
Comments by MrDeuce (page 3)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    No fun day Sunday
    This review contains almost no information of use. No prices for anything, no number of dancers. In answer to your question, I have been to Wise Guys a couple of dozen times on day shift and have almost always gotten a BJ, usually uncovered, in the VIP room. You might need to try a little harder and not expect them to make all the effort.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Top talent in the area
    Good review! Just one thing: I wonder where your hands could wander :)
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Nice return after a long while
    This is a *very* well-written review, one of the best I've seen on TUSCL in a long time! It gives names and prices, mentions dancers without saying anything incriminating, and makes me want to check this club out -- all the things a good review should do. My only suggestion would be to break up a longish review like this into paragraphs for easier readability. Well done!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    In and out
    "she said I was to [sic] big" -- where's that eyeroll emoji when I need it!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Disappointing Visit to Elliott’s
    Go in the afternoon. I believe I'm 24 for 24 on getting a BBBJ on day shift between 1 and 5.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Good time on a Thursday night
    Great review -- and great news! I've been bummed for six months by the downward trajectory at Rio -- I'm glad to hear that there's still fun to be had.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Consistently Hit or Miss
    This is a very well-written of what used to be my favorite Indy club by far. Since the Great Crackdown began in December, however, Rio has hardly been worth going to. From December until mid-April I kept going about every two weeks in the hope that it would return to its former greatness, but it appears that the new management is determined to destroy the club in the process of cleaning it up. I absolutely agree that OTC is the way to go since the girls don't make much ITC any more. I haven't been there in almost two months but plan to stop in once in a while, mostly to cultivate OTC friendships.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Glory days
    Good review. TomJones2 is exactly right: if Rio is no longer the high-mileage club in Indy, there is no reason to go -- Brad's and Dancers have more and prettier dancers! From going once or twice a month for years, I now hardly go at all. My last visit was on April 18! The new management since December is ruining a once great club.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    The look at titties only club
    But what if I really want to touch titles? :)
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Saturday at the Hustler Club.
    This "review" contains almost no information. Did you actually get a month of VIP access for this? "Both of the dancers were with guys and decided to cut out and search for other options" -- Why would both dancers decide to cut out and search for other options? :)
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Friday Afternoon - Not worth it
    Good review. *scene
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Why does Nicole1994 bother me so much ?
    In general I overlook trolls' posts until they become intolerable and then put them on Ignore -- like Trucidos and SJG (who, I agree, is not, strictly speaking, a troll). I *love* mamisan!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Article: My surprising OTC success this year
    @Warrior15: No worries -- I'll be posting my SCORE report at the end of the year. I'll have it broken down into BJs, HJs, and lapgasms and also ITC vs OTC. @two_bits: Damn, dude -- I can't tell if you're bragging or if you're even better at getting OTC dates than I have become (to my immense surprise)! I have found that (1) the more I do it, the easier it gets and (2) I now meet new dancers thinking "I wonder if she's down with some OTC fun?" @rogertex: Thanks, man -- I appreciate it! I kinda put myself out there with this post and thought I might get more negative commentary than I did.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Article: My surprising OTC success this year
    @juicebox69: Thanks, man! Don't get me wrong -- I still *love* BJs, either ITC or OTC! -- but my dates featuring dinner, hot tubbing, and nakey dances (and possibly nakey sleeping) are *loads* of fun!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Article: My surprising OTC success this year
    @Newtothislife: Thanks! @flagooner: Yes, of course I keep a log of my SC/OTC exploits -- I have since 1994! Doesn't every monger? @Papi_Chulo: The vast majority of my OTC girls come from two clubs. As far as I know none of the current ones know about each other.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    For those of you that go to the Hip Hugger.. (Dress code Question)
    With extremely rare exceptions, I wear either sweatpants or soft shorts on every strip club visit. On my dozen or so visits to Hip Hugger I've always dressed like that. If it affects the dancers' opinions of me, it doesn't show and I don't care -- I'm not there for their pleasure! When I go to an extras factory like Club Rio in Indy or Fantasy in Hammond, I go one step further: soft shorts with *no* underwear! My dancer friends at such clubs have convinced me that underwear just gets in the way, so why bother? As a matter of fact, in my 1200+ SC visits in the past 24 years, I can think of only two clubs that turned me away for wearing sweatpants: Industrial Strip in Hammond and the old Skybox in Harvey. In the first instance I changed into a different pair of sweats that looked more like actual trousers and was admitted; in the second case I just went down the street a quarter mile to Club O and was admitted without question.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Stripper Shit
    Naturally all of us veteran clubbers have heard more than our share of stripper shit: * I've never sucked a customer's dick before * You're the first customer I've ever seen OTC * No one else has ever touched me there before etc. etc. and I take it all with a shaker of salt. However, when I think through the twelve strippers that I've seen OTC in the past 2.5 years, I'm absolutely convinced of three quasi-virgin experiences: 1. I'm certain that I'm the only customer my ATF ever spent the night with. 2. I'm certain that a stripper who met me for lunch earlier this year and then blew me in my nearby hotel room had *never* seen a customer OTC before. 3. I'm certain that a current favorite whom I've seen five times in the past two months, four of them overnight, has never (a) spent the night with a customer or (b) gotten naked with a customer. I can't really explain how I know these things except to say that I have great trust in and longstanding relationships with all three of these girls and know what they're capable of. You may call me . . . The Whore Whisperer :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Video that broke the Internet: Tessa Fowler brushing her teet
    Liwet: I believe the correct word is "phat".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Video that broke the Internet: Tessa Fowler brushing her teet
    rh48hr (Prince of Wakanda): For my re-entry into big boobosity, I actually chose this video with you in mind!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Video that broke the Internet: Tessa Fowler brushing her teet
    Thanks, Papi, but I think this website came pre-defiled :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I'm back, bitches!
