
Comments by xedin5436 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    DejaVu and Little Darlings
    I've figured it's a combo of the management's hiring practices and those clubs just being places where girls start out dancing; they move to other clubs if they want to stay in the profession and not get screwed by management. DV at least has a "brand" name attached to it, so it probably seems safer to work at for someone just starting out. When I first started clubbing, the local Vu had a decent range of ages, but in later years it's definitely skewed younger. RossVa, some Vu clubs are probably in states where alcohol and nude dancing is allowed; I'd guess Tiredtraveler is talking about those places.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Past his bed-time?
    Two most likely possibilities: 1) They were pre-gaming it and the booze didn't fully take effect until well after they'd arrived, or they'd snuck booze in. 2) They snuck other non-booze substances in. Either scenario could lead to getting booted, beyond just passing out.
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    11 years ago
    Fire exits
    "Even here in the US, I believe I heard the fire sprinkler law only applies to new buildings, not sure though. I'm not sure how well it is enforced either. I believe it was made retroactive to any building with 150 or more people." As far as I know, it's just new buildings or alterations to existing buildings (including housing new uses in them), although codes vary by state. In California, they're not technically required in all buildings, but the incentive to do so is significant. It's mostly that way because the easiest way to enforce it is during the permitting and building inspection process. "Somebody sees an industrial building and thinks 'great club' without understanding that the occupants/sf are entirely different between commercial and assembly occupancy." They still have to get a building permit for it, for which they'll have to demonstrate that the building has adequate exiting for an assembly occupancy (unless they lie in their permit documentation, which is a different problem).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Club T-Shirts.
    I got a free one with a dance at a Rhino club, but it was a large when I take an XL, so it got trashed.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Needing Feedback
    You know there are fully legal brothels in Sydney, right? Many with websites where they list the rates for the room and provider (although who knows how accurate those are in practice).
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    12 years ago
    Dream Girl
    Denise Milani isn't exactly a pornstar, or even technically a nude model, but if she worked at a club I'd be a regular. Given her prudish modeling tastes, I wouldn't expect too much though. Given how Katie Morgan acts in her scenes, I'd have to expect that she'd give an incredible lap dance. Otherwise, I'd be a sucker for Jenna Presley, Eve Lawrence, Abby Rode, Kylie Strutt, Veronika Zemanova or Rebeca Linares. If a time machine were allowed, Rocki Roads would top the list.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club kingpin Jack Galardi dies
    Yeah, like I said they were lame before the sting, but the topic is now politically radioactive, so there's no hope for improvement.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club kingpin Jack Galardi dies
    Operation G-String is partly to blame for San Diego clubs being as lame as they are. They were lame before that, but making them less lame is now something that politicians won't touch for another decade.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Total Immersion
    Even with unlimited cash, I think the most I could stand going would be once every two weeks or so, for a couple hours at a time (assuming the club is decent enough that I want to hang out there at all). Even with tons of money, there would still be dancers that I'd turn down and I get tired of doing that after a while
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Chicago, IL
    Stripclub Movies
    The strip club is kind of secondary to the plot, but I liked Exotica. Reality points earned: incredibly annoying DJ.
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    12 years ago
    Yep - this probably wouldn't have come out if FBI investigations hadn't uncovered the affair and security leak. I'm sure the fact that the FBI caused the leader of the CIA to resign will do wonders for interdepartmental relations.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    President Cries
    The point I was making by bringing up Reagan and Bush is that 1) our Presidents have cried in public before and 2) I don't think anyone ever perceived those guys as pushovers. So, it's happened before and I don't think there any negative consequences arose from it. As for Iran, try googling "ahmadinejad cry" - this clearly isn't going to an incentive to misbehavior with them to judge by that.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    President Cries
    I don't think it's a big deal. These were obviously tears of joy or relief, and not some kind of "Oh woe is me, what do I do now?!?" kind of thing, which I think would speak more to the issue of projecting strength. Also, I don't think Bush had any issues with perceived resolve or strength, and there's images and videos of him crying out there too - just google "bush cry" and watch what pops up. There's an issue of Time magazine with Reagan on the cover crying. It's a total non-issue. And, I'm sure most world leaders make it a regular habit to watch the Big Lebowski and therefore know that "strong men also cry".
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Double stabbing at Brownsville strip club ends with arrest
    Did the article say whether Chance is male or female? I know Chance is typically a guy's name, but it seems like it could go the other way pretty easily...and then there's the *pink* Jeep Commander used as a getaway vehicle. Bet the cops had a hard time finding that one.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Morning Wood
    I get the attractiveness vs. the Miss America types - Savannah looks like an actual living person with a brain; but man, you said stripper hair and I thought she'd have tiger striped blonde and red on top and black underneath done up in pigtails.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Heads up you San Diegoians.
    I think that 1) there's a lot of hassle, maybe just perceived and not actual, with getting to and back from TJ versus just hitting a club down the street. I don't know how it plays in actuality, but you're supposed to have your passport to come back, and the wait can be pretty long. If I just have an hour or two or have to go to work the next day, going to TJ and back is a bit much. 2) There's a lot of military bases in town, and most clubs are right next to them and offer military discounts. The club in this post is almost right across the street from the largest Navy base on the west coast. 3) TJ has a lingering violent/sketchy rep from the recent cartel wars. It kind of seems like outside of Cheetahs, a lot of clubs are sort of struggling a bit anyway.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Heads up you San Diegoians.
