
Article: My surprising OTC success this year

avatar for MrDeuce

I originally wrote this as an article at the end of May, two months ago, and have been waiting patiently for the Articles feature to be reactivated. I believe that this feature has been disabled since early May and that this is probably due to SESTA/FOSTA. I've finally decided to post my article here on the discussion board. Warning: Since this was intended to be an article, it's long!

TL;DR -- I've had a shitload of dates with strippers this year


Previously I have written three articles about my checkered OTC career. It all started in December 2015 when a 42-year-old dancer, with whom I had done a couple of VIPs (that always included a BBBJ) texted me on a Friday afternoon and asked if we could do the same OTC because she had lost her license for a while and couldn't drive to the club. I met her the next morning for a BJ + brunch date and twice more in the early months of 2016.

In August 2016 I had two dates, one of them overnight, with another veteran dancer, this one 38 years old. If you have read my articles, you may remember her as "Veritable Shit Storm of Chaos" girl. Her "brother" who dropped her off at my hotel room at 1:30am and picked her up again at 3:30am turned out to be her husband! I stopped seeing her so that I wouldn't become a crime statistic.

Also in August 2016 I had my first of about ten dates, mostly overnight in her apartment, with my ATF stripper, who was in her very early 30s. This string of highly enjoyable dates, which I referred to in another article as "nearly perfect boy/girl sleepovers", ended in March 2017 when she went to jail for a while. She's out now and has left dancing and OTC behind (for now, at least).

I took a break from OTC for a few months and then started seeing a dancer in her 20s in August 2017. We have now had 14 dates, all 3-5 hours long and usually featuring a BJ, lunch, and another BJ, and will almost certainly continue to see each other.

Before this year, besides these three girls and a couple of dinner-only dates, I had only one other date with a stripper. One night last November, as I was literally on my way to a strip club to buy lap dances or a VIP from a dancer I barely knew, she messaged me that the club was extremely slow and that she would meet me for "drinks" and then go to my room with me! We met at Denny's at midnight (she doesn't drink!), by 1 she was giving me a CBJ in my hotel room, and by 2am she was on her way!! This is the only instance of seeing a girl OTC that I hardly knew; otherwise I greatly prefer getting to know the girl over a long period – many months or even years – before we do anything OTC.

Now I will turn my attention to the real point of this article: After enjoying about two dozen dates with strippers between December 2015 and December 2017, I've had more than that just since the beginning of the year! My great success with seeing strippers OTC this year has taken me by surprise and inspired this article. It is also the main reason I've been inactive on the TUSCL discussion board this year. Having learned so much about OTC from being on this board for several years, I have been putting this new knowledge to work.

Since January I've had a total of 32 dates with nine different dancers! Two of these were for dinner only but led to fun in a hotel room on the second date. The other 30 always involved a meal and some sort of private fun. Besides this unexpectedly large number of dates, I've also been surprised by how much pleasure I can derive from a nonsexual date with a stripper! As a matter of fact, only about half of these 32 dates involved the usual BBBJ; in the other half, we go out for a nice dinner, usually something ethnic – Thai, Indian, Vietnamese, Mexican – and then retire to my room to soak in the hot tub, after which she does nude dances for me on my bed. (She starts in stripper garb and eventually strips down to full nudity while I start and end in shorts.)

You might be wondering how much fun a date with no sexual activity can be. Somewhat to my surprise, I love dining, hot tubbing, and doing "nakey dances" with beautiful strippers in their 20s and 30s, even without a "happy ending". At my age (just turned 64) I don't need to get off every time I'm with a woman and there's much to be said for having a pleasant, attractive dining companion who is also willing to soak in a Jacuzzi and then dance nude for me.

As a matter of fact, one of my current favorites is a gorgeous young woman in her early 20s who dines and hot tubs with me, does nakey dances, and then usually spends most or all of the night. We sleep together, nude of course, and then go to brunch. On one recent date she came to my hotel room at 6:30pm and we ate at a Vietnamese restaurant and hit Open Mic night at a comedy club. Then we retired to the room for hot tubbing and nakey dances, slept till 10am, and went to brunch. She was with me for about 18 hours and we never (as far as I could tell) got tired of each other.

Another question that might occur to you is: How much does all this fun cost? I pay different amounts depending on the length of time and the nature of our activities, but basically:

  • 3 hours: $150 without BJ or $200-250 with BJ

  • 5-6 hours: $300-350 with a BJ or two

  • overnight: $350-400 without BJ or $500-550 with a BJ or two

One remarkable aspect of my OTC success is that the dancer has almost always made the first move. Of the 14 strippers that I've seen OTC since 2014 (the first one for dinner only), all but about three have indicated, usually at the end of our first or second VIP, that they would be available for similar fun in a hotel room. I am admittedly rather slow about asking a stripper to see me OTC, so their forwardness has usually speeded up the process considerably.

My streak continues! As I was writing this article, two different strippers contacted me out of the blue and indicated interest in OTC. One of them was the subject of an article I wrote in Fall 2014 titled "How I won – and lost – my dream stripper". We had done a few VIPs in Summer 2014 and dined together that fall but had been completely out of touch for three and a half years! She sent me a Facebook DM at 6:30am from which it was clear that she needs money and wants to resume our relationship. Later in the day another stripper, with whom I did several lappers and a couple of VIPs in 2013-15, liked several of my Instagram posts and asked me to send a picture. As soon as I did, she switched to a Facebook DM and asked when we could get together. I hasten to add that it wasn't that she was so bowled over by my extreme good looks but rather that the picture reminded her of who I was.

