Comments by sharkhunter (page 48)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TUSCL mentioned in SW thread
    Dancers can post their knowledge on articles about pole dancing, tips for new dancers, tips for new customers or experienced customers, etc, but it is helpful to know something about the poster, years of experience stripping and in what part of the country. This web site is viewable across the globe but most people live in the US. Articles that the Founder might accept might be topics that interest posters here like dating strippers or dating in general. Note, I didn't read any posted guidelines if there are some and the only way I'm associated with this web site is that I've been here about as long as shadowcat. Strip clubs are a fun hobby for us.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TUSCL mentioned in SW thread
    Method B above shows user names and the first few lines of the review only. However if you google the exact user name tuscl review, then you can read the whole review without writing a bs review. However if a dancer really is interested in getting free access and has up to a week to wait, all she has to do if she write a decent article, or a few paragraphs of a topic that might interest dancers or customers is to post an article on this site after signing in with a user name. I say a week because I had to wait about that long or longer one time.
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    8 years ago
    Gym vs dating sites (Getting it the traditional way)
    I've thought about hitting on some of the suggested friends on Facebook but I know some of them live way too far away and or are likely clicking on my something they find interesting on my friends list because I don't have jack on my profile for them to see except my mug shot. I like how Facebook recently put a very hot supermodel at the top of my suggested friends list. She has like 21,000 followers so I doubt she has any interest in me but it does make me wonder if she found something interesting among someone I am friends with. I'm sure she has a boyfriend already but I have to say, she has the hottest package I remember on Facebook so far. The local gym has been sending me all kinds of flyers etc trying to get me and others on my street to join. I'm just too busy right now. I do hope they stay in business because they are less than 10 minutes away. If a pretty girl you don't know suddenly pops up near the top of your suggested friends list, do you send her a friend invitation even if you never spoke to her? I haven't used Facebook much.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    From the great beyond
    I am NOT Alucard. I have NEVER claimed to be Alucard. I am NOT making fun of Alu
    Ok thanks. Maybe I didn't click on it within a thread and there is a bug in how it works. Thanks. I got it working now.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    From the great beyond
    I am NOT Alucard. I have NEVER claimed to be Alucard. I am NOT making fun of Alu
    I thought Alucard was hilarious especially when he sent me private messages talking about all the a..holes on here. But he did lack an understanding of humor. He thought I was mocking him when I was just kidding around. It was even funnier to hear people complaining about Alucard sending them a nasty private message then putting someone on ignore so they could not reply. They sometimes posted replies as a discussion. Dougster said he dropped Alucard off on same crappy alien planet on a thread I started where I joked about having engine problems. Alucard was never heard from again. Alucard must have thought almost everyone was mocking him or out to get him. I wouldn't have posted any joke threads if I had realized he really did not understand sarcasm or jokes and took everything so serious even though this is a strip club site where there is a disclaimer that everything should be considered a work of fiction. At one point though, maybe I didn't care if he didn't understand. I used to routinely only get 3 to 4 hours of sleep at one time which explains why I posted so much. I now consider attempting to get 7 or 8 hours of sleep or anything past 6 as equivalent to a workout as far as improving my health and losing weight.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    From the great beyond
    I am NOT Alucard. I have NEVER claimed to be Alucard. I am NOT making fun of Alu
    It might help if Founder added or got the ignore feature to work for everyone instead of VIP members. I just found out the feature doesn't work if you don't have vip status. Guess I need to post some reviews sometime.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    If anyone needs me, No im not gone but, PM me
    Quick, after Juice leaves, everyone change your name. Haha.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    If anyone needs me, No im not gone but, PM me
    So about 90% of the posters on this site will be taking a break? The site might get taken over by dancers. Hopefully we will get pics back. It's just not as much fun when you can't see tits.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Opinions on "deflated" breasts
    I'm not sure what deflated breasts look like. I do like a wide variety of tits though. The worst kind in my opinion may be nice to look at but are rock hard and difficult to play with.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    North Carolina
    It's All Magic Rat's Fault
    Where else can you talk about tits and ass and not worry about criticism?
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    8 years ago
    Anybody going clubbing tonite?
    I'm thinking about going clubbing tonight after originally planning on avoiding this night. I might wait until next week too. I haven't decided yet if it's worth the trouble with extra people out tonight who typically aren't. Then again in my local area, a lot of people will be busy watching Clemson football until around 11 pm or so
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Cuban invasion?
    I wouldn't know a girl was Cuban unless she told me.
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    8 years ago
    S&P in 2017?
