
Comments by Bananafish (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    rick's cabaret in las vegas closes...
    Corporate closed this location. There was a press release. This Ricks wasn't profitable. I blame the location. The LV economy just isn't able to support a place that far off the strip.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Two story clubs
    It's big in NYC. The Detroit clubs were built before the smoking ban. I wish the Detroit clubs would ban smoking altogether. Sorry smokers out there. I still smell like smoke when I leave Penthouse or Flight Club. And I hate dancers with smoker breath. Disgusting. The girls also tend to hang out smoking upstairs instead of mingling. My buddy owns a bar in Ann Arbor, MI. After the smoking ban, which he enforces, his food sales went up 30%. People munched on stuff instead of smoking. Go figure. Now he's making more money and he doesn't smell like smoke.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What's her problem? Share your similar stories ( About prude dancers! )
    When this happens to me, I stop after 1 song, pay and go back to my seat. Not a big deal. I certainly don't let $20 ruin my night. Then I try finding a better girl.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best weeknights for Dejavu/Lil darlings in Vegas
    Rhino best for weekdays. LD second best for weekdays. LD is always dead Sunday. Thursday is the best weeknight because you get the first of the out of town, high quality dancers coming in for the weekend. But Thursday still lacks the crowds of weekend tourists. Mon-Wed are below average unfortunately.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Planning Monger's Trip to Detroit, request advice
    Detroit is my hometown as well. No offense implied. I'm glad it has become the best SC spot in the US.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Planning Monger's Trip to Detroit, request advice
    My Detroit and Montreal comparison. Travel Cost: Montreal airfare and hotels are much higher than Detroit. Montreal cabs are cheap and plentiful. No need for rental car. Clubs are close by each other in Mtl. Can walk to some from most hotels. Club Cost. Lower cover in Mtl. Around $10 + $2 bouncer tip Detroit cover charge is around $17 total ($10 + $7 valet) Mtl dances are cheaper. $10-$15/song. Detroit dances $20-$25/song Mileage Mtl Is limited to some stick shifting. Escorts are more available though. Detroit extras are very common in all clubs. Dancer Hotness The high quality clubs are Kamasutra in Mtl and Penthouse in Detroit. I find the Kamasutra to be slightly above PH for dancer hotness City Fuck, Mtl is a cosmopolitan city with a lot of stuff to do. Great restaurants, culture, etc Detroit is crap. Still though, for a pure clubbing weekend I vote for Detroit. The mix if dancer quality and mileage is unmatched.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Planning Monger's Trip to Detroit, request advice
    There are no sites with Detroit dancer pictures. Below is the dancer hotness scale. 1. Penthouse 2. Flight Club 3. Hustler (distant third) 4. Bogarts/Henry VIII (distant fourth) As I wrote above, I would stick to PH and FC unless money is your #1 concern.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Planning Monger's Trip to Detroit, request advice
    I am the expert on Detroit strip club weekends. :). I live in Chicago but frequently (6-10 times per year) make a weekend trip into Detroit solely for clubbing purposes. I travel all over the country for business so I am familiar with the scene everywhere. Detroit is my #1, followed by Tampa and Las Vegas. Rental car is the way to go. I stay at the Westin in Southfield. It's a higher end hotel about 5-10 minutes from Penthouse by car. I never go anywhere else but Penthouse and Flight Club. Bogarts and Henry VIII are trashier than PH and FC. The talent is lower quality. The only reason to visit Bogarts and Henry VIII is to save a few $. Since this is a special occasion I would stick to Penthouse and Flight Club. You get what you pay for. The dayshift/nightshirt argument that Detroit people talk about is only relevant on weekdays. On weekdays, the hotter, younger girls work the dayshift before going to night school or whatever. On the weekends I find nightshifts better. My Detroit weekend starts like this. Friday afternoon go to Flight Club where the you will get the last of the business travelers spending time before going to the airport. Friday night drive to Penthouse Club where most of the top talent is. It's about a 20-30 minute drive from FC. I hang out the rest of the night here. Then it's a 5-10 minute drive back to my hotel. Saturday. I usually start out at PH when it opens. Then I check out FC after a few hours. And then back to Penthouse at night. Again, then 5-10 minutes to my hotel. Saturday you could also check out Bogarts and Henry VIII just fit shits and giggles Sunday afternoon I spent at PH before heading home.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Best "eye candy" club in your area?
    I am from Chicago. In Chicago area, the best is Industrial Strip In the Midwest, the Penthouse Club in Detroit.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Great relaxing place with super hot friendly dancers
    They are closed as of now. Email blast sent on August 2 says they are taking a pause. Lido Room is still doing 3-3 nights per week.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Not going back
    Reviewer has posted 2 of the same reviews in less than a month which both contain serious allegations. Possible competitor review.
