
Who Is Christal? I invite you to come on a short journey with me ....

Who is Christal? Well, I grew up in Los Angeles, CA. My life had been fairly simple. My parents loved to garden so we always had a large backyard garden, honey bee hives, fruit trees, goats, chickens, rabbits, dogs &amp; cats. It was by no means a farm, In fact, it was just an average house on a corner lot in an average neighborhood.<br />
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I loved growing up like this. Between all of the heathy food &amp; tremendous amount of exercise, my brother, two sisters (all younger) and I had, we were most undeniably the healthiest kids around. &nbsp;<br />
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I am from a long line of artist &amp; performers. I sing, well I did, and dance as well as act plain ole silly on stage, while the rest of the family does the same but also adds comedy &amp; acting to the scene.<br />
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Art work is something I adore. From graphic design to ceramics, I love it all. I took graphic design as well as several art classes at Auburn University of Montgomery. I think that was most definitely a favorite time in my life.<br />
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I really enjoy painting with acrylics. Now I realize someone who paints with oils might look down at that, but I really enjoy it. Why, you may ask. Acrylic paint dries quickly, unlike oils which can take a day or more. I guess I don&#39;t have much in the way of patients. That is the same reason I write short stories. I want to see resuts quickly.<br />
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Recently I have started virtual painting. Oh what fun that is. I haven&#39;t done a lot of it yet because of lack of time, but I have really enjoyed what I have done.<br />
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I have been a photographer both amateur &amp; professional for many years although my skills are quite rusty now. I&#39;m very good at photo editing though. I love playing with photos on the computer and putting graphics along with it to create great layouts for ads, books or what have you.<br />
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I use cad &amp; other computer design programs to design homes. I enjoy doing the floor plan layouts with full room decor. I work on every detail so that I can creat a realistic virtual walk through. I have only designed one million dollar home for purchase by a man that had a beautiful lot on the beach in Destin Florida. I impressed myself with that one. Most of what I do for this is for myself or for different businesses I have owned.<br />
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As most of you know, I love writing spicy stories. I have to admit though, I enjoy writing a softer more romantic or or inspirational stories as well. This is probably my favorit style of writing. I will send in some of these short stories soon to see what all of you think. After all, you have become my sounding board, my inspiration and my guides in so many ways. Some of you have become more personal &amp; I would consider you to be my friends.<br />
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I have owned many salons &amp; spas over the past 28 years. I owned my first when I was 18 years of age. It was a modeling school. The reason I do not own my own busines now is because of my ex-husband. He was very sick throughout our marriage and would have times when he would be put in the hospital &amp; would need assistance for weeks when he would get home. So I would close the business &amp; take a lessor job so that I could stay home for a good part of the time to take care of him. Unfortunately doing this, I later found out, is why he divorced me. He didn&#39;t want me to miss out on opportunities in life because of him. I was devastated when I found this out after our divorce as I would have never allowed the divorce to take place for this reason. I guess you could say I am an old fashion girl when it comes to being married for life :(<br />
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I became an exotic dancing because the job I had when I moved to Atlanta had ended in February of 2011. I had been looking for a job every since in graphic design, the beauty industry, hotel sales &amp; marketing or anything else that might come up but my skills in the way applications &amp; resumes are taken on the Internet are evidently not very good. My resume gets kicked out of the system before it ever goes to a human. Technology can be great, but sometimes, or shall I say most of the time it is rotten not having the human involvement.<br />
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The few times I didn&#39;t have my own business I would walk into to a place I was interested in becoming employed &amp; I would be hired on the spot.<br />
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Well guys, there it is. Simple, sweet &amp; to the point.<br />
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Can&#39;t wait to hear from you.</p>


    13 years ago
    Goats and chickens runnin' round the backyard? In L.A.? That's a little unconventional.

    Sorry to read of the divorce. Unfortunately it's a tough job market in general and very tough in particular fields like design.
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    LOL!!! surprisingly there are a lot of chikens running around :)

    Thank you for your coment.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I have not seen you at the club during my last 4 visits. Are you still working there? or just not on weekends?
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Meee-ow! Still love your pictures. Designing homes and painting and photography and ceramics? Let's get together and re-enact the potter's wheel scene from "Ghost". ;)
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    Shadowcat, yes I am still working on Sunday from 1-8. I just bought a house & have taken time off to settle in, but I am back now.

