
Yes, You Heard it Here. Entertainers DO Get Turned On While Dancing

So, I thought since I have been recently been getting this question (next to are there any back room catfights) that I should openly address it.<br />
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Here we go, and I am going to anwer it openly and honestly the way I do at work just as if I were talking poin blank to a client. That is absolutely, h#ll yes, and let me just stop and press pause for a brief moment here, and if you ask any dancer the same thing and she says no, she is either a) lying or b)gay or c) to ashamed/uptight with her own sexuality. I mean shock, shock the horror. What could be worse than to think that a women could actually receive pleasure from doing her job?<br />
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There are worse things and I will go ahead and outline them here for you guys. So, please when coming to the club, please bear in mind the following:<br />
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*Dress appropriately. We aren&#39;t talking tux here but let&#39;s leave the mullets and the 80&#39;s workout pants there in the 80&#39;s, please.<br />
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*Fresh breath goes a long way.<br />
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*If no one is tipping your favorite dancer, please feel free, she may be having a bad day. It only takes one. We appreciate it. It may start a chain reaction. Little things make a big difference on S-L-O-W days!<br />
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*Just have fun!!<br />
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Coming to a club is all about the art of fantasy. It is a time to have the chance to sit and chat with your favorite(s) girls or even get the chance to meet and mingle with some new girls. If you don&#39;t know some of the new faces, you can get to know them by way of introduction through some of your faves or just by testing the waters.<br />
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Either way, guaranteed you will have a blast the more you try to mingle. As always, Happy Lapping!<br />
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  • BigBillPayed
    13 years ago
    I always wondered about this because it's foreplay really when the private area is liberal. Getting there can be half the fun they say. I really enjoy the intimacy with pretty woman and always wondered if this was just an Oscar performing act strippers just put on to get my money.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I've been told that it also helps to have a BIG cock.
    13 years ago
    Yes, I've heard of them begging customers for the chance to do a free dance because of their infatuation with said guy. Heard about it while I was paying for my dance with the entertainer. Still waiting for karma to come back around for me with regard to that one...
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Do I get pleasure from dances? The answer is yes. Do I get turned on? No. When I'm getting my butt massaged during a dance, I fucking love it. Does it turn me on? Absolutely not. I'm there to make money. Getting turned on does something inside my brain that gives me temporary insanity and I'm bound to do something stupid that would not benefit the business side of things ( see CTQUERTY comment)and I do run a tight ship.
    Am I talking to you open and honestly point blank the way I would at work to a client? No. Because at work I am working, I am a stripper, and I am liar.
  • canny
    13 years ago
    The truth is, it depends. I've had lap dances with strippers who were bored and going through the motions and I've had private dances with a stripper who brought herself off during the dance. I've also seen everything in between.
  • JohnBuford
    13 years ago
    When you get to insert your finger (s) and she is wet there is no denying /faking/lying going on there. That's millions of years of evolution going on there,helping to insure pro-creation of the species.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Mmm, butt massage. Okay, stiletto, so it doesn't get you off, but you do like it. I'll take that, at least. And your honesty is appreciated.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    JohnBuford 11/10/11 3:52 AM
    When you get to insert your finger (s) and she is wet there is no denying /faking/lying going on there.


    i agree john. sometimes just a rub outside reveals what's going on inside.
    there was a big debate here awhile back with some claiming it was only sweat. bs! i can decipher the difference between sweat and pussy juice.
  • Sincerest
    13 years ago
    I've found that when I'm a regular with a dancer, there's an in club relationship that develops sometimes. I estimate the connection by how much out-of-club content is in the discussion. One dancer was obviously attracted to me, and me to her. In private, she would get wet and wanted to talk about cumming. But, she was also at work so the attraction and turn-on issue would freak her out (not turn off and become "on to the next guy" but really weird). I gather she had a real connection because if she wasn't there, when I'd mention to any dancer that I had a favorite, they'd all know everything about me and I was her guy in the club. So, as always, dancers are real people, working to make a living. They can get attached and turned on, just like anyone at work. Remembering that they are working, but also real people (most of them have real feelings, but some are hard as nails) goes a long way for me at clubs....and no I didn't go for the out-of-club action with my regular girl. It got under my skin too, and that's not why I got to a club.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    I get wet with any type of contact in the pussy region, turned on or not. I could think someone was hideous and I'd still be wet because of the stimulation to the area.

