Fat,little dick,perverted,blue pill taking,dancer scaring,non tipping,cum in your pants,seventy somethings-HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS(Yeah! I fuckin said it.)
I don't fall into any of those categories, but what is the purpose of coming on here and trying to insult people? You're not Don Rickles. You're not even Andrew "Dice" Clay.
Looney Larry! I'll tell you what category you do fall into! It's called big ass loser. Why are you the only one on my gf's iggy list? She's a dancer w pretty thick skin, you must have really creeped.But anyway LL, I have no time to hate,Shalom.
I thought it was a very nice thing to wish Merry Christmas to us. Thank you, tumblingdice. And don't worry about the hyper-sensitive little twits that inhabit this place...
BTW, for what it's worth, I'm slender, not fat; I have a rather large dick, not little; but yes, I am perverted; and yes, I do love me some of that little blue pill; and yeah, I probably scare some dancers; and yeah, I don't make it rain with tips, but I do give some insane tips to the few girls who do an awesome job; and yes, I'm all about cumming in my pants. And thankfully I have a very long way to go until I'm a seventy something.
Jerikson!Down with you and yours,Dr.Jack examine young stuff throughout the new year.Player get off the fucking bus.T Trav safe trip.Revo backwards is over,take my wife,please.Jack,bless you also,Ermita!Whatever,and Dougster!Stay edgy my friend.Anybody seen Maddog?
Haven't seen FAGDOG in a while. I am wondering if he is posting on the moniker of tenishomo1776 now. I mean starting a thread about 18th century poetry and shit. That is totally a FAGDOG move.
Fraudster, why are you so fucking obsessed with me and my oversized dick (ladies, that is in spite of 2 penis reductions I might add)...you homophobic asshole
Obsessed? Dude the only thing you posted about this morning, in your once every three week apperance, is me. Like I say, just go away and finish dying of AIDS (this means your other alias - tenishomo1776 too!)
last commentBTW, for what it's worth, I'm slender, not fat; I have a rather large dick, not little; but yes, I am perverted; and yes, I do love me some of that little blue pill; and yeah, I probably scare some dancers; and yeah, I don't make it rain with tips, but I do give some insane tips to the few girls who do an awesome job; and yes, I'm all about cumming in my pants. And thankfully I have a very long way to go until I'm a seventy something.
Merry Christmas !!!
Haven't seen FAGDOG in a while. I am wondering if he is posting on the moniker of tenishomo1776 now. I mean starting a thread about 18th century poetry and shit. That is totally a FAGDOG move.