
Comments by jerikson40 (page 70)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    reviews ?
    Cover and prices and hours are (or at least should be) included under the club's general info section. AND BTW, I STRONGLY SUGGEST that everyone goes into their favorite club's info section and review/update the costs, CLUB HOURS (very important, but often neglected) and all of that general stuff. No need to repeat it in every review. Other than that, all I care about are 1. How hot are the dancers 2. How hot are the lapdances (with details) The rest of the stuff is fluff.
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    12 years ago
    Dance instructor
    No way I'd pay her for sex. Her body is nothing. No tits, no waist. Yeah, her face is kinda cute, almost, but she sure as shit ain't worth money. And she can't dance for shit. I really feel bad for the guys she videotaped. They're screwed. And what pisses me off is that the officials are decided to release names, and you can bet the videos of these guys, if they haven't already been released, are gonna be all over the place. That's a lot of guys who can kiss their asses goodbye.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A Brilliant Idea
    "Like he said, what do you guys think?" I think he should find a girlfriend.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Another brilliant idea
    "...dudes have given then credit cards, have bought them a car and make the payments, have bought them an apartment or house, pay cell bill, lights bill, or other dumb ass shit like that" Be careful. When you call it "dumb ass shit", you're probably pissing off a whole bunch of guys here who do the exact same thing. Of course, you're right, it is dumb ass shit, but that's beside the point...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Another brilliant idea
    Another candidate for the strip club consulting service. You guys will be just awesome.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A Brilliant Idea
    The facts: Motorhead: Okay sweetie, I'm going get a million dollar term life insurance policy, and name you as the sole beneficiary. And you just give me sex whenever I want. Sweetie: What's a "policy" thingy? And can I have some money for groceries? What Motorhead wants to hear: Wow, that's a great idea, and you're really thinking outside the box. I think you should go for it, dude !!! I think you should get together with VH_Kicks, and you guys can start a strip club consulting service. It would be awesome !!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So Why Do We Keep Calling Ourselves PL's?
    Oh, and I almost forgot... There's also the "Macho, Egotistical, Douchebags" who actually are PL's but refuse to admit it. There are a lot of those. Guys who like to think of themselves as god's gift to women, and like to project that image to everyone else, but in fact are paying some stripper's rent and walking her dogs and babysitting her kids while she's out screwing her boyfriend. Those are, IMO, a step below the PL, because they are "PL's in Denial".
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So Why Do We Keep Calling Ourselves PL's?
    I'm just a loser, and not really proud of it. And I'm jealous of good looking young guys who get all the hot chicks. Okay, maybe that's a little pathetic, too.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So Why Do We Keep Calling Ourselves PL's?
    Oh, and of course there's the good looking young guys who go to clubs, often with their buddies, just to have fun. They can get hot girls outside the club, but they just go for fun. Those guys are neither pathetic, nor are they losers. Most PL's are jealous of those guys.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So Why Do We Keep Calling Ourselves PL's?
    I think "pathetic loser" is directed at the guys who go to clubs because they can't get a girl. They use strippers as substitutes for real relationships, because they're unable to have a real relationship, for whatever reasons. When it comes to women, these guys are losers. And they are pathetic because they fool themselves into believing that the hot strippers really like them. A good example is an old guy I saw who was in the lap dance area trying to do ballroom dancing with a 24 year old hot stripper, who probably didn't even know what ballroom dancing was. It was pathetic because he was trying to re-live his youth with someone who he had nothing in common with and who had no attraction for him whatsoever. He was pathetic, and he was a loser. I contrast that with guys who go to clubs because of the fact that all guys on the planet have a basic need to have sex, and all guys want hot girls. Nothing pathetic about that, we're all born that way. Although you can make a case that those guys are losers because they can't find an equivalent hot girl outside the club for a real relationship. In that case, most of us are losers.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    "Perhaps, oddly enough, male physical beauty is not important to them" Uh, no. And I find it kinda funny the lengths to which old guys will go to justify why hot strippers might think fat, ugly, old guys are just dreamy. They don't.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    Yeah, in general I find the older girls are more likely to have the attitude Stiletto talks about. But on the other hand I've experienced quite a few young girls who are really wonderful and seem to have a similar attitude. Maybe not as skilled, but still have really great attitudes. And anyone who shows that kind of attitude gets a truly disgusting and exorbitant tip from me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    "I owe it to him, as a service provider, to make him feel like he deserves to feel, regardless of his looks" And that, my friends, is the attitude of someone I truly respect. I know it's difficult to do that, and for someone to take that attitude and make the effort is what it's all about. Bravo.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Guys' Weekend: What's a good strip club city besides Vegas?
    New Orleans is a pit. Worst murder rate of any city in the country. And something like 90% of all the cities in the US are safer than New Orleans. New Orleans police are totally corrupt. I wouldn't give them my money if you paid me, nor would I spend 10 minutes in that hellhole. Though maybe the clubs are okay.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    "I wonder how long it takes dancers to get over the fact they are going to have to dance with "less than attractive" men. Hours, days, weeks, months?" Motorhead, how long would it take YOU to get over having to do sexy lapdances with a bunch of wrinkled, old, blue haired, 80 year old women? Putting your hand down between her legs and diddling her? Feeling up her saggy boobs? Whaddya think, Motorhead?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    Clubber sez: "...dancers are usually pretty good at reading customers" I dunno, maybe you're right, but so many times I've had dancers say something like "oh, I didn't ask you for a dance cuz I thought..." and then fill in the blank with some totally unrelated stuff that isn't even close to being true. And if you add to that all the times I've left a club with lots of unspent money in my pocket because the dancers I wanted a dance from never stopped by, and I generally come to the conclusion they *think* their intuition is infallible, but in fact they're mostly clueless. I even had a dancer once ask me my sign, I told her, and said "oh, one of those..." and got up and left. On the other hand, maybe you mean they're reading something else besides who's ready and willing to pay them money.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    "Often the dancers will confide in me how repulsed they are by most customers. It amazes me that they can even get physically close to many of them" And that's why those dancers really should be spending their time with girls, not those gross, disgusting guys.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Guys' Weekend: What's a good strip club city besides Vegas?