  • review comment
    12 years ago
    A catch-all account
    IS has retained some of the...
    Obvious shill review. Please delete. There are not 30 girls on shift.
  • review comment
    12 years ago
    Best club in the area. If...
    Obvious shill review. All hyperbole. Review mentions great dances but Admiral only has air dances.
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    I went in August while at...
    Review is fake. Blatant factual errors. There are only air dances at the Admiral but this reviewer mentions mutual touching.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Gawd's Holy Church of Tuscl
    The Church
    This was a great read. Keep it up.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    I like this place
    Desertscub you're such a hater man! He described a ROB with a stinky ass and you call this a BS ad? Haha
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    C'est La Vie Theatre LD party review
    S88 - I'm surprised you didn't check out Snctm's opening night in NYC! ;) http://nypost.com/2017/04/05/sugar-daddies-and-mormon-hotties-inside-nycs-new-sex-party/ You are right. There isn't room for more than SVT and Lido in my opinion.
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    C'est La Vie Theatre LD party review
    Good info. Thanks for being the pioneer.
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Out-of-Town OTC: Advantages & Hurdles
    Very nice article. So after you mention you're staying at a nice hotel, etc, what lines do you use to broach the subject of OTC? I would struggle at that with an unfamiliar dancer.
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Why Top Strip Clubs Have Gone Downhill -- and why it will continue
    "America has been exporting jobs and importing H-1B visas for decades, which has been killing off our middle class" "As for camming, that’s simply not an option for the average stripper. " My article was focused on high end clubs, not middle-range clubs or clubs dominated by "average strippers". I am certain camming has been draining talent from the top-25 or so clubs on TUSCL. Camming is a viable and popular option for many high end strippers as you can see through the growth and the Viewing Activty of the camming forum on stripperweb on any given day. Your middle class decline statement, while true, doesn't match up, since the decline in high end clubs has only happened in RECENT years while the middle class decline started much earlier as you point out. The timing of the decline I write about, and is evidenced in reviews here on TUSCL, more closely coincides with the growth of camming sites.
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Why Top Strip Clubs Have Gone Downhill -- and why it will continue
    "damn - cam-girls keep at most 50%? - then that's as bad or worse than the SC take" No, the percentages he quoted are the wrong way of thinking about it even though that math is right. It's hard to explain but the tokens are worth more to the guys than the girls. It costs more to buy one than to cash one in. What's important is that from the camgirl's perspective there is no "taking" being done. Nothing is being "taken" from their perspective. There is no payout at all from their point of view. In their mind they keep what they earn. This is very important psychologically for their workplace happiness, especially compared to strip clubs, even if the the exchange-rate economics are mathematically what that guy posted.
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Why Top Strip Clubs Have Gone Downhill -- and why it will continue
    skibum609: "What really drove a lot of hot women away is....you guys. That's right the extras guys." I disagree. Detroit has been extras-central for 10 years now but the dancer quality has declined only in RECENT years, coinciding with the growth of cam sites. Houston cracked down on extras in the last couple of years but dancer quality has NOT improved. If you were right we'd be seeing better quality in Houston but we're not. I strongly believe webcamming has stolen top talent.
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Why Top Strip Clubs Have Gone Downhill -- and why it will continue
    "Your club would go under in 3 months. Sky high cover charges, with girls who come/go as they please? You think guys are gonna come back after they've paid a $75 cover only to find no hot girls inside?" Disagree completely. My last point was this model is working extremely well for the 2 clubs in NYC doing this. Covers are $40 and $50 at these spots, not $75. I never said $75 - in fact I don't know what the break-even cover would be if a club outside of NYC got rid of tip outs. Lido Room is ranked #2 in Dancers and #10 overall on TUSCL. If not for its no-review policy, SVT would be ranked #1 in Dancers on TUSCL easily. So it's working.
  • article comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    Fetish Affairs "party" review
    Great article. I am a regular at Lido and this was very informative. I had never heard of FA before this. How would you describe the talent compared to Lido and SVT? I'm talking overall hotness. Better, same, worse?
  • article comment
    8 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Strip Clubs, Why I Go, What I Have Learned
    I've followed a similar path and now see the entertainment value of clubs - a place to kill time. What some businesses refer to as the "third place" outside of home and work....the trend that say Starbucks, Buffalo Wild Wings and other businesses try to capitalize on. Something else I've learned about myself in my short'ish 10 year club history: I no longer want to be approached. Earlier in life i would never consider approaching a dancer and would think poorly of a club where hardly anyone approached me. Then I discovered Detroit and realized I preferred to scout out the hottest 1 or 2 dancers in the club and approach/tip them first as is custom there. So much better than having to banter with the fuglies who plop down and converse with you in hopes of getting a sympathy dance. I now can't stand when I'm approached first and want nothing more than for them to go away so I can focus on finding the 9s in the crowd.