
Your ATF.

Thursday, October 3, 2019 3:46 AM
What was the VERY FIRST THING that tweaked your interest in the lady that became your ATF?


  • Longislandnightmare
    5 years ago
    Mesmerizing green eyes. It made her pop out from anyone else at the club.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    There wasn't any one thing. I had known her for 4 years and she was just a part of the group of girls that I usually got dances from. I just woke up one day and realized that I liked her better than any other dancer that I had ever met. Then we became exclusive to each other ITC/OTC for the next 4 years.
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    Her smile.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    sc, I already know your story. :) Do you recall mine?
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    stunning looks and with that lustful eye contact...
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Clubber, Other than being Asian?
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    sc, This was just before I knew she was Asian, but that certainly slammed the door to other as a possible ATF.
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Yo momma!
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    For me it is never one single thing. It's the whole package. In the case of my ATF, she was a full blooded Italian girl with the small natural top and the flaring hips that I like, a beautiful girl next door face, long silky raven black hair, all the right moves on stage, a sexy and elegant presence about her, and a sweet girl voice (especially when she wanted something) that all combined to make her something special. she even smelled great, with a light spritz that she used mostly in her hair, but didn't linger on me once I left. I really miss the Italian and Russian girls from the northeast clubs and I have not been able to find anything comparable since I moved down here. My two runner ups to ATF were a Russian girl and another Italian girl and I suspect that this trend would have continued had I stayed. These girls knew how to charm men who they thought were worth the effort, probably because they were culturally acclimated to somewhat aggressive men. Oh well.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I have yet to have an ATF. Unless we count getting dances from same dancers as many as 3 repeat visits, but I have only done that with one dancer. I guess that might count. I got those dances from her because the mileage. Escalated with each visit. Then, I moved on.
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    Super hot and she was super into me and got off because of what I did to her. Or at least she faked it very well. Yeah, it’s the latter.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Well, the FIRST THING is always looks -- basically, face and ass. All my ATFs light me up physically. Of course, that's just the first thing. To become my ATF, she'll be incredibly charming and flirty and interesting at the table, which is probably the second thing. She'll be fantastic in the back, third thing. She make and keep appointments with me, fourth thing. She'll steadily increase my YMMV, fifth thing. She'll go OTC with me, sixth thing All the way to sixth thing! I am a mother fucking overachiever. Soaring like ricktheeagle among you ricktheturkeys :) :) :)
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    It was the fact that she was a blue eyed blonde with huge and firm all natural DDDs.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    My former ATF forfeited that designation earlier this year, but up to then I would say her extraordinarily lovely face.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "All the way to sixth thing! I am a mother fucking overachiever. Soaring like ricktheeagle among you ricktheturkeys :) :) :)" Hey now. The Council of Ricks objects to your misuse of our good name. For starters, unlike most hairless apes, the real ricktheeagle ALWAYS overachieves, so you're no Rick. Second, even a turkey can be a lion among men if it's a rick, so please don't use it as some form of denigration. Rickthelion has asked me to pass on the message that if you keep taking our good name in vain that he's gonna' go wildebeest on your ass. ROAR!
  • magicrat
    5 years ago
    I told her I was a Springsteen fan and as she high fived me she said "tramps like us". That and her long red hair.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Definitely true, comparing to ricktheturkeys is too good for this lot! Although ironically, Rick, I'm not entirely sure you're authorized to speak on behalf of the ricks 🤣
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    Me asking the floor manager which girl supplies the best dances (basically, the best grind), and it progressed from there, plus she's hot. And yes I know bouncers and managers can make recommendations based on kickbacks from dancers but in this case it was a legit recommendation, though I don't know if there were any dancer kickbacks involved.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Although ironically, Rick, I'm not entirely sure you're authorized to speak on behalf of the ricks" LOL. Heck Sub, I'm the Chairman, even if they don't realize it. Their entire agenda and even their names are driven by my whimsical postings - now I'm just taking a more direct approach. 😉
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I got tons of great candidates for ATF right where I’m at here in good ‘ole NYC EXCEPT THEY DONT KNOW THE FUCKING LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    Her fake tits. She had great implants - and she was fit - and could make her tits bounce by flexing. I spent a lot of time with her - and I spent a lot of money on her - and I wouldn't recognize her face.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    She was dancing a little wobbly on stage, then was a unsteady as she made her way around during second song. At this club the dancers would crawl around the bar that surrounded the main stage to get tips after getting topless, but this dancer was too drunk to bar crawl. There were two dancers per set, and the hotter dancer (a 9+) was helping her around. I was waiting to tip the hottie and ask for a dance, but was wondering who the sloppy drunk trailing after her was. By the time those two got to me they were both walking. As I was going to tip the hottie the drunkie stumbled between us, so I smiled and tipped her. This girl was so drunk I handed her a couple bucks instead of tucking it somewhere. She looks me right in the eyes, and just beams this "ur cute" smile at me and says "Hi, I'm Bunny". Her hair was styled in big dirty blonde ringlets, and she looked adorable. As she started to say more the hottie drug her away and she said something about seeing me later.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Her love of 🔪🔪🔪
  • codemonkey
    5 years ago
    Yeah it's hard not to love a girl who's into sharp objects!