    Of course! I've been keeping SC and now OTC stats since 1994. Lapgasm and ITC BJ counts are down this year but OTC BJ count is up :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I'm back, bitches!
    Thank you, sinclair! *Now* I know I'm home again :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Attempted otc
    My two cents' worth: I've gone from *no* OTC for my first 20+ years of clubbing to 30+ OTC dates in the last couple of years, mostly for lunch or dinner + BJ. However, I actually get the "OTC with no extras" concept, as a couple of my dates have been with a stripper whom I knew ITC for 18 years (!) and whom I'm so fond of that I'm content to pay her $150 to dance nude for me (and on me) for an hour and a half. Who knows? It may turn into more -- or I may ask her if she's willing to do more for more money. My own preference is to get to know a stripper very well, from multiple visits to her club, before we seriously discuss the subject of OTC. Typically I wait for months, and in fact I usually wait for *her* to ask *me*. My approach seems to be working pretty well: since August I've discussed OTC with nearly 20 strippers, usually at their initiative, and so far this year I've had 9 OTC dates with 5 different strippers -- and I have 6 more dates lined up the rest of this month with 5 more! I'm quite aware that it's possible to get a girl to see you OTC on the first visit -- I've done that once and had it offered a few times -- but my own preference is the long game. I agree that you develop a radar for which girls are down for OTC. I also think that the more you do it, the easier it is to ask for it and the more likely it is to be asked. For one thing, your confidence increases with every acceptance and successful OTC date. For another, the strippers at a club talk to each other about who has gone out with whom, so if Lexie has seen you OTC, made good money, and lived to tell the tale, then Mercedes is more likely to be interested.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Pretty cool story I thought
    I have a wonderful story about reconnecting with a *long*-time favorite stripper. On my first visit to a certain club in spring of 1997, I did a couple of lap dances with a fresh-faced frisky stripper who had just recently turned 18. On this and many subsequent occasions over the next *18* years, until she finally hung up the ol' G-string at the age of 36, she continued to dance for me several times a year, usually grinding me to a lapgasm. (OK, I keep statistics on this sort of thing: 48 of our 80 sets of lap dances ended happily -- are you satisfied?) When she retired in 2015, I figured I would never see her again. Then I activated a Facebook account last August just for interaction with strippers, found her (because I knew her real name) and friended her. After that we exchanged FB messages a few times a week and became closer and closer until, in early December, I summoned up enough boldness to ask her if she would do a "private party" (as they're called by the dancers at her club) for me. She said she would! In January we met for dinner to discuss details: nude, touching everywhere except the kitty, for a three-hour date divided evenly between dinner and private time, for $150. Since then we've met twice more for dinner, followed by our private party. We're meeting again next week for dinner and another private party. So far nothing sexual has happened, but we are gradually becoming more intimate with each other, so who knows? I am *delighted* to pay $150 to dine and then play with this beautiful, sweet, interesting, 39-year-old woman whom I've liked and admired for over half of her life and a third of mine! Can anyone top a customer-stripper relationship that is now in its third decade? I should mention that I've been in hotel rooms or apartments with other strippers about 30 times over the past couple of years and all of these dates have involved at least a BJ, but in her case I'm content just to enjoy her company and feel all over her wonderful naked body.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A. Eileen
    Actually it's a one-legged *Japanese* stripper that's called Irene. The Chinese distinguish between L and R. But this leads me to: Q: Why do Japanese strippers have such small tits? A: Because their parents told them that only A's are acceptable.