    Well, the legal battle will certainly be interesting. Unless the municipal code was written by idiots, I'd think this would be a slam-dunk case for Chula Vista. If not, the case may basically overturn the whole concept of zoning. There were some misleading statements made by people in the article - there's no kids nearby, there's just a nature preserve parking lot across the street. School groups might visit it for field trips or something, but it's not like this is next to a school. It's in a stretch of defunct restaurants with the freeway on one side and the bay on the other (at the intersection of Bay Blvd. and E St. if you want to look it up). Actually seems like a pretty decent spot/building. Anyone want to fund me going on a crucial fact-finding mission? "Californians are all first amendment raw raw raw until something they disagree with appears. Then it's We got to shut it down!" A number of people interviewed for this story and on other outlets said they didn't give a shit. Until fairly recently, San Diego was reliably conservative, which is how we got our strip club laws in the first place. "If the residents don't like it they should get rid of those persons responsible for approving the club." It sounds like the owners didn't fully disclose what type of business they were planning on having, but they may have done so as far as the law requires, which will probably be the crux of the case. The people approving the project are just ordinary joes that interpret the codes approved by elected officials - this shoudln't be pinned on them. Also for rh48hr and mikeya02, I think the truth is somewhere between your assertions - yeah, you can get contact in San Diego, but it's not as easy as most other places and it's a crapshoot in general. A $20 single-song dance won't get you much, and you won't get much on the weekends no matter how much you spend. As always, depends on the girl and the club. Anyway, strip clubs are a radioactive topic in San Diego politically - there was a huge scandal back in the 90s where some Vegas guys tried bribing a few councilpeople to loosen up the strict (basically: no touching) laws here. Hopefully this whole thing is able to push the debate back a little in the other direction, but I don't know if the owners of the Hawaii Theater are the right guys for that job - probably a bit too much over the top.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Move With a Favorite
    Whether I would follow a dancer that was an ATF to another club would depend on a couple things: one, just how much of an ATF she is, and two, how good the two clubs are in general. If the ATF is the only decent thing about going to her original club in the first place, then hell yeah I'll go to a different club, especially if the new club is generally better than the original one. I've never had what most people here would consider an ATF though (I've never had any sort of relationship or contact with a dancer outside of seeing them in a club), so I'm probably not the best judge of an ATF relationship. I did have one girl that I enjoyed seeing at the local DV who went to Las Vegas once a month or so to work a weekend there. I went to her club in Vegas to see her there, but I didn't make the trip special just to see her; I was already going to be there anyway for a friend's birthday. But, once she stopped working at the local DV, there really wasn't much reason for me to go there any more. Club distance in my area wouldn't play much into any decision about following a girl if I found one I really liked though.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Goes Down ... and not in the "Extra" way
    At the downtown branch of Pure Platinum (in San Diego), there's a slight level change from one half of the club to the other - about one regular step. On one side of the building, it's a ramp, which is incredibly hard to see in typical strip club lighting if you don't know it's there. Back when they served alcohol, a dancer took a tumble on the ramp (I think I was out on the smoking patio when it happened so I didn't catch any details), and there was a crowd around her and they had to bring in an ambulance. That's the only incident I ever saw there, but given the situation - dark, invisible ramp, drunk strippers in 8" heels - I'd be really surprised if it didn't happen quite often.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Icebox at Cheetahs in San Diego
    She's from San Diego, generally from the area where Cheetahs is located, so I wouldn't be surprised if she did work there. BTW, I did some intensive research on the iceboxes yesterday - I only asked one dancer, but she said it was $350/half hour, $650/full hour. That's insane. I could drive up to LA today to a DV club, get an hour and a half and still have $50 for gas for that half hour price. Maybe it depends on who you ask, or the girl was just pre-calcuating the cost of the dances into the half hour cost. If they cut songs at 2 minutes, even wiht the $50/room $20/song setup, you'll end up at $350 after a half hour.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Icebox at Cheetahs in San Diego
    I think part of my objection to the $500/hour thing is that I wouldn't want to put that much down up front for an hour with just one girl. Maybe if I had done some serious recon work ahead of time and knew the dancer ahead of time, but not as an experiment.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Icebox at Cheetahs in San Diego
    Or even just in LA at a Deja Vu club, where you can get a half hour for $150, or $100 on Thursdays. The SD Vu doesn't even make that offer, but since their clientile is mainly military it might not make sense for them. Instead they have no cover and $10 dances until 7pm or something. At least the girls at Cheetahs are generally pretty hot.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Icebox at Cheetahs in San Diego
    Yeah, that pricing ($50/hour + $20/song) also makes sense with their other dance prices - the $20/song room where nothing happens and the $100/5 songs VIP room where you can actually get a lap dance (of varying dirtyness depending on the dancer and when you're in there, but still with a bikini on). If the girls do get a little more intimate in there as thenetguy says, an extra $50 isn't so horrible. I guess I have an excuse to go back there and do some intensive research now. I still think that with this being San Diego you're not going to have all doors open to you, but I'd be interested to hear otherwise.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Icebox at Cheetahs in San Diego
    I just checked the FAQ on the website, and it says that they're $50 an hour and $20 a song, although it says "your choice" which is a little confusing. That makes a bit more sense - like you pay $50 for use of the room for an hour (like a VIP room charge at other clubs) and then after that it's $20 a song with the dancer. They must have changed the pricing since I looked last, or I read it wrong the first time. Does that sound more in line with what you did? Because $500/hour is totally ridiculous.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Icebox at Cheetahs in San Diego
    By offers, you mean you'd have to pay more than the $500 for the room? Is that the accurate price for those things? I'm sure a lot of what gets offere there depends on the girl and what day it is. The one time I went to Cheetahs on a weekend night, I got nothing but air dances, even in the 5-song area.