Comments by DroidX
discussion comment
a year ago

Awaiting the edit button since 2011....
I tried to go there on a Sunday afternoon a couple months ago, and they wanted to charge $20 for parking and $20 to get in. I laughed and immediately left.
review comment
3 years ago

I was at Platinum prior to Vivide, and I can assure you high contact dances are still available.
review comment
3 years ago

@techman lap dances are always $10 here. I didn’t do VIP, so how could I report on the cost? Had I done VIP, I would have included it in the review.
discussion comment
4 years ago

Awaiting the edit button since 2011....
@shadow I'll try to attend and grab some phone numbers for you. 😀
discussion comment
4 years ago

Awaiting the edit button since 2011....
@juraissicman - yes, it's on Sept 26th from noon until 10 pm. According to Jim, there are over 40 former Follies dancers confirmed.
I had three dancers message me this week to corroborate Jimi's message. Chamblee won, and we all hate it.
discussion comment
4 years ago

Awaiting the edit button since 2011....
One of the day shift managers, Jimi, confirmed it's closure on Facebook. He's promoting a Follies day at Diamonds off of Northside.
discussion comment
5 years ago

My ATFs have always had the best conversations with me. That connection led to a deeper level of intimacy and loyalty on my part.
discussion comment
6 years ago

@japrufrock go back and re-read my post. I wasn't asking if I should give her money. Just like SJG and anyone else, I'm free to ask whatever I want. Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you should share it.
discussion comment
6 years ago

Appreciate all the people who actually responded to the questions. It amazes me what some of these strippers will do or ask for sometimes.
I didn't even bother responding to her ask, and would never lend money to a stripper. If they want money from me, they can provide a service ITC.
@papi - If you were insulted because I asked two questions, perhaps you should go back and read the actual questions. I wasn't asking if I should send her money.
discussion comment
6 years ago

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Did Mitchell Bros finally change owners?
discussion comment
6 years ago

@papichulo I think you are probably right. Perhaps if it was just one girl it would have been more tempting. I tend to be pretty cautious when to comes to things outside the club setting.
discussion comment
6 years ago

@shadowcat don't forget the ascot!
discussion comment
6 years ago

@heaving I was sitting at the end of the bar, and they walked up to the end to get a drink. The drinks took a long time, so I just started shooting the shit with them. They were just standing there, and I talked to them.
discussion comment
6 years ago

@warrior15 If I had agreed, I would have asked to search their bags. I'm not taking a knife in the back while I'm face down consuming pie. Probably would have been just fine with 1 girl.
discussion comment
6 years ago

@doctorevil one girl talked pricing with me. She asked me to spend what I normally spend on an average trip to the club. I told her I normally spend $200-250 when I go to Follies. Probably another $100 more to include the friend.
While the 2 on 1 scenario sounded fun, I kept finding potential holes in security. Without searching their bags, there was no way of knowing the potential threats. If I had kicked her friend out of the picture, I could have increased my odds. The elevator controls access to the floors, so I had that part covered.
I just went with my gut and decided to live to monger another day. I don't like cold turkey, and I don't like the thought of being mark.
discussion comment
6 years ago

New Jersey
If it were me, I would take her to Follies around 4 or 4:30 pm. Stay there for a few hours before driving over to Grindhouse for some incredible burgers. After you eat, go get a drink at Tattletales. It won't be as enjoyable as Follies, but can still be fun.
discussion comment
6 years ago

Here we go again
I look at my reviews as a way to refer or not refer a dancer to someone. I am happy to mention a dancer by name, especially if she did a great job and I think my friends or other readers should get a dance from her. That being said, just because I tell you that I ate at a particular restaurant, doesn't mean I'm going to tell you what I ate, where I ate it, or the cost. I'll leave that for my friends.
discussion comment
6 years ago

If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
If they give me the Cuban handshake, I normally try to return the favor. I was at Follies on Wednesday, and a girl straight up told me that I could touch it if I wanted to.
discussion comment
6 years ago

Estafador - let's be honest, how many Arabs that claim to be clean are actually clean?
discussion comment
6 years ago

Shadow - Ha! She was likely willing to remove anything, as long as it happened in VIP.
discussion comment
6 years ago

Papi -
I like your approach. A sweet Haitian girl offered to clean me up real good.
discussion comment
6 years ago

Honestly, it took all I could do make it through one pity dance with her. I thought I was throwing her a bone. Maybe I should look at every girl through the lense of "front room make out session." She had a nice look, but not nice enough.
discussion comment
6 years ago

I miss OG. I always had success on day shift.
discussion comment
6 years ago

They never tell you what you need to know.
Notre Dame
discussion comment
6 years ago

Breathe, breathe in the air
North Carolina - Follies
South Carolina - Follies
Alabama - Follies
Tennessee - Follies
I wish I was joking. Just leave those States and head straight for Atlanta.