Simple Pleasures

avatar for Christal
The rain is splashing all around me. The air is cool and crisp and my mind is clear. Oh how I love the smell of a rainy day. Everything smells so clean and fresh.<br />
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As I look around I can see the birds playing in the puddles of water on the ground. Back and forth they go, splashing and diving at one another. How innocent they are. Life is so simple for them. Maybe I should stop and breathe... really take in all that is around me and see how wonderful life can be in its simplest form. No more drama about things that I cannot change. No more deadlines that my life depends on. No more extravagance, but instead, I will enjoy the simple pleasures that God has provided all around me.<br />
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A rainbow is a gift of vibrant color bursting from one side of the earth to the other in such a magnificent ark. It&#39;s as if God took his paint brush and swooped it across the sky to give us the most fantastic array of color to brighten our day after the storms of life.<br />
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Wild flowers with hues of reds, yellows, violets, blues, oranges and pinks scattered about in a meadow of green grass. When there is a gentle breeze the grass and flowers sway back and forth as if in a ballet. You can almost hear the music they dance to, as there motion is so delicate and full of beauty.<br />
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There are children in the distance playing with one another. I can hear their laughter as they run and jump, chasing each other all around. There smiles warm my heart. There laughter brings me new life. To be a child again, how wonderful it would be to see everything as if it were for the first time. The curiosity of a child is never ending. Everything is an adventure. There is no need for toys or any other distraction because a child&rsquo;s imagination creates a wonderful world all of its own.<br />
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There is a lake in the distance. As the sun shines down on it, it bursts with shimmery light. It is as if you are looking at diamonds that sparkle like the sun, on the surface of the water. I can see the occasional fish jump high in the sky only to plummet back into the deep blue water once again. The lake is full of fish and around it the wild life abounds.<br />
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So take the time to slow down, breathe the fresh air, smile at the silly things you or someone else does and enjoys your life in a more simplistic way.<br />
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last comment
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
For me a Simple Pleasure is holding a woman in my arms, feeling her breathe & smelling her scent & listening to music.
avatar for rrbill
13 years ago
Keep on thinking and writing, Chrystal. Happy New Year!
Christal, you're quite talented....I'm serious, I really found this to be excellent on many levels....
avatar for snowtime
13 years ago
Nice writing Christal. Short but very thoughtful.
avatar for rrbill
13 years ago
Christal, I welcome you back to these pages. Happy New Year.
avatar for Christal
13 years ago
Thank you guys. I love getting your complements. You've made my day ;). Happy New Year to all of you too.

Likewise, Happy New Year to you Christal....Cheers, may the very best of 2011 be the worst of your 2012....
scumbag9876, you don't have to be a F#ckn dick about it....Do us all a favor and go somewhere else and be a douchebag... capiche
avatar for Christal
13 years ago
Scumbag9876, thank you for your honest opinion. The stories I write are not for everyone for sure. I appreciate the fact you took time to read them at all.

The guys on this site,as well as Founder, have been very kind indulging me with my little stories.

As for you, this is a wonderful site with a lot of great information about the clubs so I'm sure you will find what you are looking for here.

Maddog, thank you for coming to my defense, but it doesnt offend me at all for someone to state there opinion.

Point well made Christal; you exude class as always.....Just wish others, even with dissenting opinions could do so with some degree of class....

IMO, you should never stop're genuinely soooo good at it....
avatar for Christal
13 years ago
Thank maddog.

Scman, what do u mean by that? I love seeing who I'm talking with.
No scboy9876, you being anonymous says it all....
avatar for Christal
13 years ago
Ok boys, that's enough. Just think about what is going on here, making little jabs at one another will get you nowhere except for becoming frustrated and wasting a lot of energy that could be used for something positive. There have been several men that have left this site because of this type of stuff. It's not worth it guys.

I'm sure both of you are wonderful guy with fantastic personalities, but as we all know some personalities clash. Please except the fact that you have a different view on things and realize that doesnt make either one of you wrong. It's the new year after all. Let's start over with a more positive way of thinking, OK

I hope I haven't added gas to the fire :-/

avatar for slyder
13 years ago
This is just a outlet she uses for a Passion she has. You don't have to read. But what a read they are. Where should this be shared? She also writes for a online magazine. I believe she has shared that link. I hoping for more stories SOON!!!
avatar for Christal
13 years ago
Thank you slider. Your right, it really is an outlet. I appreciate you guys so much for allowing me to do this.
avatar for rrbill
13 years ago
Why are my posts hidden...or ignored?
Christal I enjoyed the read very much ! Keep it up your writing is getting very good !
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