    Loonearry, I would love to re-enact ghost with you. That was o e of my favorite scenes. What a great movie that was.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Stop it. Okay, just a little more.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    You sound like an EXTREMELY talented woman. My condolences on the breakup of your marriage.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Christal, thanks for your biography. I'm glad you became a dancer, but I'm sad you haven't moved to Detroit.
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    I can not begin to tell you guys how much you make me smile. Every time I get a message I'm thrilled to death. All of you are so very kind to me.

  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Christal, not to be too crude, but most of the guys here are only being nice to you because they want to get in your pants. :)

    I, on the other hand, am pure of heart, and offer my complements solely because they are richly deserved, and not because of any hope of dalliance.
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    Thank you gorge for your honesty. I do relize that is the case. After all I'm a stipper on a site with a bunch of horney guys. If it wasn't for the desires of all of you lovely gentlemen, I would not have a job. The reason for the bio was because I figured it might be nice to see who the girl is behind the mask :). As you can see from the lack of responses there is not a great deal of interest for people to really know who I am, which is quite alright I might add. But for the few such as yourself, it might be kind Of interesting.

    Thank you for taking the time to get to know me and writing a comment. It means a lot. Have an amazing day :)
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    And, Christal, I am a Canadian carbon copy of georgmicrodong. Pure of heart - perhaps even purer than georg. Appreciative of female beauty - I often enjoy the beauty of your profile pics on my computer screen.

    You are an online missionary of female beauty to this lonely old oilman in Canada`s North.

    Bless you!
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Christal - george & Art are just saying that there is more than one way to skin a cat...err get into your pants.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Oh my. Christal dear, don't listen to shadowcat; he just wants to keep you all for himself and not share your loveliness with the rest of us. Art (though deserving of mild reproof for his assertion of more purity than yours truly) and I are only interested in sitting back and basking in the warm sunshine of your beauty. The world surely stops spinning while you're on the stage.

    After all, what more could a *real* man want?
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    [Bullshit-o-meter redlining]
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    After being so cruelly traduced by shadowcat, I must once again agree with george and I must also warn you about the viagara-fueled sharks that swim in these tuscl waters. You will not find two more respectful men then georgmicrodong and kindly old farmerart. The two of us appreciate the sacrifices you are making to bring joy and pleasure to our world.

    My particular part of this world is cold, barren, and lonely. The effervescence of your personality and the glowing grandeur of your beauty has changed my life. Once again, I can only say - Bless you!
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Larry, Larry, Larry. I shocked, and wounded to the quick that you would make such an accusation. Surely you don't think to convince this lovely young woman that my intentions are anything but honourable? Perhaps your incredulity stems from the fact that *your* honour, such as it is, would not stop you from pursuing more...base activities.

    Rest assured Christal that, should I ever have the good fortune to come to Atlanta, or the even greater fortune of a visit from you here to Louisville, that I will treat you as the princess you so obviously are, and shower you with as much attention and appreciation as I can manage.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Now just where did I put those hip waders?
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Why oh why are you other guys doubting the feelings that george and I are expressing here?

    Christal, IGNORE THEM.

    The purity of my motives can not be challenged. Another slight disagreement with george, however. You are not a princess, Christal. You are a queen, an empress, nay; a saint,even. I worship at the altar of your beauty and kindness. This old sinner is so grateful that you have elevated the tenor of thought and discussion here on tuscl.
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    Good Morning Gentlemen,

    What a way to wake up to all of thsee delightful comments. I have to admit reading what Art and George wrote made me feel so good. Art & George, you two especially have warmed my heart with your style of your writing. You write as if you are writing a beautiful fair tale with unicorns, fairies, princes and dragons. I have to tell you that Larry is a wonderful writer also. .

    I look forward to your continued comments and private messages.

    By the way, my phone as well as my wallet were stolen at the club last night so I will not be able to respond as quickly as usual but will hopefully be able to get an old phone connected soon.

    Thank you all for all of the kindness you have shared.

  • BillH
    13 years ago
    Sorry to hear about your phone and wallet, hate that some are so disrespectful. Hope everything works out.
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    Thank you B ill
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    Christal, I'm sure that Art in the frozen north and George in the gracious bluegrass are among the majority here, myself included, who would welcome you with open pants, er... arms, and warm hands, um.. hearts should you ever make a trip to our humble home clubs or should we ever become so fortunate to travel to the beckoning oasis that is Follies when you are present. We are all just one big horny, eh... happy family here.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Christal, once again the purity of my thoughts and words are being challenged. This time by runrdude. I can only repeat. I am a lonely old workaholic oilman. Unchaste thoughts directed towards your sainted womanhood are the furthest thing from my mind. Please believe me. Just go back and read my previous tuscl posts.

