
ripped off by a girl? par for the course? how bad did she take me?

Tuesday, January 1, 2013 5:10 PM
Ok So im sort of new to the whole thing, only been to a few a few times. Went today and a girl came up to me, she was OK looking, not really 100% my type but she seemed nice. I kind of tried to brush her off, but she kept coming back 2 or three times offering dances. After several beers the whole idea sounded better so i said Ok to one. It was pretty good i wont lie. She offered a 2nd and i said OK, she was kinda pushy. Midway through she commented about my dick, i didnt cum but i guess some leaked out and she acted kind of annoyed but she hardly missed a beat. After what i thought was the 2nd dance when i went to pay her for 2+a small tip, she said it was actually three, i said we agreed to two, but she said i knew it was three and i didn't stop her when the 3rd song started. She was acting like really insulted, so i paid her full price for 3 plus a $10 tip and she said it was much smaller than her usual tips and was still acting indignant. She asked where the big bills were and said she KNEW i had a $50 or $100 on me somewhere. I did but i most certainly didn't want her to know that. I told her it was in the car and I would see what I could do for her, she asked to hold something to make sure i was coming back, i bolted from there fast. She really was acting like she was looking around like as if to find a bouncer or something. I didn't want to get my ass kicked so i cut my losses and left. Is this what to expect in any gentlemen club? Because the few others i went in and nothing like this happened.


  • jester214
    12 years ago
    You caved, what did you expect?
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Better she got it than Uncle Sam
  • dalex
    12 years ago
    That sucks, never imagine being treated like that by a girl, some things us intimidating guys take for granted.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Next time: "No."
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    You don't HAVE to tip the girls after lap dances. Once you saw the insulted look you should've paid for the 2 dances and told her goodbye. Once she started talking about the other money you had that she felt entitled to, you should've told her goodbye. As a matter of fact: when she gave you an annoyed look because you MAYBE leaked a little, you should've told her goodbye. You're the customer. The club is YOUR playground. Remember this girl, and watch out for those like her in the future.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    Call her bluff and invite the bouncer over next time. You are not obligated to give a tip. Anything you give tip wise is your business.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    She could probably smell your SC greenness. NEVER NEVER let a stripper bitch intimidate you. This rip off shit happens all the time – you should have held your ground – plus giving her a tip after you told her that she miscounted let her know what a wuse she was dealing with and thus the bitch tried to get everything you had on you. Plus, 99% of the time, the worst that may happen, from my experience, is that you will be asked to leave the club; but they are not going to beat you up for not paying – that would be assault. The club staff are aware that some of these dancers are ROBs; even club management has issues themselves with these ROBs – often times, if you explain yourself calmly and correctly, the staff will give you the benefit of the doubt. Many of these dancers will take you for everything you got and don’t bat an eye – for some of them, this is their specialty – they do this job every day and many have been at this game for years – so yeah – she could probably smell the wuseness as soon as you walked in – that is why she may have been so pushy to begin with . If you plan to continue on this hobby, I suggest you read this board and post questions so you know what to possibly expect and how to deal with some of those hyenas.
  • Ironcat
    12 years ago
    Yeah, these girls are predators and will try to intimidate money out of you. They often mistake kindness for weakness so sometimes you just have to be assertive. In you particular case pay her for the three dances but no tip. I've actually had guys stop by my table and tell me "watch out for _____ she is a ROB" and then go table to table telling anyone who will listen. I appreciated the intel and refused dances from the girl he identified. I'm not saying you go that far but remember, we have some power too.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    "so yeah – she could probably smell the wuseness as soon as you walked in" Who can't like this site?
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    And most of the time bouncers get a bunch of shit from the girls too so don't assume which way it'll go.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    Ouch. You got jacked but GOOD.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Just say no!
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Oh that forum is hilarious!
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Yeah. She saw you coming and got you good and you compounded it by tipping her. Lesson learned. I hope.
  • Bishop4224
    12 years ago
    Yeah, you got taken but not for too much. Lap dance tipping is optional,not mandatory. I'm not sure of your state of sobriety...maybe you were functional but you do acknowledge that you declined her a few times before agreeing several beers later. I'm going to presume you were maybe buzzed at most but she may have thought you intoxicated enough to slip a phantom 3rd dance to your tally. Regardless, be mindful of the music and if you think the music has changed, inquire whether this is a new song & stop her if you don't want to proceed past a set number of dances. Lastly, never let them know how much money may be in your person or in your vehicle. You spend it how you want...they're not entitled to it, it's theirs to earn. Just crazy of her to insist she hold onto something of YOURS while you get $ she thinks,but isn't, entitled to.
  • sexualchoc
    12 years ago
    You played yourself....simple as that!
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    As others have stated, she smelled your weakness and took full advantage of it. This is what I call a learning moment and what you paid her was tuition, but you got out fairly cheap all things considered. Lesson learned. Next time, stand up for yourself. You paid the tab, which was all that she was entitled to.
  • crazyjoe
    12 years ago
    Write a review of the club and post her name her e as a rob.
  • 3LeggedMan
    12 years ago
    My comment to the dancer would be: "You danced for 2 songs, I paid for 3. Don't even think I'm paying a penny more."
  • jabthehut
    12 years ago
    Giving the ROB a tip is akin to some guy robbing you and when he leaves handing him your cell phone that he overlooked.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    It's all a part of the learning curve. As you state, "Ok So im sort of new to the whole thing, only been to a few a few times." and you just joined TUSCL today, so I say give it some time, read, and learn.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Yep, you got victimized. Shoud it ever happen again, refuse to pay and talk to the manager about her attempted ripoff.
  • bjag625
    12 years ago
    I agree wirh crazyjoe...name the club and the girl. Best revenge.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    yup- name the ROB so others don't suffer the same fate. Pay it forward.
  • Monte8
    11 years ago
    Dancers like her are losers in the worst way. Reminds me of a time when I was short of money I owed to a dancer. I told her I would go out to my car and get the money. She insisted on taking my drivers license, fine. I went and got the money and got my license back. I was way pissed because of the lack of trust. Been back to that club a few times and when she approach I would brush her off. What she couldnt understand that with a little trust, she could of gained many times over what she could have lost if I left without paying. Like Papi said "never let them intimidate you". You are the customer and you have the right to do with your money as you wish.
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