Have you noticed a summer slow down at your club ?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

I've read the ladies on SW complain about the summer slow down.

I wasn't sure that applied to my neck of the woods (Miami) but I SCed last Th and Fr nights and the Th eve place was dead which is not common for that place and the Fr eve place was ok but not packed as in the past for a Fr eve.

Have you noticed a difference?

All answers welcomed including satirical ones.


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avatar for jester214
10 years ago
I don't hit the same clubs frequently enough to be a fair judge but I've certainly heard the ladies complain about it each summer.

I wonder if it picks up in the more touristy areas?
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Its always slow. A dancer told me the holidays were slow cuz the guys had to spend time with their families. Then after the New Year it was slow cuz the guys had to pay for Xmas. And then it was slow during tax time. And then it was slow during the summer cuz of vacations. I guess that leaves two months at not slow..lol
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Typically it will be slow until school starts.
The bitches on SW complaining about something? How unusual.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I've noticed the opposite over here, it's actually been more busy than it was in the winter and spring
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
Yes, the crowd and number of dancing girls both seem lower than normal in my part of the country. Most of this is due to our very hot summers and the college girls being on summer break.

Had a couple of girls tell me last week it was also due to school starting soon.

None of these reasons slow me down. In fact I found a near perfect 10 the other night, until she started her dance, then she dropped to an 8.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
“…The bitches on SW complaining about something …”

hey hey hey – hold on now – please refrain from calling those hos bitches
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
“… I've noticed the opposite over here …”

By “here” do you mean Vegas or Portland?

If Vegas, I guess it would make sense since many people vacation there
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I thought it would have to do w/ PLs blowing their budget on summer vacations/trips
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I mean Portland. Winter and Spring was very slow, but it has picked up this Summer.
avatar for Cheo_D
10 years ago
Dog Days of Summer are for lying back in the shade knocking down refreshing drinks. Though IMO if the club's got good AC you can also lie back in your couch and get refreshed by having a dancer shove her tits in your face and grind her ass on your unit, most people just laze away these days. Cheaper drinks that way, too.

Generally I understand the more heated part of summer is "low" SC season in Florida, this being "family vacation" time. Gotta take the kids to see Mickey, those E tickets can wipe out a whole VIP session. Let football season get here, however, and in that region you'll have better crowds weekends and Mondays.

However this seems to vary significantly by club and by market segment. For instance I've seen good crowds summer midweek at Diamond Dolls in Pompano, but that may have to do with how a large portion of girls are making eager offers of services above and beyond at very attrictive price points.

Similarly in other locations, for instance NYC is conventionally supposed to do well in spring and EARLY summer, while the dog days of August are slower because that's when the hedge funders take off for the Hamptons (or wherever) and the influx of tourists also turns toward a family crowd (a similar phenom happens in the immediate lead-in to ThanksG and Xmas); in at least one instance this summer I found better crowds and vibes on Thursday than on Saturday. Elsewhere, New Orleans is supposed to essentially die during the smothering heat of summer and early fall (a.k.a. hurricane season) and pick back up when various festivities (led of course by football, it IS the South) rekindle. Vegas revolves around convention seasons rather than natural, but don't tell me it stays as attractive to casual visitors when the daytime temperatures become innimical to human activity.

avatar for jester214
10 years ago
Vegas actually stays pretty busy in the Summer if you look at the statistics. It dies in the cold months with December being the slowest.
avatar for steve229
10 years ago

Maybe PLs having "unexpected expenses"? I hear that's going around.
avatar for SuperDude
10 years ago
Dancers always whine about not making enough money. There is no "good season" for them, because things are never right or "good enough." When Super Bowl XL was played in Detroit, some dancers complained that their club didn't get a fair share of tourists and high rollers because of all of the private parties.
avatar for VeryBigDawg
10 years ago
Papi it has been slow around here. The girls complain about the summer, Xmas, and paying for Xmas as mentioned.

I have heard around 4/15 is slow too. If we can afford the SC we make too much money. And Uncle Sam wants his share ... which pisses the girls off as it takes away from them!
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Been fairly slow here too. I expect that when school starts it will pick up again thru xmas.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
"hey hey hey – hold on now – please refrain from calling those hos bitches"

HAHAHAAAA !!!!! Papi hits a home run !!!
avatar for SuperDude
10 years ago
Managers will not scale back on charging for breathing their air, so customers cut back on dropping in. I remember when I had did a quick scan reading of a prospectus for one of the major SC chains and saw a revenue projection for booth and VIP charges. Lo and Behold, it came to life. I go less frequently and don't spend as much as I used to simply because the nickle and dimeing is just too much.
avatar for Pole_Doc
10 years ago
"Dancers always whine about not making enough money. There is no 'good season' for them, because things are never right or 'good enough.' "

This goes back to part of what I was stating in my earlier discussion, "Why Isn't It Ever Enough?" I suppose part of it has to do with human nature.

