
Best Song of the Decade

New York
"Happy", by Pharrell Williams.

'nuff said. I love it.


  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Happy" is not exactly the song I would associate with jerikson40, lol

    That said, here are some current songs I like and the TUSCL member they bring to mind:

    All About the Bass - Papi

    Blurred Lines - San Jose Guy

    Problem - Bullwinkle

    Am I Wrong? - jerikson40

    Rude - Dougster

    Birthday - caprisun, juice, et al
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Speaking of "Happy", it was written by Pharrell Williams (a VERY talented young guy) for one of the great movies of all time, Despicable Me.

    And one of the great lines from Despicable Me was when Gru was putting his adopted little girls to sleep. But first they needed him to read them a bedtime story. Being Gru, he said NO !!

    So the littlest one says:

    "Will you read us a bedtime story?"


    "Pretty please???"

    "The physical appearance OF the please makes no difference. The answer is still NO"

    Funniest line ever written for any movie since the beginning of time.

    Well, not really, but it was pretty good.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    jerkison, i agree this is a GREAT track. about as good as a song gets

    as far as me naming a best song of the decade, i can't. it's just too much to think about when you consider all the genres. VERY difficult to narrow it down.

    with trying to determine best bands, its still difficult but more plausible.....but best song is damn near impossibe
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @steve dude -- apparently, I'm out of the pop culture loop. I've only heard of one song on the list -- Blurred Lines -- and that reflected my desire to look at Emily Ratajkowski, Elle Evans, and Jessi M'Bengui daning around in the video.

    My tastes in music actually tend toward classical, though I still listen to the music of my youth (the Dead, Allman Bros, etc. but I also dig punk).

    But give me a good performance of Rigoletto any day over modern music.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Jerikson-Happy is a fun song but I don't feel it's even the best song of it's genre in this decade. Is give that tittle to Cee-Lo and "Fuck You".
  • the mighty quinn
    10 years ago
    ummm we're not even 1/2 way through this decade... not sure we can crown any song yet. And I like Weird Al's Tacky better; video is priceless.

  • DoctorDarby
    10 years ago
    "Trip the Darkness" by Lacuna Coil.
    "Who?" they ask.
    "Oh, I'm sorry, its an internationally famous ROCK band," I reply.
    "Where they from?" comes the response.
    "Oh, that explains why I've never heard of them" says the 19 year old dancer.
    "Yep" I say, "that explains it."
  • azdd
    10 years ago

    Now THAT's funny, and reflects what I think about this song!
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    "All Along the Watchtower"

    You didn't say what decade
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    I liked "Happy" for the first 1000 times that I heard it. Now I want to puke every time I hear it - which is still constantly.

    lol - good point, motorhead
  • chessmaster
    10 years ago
    song sucks to me. idk about being the song of the decade as thats a big and bold statement, but all me by drake was my favorite song for a while.
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