I'm not detached from reality – I'm well aware that these dancers, who are mostly in their 30s (though several were in their 20s and two were past 40) aren't sexually attracted to me and are seeing me for the money. However, we get along great and in some cases have gone on many dates. In fact, I've seen my top three OTC girls 14, 10, and 10 times!

My transition in the last few years from lap dances only (until 2013) to mostly BJs in VIP rooms (until last year) and now to mostly OTC dates has increased both my expenses and my enjoyment of the hobby. I plan to continue to enjoy my current streak for as long as it lasts!


last comment
avatar for Newtothislife
6 yrs ago

Good read

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago


OMG, do you keep a log of your mongering exploits?

avatar for PutaTester
6 yrs ago

Enjoyed the article. Thanks for posting. Well written.

A few of the points parallel my OTC experience, with the dancers being the aggressors.

Total, I have had three girls OTC. (I am jealous of the variety you are experiencing. Wish I had your game.)

One 20-something I went OTC only twice, as she was boring as a person for a guy also 60+ and her skills were weak. Especially disappointing, since she treated me extremely well in the club. (No extras in the club.) Terrible BJs.

One in her early 40s and one of the hottest girls I had ever known, as she was blond, pretty, E+ cups, and an athlete, so her body was lean and tight. Went OTC many times over a two-year period, which started with stripping with a HJ the first few times, then BBBJs during a few encounters, then BBBJs, BBAnal, and BBFS the rest of our encounters. She was divorced, did not have a boyfriend or even date other than our OTC, which was a business transaction. Might doubt that she was not seeing anyone else, but in addition to stripping on the weekends, she had a full-time job and other family members to take care of. During that time I was not seeing anyone else either. We both had been tested, so BB was safe. Eventually she got a desirable, high-end job that she did not want to jeopardize, so she quit dancing and cut me off. Great memories. Great person to hang out with, even when fully clothed.

One in her mid-twenties that I am still seeing every few months. She is the only one I have had OTC that sees other mongers, so I enjoy BBBJs, but it is always CFS. She does not do anal, which is not a big deal to me. It is a fun diversion, but not a requirement.

Got a few articles in the hopper myself and was waiting for the option to come back. Wish the admin would post the reason it is down and if/when it will be back up.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago


Are your OTCees spread among many different clubs or just a couple?

avatar for Countryman5434
6 yrs ago

I love blowjobs but wouldn't want to go without fucking no way i would pay those prices if we weren't fucking! But that's just me

avatar for MrDeuce
6 yrs ago

@Newtothislife: Thanks!

@flagooner: Yes, of course I keep a log of my SC/OTC exploits -- I have since 1994! Doesn't every monger?

@Papi_Chulo: The vast majority of my OTC girls come from two clubs. As far as I know none of the current ones know about each other.

avatar for JuiceBox69
6 yrs ago

Extremely nice read

avatar for JuiceBox69
6 yrs ago

I also agree that's it's not all about busting the nut... some times a meal, conversation, hot tub and sexy naked dances with sleep is all you need and I'm thirty six lol

avatar for MrDeuce
6 yrs ago

@juicebox69: Thanks, man! Don't get me wrong -- I still love BJs, either ITC or OTC! -- but my dates featuring dinner, hot tubbing, and nakey dances (and possibly nakey sleeping) are loads of fun!

avatar for Warrior15
6 yrs ago

Mr. Deuce. Would love to see your SCORE report for the year. I started to do that earlier in the year and just lost track.

avatar for two_bits
6 yrs ago

I don't keep track per se, but I rarely if ever set foot in a club where I don't line up 2-3 OTC hook-ups with Vegas quality 9+ dancers by the end of the night.

avatar for rogertex
6 yrs ago

Simple and Pure love escapades - loved it.

avatar for JuiceBox69
6 yrs ago

Fuck full sex... I'm happy with sucking on tits and getting a BBBJ

avatar for MrDeuce
6 yrs ago

@Warrior15: No worries -- I'll be posting my SCORE report at the end of the year. I'll have it broken down into BJs, HJs, and lapgasms and also ITC vs OTC.

@two_bits: Damn, dude -- I can't tell if you're bragging or if you're even better at getting OTC dates than I have become (to my immense surprise)! I have found that (1) the more I do it, the easier it gets and (2) I now meet new dancers thinking "I wonder if she's down with some OTC fun?"

@rogertex: Thanks, man -- I appreciate it! I kinda put myself out there with this post and thought I might get more negative commentary than I did.

avatar for sinclair
6 yrs ago

Thanks for sharing your article. With regards to the ethnic dining, do you not like American or European cuisines?

avatar for rickdugan
6 yrs ago

32 OTC payments PLUS the cost of meals, lodging., etc., PLUS the VIP and other charges racked up to go to the clubs and source these girls in the first place - that's a lotta' scratch I suspect. Cool beans if you can afford it, but using strippers as a substitute for real relationships is a costly affair and plenty of guys have gone broke getting sucked into that dynamic.

In any event, glad you are enjoying yourself and good luck.

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

Seems to me you’re doing just fine if your wallet can stand it, just keep on keeping on, sounds to me like you’re having a good time.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 yrs ago

Not judging here, but from my simple math, so far this year, you've spent approximately $4,800 - $17,600 just on OTC date payments (depending on the nature, length and quality of the dates). Does that leave anything for ITC activity? Hey, you can't take it with you, and if you can afford it and enjoy it, more power to you.

avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)
6 yrs ago

Great discussion.

@ tahoecruz


I made a discussion asking if and when the ability to post articles would be up. Founder himself responded that it would be up and running some day but that it was low priority. I guess we will have to wait and see.

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