    Looneylarry, yes I enjoy having my butt touched. It's bliss
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Note to self: Practice light butt touch. :) Stiletto, I don't suppose you like girls, do you?

    Seriously, I wouldn't put too much stock in the "wet pussy = turned on" idea. Aside from Stilettos example, I've met several girls for whom the same was true. I met one girl in KC who could basically get her*self* wet just by thinking about, not even touching herself, or being touched. Pretty quickly, too.

    I'm not going to dispute the supposition that some, perhaps even many, girls do get turned on, but I'd be surprised if they were the majority. I've met too many girls who could fake even things like wetness.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    @gmd- I'm not sexually attracted to women and I don't date women. But I could fake it if like. Hehe just kidding....or am I
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Like I tell my fave, I no longer care whether or not you're faking. If you're consistently faking it well enough that I can't tell the difference, it doesn't matter. :)
  • BigBillPayed
    13 years ago
    yes if you imitate greatness well enough what do you have?
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    Stiletto25's point is dead on. You don't have to be emotionally invoved to have your equipment working. Works for guys one way and women another. I've gotten women wet and known that they were casual participants. And I've gotten them wet and they have been totally consumed in the moment. I've always preferred the latter.
  • minnow
    13 years ago
    Thanks for avalons07 for being open/honest. I've seen so many stripper posts emphasizing about how much it is a job, a chore to be detested at times, yada yada yada.........
    I don't see any dichotomy/conflict/hypocrisy in enjoying ones work while expecting to be compensated for it.
  • catman988
    13 years ago

    Well,I felt that you were sincere and was turned on long before we went to the back room area - I felt that we just 'HIT IT OFF' from the getgo! It sure felt that way. You have a way that is confortable right from the start. You are a great dancer!!
  • VoodooMan
    13 years ago
    Dancers get turned by a customer while giving a dance?
    Yeah, right! I'll believe it when I see it!

    (See sarcasm above)
  • avalons07
    13 years ago
    Sinecrest you have such a realistic outlook I think you hit it right on when you have a favorite girl that you feel comfortable with that you have found a grrove with, it's not necessarily about seeing that girl out of the club. It is more or less getting to know them on a first name basis and getting to know them as a real person. We could debate what women find alluring in terms of mens' penis size and the size of their brain and wallet for that matter. But what it all comes down to when a dancer and a regular form a connection is just that. That have connected on a number of levels that sometimes transcends the physical, and they should just go with it. Call me new age. But just go with the moment. Just be and enjoy each others company. As they say in New Orleans, Laissez les bonnes tempes rollez! Happy lapping!
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    All women, married or single, fake it for money.
  • jestrite50
    13 years ago

    I am sorry to see such pessimism about Avalon's very positive article. I always allow dancers to grind on my leg during a dance. It turns me on if they pleasure themselves. One girl I know had 3 orgasms on my leg during a 1hr VIP. I believe it to be true because she told other dancers and they came and asked me about it
  • jestrite50
    13 years ago

    I am sorry to see such pessimism about Avalon's very positive article. I always allow dancers to grind on my leg during a dance. It turns me on if they pleasure themselves. One girl I know had 3 orgasms on my leg during a 1hr VIP. I believe it to be true because she told other dancers and they came and asked me about it
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    jestrite: It's not pessimism, it's skepticism. There's a difference. Like I said, I have no doubt at all that *some*, perhaps many, dancers/entertainers, including Avalon, enjoy themselves to a greater or lesser degree. I've witnessed some of them doing so, so I'm comfortable making that statement.

    However, just like in the post from the woman in the UK in the "The truth about life as a lap-dancer" post, my skeptic bone starts twitching when someone tries to claim that it's the majority occurrence, or that *every* dancer they've ever met gets turned on or has had an orgasm while grinding on them. Like the previous example, I've witnessed first hand dancers who hated the job or just went through the motions.

    Just like every other job and profession, there are going to be people who absolutely love it, and couldn't imagine doing anything else, and there are going to be people who hate it, but have to do it for some period of time.
  • skeets35
    13 years ago
    Well, once I had a girl give me two free dances because she was close to getting off and wanted to finish the job. Pretty sure that once was real.

