
i want to lingerie lap dance

Sunday, November 4, 2012 5:10 PM
I'm 18 sexy and ready to dance what is a good club in Illinois near Orland park il


  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I've been wanting see this
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Haha I need a good place to work
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I need some one to hire
  • zipman68
    12 years ago
    Pretty hot jersey777. Is that picture you? I'd get a lapper from you in a New York minute.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Awh thanks yes its me all me :) lol
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I love you.jersy
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    My [view link].hard. right. Now
  • drewburner69
    12 years ago
    Yes you are sexy Jersey777. I wish I am from NY so I dont know that many clubs in Illinois - but keep us posted on when and where you find a job!!
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Drew Da juiceman is going to.hire her at my place its going to.get so juicy....I'm braking out the babyoil
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Lol what club do u own
  • sinclair
    12 years ago
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Thanks ;)
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    It's called club juicy
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    Lose the lingerie and I'll buy dances from you.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Kinda nervous to nude ...not yet
  • drewburner69
    12 years ago
    Polekatz would be great for Jersey - but dosen't she have to be 21 to work there?
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    What do you mean by “lingerie lap dance”? The typical lap dance, and where you will make any $$$, is where the dancer is topless, usually with bottoms on (small G-string), and they’ll grind on the customer and let the customer feel on their bodies (mainly boobs and booty). If you don’t already know, this site is made up mostly of men whom are strip club customers. You can get some info on here but also get some unwanted comments. If you are thinking of getting into the game, I suggest you visit â€[view link]” if you are not familiar with it already. It is a site for an about strip club dancers. And don’t pay much attention to “juicebox69” – he is our resident clown – but a good guy though.
  • drewburner69
    12 years ago
    Stripperweb is also for Cam girls too.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Thanks and nope 18 to dance ...I danced at all stars for a week but I need a bigger place to go
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Don't worry jersy juice will brake you into all kinds of extras
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Thanks and nope 18 to dance ...I danced at all stars for a week but I need a bigger place to go
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Jersey in Illinois?
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    How far you wanna drive? 30 miles? Heavenly Bodies in Elk Grove Village is bikini on stage but you're gonna have to get topless for dances.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Shiiiiiiiit !!!!!
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    I'm trying not to go topless or nude lol
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    In that case, I suppose a blow job is out of the question!
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Def out of the question
  • londonguy
    12 years ago
    Juice, anyone ever tell you that you have a way with words ? :-) You're such a smoothie !! lol
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Kind of running out of options. There are a few clubs in Harvey, which may be close to you...but I doubt you're a good fit
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    Jersey, here's a straight up observation about your preference for a "lingerie dance" club versus one that is topless or all nude. In my experience, lingerie clubs come in only a few variants, none of them very good: 1) the rip off "private lingerie dance" joint; the purpose of which is to con guys into paying high prices for the privilege of jacking off while a girl hands him a roll of paper towels and wiggles around from a safe distance (out of the splash zone). 2) the drink hustle, cuddle and jack joint; the purpose of which is to convince guys that a drink that costs $20, and the middle aged and overweight lady downing ten of those drinks, are all OK 'cuz she fondles him and opines about the other ladies, who are always skankier. 3) the who would want to come to this lame place joint; the purpose of which is to give shy newbies a place to not earn money for 3 weeks as they lose their inhibitions about exposing their boobs, and move on to a real club. Good luck!
  • mrrock
    12 years ago
    Yeah pretty much what Harry said.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Lol ok ...ill try polekatz or skybox
  • Experimental
    12 years ago
    Stick to webcams. If you are so bashful about removing clothes in any strip club you'll last about as long as it takes the guys with money to figure out you got no game.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    I got game
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    No topless? No nude? No extras? This site is for pervs already! Get off our site!
