
Comments by avalons07

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Unusual rituals in Mexican strip clubs
    Your the boss.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Unusual rituals in Mexican strip clubs
    Mr.Cat ,please don't leave yourself so open,I have no choice but to like you.
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    12 years ago
    DATY and extras
    Vinny! I worked to hard to get this far, I leave nothing to chance.
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    12 years ago
    South Carolina
    To all of you.....
    Estrogen! You have no dog in this fight
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    porn ;)
    Camby!Theres a blast from the past
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    porn ;)
    Leo voted for Obama,Leo voted for Obama
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    porn ;)
    Okay! Do you really think this is Avalon or her boyfriend that hacked her password?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    porn ;)
    It's gerbils faggot
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    porn ;)
    Vince I remember you,your the big guy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    porn ;)
    Shad! Your up early/late?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    porn ;)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dream Girl
    Mad Pig! That was gay porn,right.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    FIV and BJ
    Otto Premature!Oh yeah,oh fuck,you're the biggest I've ever had,don't stop,#@&(#@!,get off me,pay me.Sound about right?All the while she's filing her nails and chewing gum.Intimacy to you is when you walk into a department store.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    i want to lingerie lap dance
    Hey Snookie,night school.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Excerpt from a recent review. I know that I would pass on this dancer.
    im sure it was pp cola
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why do so many PL's think the world should revolve around them in a strip club?
    TTF,I know exactly who your talking about.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The truth about life as a lap-dancer
    I for one couldn't disagree more. This sounds like a bunch of propaganda b.s. personally on so many levels. Firstly, why don't we address the fact that in America, the last time that I checked my stats at least, that females are actually the ones who are receiveing higher education and are starting to earn better wages than their male counterparts in the workplace. So, sorry Bridget Jones, go cry in your Newkie Brown on that one. Perhaps there IS a disparity in terms of the unemployment rate between males and females in the U.K. but at the present time, nit in the U.S. Yes, while it is true in terms of the salicious depictions that we watch on t.v. like Rihanna's S/M video (Who can forget that it has been banned in 13 countries?) Afterall, I must admit, I dance to it myself? Women of all ages have entered and re-entered the dance world due to the economic down turn. I hate to be so blunt here, but sorry Rihanna, and Miley Cyrus for bursting your bubble, neither of you were my inspiration for getting back into the industry. My sheer determination to see half of the country and dance my as@ off and be the exhibistionist that I am while having fun at it were I'm afraid. Sorry to have dissapointed the two of you and Brittany Spears for that matter. I'm sure that you will get over it. In terms of the depiction of strippers or entertainers in culture in mainstream entertainment, my take on it is this. It really is simple; men are simple creatures they are visual they come to be entertained and aroused. We can complicate the waters on a number of levels by disscecting things and saying that some come in as groups and are wolves (bachelor parties). The truth of the matter is this, these establishments are all about fantasy and provide erotic entertainment. We are the females WHO provide that entertainment. I mean let's face it, a bad day at the office in the airlines these days and you die. A bad day at the office in dancing, someone's wig or shoe falls off, or string shows, DEAL with it! It is absolutely preposterous to suggest that the vast majority of strippers degrade themselves by engaging in this type of business. My case in point being is this any different than say working for Hooters? I for one give thanks each and every day that I have a good day. I reflect and pause on the days that I didn't have a good day so that I can do better next time. We are very fortunate to be in an industry that is a cash business that is lucrative. I would further suggest a fabulous read based on the sociological standpoint that gives facts rather than a bunch of propaganda: Dancing for Dollars The Relationships between dancers and their Regulars. by R. Danielle Egan. Happy Lapping!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers who rat on their co workers.
    Confuscious say tattle tale dancer are biggest booby, and I don't mean booby. They rike making hard times not rocks hard. Happy rapping!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    My Electra Complex.. courtesy of Cannibals and Kings By Marvin Harris
    I am currently dating a widower who is 56. I prefer men in the age range of 45-60. I hope that helps. LOL
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    13 years ago
    My Electra Complex.. courtesy of Cannibals and Kings By Marvin Harris
    Electra part deux... The Electra complex is one that is complicated. In terms of the the actual attraction for the younger female, I would have to say many of the inherent qualities that she may tend to seek out may on a certain level be unconscious. The rest will of course be influenced by environment, and her own personal preference. That is precisely why she is predisposed to have penis envy in the first place. For example, if you were to put five men in the same room with me that is not to say that I would ALWAYS be drawn to the oldest of the five. I would find the characteristics that I find the most attractive to me out of them and gravitate toward that particular one. That prototype for me would more than likely not deviate from the 'type' of male that I find attractive that hits my hot button. If there were 2 men placed in the same room who had all of the characteristics, yet fell short based on age, they would still not qualify for a true Electra. Sorry Alucard. You are wrong! I am afraid that for a true Electra, sadly more than just benjamins come into play. Genetics, brain chemistry and simple biology come into play when dealing with a true Electra. Coming from a true Electra who has dated older men since the age of 18; (my first true love was 34, I couldn't have possibly have been in it for the money, I was too naive to know the difference). some girls never outgrow the complex. As for my Electra complex, I am comfortable with it, and have come to terms with it long ago. In fact, I make light of the fact that I have one when dating a new partner. Happy Lapping!