    I have had a few others over my 30+ years of clubbing really seem to be getting off and many of them I knew well, so I believe they were real.

    Most? No, it is fake, but who gives a shit? I enjoy watching it and they like my money!.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I believe most of the time the dancers are not getting that aroused if at all and just going through the motions. However like you hear about some guys getting a bit too happy in only 2 minutes of a good lap dance and other guys never getting that happy in a strip club, everyone is different.

    I do remember one dancer who was dancing for me one time seemed almost to be moaning and did not count one dance because she wanted to keep going. I knew she was acting strange when one of the other dancers asked her if she was ok. She said yes. I suspected she was turned on. I don't usually see dancers act like that.
  • avalons07
    13 years ago
    At the risk of being redundant, certain girls do really get aroused by certain men. For what it's worth. For example, back in NY, there used to be this older man who frequented the club he was the spitting image of Paul Newman. Although the vast majority of the girls on the day shift were in their 20s and 30's it was always a push to dance with Larry B.C. because all of the girls were so enamored with him. It wasn't as if he was a spender, he just had a sexual magnetism and a laconic wit that was very attractive.

    Guys like that are what I refer to as H.O.F.'s They are my Hall of Famers and go down in the record books as MY ATF to dance for! Why? Because they were always charming, pleasant, sexy, witty. Guess what the fantasy DID work both ways. Although I NEVER did see Larry B.C. (Big cock) outside of the club his memory will forever live on. Believe me dancing for guys like that IT IS not at all for one moment mechanical nor rehearsed in any way.
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    I have no doubt, Avalons07
    It's too bad you aren't based in the RM West
    13 years ago
    Interesting topic Avalons, one that gave me pause....First off, I've seen a lot of good, sometimes not so good actresses in clubs. Many are just so hung up on power, control and of course $$ - which is totally understandable, it's their realm. So for me, it's been the exception to acutally truly see and know that a given dancer was turned on......

    Where I've seen the truly "turned on" dancer exist consistently is when you develop a "club" relationship with them. There's been an opportunity to breakdown barriers, get to know them - what they like and don't like. This lends itself to a "letting go" aspect that when you get down to it should be the catalyst for allowing said dancer to be "turned on"....

    That said, there has been an instance recently that defies my "gotta have the club relationship" theory on this. I met this girl for the first time several months ago at a club. Talked for about a minute and went straight back for a dance. To this day, I'll never understand how she had me sooooooo turned on BEFORE we even got in the room. Anyway, our time in the room was smoking hot, she gets all kind of wet and we just clicked with this certain unmistakable chemistry. No further dialog with her even after the room. Then, I don't see her for several months. When I do, it was towards the end of a long night at the club with the boys - but I see her and I'm immediately f#ckn rock hard. Being the end of the night, all I had time for was to hold her tight, press my hard cock on her and find out when she's working next. She smiled, was so sweet and again no real dialog except to set up a date.....So I go into the club next time to see her based on this context, and we literally spend hours together....We intentionally started real slow, and kept building and building as the passion burned....She had me rock hard the whole F#ckn time, and she was truly amazing....To this day, I've never seen anyone so geniunely turned on in a club as she was that night....
  • shmutz
    12 years ago
    I would agree that it depends. I've had plenty of hot experiences, and sometimes it was obvious the girl could care less, even while she was fucking me for all it was worth, and sometimes it was clear she was truly turned on.
    I remember one gorgeous babe in Beverly Hills who I sat down at the stage to watch, and she took one look at me and started to give me her "special treatment" right there on the stage, a part of which was somersaulting into my lap so that she ended up with her crotch in my face, and the sex odor (you know what I'm talking about! that's how you know, not from wetness alone!) was so powerful it got me turned on. Afterward in the VIP, where we went at it for all it was worth but were very limited by prowling bouncers, she said to me (the odor still very powerful and tasty!), "Is there somewhere we can go and just ... fuck?"

    She was turned on all right, so much so that when I came back to the club a few months later and saw her, she remembered me so well that she did that trick on the stage (the odor still there!) again, and then gave me a real show in the VIP (I took her down the street for a few drinks first at her request, which really loosened her up!). I never saw her there again after that (I wonder if she got canned for getting too frisky), but she clearly was turned on.

    So like I say, it depends...
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