Comments by bjag625
discussion comment
12 years ago
In hindsight I wish I would have taken them to court for fraud but like I said is it worth damaging my reputation and having my name out there? Besides how does one prove it wasn't my signature. I know it wasn't because my signature is barely legible but these were signed perfectly like the back of my credit cards. In other words they did a damn good job forging my signature but if you see any documents I sign you'd see it's completely different. Mistake #2 don't sign the back of your credit cards. I know my wallet was out of my ight for sometime. It was on the arm chair of the couch and then it mysteriously disappeared. I don't know for how long....I had a naked stripped hovering over me.
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12 years ago
Not the case with me. I have Lifelock and they call me if i charge anything out of the ordinary. I was in a furniture store buying a chair and they called me while I was still in the store to make sure it was legit. On the night I was at Cheetahs, there I was with both cards being charged left and right and not one freaking phone call. If they had called me while I was still in the club I would have been made aware of the fraud. Seven charges under "Times Square Restaurant" in a matter of two hours totaling over $1,800 and Amex or Visa doesn't question it? Why wasn't there a red flag? One card I used was Amex and they were more than willing to do chargebacks for all the charges I disputed until they received receipts, although they were definitely all forged. They automatically put the charges back on my card for whatever receipts they received, and if I wanted to dispute them further I would have had to open a fraudulent case, which would have meant closing my current account not to mention several months of who knows what paperwork and stress. I'm so f**ing pissed off right now that they came back to me for more money 1 1/2 years later. I'm even more pissed that I paid the scum bags. Extortion at it's best. Guys don't fucking give this place your business.
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12 years ago
Yea and then when you google my name it would be plastered all over the Internet. Not worth it in my opinion. These guys will stop at nothing to get their money. A very expensive lesson learned here I'm merely just passing it along so nobody else gets screwed like I did.
discussion comment
12 years ago
High mileage/extras can be found at Cheetahs in Times Square on 43rd between 7th & 8th. You'll pay, but it sounds like you're willing and able.
discussion comment
12 years ago
gsv: what club was this?
discussion comment
12 years ago
I agree wirh the club and the girl. Best revenge.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Cheetahs in Times Square, not a lap dance club per se, has a couple private room with ACTUAL doors that shut and flat screen TVs in the rooms. And, yes, the rules are much less, albeit a lot more than $120 for half hour. I'm surprised I don't hear much more about this club. Not the best looking chicks, but you can pretty much get whatever you want.
discussion comment
12 years ago
VH: Your man won why are you so bitter and angry?
discussion comment
12 years ago
Bubbaloo - You are a great American!
VH - You are so off base and completely clueless that a response to your ignorant comments are not even worth it. Do you work for a living or collect a welfare check from the Anointed One???
discussion comment
12 years ago
New York
Being in VIP in and of itself is no cause for arrest or am i missing something?
discussion comment
12 years ago
Tiredtraveler: I'd like to have a beer with you and treat you to a lap dance or seem like a good man!
discussion comment
12 years ago
@Lone_Wolf: I appreciate the clarification!
@Dougster: Traders manipulate the market any way they want.
@Estafador: Do you want to be poor or do you want to get a decent job and make decent money? More money=more lappers. The decision will NOT be yours under an Obama administration.
discussion comment
12 years ago
You're right, Obama did do something, he repealed "Don't ask, don't tell". I won't give him credit for bin Laden either. He didn't support any of the interrogating that led us to finding him. Then he has the balls to dump his body in the sea so we won't offend anyone? Enough political correctness and bowing down to our enemies!
Although the stock market is up, it has NOTHING to do with Obama and means nothing to the millions of Americans who are out of work. Obama has CRUSHED the middle class. That is a fact!
