
Comments by Christal

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Unpublished Stories
    I know it has it has nothing to do with stripping, but .... I'm a stripper & this is what goes on in the mind of this perticular stripper. Don't worry though, I will not try to get this type of stuff published here anymore. I just appreciate the responses and the fact that u took the time to read them. I do have spicy stories coming which will be much more appropriate for this site. Now are they about striping no, but they are sure to get you hot and bothered. The imagery in these stories will give you more to fantasize about than going to the club alone. Intact, you may find you want to bring these stories to life with your favorite stripper :) Christal
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Unpublished Stories
    I LOVE u guys. Thank you so muc for your encouragement. I am actually published on a web site called milfadvisor.com. There are 25 writes. I'm in the OMG section under deliciously kinky ;) I think you will enjoy the site. The site is having a few issues with loading that are being fixes. I will be publishing more hot sexy stories here soon. You will need lotion a strong hand or a hot women you read these stories LOL!! I had a Freind edit everything so I think all of the grammar & spelling have been corrected. Christal
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    13 years ago
    Unpublished Stories
    Maybe so. I'm not sure where I go to ask the question
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    13 years ago
    What a great thread. I too feel like a pycologist on many occasions. Both to dancers & customers a like. I really enjoy it. I guess in a funny way I feel honored at the fact that they feel comfortable enough with me that they tell me what ever is on there mind both good or bad.
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    Don't get envolved
    I'm 5'10" and adore being tall. I have been wearing high heels since I was a pre teen so when I started dancing in shoes about 2" to 3"s higher, I was thrilled. Now my dancin shoes have become the shoes I wear the most. It's hard to go back to a shorter heel after you have the feel of these. Fetish is right. It is an art to carry yourself beautifully and gracefully in 7" heels. :)
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    13 years ago
    Favorite Place To Cum ITC
    Well... Now I have heard it all .... OMG!!!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    ATTENTION!!! Your Invited to Christals Birthday Dance Sept 13. Tues 12-8
    I want to thank all of you so much for the birthday wishes. As for the apple .... Now, now, we must take turns LOL!!! Have a great day guys
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    13 years ago
    ATTENTION!!!! IT'S Christal's BIRTHDAY Tuesday September 13th YOUR INVITED
    Thank u all for the birthday wishes. Your just great !!!! :)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    HOW I Want My Striper To Dance For Me
    I love it this type of dancing. Slow and sensual with close contact.
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    13 years ago
    HOW I Want My Striper To Dance For Me
    I wanted to thank all of you for all of the kind comments and advice you have given me. All of you are fantastic!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    ATTENTION!!! Your Invited to Christals Birthday Dance Sept 13. Tues 12-8
    Thank you guys. YOu are so sweet.
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    13 years ago
    HOW I Want My Striper To Dance For Me
    What great comments. Thank you so much. Many of my clients say I give them the girlfriend experience. I guess I do. When I go up to a someone I don't know I ask if I can sit with them and begin to chit chat if they are comfortable with it. As the conversation progresses after a couple of minutes I usually gently start to caress there shoulders or thigh until finally I begin to massage there cock a bit. I alway ask them if they are comfortable with this after I have fondled them a bit. They usually say it is fine and we continue our conversation. I love looking into a mans eyes and touching him. I love making him feel like he is the only man in the room as I give him my full attention. Maybe it's my age, but I am not into playing games as in throwing out lines. There are to many things a person can find in another person that is great to complement them on. Smiles and lips... Wow... I go crazy over that. Now the question I have is, many of the guys enjoy the touching and conversation but never ask for a dance or the vip. It makes me feel bad to have to excuse myself so I can find someone who will allow me to dance for them because I am truly enjoying the new friendship I have just established. Many of you have said not to ask for a dance so I do not do that, but what should I do?? I wish I never needed to dance to make a few dollars, but that is my job after all. So what should I do?? Also, I like to play in the VIP probably more than most. I hear of girls leaving the VIP with $4 and $500s I'm not sure how that happens. No one has ever offered anything more and the very few that I asked for just a small amount more before we every went to the VIP did not take me there after all. So I know I'm doing something wrong. I'm so new to this I feel really silly asking these questions but who better to ask then the guys who go to the clubs right? One more question. I have a few regulars and absolutely love spending time with them, but I have noticed because of the amount of time Im spending with them I am unable to make any money. For some reason they may only ask me for a couple of dances and them want to talk some more. How do I handle this? I don't want them to feel like I am just using them and then abandoning them. Thank you for all of your help. I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me. :)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Making it rain
    Interesting comments. I had wondered how you guys felt about that. As a dancer, when I see it rain on girls I think it's fun. Does it build the guys ego because he is showing off all of the cash he has lying on the table and throwning up in the air? Probably. But at the same time it make the dancer feel celebrated and special. Now I see that Fetish_Dancer is not a fan of this practice and not everyone is, as many of you guys have stated. Is any buddy wrong??? Of course not. All of this is in fun. After all that is what this industry is about fantasy and fun. I'm sure the guys that make it rain have a fantasy of being a hi roller, or maybe they are. Regardless, Have Fun no matter what you do. And remember, if you smile a lot you will get a lot more attention. By the way, if any one wants to make it rain on me, even if it was monopoly money, LOL!!, I would love it. It would be like hitting the lottery and rolling around in it. Have a great day everyone ;)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Christal photo and more...