  • rattdog
    12 years ago
    she claims she got game. what kinda game i do not know. jersey let me ask you: you willing to grind on guys for 2-3 20 dollar bills until they get off? one of my fave places was a bikini/lingerie joint and all the girls did that. are you willing? if not here's a suggestion: go fucking panhandling or collect cans. it's girls like you we don't want in our clubs that we go go-the do nothing for our hard earned money types. fuck off!!!
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Actually I didn't have to grind on anything in my white see thru lingerie w white thong ...I didn't do it like them other girls n guess what ...I pull 300 a night babe ..fuck off
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Actually I didn't have to grind on anything in my white see thru lingerie w white thong ...I didn't do it like them other girls n guess what ...I pull 300 a night babe ..fuck off
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    I danced as a tease and let them hold my hips ...if they went anywhere else I had them removed ...still made bank ..in a hole in the wall sports bar ...now ..I got game when all the other girls sat on their Ass I was working without getting nasty ...I respected myself and they respected me for it and paid ;)
  • rattdog
    12 years ago
    let's see here. you made 300 w/your looks and "game" while other girls sat on their asses, and these girls will do stuff to get guys off. well gooooooooooooood for you!!!! all this means is that the other girls were not as hot as you and the men in that sports bar were probably so turned on by you they didn't mind getting blue balls after being teased by you. i'll give you props-if you were at a private nasty club and offered me a blowjob i'd pay for that. you have nice tits and a real good looking face that i would like to cum on. i wouldn' get lapdances from you though-you have no ass. i've seen pancakes that are more shapely than your ass. as for you having "game" no honey that shit you call "game" only means that you were way hotter than the rest of the competition. so how about spending some of that three hundred dollars on a nice pristine shinebox and polish some turds. btw, speaking of turds i bet your the type who thinks that whatever she drops into the toilet always smells like roses yah?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    ^^^ that post is white knight if I ever seen it. Shall we sound the sirens. Someone wanna drac out from his coffin?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    meant "white knight bait"
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Baby I have Ass lol u just can't see it in that pic trust me! And for the record I would never suck ur Dick ;)
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    [view link] here ya go asshole ;)
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    If your white outfit was see-thru why not just work at a real strip club and peel it off? If you truly believe you have game then move to the big leagues and show your money makers. You will find out in a hurry if you have game or not. Just let us know when and where you decide to bare your tits and one of us from this site will come by and write a review of your show. And we could confirm whether you have an ass or not too.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Oh I have Ass lol and that's what I'm going to do :)
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Check the link for my Ass that I posted ....I have too much Ass ha
  • rattdog
    12 years ago
    asshole here. just saw it - not impressed. i'd still cum on your face and tits though. here's a tip-stay at that sports bar where you made that 300. anywhere else you wouldn't have a prayer.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    We will see ...
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    Thanks for the link. You do have an ass, and yes you have too much ass. I realize you have no make-up on in your linked video, and the lighting is not great nor is the camera work, but I think you are too young and inexperienced to have as much game as you claim to have. But I can admire your confidence. Just not your looks or moves. Although others may like what they see.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    I wasn't trying in the video it was messing around w friends ...the sexy def wasn't on yet lol n thanks so much I truly do feel beautiful n I hope I do good
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I call bull shit!
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    Let me be blunt, I agree with rattdog, stay at your $300 bar. You'll never make it at a real strip club. But I will disagree with rattdog here. I would not cum on your tits or face. I'm not that much in need. No offense rattdog to each their own.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    I have a lot to learn ik this I came here for advice not put downs so if u havnt been to the strip clubs out here n how nice or not nice they are ...I don't need ur info other then that ..thanks
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Like I say it's a perv site. We are guys out their looking for hookers posing as strippers to jerk us off, suck us, fuck, take on their, let us fuck them in the ass, etc... Looks like you are looking for a much tamer experience, which we degenerated past long ago. It's a bit like a lamb expecting to walk safely among the wolves.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Wrong site then was all u needed to say ...bye
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Lol London
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Another stripper virgin fucked up by inconsiderate comments. Can't you see she just needs a little encouragement and then she would be a fantastic dancer for somebody on this site. Shame on you assholes.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Actually the "assholes" may have saved her from years of blowing strangers for $100/pop.
