alone, there are more ass lovers than care to admit! Yes - there is DIFFERENCE between thick (proportioned) and obese (hanging flab) This comparison (Thick vs Obese) makes the point https://www.facebook.com/1457850434518844/photos/thick-is-left-fat-is-right-disagree-comment-below-tag-people-to-get-in-on-this-d/1457912077846013/ In the end, free markets rule.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for rogertex
Divas is the club for tits and ass lovers
Papi, typical dance is nude. Some dancers did not want to go nude for $5/$10 - only $20. bfc1978 - yeah right, $50 out and you go in find no one you like or just 2 dancers. I have other clubs in rotation. But this one is ass man paradise. Dan3635 & ELectronman - Many thanks! & thank you Grand, Richard, MrEddy for approving.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Do I go to far?
Dancers generally laugh at all sorts of offensive and weird stuff customers say. Main purpose is to ease bulge on your wallet. So chalk this off as Rookie Dancer