Instead of Obama going back to Chicago to play basketball today, he should go to Staten Island and help all those people in need. You say fair and balanced?? If any republican had done what Obama has done to this country it would be plastered all over the front page of the paper. It's disgusting! Enough playing the blame game.....he had 4 years to make a difference and said himself if he couldn't do it he'd be out. Goodbye President Obama. Your time as campaigner-in-chief is over!!!!
discussion comment
12 years ago
The tight race is a media creation? Are you fucking kidding me? The media is so fucking biased and clueless and have been protecting their guy for the past 6 years. Where is the media re Benghazi? Staten Island? Name one thing obama has accomplished in the past 4 years? Record breaking deficit, record breaking debt, socialized medicine, more people on welfare, greater unemployment...should I go on? This country is suffering and we can't afford 4 more years of his BS!
To keep it SC relevent, did you ever notice the more democratic the state the more strict the SC laws? I'm actually surprised Obama doesn't have a Sandra Fluke protesting at all the strip clubs. Michelle O watches what our kids eat, Bloomberg banning the size of what we eat, enough already! I want to make decisions for myself and my family and don't want the govt to tell me what to do! I'm surprised any of you SC goers would vote for Obama. He's a disgrace.
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12 years ago
Alucard: drunk and stupid and didn't know this happened until after the fact
discussion comment
12 years ago
Cheetah's in NYC scanned my DL and CC for VIP and they also claim they take a thumb print if you go to VIP. I didn't know they made copies until AFTER i disputed CC charges. To support their charges they sent me the copies they took of my license, CC and a copy of the "VIP rules sheet" which had my forged signature and fake thumb print. The VIP rules sheet lists the rules (no sexual contact haha) and basically looks like a receipt on the bottom. They wrote in date, dollar amount ($312 to be exact), forged my signature and used someone else's thumb print (I had it compared to mine). There was no official recording of time from register or CC imprint on VIP rules sheet, everything was hand written so it was probably done AFTER I disputed charges. These guys are complete scum bags and desperate and will do anything to get your money.
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12 years ago
Wasn't expecting such a response. I honestly thought you guys would be psyched to hear what you can get, albeit a ripoff. Yes, in addition to price of bj, vip room was extra (I believe he said $300 for 15 minutes WTF). That's why I gave him $1,000. It was up to his discretion how to use the $1,000. Whatever he didn't spend would be his to keep, as long as he could provide some information for me. I stand corrected re toothless girl who went by the name Adriana. She wan't totally toothless, but he was grossed out by her two missing teeth. Again, he wasn't there to get laid or for a bj, he was just going thru the motions and felt this girl was the one he could get the most out of. I'm no Chris Hansen, but stay tuned....
discussion comment
12 years ago
Good point shadowcat. Ok without getting too graffic she did suck his head andhsqueezed his balls but then he stopped her. I think it was her missing teeth that turned him off. Who knows maybe she would have stopped before he finished but he was too grossed out to proceed. Or maybe he was a little off since he was sober and "on the job" for me. I thought I was doing you guys a favor by letting you know what you can get.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Now why would he have left without arresting her if we were cops!?! This is just part of my own investigation into this sketchy club. My buddy is unemployed not desparate. He can get laid anytime he wants and doesn't need a coked out zombie for head.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Republicans against strip clubs? Look at the city of Chicago and the state of MA -- hardly run by conservatives! Not to mention republicans are willing to spend their money and aren't looking for free lap dances.
jester214: please vote.....we need you!
To all the Obama fans.....we gave him a chance and he failed. Let us not go through four more years of his failed policies. Let's give Romney a try and at the very least get this economy back on track. Putting social issues aside, which are all decided on the state level anyway, who do you honestly think has a better business sense and can pull us out of these very difficult economic times? C'mon people come to your senses!
discussion comment
12 years ago
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this video.....he's stating the truth! Can you liberals/democrats please look at what is going on in the world today? We cannot afford to have four more years of Obama!!!!!
At I love how all these feminists spoke at the DNR....meanwhile they can forgive a president that gets head from an intern. Hypocrites!!!!!
If you love your strippers, then vote for Romney. Some left wing loon will be sure to oust clubs altogether in the near future.
Gatorfan you crack me up!
discussion comment
12 years ago
Stay away from Cheetah's in Times Square. Girls are gross and trust me they will do all they can to rip you off. Wherever you end up don't bring a credit card! Read my reviews for more details.