    "There is one possibility that you all seem to miss....go to San Diego and take a jaunt across the border to TJ" DOH !!! How could I have forgotten TJ? Absolutely that's gotta be near the top of the list. Of course you don't want to hang around TJ, just hit it and quit back to San Diego. Personally, I'd tend to make somewhere in LA my base and just do a day or two trip (take the train or something) to San Diego/TJ, but I'm a bit biased against San Diego. Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful, but I tend to get kinda bored there.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    "Women and men can both be shallow. Some more than others but we all have our shallow sides" In my view, there are two 'dirty little secrets' that men and women can't comprehend about each other, but while absolutely true, show how we are both totally shallow. 1. Men REALLY DO only care about sex and how a woman looks. Now, OF COURSE many/most guys can really truly fall in love, but hot looking girls and sex will always be at the top of our list of what we want most. We're shallow. 2. Women REALLY DO only want a guy who's rich, tall, dark and handsome, and who's a bad boy on the outside but a good boy on the inside. But they'll never admit it, because it makes them sound shallow. Which they are.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    I see a lot of girls who are very choosy about who, if anyone, they sit with and dance with. Girls who really don't want to be there in the first place (I assume), and spend most of their time in the dressing room, or afraid to approach anyone. But they're probably more comfortable with guys their own age, so they sit and talk with them. I'm speculating that they are also attracted to guys their age which probably makes it easier to sit with them than with some guy who's old enough to be their grandfather. Like I've said before, I think there are a lot of strippers out there who really don't make a lot of money because of reasons like that. Face it, it takes a lot to go up to tons of strangers every night and act like you're interested and have a conversation with them. No way I could do it. Can you imagine being in a club full of women, and having to act like you're sexually interested in a 70 year old wrinkled woman with blue hair? Geezus, I run screaming into the night.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    "Many on here try to equivocate between the two, but I think it's always important to keep the distinctions in mind" Good point, but I think it's a matter of degree. Many women would never be able to do what strippers do. And many strippers would never be able to do what other strippers do. Some strippers only hang with good looking young guys. They choose customers almost like they were choosing a date. Others go where the bucks are. But ask most women on the street if they'd ever work in a strip club, and the general response would be "EEEWWWwwwww !!!" And those same girls are looking for a rich guy to marry. It's all a matter of degree.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    "Many give so much of themselves" Like I say, wide-eyed naive kids.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    Steffy, consider yourself very lucky. Women have, IMO, two sides: the money side, and the real side. Often those sides are intermixed, but here's what I mean. One part of them needs security and money. The other side, what I call the "real" side, is the emotional/sexual/love/desire side, the stuff they "really" want. The security/money side is the side that makes them marry the rich guy. The other side is the side that makes them have an affair with the studly rock musician with no money.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    "So the truth is, even if you are old and unattractive, if you pay me well,I'd gladly have you feeling on me instead of a young attractive man that doesnt pay me well" Exactly. And Stiletto, I am NOT referring to you, but women in general have an almost unlimited capacity to modify their actions based on money. They will marry guys for money, even if they feel no love or attraction to the guy. They will date only guys with a certain amount of money, and rationalize it with "well, if given the choice between a guy with money and a guy without, why not choose a guy with money?" And at the same time they will look down on "skanks and ho's" who sell themselves for money. It has nothing to do with logic, it has nothing to do with emotion, it has solely to do with doing what they think is best for them at the time. A couple weeks ago I was in a club, and sitting next to me was an old guy, probably in his 70's, white hair, wrinkled, straight fugly. And one of the hottest girls in the club, probably 24 years old, totally smokin' hot, comes over and straddles him cowgirl, facing him, wraps her arms around him, and starts kissing his cheek and whispering in his ear. And they talk for probably a half hour, their hands all over each other. Exactly what Stiletto was talking about. This girl could get just about any guy she wanted. The amount of feelings she must have been surpressing must have been staggering. Women, in general, from an early age, expect men to support them. And they know what they need to do to make that happen. They know what they need to look like, what they need to say, how they need to act. Many men can't comprehend that, and are like wide-eyed naive kids in that regard. "You mean, you only want me for my money??? But how can that be??"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    2 Chainz: A Performer I can Relate To
    And this is one reason why I love the US. Talk about a land of opportunity. Here's a totally useless, no talent moron who would otherwise be in jail, the guy can't sing, knows nothing about music or performing, but in spite of that he's probably pulling a million bucks when he releases some crap like "I Luv Dem Strippers". And there are actually people who go on welfare because they can't make money? BTW, if you watch this video, you'll see a couple strippers doing some incredible pole work. One girl is hanging horizontal, and another standing on her with her stiletto heels. Damn I love black girls. And Nikki Minaj talkin' bout them "nigga bitches". Awesome. Maybe I'll to to my clubs in South Central LA today and get me some 'dem black bitches.