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    Her beautiful soft brown eyes, sweet face, fun attitude and had a complete girl next door look.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Couple of comments caught my eye. First, Nidan111 says, "I have yet to have an ATF." Sort of makes me wonder what defines an ATF. Mentions multiple dances with the same dancer. To me that would be a current ATF. I guess time also matters. Perhaps newbies wait some time before they have enough recon to elevate a dancer to the rank of ATF. Second, magicrat says, "I told her I was a Springsteen fan..." and "That and her long red hair." Really close to my ATF. Sitting at a club and I hear Du Hast. I look up and there is this Asian lovely on stage. Instant rank of ATF. She still is.
  • Studme53
    5 years ago
    What McNutty from the wire said: “Super hot and she was super into me and got off because of what I did to her. Or at least she faked it very well. Yeah, it’s the latter.”
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    A lot of it has to do with how they are dressed and painted up. That often dictates which one I will go after. SJG
  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    Great rack and she was into me.
  • DroidX
    5 years ago
    My ATFs have always had the best conversations with me. That connection led to a deeper level of intimacy and loyalty on my part.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Perfect boobs. Course I'm a pretty flexible guy as to what constitutes perfect boobs - but like that other thing - I know it when I see 'em.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Steph, Pretty much the same as s all. Bottom line, we each have a different view. I was surprised that someone else besides me had a musical start.
  • Bamaeight
    5 years ago
    1st was the long blond hair, beautiful smile and big ass tits.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Bama, Ass tits????
  • samiel
    5 years ago
    She looked shy, almost lost, with innocent doe-like eyes. She also had amazing DD breasts.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    With me it often has to do with how they are dressed and painted up. 1. High heels, straps to keep them on. 2. Lots of makeup. 3. Skirt or dress, no pants. 4. Thigh high stockings, garter belt, but plus. SJG
  • TrollWarnBot
    5 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy: san_jose_guy - Commonly referred to as SJG this forum member may have some sort of mental illness and is usually mocked or ignored. SJG has a long history of posting incendiary comments including being pro-rape. His comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Its also just my sense of what the girl is like, seeing how she handles herself and how she interacts with other people. SJG
  • rl27
    5 years ago
    I noticed this dancer standing toward the back of the bar, watching customers much in the way watch dancers looking for those who would be the most fun. She wasn't the hottest there, but quite pretty with a decent looking pair of natural tits and thick nipples. She was so tied up with regulars, I was unable to get a dance that day, or the next few visits. Eventually after a few months, she asks if I want some company after I tip her on stage. She does her usual walk through the club, going from table to table, sitting and chatting. Again I thought I wouldn't get any time with her. Finally after about a half hour or so, she stops by and sits down saying she noticed my interest in her serveral times, and asked what it was about her that I liked. I told her that the way she carried herself, and that she was quite popular. The kicker was she didn't immediately ask for a dancer, instead we talked for a good 20 minutes, with her doing a lot of flirting and asking me all kinds of things both sexual and non-sexual. When we eventually get to the back she knew exactly what I wanted without having to ask. What kept her as my favorite until she disappeared, is that each time was better than the previous, a rarity in a club.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    rl27, You bring up a point that was discussed on TUSCL a long while ago. Is this dancer still your ATF even though she as disappeared? If she isn't then you didn't read my question correctly. My ATF, I've not seen in years, but I've never found a dancer that could replace her. So ALL TIME, she is still #1.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    So far I’ve only ever had one favorite. It was at a time when I was consistently going at the same time on the same day of the week, and she was there almost every time I went. The first time I went to that club she was up on stage putting on a great show. She always did. She acted like she was so happy to be up there even if she wasn’t. So I walked in and she made eye contact with me and gave me this huge smile. It made me feel like she was really happy to see me even though we didn’t even know each other. We ended up doing a fair amount of canoodling (her word, not mine) before doing dances. Then she had me meet her outside to smoke a bowl with her before I took off. We did that for close to a year before she disappeared. At that point there were a few girls hoping to take her spot, but I just stopped going to that club. Not the same without her.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Fun_, Still your All Time Favorite, correct? Perhaps you will find one better, in your future.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    I forgot to mention that I was agreeing with your assessment that newbies can be hesitant to start using the term ATF. When I was seeing her regularly I didn’t even think of her as my CF, just as my favorite. So far she’s definitely #1, so yes she’s my ATF.
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    It's been long enough that all of the things that turned her into my ATF over time have just kind of melded together. It's as if she was *always* my ATF from the moment I saw her. Silly, of course, but I just can't remember a time when she wasn't.
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