Dancer Goes Down ... and not in the "Extra" way

avatar for cnyknight
At a club I have been recently going to while traveling for work has a unique setup. Due to NYS law, because they serve booze, the girls have to perform on a stage that is away from the crowd. The stage doesnt have a pole but a set of brass railings that the girls routinely hang off of, some even do pole type tricks on them.

One of the girls had been chatting me up at the bar, a hot tall blonde that had been there for quote awhile based on her own admission. She got and stage and was working these railings, obviously she was experienced in her routine.

While she was locked into the railing with her shoes, The strap on her shoe broke and she slipped, and the side of her nose made contact with the opposing rail.

Being I am a volunteer EMT my gut reaction was to try and help her but I didnt want a bouncer to think I somehow was involved. She left the stage, her nose was bloody, another girl came out and got ice from the bar. My impression was the club wasn't concerned except for the girl that came out for ice. The bouncer, barmaid and most of the dancers were just going about the night.

I haven't seen her back at the club since, one of the girls said she had a black eye etc from the incident.

Has anyone else seen a injury occur? If so what did you do? What did the club do? Wondering how common this is?


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avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I was watching a dancer in the distance on a high stage. Suddenly she slipped and fell off with a lot of hard banging when she hit the floor. She didn't get up. A bouncer hurried over and carried her away.

One time a dancer slipped and smacked her bottom pretty hard but not injured except for her ego. Another time the whole club was laughing at a dancer who apparently slipped and busted her ass. I somehow unfortunately missed the whole thing. She saw I wasn't laughing and asked if I saw her. I said no. She liked that I hadn't seen her bust her ass. I believe we got dances a few minutes later.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Yes pole dancing injuries happen
avatar for xedin5436
12 years ago
At the downtown branch of Pure Platinum (in San Diego), there's a slight level change from one half of the club to the other - about one regular step. On one side of the building, it's a ramp, which is incredibly hard to see in typical strip club lighting if you don't know it's there. Back when they served alcohol, a dancer took a tumble on the ramp (I think I was out on the smoking patio when it happened so I didn't catch any details), and there was a crowd around her and they had to bring in an ambulance. That's the only incident I ever saw there, but given the situation - dark, invisible ramp, drunk strippers in 8" heels - I'd be really surprised if it didn't happen quite often.
avatar for SuperDude
12 years ago
Did you read the court case on another thread? Shadowcat posted a summary of a South Carolina court decision holding that an injured dancer is entitled to workers' compensation because she is an independent contractor, not a covered employee.
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
I once caught a drunk dancer as she was falling off the stage at a club in Flint. She had just started dancing again after a 10 year hiatus. Must have been pretty nervous as she was pretty wasted and could hardly stand, let alone dance.
avatar for mrrock
12 years ago
I saw a dancer do the splits and had trouble getting up out of it (she was a little chunky).
avatar for 59
12 years ago
I once saw a dancer fall on her ass pretty hard. The floor was slippery as she was headed to stage and her shoes started to slip out from under her. It was one of these slow motion, almost righted herself things but then she hit the deck. She had a nice ass and I think her ego was more bruised than her ass.
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