
Comments by ThatOtherGuy

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    8 Month Long Erection
    Sorry, guess I wasn't thorough enough checking the last 50 or so discussions.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I think the friendly ladies of SW retaliated for all the LDK stuff, hehe.
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    11 years ago
    One Of Porn's Biggest Secrets Has Finally Been Made Public
    Damn guess I missed that as I was going through the discussion threads.
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    11 years ago
    My last thread went over so well . . .
    I would agree with you on this, but, IMO, the main argument against it is as you pointed out, human trafficking. You would need to make sure that the women involved, foreign or domestic, are 100% in control, and not forced or coerced in any way, otherwise that ruins everything. It would never be as simple two people exchanging money for sex though. There would be guys that try to get away with not paying, or trying to rape the women. And I'm sure there are ways the women could scam customers. Of course even if it was legalized, the social stigma would still be attached to it, probably for several generations.
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    11 years ago
    Strip Clubbing on your birthday?
    Go for it. The last time I went on my bday was a few years ago, it was fun. My ATF at the time had the DJ give me a birthday shout out.
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    11 years ago
    No Playboy Club in India
    Awww, I'm flattered. I always thought Alucard was your one and only.
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    11 years ago
    No Playboy Club in India
    I love you too TransgenderTittyFag! Maybe I'll leave it at that since I already fed the trolls enough today. *smooches*
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    11 years ago
    No Playboy Club in India
    "I don't think the other religions have a word based on their religion's named to describe sexual prudeness." Not in English or the USA at least. Oh yeah and since the other religions don't have a word all to their own, that means they have no effect here or anywhere else in the world. So Islamic radicals & extremists would have a greater effect on the world if they had their own special word? Got it. Outside of the USA & the UK, Puritans have little to no effect/meaning. What does someone who came to the US from Eastern Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, the Middle East, or Latin America know about the Puritans anyway? Thanks for the comment txtittyfag, but I think you meant pedantic? And you also could have included 'condescending' and 'thread-hijacking'.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    No Playboy Club in India
    Ok you have a point. I tihnk maybe you're overestimating the Puritans effects in the USA today. Even if the Puritans never came to the US, there would still be prudish, ultra-religious Christians today. Its not just the Puritans, since all major religions have their zealots.
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    11 years ago
    No Playboy Club in India
    Yeah, well its not just the government but the culture as well. In India and the Middle East women are seen as beneath men and are basically property. Of course I'm sure there's more than a few strip club patrons, who aren't Indian or Arab, that view women as beneath them. There might even be some right here on TUSCL, hehe.
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    11 years ago
    No Playboy Club in India
    Yeah the Puritans. Almost forgot about them. They were big in the 1600s & 1700s. Of course there's suppression in the US. Thankfully its not to the level of what the government does in India. Anyone ever see the movie Eurotrip? A bunch of American teenagers go on vacation in Europe, and in every country the locals always make a comment like, 'Poor Americans, repressed sexually in your country.' or something like that.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Sapphire NYC VIP rooms
    Thanks for the correction rick. Yeah no hard liquor at the NJ BYOB clubs. Overall, still better mileage than NYC clubs though. @Lili2013: Does it have to be in NYC? Montreal is only a 6 hour drive or about an hour flight away if you want to make a weekend of it. Plus Canadian full-nude clubs also have full bars. None of that 'no alcohol sold in nude clubs' BS. But getting everyone to Montreal might be more trouble than its worth. Just a thought though.
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    11 years ago
    Sapphire NYC VIP rooms
    Gotta agree with rickdugan on this one. G2K is a good club but not so much for extras. I've seen people get kicked out for trying to do too much in the VIP rooms (which are monitored by camera). Overall the New Jersey clubs are better than the NYC clubs. Many of the Jersey clubs are full-nude & BYOB. Delilah's Den, Gogo Rama, and Hott 22 were pretty good the times I visited. The major downside of Jersey clubs, IIRC, is that they close at 2am.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    TUSCLers with Asian Fetishes & OK Cupid
    Sorry the first link is bad. Use the lower one.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Career Girl by Day, Stripper by Night!
    $50 entrance fee? Even for Manhattan that's overpriced. When the owner refers to regular strip clubs by saying, “Those girls are there to make money . . .". Yeah cause the gals in this place aren't there to make money or find a sugar daddy.
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    12 years ago
    the speed force!
    Strip clubs getting better anywhere?
    I think that over the last 10 years NYC clubs have probably stayed about the same. The clubs were a better before mayor giuliani cleaned up in NYC, but that's more than 10 years ago. I never went to 'hot lap dance club' but from what i heard it was good but obscenely expensive. Of course they weren't open for very long before getting shut down for prostitution. @deogol: Like everything else, I'm sure the internet has some effect on clubs but watching internet porn will never be a substitute for real physical contact. Of course maybe when virtual reality becomes (almost) as good as the real thing, then that might mark the demise of the clubs.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Why So Few Asians?
    For everyone who likes Asian dancers, does it make any difference to you if the dancers are what I call 'Russian-Asians'? By that I mean the dancer looks Asian but in every other way (accent, personality, etc.) she's Russian/Eastern European. There are usually a decent number of 'Russian-Asians' in any clubs where there are lots of Russian/Eastern European dancers, like in several East Coast cities.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Levy Tran
    Not bad, but as far as Vietnamese girls I think Diem Nguyen is much hotter. Too lazy to look for pics of her now, but there are some galleries of her on www.freeones.com .