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    Price Wars, The Bottom Line
    Just to set the record straight:for both the TUSCL and the non- TUSCL-ers. My article was meant to cover a broad spectrum and not aimed at price fixing JACK SLASH. No I am not in the biz of price fixing. If you could read in between the lines of the just of the article, perhaps you would see that you missed the entire point exactly. If a REGULAR has to haggle with his ATF to begin with JACK SLASH then maybe it's high time for him to rethink his haggling strategy b.c. said dancer is an A.T.F. Once again you missed the point. Perhaps you should re-read the article. Would you not be inclined to pay a SET price that you had previously agreed to with your favorite dancer? One of the points that I raised was, if you had already had a set price for quite some time in the past with said dancer, then why go and try and re negotiate that price with her just b.c. you have had $10 lap dances at another club at the risk of offending her and losing her friendship and service? Does she provide higher quality dances? Yes, but if that is what you have come to expect then, that was one of the exact points that i was trying to impart.
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    12 years ago
    Price Wars, The Bottom Line
    Great response MD-Thanks. Eli Manning
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    13 years ago
    Price Increases and What Mandates Them
    Glad to see that so many of you have posted comments regarding this topic. I certainly hadn't expected such a platitude of remarks regarding the poor innocent avatars also known as the unicorns. All things beings considered, I appreciate the feedback. Minnow, Jmoney, and Rlionheart seem to be big picture thinkers in the grad scheme of things. It is certainly true that dance prices do vary from place to place city to city. However, what one really must consider is what kind of dance is a person getting? Is it contact, is it merely a table dance? Are the dances that you are receiving truly comparable? When I say comparable, by that I mean for example some time ago to my understanding it was a common occurence for dancers at PP to give 'table dances'. That is now a rare occurence. Does that mean that table dances are no longer performed or offered? Absolutely not! It just means that the DEMAND for PRIVATE lap dances has INCREASED! So, therefore prices and the NEED for PRIVACY has increased. I have performed at PP for 1.5 yrs in that time, I have only performed a total of less than 10 total table dances. In fact, table dances are very frequently, if ever requested. As far as volume discounts for preferred regulars, that is completely up to the girl and the client. As far as mgmt. intervention is concerned, when you have 'bottom tiered girls' who are newbies or are new hires who are willing to wheel and deal to the detriment of others then obviously something has to be done to keep things on an even playing field. Happy Lapping! I mean having said that, in certain clubs in Vegas (Diamonds and Little Darlings for example) they do $1 dances as 'teasers' to entice the custies to go to the bk room a.k.a. the champagne v.i.p. room. How would I know? Because I have worked there. It is like a 10 second dance and then the d.j. cuts the music off and then you switch to the next guy and musical chair type thing, so this goes on for like 3-4 minutes like a 2-1.
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    13 years ago
    Yes, You Heard it Here. Entertainers DO Get Turned On While Dancing
    At the risk of being redundant, certain girls do really get aroused by certain men. For what it's worth. For example, back in NY, there used to be this older man who frequented the club he was the spitting image of Paul Newman. Although the vast majority of the girls on the day shift were in their 20s and 30's it was always a push to dance with Larry B.C. because all of the girls were so enamored with him. It wasn't as if he was a spender, he just had a sexual magnetism and a laconic wit that was very attractive. Guys like that are what I refer to as H.O.F.'s They are my Hall of Famers and go down in the record books as MY ATF to dance for! Why? Because they were always charming, pleasant, sexy, witty. Guess what the fantasy DID work both ways. Although I NEVER did see Larry B.C. (Big cock) outside of the club his memory will forever live on. Believe me dancing for guys like that IT IS not at all for one moment mechanical nor rehearsed in any way.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Yes, You Heard it Here. Entertainers DO Get Turned On While Dancing
    Sinecrest you have such a realistic outlook I think you hit it right on when you have a favorite girl that you feel comfortable with that you have found a grrove with, it's not necessarily about seeing that girl out of the club. It is more or less getting to know them on a first name basis and getting to know them as a real person. We could debate what women find alluring in terms of mens' penis size and the size of their brain and wallet for that matter. But what it all comes down to when a dancer and a regular form a connection is just that. That have connected on a number of levels that sometimes transcends the physical, and they should just go with it. Call me new age. But just go with the moment. Just be and enjoy each others company. As they say in New Orleans, Laissez les bonnes tempes rollez! Happy lapping!