    However, I must warn you. Some evil creature from the depths of hell occasionally hacks my tuscl account and posts some very disgusting topics and comments under my tuscl nickname. I have people looking into this at this moment. The guilty hacker will be severely chastised when I unearth the miscreant befouling my good tuscl nickname.
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    Christal - I do not doubt the sincerity nor impugn the motives of any of your correspondents (mostly or "sort of" anyway), but thanks for an interesting read and for a three - dimensional picture of a sensitive, artistic person.
    I think you should try us on one of your more romantic - inspirational stories; I'd like to read one as a way to better define the person we are all writing to. (to whom we are writing?)
    BTW - I once saw a chart that chronicled a job search. It read

    Hang in there.

  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Christal - beware of farmerart. He is Canadian. Canadians like to do it doggie style so that they can both watch hockey.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago

    Do you want to watch hockey with me?
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Christal: Please allow me to apologize on behalf of these uncouth buffoons. Art and I have reached an age where we appreciate the person inside that gorgeous vision as much as, if not more than, the mere shell in which she resides. Should you wish a respite from those who haven't yet matured past the "mmmm, boobies" stage of their lives, who just want to sully your loveliness with their groping hands, we'll be waiting.

    Until then, take care.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Art & george - I saw Christal today. She was looking fine. Eat your hearts out.
    13 years ago
    Mmmm, b00bies!!!!
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    Boys ... you move me with your romantic comments. I have been going through a bit of a battle inside myself about being overly explicit both at the club and in my stories. In fact, working at Follies has begun to really bother me with the overly aggressive touching (I certainly encouraged it by the way). I guess you could say I need to be treated special without the constant, EXTREME, sexual comments and behavior. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not becoming Mother Teresa, I'm just calming things down a bit.

    I have changed clubs. I am now at Mardi Gras and love it. There is not a lot of touching there except by me which for me is great. A lot of the guys at Follies were very rough and would offten hurt me. I feel a bit more protected at this club. While at Follies, I felt more like a prostitute than a dancer. Sadly .... I guess I was. I am past that now though.

    I'm sure after reading this, a lot of you guys will become disinterested quickly. Who knows, maybe when it comes down to it, guys prefer to go to a high milage club, as Shadowcat calls it, where they can have sex for a bargain price with no interest in the other type of club.

    Oh well, I'm more about giving the sensual girlfriend experience, the fantasy, changing things up all of the time to keep it interesting, being very flirty and playful, that's what makes it fun for me and hopefully you as well.

    So .... let me know your thoughts. I would love it if you were completely honest with me, which by the way would not offend me at all, and tell me what you think about my more conservative approach. How would you personally feel about it if it were you in the chair and I was dancing for you????

    Can't wait to hear your answers :)

  • Christal
    13 years ago
    I have posted several stories which should come out soon, once they have been reviewed. I hope you enjoy them. They are very different than the stories you are use to reading from me.

    By the way, I have not been able to purchase a new phone yet, so please forgive me for the long delays between writing. Gosh I miss my phone.
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    Hi Christal
    Nice to see you back
    I look forward to the story postings.
    I think you should dance at the clubs where the environment fits you. If you do that,you will be more comfortable and will do a better job.(even than the one you did at Follies)
    The business goal of a strip club is to give an experience that will cause the customers to spend money and come back. If you can do that - you've met you job reqs.

    I have walked out of clubs because there was absolutely no mileage. On the other hand, I have paid for private dances and just talked to the dancer (See July 31 review of Bustop- Boulder, CO). My reqs are more about the whole package than about the parts (I recently noted in a response that women are not just mountains and valleys) - I look more for the dancers who do a good job on stage, who are interesting to talk to and seem to be having a good time themselves. My favs have ranged from 20 to 45. The one thing they had in common was they seemed to enjoy contact with me. I certainly did with them
    Hang in there, C, sounds to me like you're spot on.
    ps: remember that the sexiest organ a woman has is her brain
  • Christal
    13 years ago

    I love your comment. It's nice to hear someone say they appreciate a womens mind and interesting conversation

    Have a happy new years.

  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    Interesting read. I saw the home you designed, if it was ever built. I have been in Destin the last two years for a Harley event. I saw every home when riding up and down the beach. Of course, I have no idea which you designed, but there were many fantastic homes on the beaches.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Oh, and by the way, I am an older guy like shadow and art, in between the uncouth (sc) and sainted (gmd & art), but an all around nice guy. Hope to catch you this week.

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