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    Oh by the way, everything is always perfect 'In Theory'. To you, your suggestions are perfect 'In Theory'. When you try to do something in real life is when the breakdown occurs. 'In Theory' a purely communist form of government is perfect. Look how things turned out for the USSR. Cuba isn't quite ready to take over the world. 'In Theory' capitalism with little or no regulations will make everyone millionaires. The Great Depression and the current crappy economy suggest otherwise. Oh and by the way again, regarding your 'rational and factual statements' politicians have lots of those too, enough for several lifetimes. People will believe when they see it in action. If your suggestions really would make everyone (or almost everyone) happy, then more power to you. But until customers, dancers, and management are ready to accept something very different, we're stuck with the current system. No business model will ever satisfy all people involved, and usually it ends up being what works. As you might have noticed people are resistant to change or anything that gets them out of their comfort zone. The current system is far from perfect, but it works well enough for me. Here's something to think about for both sides of this debate: 'A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.'
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    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    "And if you think it's reasonable to use ONE guy as a factual reference for the hundreds of thousands of strip club customers, then fine. I don't. Especially if he won't even provide his own numbers. Which is why I suggested a survey to provide numbers. But nobody is participating." Regarding this: 1.) You automatically reject rickdugan's strip club experience cause its only one person compared to hundreds of thousands of strip club customers. But a survey of the 20 or so different people who posted in this thread will be a much more accurate indicator of hundred of thousands of customers? Right, if you say so. I suspect that if everyone did reply, and the answers and experiences of the posters in this thread ran contrary to your point, I'm sure you'd just reject the survey results anyway cause it would only be 20 or so people compared to hundreds of thousands of customers. FYI there's probably several decades of strip clubbing experience from the people posting in this thread alone. I can't help but think that if you posted your suggestions on the best-known stripper forum website (refered to by most people here as the pink site) that you'd get loads of angry responses from lots of angry strippers about your #8 & #9 points.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    Just leave it alone everyone. Jerkison will never change his opinion cause he believes he's 100% right and can't even consider the possibility that he could be wrong about anything. So since everyone else doesn't think exactly the way he does, then everyone else is automatically wrong. No one is going to convince Jerkison otherwise. Maybe Jerkison can solve all the problems in the world economy if all the world's governments would just do everything he says. Nothing personal Jerkison but like I mentioned before, your ideas might be the "best" and most profitable model for strip clubs to follow. But how often do people and organizations choose what's "best" for them? Short of owning your own club as someone else mentioned, you'll have a hell of a time trying to change the current strip club model.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Direct Approach
    The direct approach seems pretty good. The only hazards I can think of are: 1.)If Dancer A hates one or more of the other dancers in the club. So Dancer A might purposely not point out those dancers to you out of spite. 2.)(and I would hope this would be uncommon) If the club is very strict, or even zero tolerance, about extras, Dancer A might rat you out to management. I would think that the perceived possibility of getting in trouble with law enforcement would outweigh the money made from one customer.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    @jerkison40: Its very interesting how different members who disagree with each other, insult each other, and hate on each other pretty much all stand together to tell you they disagree with you and why they think you're wrong. I can see where you're coming from and I don't think you're completely wrong on this. I guess you're just a victim of circumstance. Who knows, maybe if clubs followed your suggestions the dancers and clubs would make more money. Maybe your way really is the 'best' way. But if you think about it, how often do people, institutions, and society at large always choose what's 'best' for them? On more than a few visits some dancers told me they were taking it a bit easy because they already hit their goal for the night. After getting dances with me, my previous 2 ATFs would go around trying to sell LDs or VIPs, and they would only come back to me if no one wanted dances from them, after dancing for other customers, or if it was a really slow night. On several occasions when I came to see my previous ATF, the first thing she'd say to me was "Come on dance with me, you'll be first LD/VIP for tonight.", and often times there were a lot of guys in the club. But she would tell me, "Yeah, but they're not spending any money." In contrast to that, there were plenty of times that same ATF would make me wait so she could try to get LDs/VIPs from the new/infrequent customers. From the regular's point of view, how would you like it if one or several new/infrequent customers wasted 15-30 minutes of an ATF's time only to get 1 or 2 LDs? From a dancer's point of view, having lots of those kind of customers waste your time would probably make you want to spend less time with new/infrequent customers as opposed to regulars.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    Like most of the other replies, I gotta disagree with your #8 & #9 points. How do you know how much money each of those 10 guys waiting for a particular girl are going to spend on her? gsv phrased it perfectly with his example. If the money difference between 5 regulars and 10-20 infrequent non-regulars is small, then the dancer will probably pick the regulars almost every time. I've spoken with lots of dancers in several clubs who complain about customers that jerk them around and waste their time making the dancer think he'll spend money on her, and plenty of times it ends up with the guy pushing for OTC without spending anything on her in the club. Or they'll complain about customers that waste their time and end up getting one or two lap dances, at most. None of these two types of time wasting customers I just described are ever regulars. And we're supposed to believe that its better for the dancer to (possibly) deal with 10-50 guys like that a night instead of 1-5 regulars who will spend $200-500+ on her per visit? Now of course I know there are lots of infrequent customers who are willing to spend lots of money on girls, but if a dancer gets burned one too many times by these time wasting customers, well that will probably make her want to stay with her regulars even more. Do you usually visit clubs on friday or saturday nights? Maybe that's why you're always waiting for the more popular girls? It might be worth it to make some trips during weeknights or during the afternoon shift?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Bad Reviews on Strip Clubs
    The last time I was off on a weekday I was at a local club. Decent selection of girls at that time. It was pretty busy at that time too, and I was a little surprised to see that. When asked, one of the staff said that there's usually a decent crowd in the afternoons, mostly made up of construction workers and some businessmen on lunch break.