    Hi guys, Thanks for all of the kind coments. To answer one of the questions, I do have implants. I wasn't blessed with the perfect girls LOL!! As for giving me extra tips for play, well ... I have to say it would mean a lot if you did. I have some astronomical tax & hospital bills that I have to tKe care of as soon as possible. Other than the dNcin being my fantasy, this is the other reason for the doing this type of job. So please be generous & you will not regret it. Oh ... Before I forget, please be caful as to what you post here. Being descreat is extrely important. Thanks guys, Christal Have a great night guys
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    13 years ago
    Selling LDs/drinks?
    I'm so glad I stumbled on this forum. All of you have helped me so much. I had no idea how much there is to learn about dancing. I want more than anything to see people having a great time. When I see someone sitting alone I always stop by to say Hi! There have been many occasions when the customer would politely or not so politely send me on my way. I smile and will always find something about the person to complement them about and finally give them a gentle rub and let them know if there is anything they need I will be more than happy to help him with it. And I really mean that. I never want someone to feel pressured by me. And If I am turned down, I don't want them to think I am upset because I'm not at all. I want the best for them and that doesn't alway mean me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer selling herself.
    m00tpoint, I too had a complete hysterectomy when I was 32. It was the greatest thing that could of ever happen to me. I was wild about sex before I had it, but now it's crazy. I never new a person could enjoy it so much. I'm happy for you and your wife. Isn't it great to truly enjoy each other. There is nothing better.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer selling herself.
    Hi Everyone, I had no idea this was a forum when I wrote about Follies. It's quite interesting what people have to say about you. I am new at all of this and from reading some of your comments, I guess I have been having a little to much fun. Even still, I will continue enjoying fabulous VIPs and lap dances, after all it is true about me being multi orgasmic. Being the older girl of the bunch .... Well... I'm not the oldest, but anyway... I am in the best stage of my life and I am enjoying every second of it. Becoming a dancer was a fantasy of mine that I never had the guts to fulfill. Since my divorce about 2 years ago, I decided to embarrass life for all that it is worth and experience all of the things I've always wanted to do. So that is exactly what I am doing. As for the VIPs I will be doing from now on, I will keep things more mysterious from now on. So those of you that think you know what will be going on behind curtain #1 may now have a new twist.... HMMMMMM what will the twist be.... guess you will have to come and see me to find out. ;)
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    13 years ago
    The Reflection in the Sea
    Thank u do much honey. Why do u think your ignored?
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    13 years ago
    Simple Pleasures
    Thank you slider. Your right, it really is an outlet. I appreciate you guys so much for allowing me to do this.
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    13 years ago
    Simple Pleasures
    Ok boys, that's enough. Just think about what is going on here, making little jabs at one another will get you nowhere except for becoming frustrated and wasting a lot of energy that could be used for something positive. There have been several men that have left this site because of this type of stuff. It's not worth it guys. I'm sure both of you are wonderful guy with fantastic personalities, but as we all know some personalities clash. Please except the fact that you have a different view on things and realize that doesnt make either one of you wrong. It's the new year after all. Let's start over with a more positive way of thinking, OK I hope I haven't added gas to the fire :-/ Christal
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    13 years ago
    Simple Pleasures
    Thank maddog. Scman, what do u mean by that? I love seeing who I'm talking with.
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    13 years ago
    Simple Pleasures
    Scumbag9876, thank you for your honest opinion. The stories I write are not for everyone for sure. I appreciate the fact you took time to read them at all. The guys on this site,as well as Founder, have been very kind indulging me with my little stories. As for you, this is a wonderful site with a lot of great information about the clubs so I'm sure you will find what you are looking for here. Maddog, thank you for coming to my defense, but it doesnt offend me at all for someone to state there opinion. Christal
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Who Is Christal? I invite you to come on a short journey with me ....
    Rlionheart, I love your comment. It's nice to hear someone say they appreciate a womens mind and interesting conversation Have a happy new years. Christal
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Maddog, if than is a picture of you , wow!! You are. Wry good looking. You seem to be a romantic from the coments you have written. I love that. Happy new year guys Christal
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Simple Pleasures
    Thank you guys. I love getting your complements. You've made my day ;). Happy New Year to all of you too. Christal