Generally speaking, dancers aren't always the sharpest knives in the drawer. If you listen to them tell it, they'll have you thinking there's some science to the whole thing. I suppose, to some extent, perhaps there may be some level of statistical logic involved. However, based on what I've observed, the strip clubs aren't any different from anything else in life.

There really isn't any rocket science to it. Like anything else, it's all about ebb and flow. Ebb and flow, Baby! That's the spice of life. We all have our share of ups and downs in life and a lot of it just cant be explained. Thats just the way life is. Why should the SCs be any different?
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
It is fucking awesome
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
I haven't gone enough to know whether there's a slowdown or not. I've gone to my favorite club twice this summer, once on Friday and once on Saturday, and usually Friday's slow while there's more action on Saturday. My #2 club always seems like it's slow even when the college kids are in town, but then I don't go there after the bars close (they're a juice bar). As for my #3 club, I've noticed in the past you can go at the same time on two consecutive Fridays and one of those can be overcrowded and the other empty, assuming the weather outside is the same for both. I just can't predict that club, so I can't really say what slow is there.
avatar for magicrat
10 years ago
No predicting the crowd in my regular club either. One week there might be 10-15 customers there during the afternoon, the next week 3. Go figure.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
Careful...Yoda might be using the farce to spy on us as we belittle his princesses.
avatar for Dolfan
10 years ago
I notice a difference, its definitely slower in summer. Like others have said, strippers bitch about money all the time, but I see it and all signs point to the clubs bottom dollars do too. For example, there's two clubs around here that have reduced daytime dance prices to $10 (from the normal $25) for the summer months. There's drink and room specials too.

Even Tootsies in Miami seems to slow down a bit during summer, another "always busy" joint is Diamond Dolls on Pompano on Sat nights. Two weeks go I walked in on a Sat night and there was like 5 customers and 25 dancers. Usually its like 200 customers and 30 dancers, like clockwork.

Not sure about MIA, but FLL & WPB lose a bunch of dancers in the summer months. I don't know if they leave cause its slow or if its slower cause they leave, but the two are both true. I'd guess MIA loses girls too, cause we've got a crapton of those Salty Langostinas invading.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
I've never understood the strip club business cycle. Confuses the heck out of me.

For example, summer time means people go on vacation, college is out, presumably more people have free time. Yeah, some go places for vacation, but also a lot of people travel to YOUR town for vacation...to see family, etc.

So I'd think summertime would be a net INCREASE in club business.

Yeah, some guys aren't at their regular work, so if they club visits are associated with work that business might drop.

I suppose I can understand slow business when the economy is bad, but practically, when the economy is "bad" that only really affects a relatively small segment of the population. Even during the depression there was a huge chunk of the population that was doing fine.

I can understand more dancers working at the end of the month when bills have to be paid. And I suppose I understand the peak in business on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, cuz people are getting off work or something.

When you really think about it, doesn't seem to have much rhyme or reason. To me, at least.
avatar for Pix9
8 years ago
Yeah honestly in Houston and Austin it's slowed down a lot for summer. I have been dancing since November of 2016 and it was busy all the way up to late April. Our managers told us it always drops and doesn't pick up till August. Some of the dancers have picked up day jobs cause that how bad it is.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
all seems fairly normal to me (tj and coi...)
avatar for HungryGiraffe
8 years ago
Perhaps the drop off is explained by "discretionary income competition". During summer months people have many more entertainment options and family obligations.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
There is definitely an upswing in Fla when snowbirds arrive; thus a downturn when they leave.

^ How do you like that use of a semicolon?

avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Late summer is notoriously slow, but it's also my favorite time of the year to be at the club. Nothing like getting to work, where the ac is kicking, getting into my thong bikini, and having a few coronas, while I dance around in my underwear. I think a lot of regular girls take off for kids and vacations, so the vibe can feel slow, even if the money is still good.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
There's a few generally slow periods around here, and summer is one of them.
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