    In 2007 and even early 2008, I once thought the chance that the S & P dropping to 667 was zero to none. It happened. It was the best buying opportunity for decades too. Some were forecasting a drop to 400 or less if our financial system didn't collapse first. I believe we will have more crisis develop in our future so that someone takes advantage of it all. On the positive side, if Trump and the republicans are really successful, maybe the s & p goes to 3000 in only a few years.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strip Club Burnout
    I visited a club over a week ago but it seems like several weeks ago. My vacation seems to be flying by too. Last year they introduced electrical tape or duct tape to cover nipples in the club after shutting down another club. I didn't return for almost 2 months. One dancer didn't see me at all for 3 months. Take a break if you aren't enjoying visiting. Others will keep strippers making money so that they won't close up the strip club if you stop visiting. Hopefully.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Actress Carrie Fisher Dies at 60
    RIP. Carrie. I will remember her as Princess Leia. Disney has enough creative talent to either give her a great funeral in her movies or do something for her to remember her. I heard it will likely change things for the next Star Wars movie yet to be filmed unless they refilm parts of the film they already did.
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    8 years ago
    Geneviever Morton, more nekkid than usual
    she looks great in those bacon commercials.
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    8 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Welcome to Chicago!
    It's nice to see that the democrats policies have been so effective in Chicago. Hillary could have duplicated the effect across the nation. If it's just gang against gang violence, like what I heard the other day, then you could hope that they all kill each other and that we evetually have peace. However if the gangs keep recruiting more into their gangs, the cycle of violence will keep going on. I really do not know hardly anything about the situation so I'm merely speculating, just like some others on here in my opinion. Obviously whoever has been in power hasn't fixed things.
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    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    The Lesbians Are #Winning
    I still wonder what I missed out on by not going out with a lesbian who called me up out of the blue in High School and wanted to experiment with me. There was a misunderstanding between us. I had a dream where she and a few of her female friends all were trying me out like a sex toy. They were all very oral in my dream but became bi by the end of my dream. Reminds me of an incident in college when I came back from a 10 pm class and the suite of college girls living next door to me were all sitting on the breezeway with their legs blocking my path with several girls forming a big A shape. I stood there for a minute before one girl said to crawl under their legs. I was thinking about it because no one moved. They were all wearing short shorts. If it wasn't on concrete , I would have loved to crawl in between all their legs. That gave me dreams. I was wondering where my hands would go as I slid past the girls with their pussies rubbing up against me. In my dream I forgot my book bag and had to crawl back again.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Advice for how to get what you want out of your strip club experience
    Just go to Follies and press return every few lines of text. Don't worry about expensive clothes. Just take a shower so you don't stink and take lots of cash. The rest is simple.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    S&P in 2017?
    Back on topic, things could go well in 2017, then all hell breaks lose with the volcano erupting and a 9.8 hitting California within months of the super volcano. Stocks could plunge down to 1600 or lower as people think it's the end of the world. The sun might be mostly blocked out and Cliafornia would have power issues even before the earthquake with solar cells not getting enough sunlight. Could the market drop below 1600? Yes. This discussion will seem pointless if we're worried about survival instead of making money. Strippers might accept food for tips though.
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    8 years ago
    S&P in 2017?
    Here's a link in case you thought I as joking. It's not as scary as another source. The media doesn't want people to panic. Half a million. People live in the caldera I read on another site.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    S&P in 2017?
    It might be a good investment to stock up on survival food and weapons and or a bunker because if the mainstream media is keeping quiet about a super volcano getting ready to erupt, that can't be good. If food prices skyrocket, survival rations lasting a year or two might be a real good investment. However I have no idea how long global crop failures due to freezing temps around the world might last. Maybe if Obama tells the Italians to tax the crap out of their super volcano because it will be spewing tons of co2 and greenhouse gases out when it erupts, we will all be saved when the sun gets blocked out for a few years and crops freeze or don't grow. Sarcasm. Freezing temperatures can cause mass extinctions. Super volcanos have done that several times. Forget worrying about the global temperature possibility gong up half a degree. I'm totally unprepared.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    S&P in 2017?
    One possible surprise could be natural disasters. I read last night a super volcano in Italy was becoming active and might erupt but no one knows when or it's not on national news. Over a million people will likel die in an instant and possibly millions more from crop failures around the world whenever it blows whether that is next year or 5 or 10 years from now. California could have a mega earthquake too. Supposedly Edgar Cayce predicted a big quake in California around 3 months after a major eruption in Italy. Famine, earthquakes, global famine, that could all throw a wrench in the march towards 2500 next year. Then again, doomsday preppers who stocked up could easily ride out one or two years of chaos or famine unless millions of hungry people took guns and invaded everywhere to get whatever supplies they found or were willing to die in the process. It would be hard to fight off a thousand hungry armed people desperate for your supplies. Hopefully no major disasters happen. I'd rather forget about it and visit strip clubs. Stupid super volcanos.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How big is the girl too big for you? Whats your limit?
    Generally I like the girls smaller than me but in years past I did occasionally get dances from a dancer who had gained more weight than I cared for. I saw this same girl working at the Masters in September and she looked a lot better and looked good again. She is big boned though and even though she is smaller than me, she might be too big overall for some small guys. I like the dancers to look fit. If there are waves of flab all over, that is not attractive.