Much as I enjoy the LARFS I get from reading some o' the crazy shizzle folks post on here, a serious question occurs...
Has the strip club scene improved anywhere in the country in the past 10 years?
Just recently as 2005-ish could remember Manhattan clubs that were expensive but worthwhile. I haven't been to the city as much as I used to and maybe I'm missing something... But it just seems like there ain't much. Never did get to the "hot lap dance club" -- was that actually good or just a scam?
But other places I've been...the scene just seemed better 10 years ago. Tampa? yes... good stuff. But it seemed better a decade ago. Jacksonville was always to "north Florida", but it used to have several good nude clubs. Now the venerable DH is no more and -- IMHO -- Sins sucks (and not in a good way). Are there any places where there has actually been an improvement. Only been to Detroit once and that was a quick business visit where I got some sort of stomach bug -- no opportunity to club. I know that scene is da shizzle according to folks here. But is it better than a decade ago? Or just the same?
Are we in the slow demise of the strip club? Say it ain't so!!!!
Thoughts. Musings. Random BS all welcome.
CRAY-CRAY posts fer LARFS also welcome, o' course!
Have only been clubbing for few months so I have no perspective of how good the old days were. Can say with Sugar Daddy sites, Cam Sites, and ability to text regulars for OTC there are more options than before. Perhaps 10 years ago all the 9s & 10s had no choice but reliable schedule at the local club and offer more ITC.
A large part of what you are saying is nostalgia. If anything has cut into the clubs it is backpage, cityvibe and other sources for incall and outcall action, but live entertainment has not disappeared nor will it.
Here in Seattle, just five years ago, club-going was a lot better. In June 2008, four clubs all owned by the same company were simultaneously raided. Two years later, all four were forced to close. It hasn't been the same since. Even the clubs that weren't raided, felt the impact and some realized they could do a few little things to make themselves less prone to a raid. Some new clubs have opened since, but they can't offere the mileage that was had in the old days, and are not performing up to their corporate offices' expecations.
I think that over the last 10 years NYC clubs have probably stayed about the same. The clubs were a better before mayor giuliani cleaned up in NYC, but that's more than 10 years ago. I never went to 'hot lap dance club' but from what i heard it was good but obscenely expensive. Of course they weren't open for very long before getting shut down for prostitution.
@deogol: Like everything else, I'm sure the internet has some effect on clubs but watching internet porn will never be a substitute for real physical contact. Of course maybe when virtual reality becomes (almost) as good as the real thing, then that might mark the demise of the clubs.
I'm interested in hearing a dancer's perspective on this. There are many busy party nights in Dallas and Rick's brought in cheap drink nights. I've enjoyed the last two years.
In my area some of the clubs have gone down when certain girls were fired and privacy diminished. Some have gone up due to slightly more privacy for dances
IMHO Detroit has definitely improved if mileage is your thing. I started going in 99 and even touching was off limits in most places. Now many clubs here are full on full service brothels where 90%+ of girls will do at least some extras.
If clubs have gotten worse in the last 10 years then then things must have peaked in 02' because what I've heard about the scene in the 90's was not a pretty picture.
I suspect that while certain areas may have stayed still or or gotten worse, as a whole things are better, at least in terms of mileage, than they were 10 years ago.
Here in the Omaha area, it seems that as long as the clubs have stayed open, they basically haven't changed very much. Of course, much of that is due to no nudity and excessive LE. They've had a spectacular number of clubs close up and really only one new one open up and while that one started out nice, it proved to be too expensive and an extra-free zone that I now only go to when I just have to see some naked chicks within a 10 mile radius of home. I used to make more Kansas road trips, but don't nowadays mostly because I just don't like driving down there, but I know the clubs I used to visit on those trips are all worse than they used to be, or else they were low to begin with and stayed that way. I can pretty much say the same thing about the clubs I went to in Des Moines as well when I made those trips, although I do wish I discovered Beach Girls earlier.
