
Comments by jerikson40 (page 31)

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    10 years ago
    Perfect pair of pants?
    Checking waistbands ??? No shit ?? Word??? Ok well thats definitely a club that wont get my business. But in all my years the only club that had a strict dress code like that (tho not that strict) was a Spearmint Rhino....which is why I never go to Fucking Spearmint Rhino
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Best Song of the Decade
    Speaking of "Happy", it was written by Pharrell Williams (a VERY talented young guy) for one of the great movies of all time, Despicable Me. And one of the great lines from Despicable Me was when Gru was putting his adopted little girls to sleep. But first they needed him to read them a bedtime story. Being Gru, he said NO !! So the littlest one says: "Will you read us a bedtime story?" "NO!!" "Pretty please???" "The physical appearance OF the please makes no difference. The answer is still NO" Funniest line ever written for any movie since the beginning of time. Well, not really, but it was pretty good.
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    10 years ago
    Perfect pair of pants?
    I don't get it... I just go to Target or WalMart and buy some dark grey pajama bottoms, very loose. $10 or $15 max. Super comfortable, thin, super soft. Perfect for commando lap dances. Hell, nobody looks at your pants when you go into a club guys. And in a dark club pajamas look like just regular sweats or pants like everyone wears. If you really want to look stylish and will spend $100 on some pants, then be my guest. I just don't get it.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Would this have damaged you in high school?
    "Isn't any sex, consensual or not, with an under aged person considered statutory rape?" Hadn't thought of that...that very well could be. In which case it might be just another of the many "female teacher and slightly underage male students have consensual sex" cases that regularly appears in the news. That makes more sense. And maybe the sodomy part is the guy was licking her pussy or she was sucking him off.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Would this have damaged you in high school?
    BTW, jester, that's why I asked you if you're female, and others have wondered the same thing. Many women tend to assume people are helpless victims in situations like this, even if they don't know the facts. Many men, on the other hand, tend to assume that a man, or boy, can and will handle himself and the situation, rather than cowering as a helpless victim. That's why many men might question what really happened in this situation, and not immediately assume the boys are victims.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Would this have damaged you in high school?
    And I'm not a legal scholar who knows the details of sodomy laws, but I believe you might be surprised at what is included. Such as oral sex, not necessarily shoving stuff in someone's butt. And I guarantee, if as a 17 year old boy, some woman stuck something in my butt that I didn't want, I'd be outta there in a heartbeat. But I suppose you assume he couldn't because he was a poor victim of a powerful teacher, and nothing he could do but cower as she stuck a coke bottle up his butt or whatever, right?
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Would this have damaged you in high school?
    And jester, you are ASSUMING you know the facts of the case. You don't, and I don't. My only point was that, based on what was said in the news article, something doesn't SEEM to make sense. But you are jumping to the conclusion that the teacher "fucked" a 16 year old and "stuck shit in his ass". Why do you believe that? Just because somebody claims that in a suit doesn't mean it happened. But you seem to believe it did. I'm merely questioning the "rape" charge, which implies the teacher forced herself on an unsuspecting student. I find that hard to believe.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Would this have damaged you in high school?
    "Answer the question. Nothing wrong with a 35 year old fucking a 16 year old and sticking shit in there ass?" jester, answer my question: Are you a male or female?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Have you noticed a summer slow down at your club ?
    "hey hey hey – hold on now – please refrain from calling those hos bitches" HAHAHAAAA !!!!! Papi hits a home run !!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Would this have damaged you in high school?
    "It seems like that it has only been in the last 5 years or so." Attitudes change. Some would say we've become more aware and intolerant of people who can't protect themselves being victimized by those in power. Others would say we've become hypersensitive pussies who try to outlaw everything and legislate a perfect world instead of dealing with life rationally. Take your pick.
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    10 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Watching golf on TV
    "If Lasorda said it then it must be so. God bless Tommy Lasorda." Word. There is no greater guy on the planet than Tommy Lasorda. Well, maybe I'm overstating, but I love the guy. And yes, watching golf is very relaxing. As long as it's on TV. I can't imagine in person trying to run like crazy to get a decent spot at the next hole, then wait 1/2 hour for the players to get there, cameras to get ready, and some guy to hit the ball. But playing golf is wonderful, especially on a really nice course. Hawaii? Damn, some great golf. It's not only about the game, it's about walking on a beautiful course with great scenery and having fun. And a beer and a hot dog on the 9th hole.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Would this have damaged you in high school?
    "Really Jerikson? You bitch about "one liners" and name calling and that's your response? Hypocrite" HUH?? Since when is asking if you're a female considered "name calling"?? I'm asking if you're a female, since many of your responses seem to me to be something that are more of a female perspective. Nothing wrong with that !! Geez, dude (or dudette...) when you get a hard-on against someone you never quit do you?