  • HowdyPilgrims
    12 years ago
    Pablo, don't be so ridiculous. I have nothing against this girl but if she can't take the crude behavior on here she will never be able to handle the crude dudes in a club. On the bright side, a girl posting around on strip club web sites and posting youtubes of herself dancing sexy is a very likely future stripper, if not current. So I seriously doubt anyone here smashed her dream of getting naked in front of my fellow pilgrims.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Stay where you are. You would not make it in the Phoenix clubs.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    The best thing to do is to go to one of our reccomended clubs in your area. Pay the entrance fee and dance your butt off with your rules in tact. Don't dissuade from your rules and see how much you make following YOUR rules and compare that to the top dollar stripper iin that club. We can tell you over and over that you'll fail or pass but nothing's better for a fresh starter than physical expierience. Of couse I won't ever encourage you to do sexual favors even if you decide to lose your top.
  • avalons07
    12 years ago
    Hey Snookie,night school.
  • rogertex
    12 years ago
    jersey7777 - you've got potential. Read this article and tell us which Category dancer you belong to: [view link]
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    I'm the hottie in a relationship ..and if you didn't get to see everything I meant I am very comfortable with my body I could walk around naked everyday just never did in public yet just half naked and I loved it so don't say never just yet I'm 18 but a touch bitch with Ass and Titts ...you will all see ;)
  • rogertex
    12 years ago
    jersey777 - Category 3 ? one in 20 dancers make it to that level. dunno if you got game - but you got confidence. post here when you start dancing and where - lots of members here travel places.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    Tonight is my first night at the skybox ....wish me luck ;)
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    Good Luck! Report back!
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    Without looking at pictures, watching videos or giving any consideration to lingerie/topless/nude/extras, I would say this: if $300 a night is your idea of making bank, I'd stay where you are already making it. Good dancers at good clubs make a whole lot more than that. He'll, pretty much any dancer I like makes more than that just on me. Second, I can tell you that the posters on here know what guys are looking for when they go clubbing. And if you strip away the personal comments, you will be left with some nuggets of truth. For example, you might be able to make money giving less contact than other dancers in your club (Some can, but they do need model looks and/or a great hustle). But I don't think you'll do it showing less skin. For me, I wouldn't pay for a dance that was lower mileage than others available in that club, unless the girl was significantly hotter than the other girls. And I can tell you that you would not fall into that category at any of the clubs I frequent. And I don't mean that as an insult. It is just an observation that only a solid ten can really get away with setting her own rules. So here is my advice: 1. Take off your top. If you can't or won't do that, you should stay where you are, or consider another career. 2. Go to a no contact or low contact club. That way your rules won't be different than the other girls, and the customers won't feel cheated when they get a no contact dance. Good luck.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    My first time ever I made 350 :)
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @jersey777: "My first time ever I made 350" What did you have to do to make that, if I might ask. I'm not asking dirty details, just in general. I'll presume, since you were so adamant about it, that you didn't do anything "extra", especially since that would be a paltry sum if you did.
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
    No I didn't 17 lap dances and 2 stage dances 1 nude I didn't do the big VIP rooms yet
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    So was this an actual strip club, or something like your original sports bar you were talking about?
  • rogertex
    12 years ago
    jersey777 - off to a great start ! I'll keep skybox in mind anytime I'm in Chicago area. Reviews here are kinda so-so for this joint. Almost not worth the drive - but just to check out what you're made up of
  • HowdyPilgrims
    12 years ago
    Jersey you should review skybox and tell us how it is. Guys who travel the midwest like me might just stop in. yeaaaaah buddy!
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Like your new pic – maybe you’re not so shy after all!!!
  • jersey777
    12 years ago
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