I can certainly attest that strip clubs were far better ten years ago. Back then I go blow through $300 - $400 in dances in a few hours. Its so bad now that I just simply stop going for the most part.
On the other hand I've gone to my fav SC a couple of times over the past week and found that two of my ATFs have started dancing again. I got as many dances as I could cause it won't be long before they're gone again.
D Dan covered the Nebraska status well. I'm no longer on the road regularly but would not club as much if I was. Quality seems down. Extras can be had but poor quality. Maybe I'm getting lazy but I check TER, when I travel, as often as TUSCL.
OTC wise things have never been better. Even here in Seattle. New girls seem to be ready for it with surprisingly small lead times after they start now. Guess being a ho' just ain't no big thang anymore. A true golden age for us pervs.
Less professionalism in the clubs & by the establishment itself, for sure. Girls being down for whatever, up greatly. Pole work is way down. The women in my area -OKC/DFW - used to take pride in putting on a show. Now they have just enough energy to take your money. Anybody else feel that the girls most committed to the' art' make the most money easiest?
Seems like it depends on where the club is located. I agree with others that Detroit area is better now than ever. The only thing marginally worse is that the $10 dance is rare now, limited to certain off-nights. And some are pushing it up to $25. I'll even claim the music and DJs have improved slightly (which is not saying much).
In the Baltimore area things haven't changed. Same old disgusting questionable behaviour as it was 10,20 and even 30 years ago. Just the way I like it.
I think it was about 10 years ago that Phoenix clubs started putting in VIP rooms. Before that, all dances were at your table, out in the open. A hand up the leg of your shorts (or a phone number) was the best you could hope for. Woth VIPs... much better.
Overall I think that clubs are better now. There are certainly some things I miss about the old days, such as how hot and elegant many of the dancers were back then, particularly in the higher end clubs in the Northeast. But there are also a lot of things that I do not miss.
I published an article about this a few years ago.
It depends on the area. For instance ten years ago the Columbus, Ohio area clubs were a lot better, with hotter looking dancers, very few dancers under an 8 and quite a few 9's and maybe a 10 or two. Now you are lucky to see a 9, and in some 8's are rare.
Most of the dancers gave very good contact ten years ago, then the state created the anti-strip club laws and the county started enforcing things. Now it's pasties and very little contact.
Dayton actually improved for most of the last ten years, until about a year or two ago when the city started enforcing things there too. Cleveland from what I heard hasn't been affected as much.
Clubs in the more rural areas have gone the opposite direction, with many ignoring the laws and dancers doing more extras than what you got ten years ago in the larger cities. You might even see a few 9's in those clubs.
last commentDon't have to worry about gang bangers (not the good kind) showing up and ruining the evening with bullshit and intimidation tactics.
A lot of it is friggin free!
Some clubs, where 7 to 8 years ago, even ass & tit grabbing was rare, I'm routinely getting titty sucking, DFK, FIV, and on occasion, even more
@deogol: Like everything else, I'm sure the internet has some effect on clubs but watching internet porn will never be a substitute for real physical contact. Of course maybe when virtual reality becomes (almost) as good as the real thing, then that might mark the demise of the clubs.
I suspect that while certain areas may have stayed still or or gotten worse, as a whole things are better, at least in terms of mileage, than they were 10 years ago.
On the other hand I've gone to my fav SC a couple of times over the past week and found that two of my ATFs have started dancing again. I got as many dances as I could cause it won't be long before they're gone again.
I published an article about this a few years ago.…
Most of the dancers gave very good contact ten years ago, then the state created the anti-strip club laws and the county started enforcing things. Now it's pasties and very little contact.
Dayton actually improved for most of the last ten years, until about a year or two ago when the city started enforcing things there too. Cleveland from what I heard hasn't been affected as much.
Clubs in the more rural areas have gone the opposite direction, with many ignoring the laws and dancers doing more extras than what you got ten years ago in the larger cities. You might even see a few 9's in those clubs.