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    10 years ago
    Anna Nicole Smith
    "Didn't he specifically leave her out of his will?" Apparently, yes. Props to J. Howard. But that whole story is like a classic trailer trash soap opera...paternity cases, drugs, gold digger, screwed up kids because of a screwed up mother, court battles over money... Geez, sometimes you wish there were certain requirements you needed to meet before you're allowed to have kids.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Funniest Movies of All Time
    And speaking of SNL guys who weren't funny... The all time award for least funny SNL member goes to Jim Breuer, whose claim to fame was the most unfunny character in comedy history, "Goat Boy". If someone can explain to me why anyone would laugh at some guys whose humor is nothing more than bleating like a goat, I'd greatly appreciate it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Would this have damaged you in high school?
    "There's a power dynamic here that makes it inappropriate." You're a female, right?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Funniest Movies of All Time
    ""The Pink Panther" is one of my favs." I've tried to watch those movies, I really have. But I just can't. On a scale of 1 to Silly, they're a 12. There's one joke thru all the movies. Bumbling Detective. Fine. But after an hour of that same, totally predictable stuff over and over, it gets boring. Yeah, I know he's going to do these slapstick pratfalls over and over and do dumb stuff that causes a ruckus. Okay, I get it. It's a bit like I Love Lucy. Lemme guess, Lucy is going to so something dumb and get in trouble.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Funniest Movies of All Time
    "Mister Sandman...bring me a dream...Make him the cutest that I've ever seen..."
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Funniest Movies of All Time
    National Lampoon Vacation: Travelling across country at night in the Wagon Queen Family Truckster. Camera pans across the back seat, young kids blissfully sleeping. Then the wife in the front passenger seat, sound asleep. Then to Chevy Chase in the drivers seat, snoring away.... Fucking priceless.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Would this have damaged you in high school?
    Hold on... They're saying she "raped" a 17 year old male? Are you fucking serious? No. I'm not buying it. A 17 year old can't push away a 35 year old woman? Something doesn't sound right here. Maybe a bunch of guys had sex with a willing teacher, and were about to get in trouble so the flipped the script and blamed her. Anyway, for some young males to be such fucking pussies that they go after a female for "rape", when you know they got their rocks off, is pretty shameful. Something is not right here. Utah, huh? Church maybe, pressure on the young boys....hmmmm.......
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Funniest Movies of All Time
    "I didn't find "Ted" particularly funny, but there was something I liked about it....no, don't tell me, it will come to me" I know, right? I'm not a real big fan of hers, but she is very cute, and just my type as a girlfriend. And she comes across as such an awesome chick in that movie. And that was arguably the funniest movie of all time, and if you don't agree you're a homo. :) :) The cute little bear sharing a bong hit ? And he's banging the hot blonde in the back room of the supermarket? And with the Boston accent? Damn that shit was hilarious.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Funniest Movies of All Time
    "I imagine there are people that hate Adam Sandler." Yes. Very much. He's a fucking moron. Sings these silly songs that aren't funny, and does stuff that would embarrass a 6th grader. And what's that stupid character he did on SNL, the school lunch lady where he dresses up as some fat old woman? When a guy has to resort to dressing up like a woman, he is grasping at the last chance for being funny. And yeah, the whole "Wayne's World" thing was excellent. Mike Meyers is superb. And I loved the whole Austin Powers thing. Hilarious. Except when the catered to the 4 year olds and did all the poop and fart jokes.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What's with all the Pop Culture threads?
    Well Steve, do you prefer the threads like Bullwinkles WTF is he talking about "When shit gets real", or shooting cats with a shotgun, or some birthday blowout that doesnt exist for someone who doesnt exist?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Funniest Movies of All Time
    "And there should be a special place in heaven just for: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" I remember seeing that as a kid and thinking it was the greatest. But have you watched it lately? Damn, it doesn't stand the test of time, IMO. I turned it off after maybe 15 minutes. Anyway, I agree about the Monty Python thing. I never found British humor very funny. Kind of weird, IMO, but not funny. And Planes, Trains, and Automobiles was the John Candy and Steve Martin one huh? Good movie, nice ending, but I never thought of it as particularly funny. Nice, humorous, but not very funny. Though Candy and Martin are always good to watch.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Funniest Movies of All Time
    Ty: "You take drugs, Danny?" Danny: "Every day." Ty: "Good. So what's the problem?" _______________________________________________________________ Carl: "And I say, 'Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know?' And he says, 'Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.' So I got that going for me, which is nice."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The girl next door look
    "too bad the club won't let you wear tennis shoes." Wow. Probably the last thing I'd ever say to a stripper. But hey, I guess I'm jealous of the guys who love the girl next door. Must be a whole lot easier to find super hot girls if the average girl next door is all it takes. Hell, there's a LOT of those. I, on the other hand, have an EXTREMELY tough time finding super hot chicks that match my criteria. I'm jealous.