Dancers who rat on their co workers.
Atlanta suburb
There have been many discussions about cameras in the VIP rooms, etc. But worse than that are the dancers that that run to management to complain about what other dancers are doing. Why? Because they do not want to meet the competition. In my opinion, these dancers should find a club more suitable to their limits.I have had times when my dancer has held back because she did not trust another dancer that was near by. If I find out about one of these stool pigeons, I bust them in my reviews.
I agree with wall. Rats suck, but cameras a worse.
Getting cold up your way! A nice trip to the sunny Keys is in your future. :)
Anyway, I think that in most cases rats and wisleblower are brining a truth to light. Rats do it to casue harm or vengence or personal gain, while wisleblower do it for a preceived good.