TUSCL mentioned in SW thread

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

The SW thread OP was about undercover cops in SCs - one dancer posted:

"... This maybe a dumb question, but I am older so less rose colored glasses, and I have a day job I can't screw up. How do find out if the club is clean before you audition? word of mouth? trust management? instinct? ..."

To which one of the frequent SW posters replied:

"... A good rule of thumb I use is that the less TUSCL reviews there are, the better. If you wanna look up and read the actual reviews without a membership, you can either A) write a bullshit review and get a month free, or B) Google "Club Name Tuscl Review" and usually several will pop up that you can click through to... it's a loophole ..."

Strippers often complain how cheap many PLs are yet she's telling this dancer how to read TUSCL reviews for free by "writing a bullshit review" - LOL - the nerve of that woman violating the sanctity of TUSCL by writing bullshit reviews.


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avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
Method B above shows user names and the first few lines of the review only.

However if you google the exact user name tuscl review, then you can read the whole review without writing a bs review. However if a dancer really is interested in getting free access and has up to a week to wait, all she has to do if she write a decent article, or a few paragraphs of a topic that might interest dancers or customers is to post an article on this site after signing in with a user name. I say a week because I had to wait about that long or longer one time.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Haha as a PL I am drawn to clubs that have more reviews than ones that don't. The exact opposite.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
Dancers can post their knowledge on articles about pole dancing, tips for new dancers, tips for new customers or experienced customers, etc, but it is helpful to know something about the poster, years of experience stripping and in what part of the country. This web site is viewable across the globe but most people live in the US.

Articles that the Founder might accept might be topics that interest posters here like dating strippers or dating in general. Note, I didn't read any posted guidelines if there are some and the only way I'm associated with this web site is that I've been here about as long as shadowcat. Strip clubs are a fun hobby for us.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
More reviews usually means more customers. If it is clean or not is a different matter. Sometimes whether or not a club is clean depends upon who got hired recently, how sneaky the dancer is and or how well the management cares or fires violators. More people, more reviews usually goes together. Less money making potential, less customers usually goes along with less reviews.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
The problem with most strippers is they live their hustle, as a result they never turn it off. They want everything for free which really begs the question, seeing how many hoops they will jump through to get free stuff why the fuck do they want to get paid? Just being snarky but it is true.
avatar for warhawks
8 years ago
Yeah. The clubs with little to no reviews are probably not very busy, thus, the dancer won't be making much money.

So, what's her end game? Be in a clean club and complain about the lack of customers and not making money? Or go to a busy club and bank?
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
-->"Yeah. The clubs with little to no reviews are probably not very busy, thus, the dancer won't be making much money."

Exactly. A huge % of SW posting is about posing, not about reality. In this case, the SW advice-giver was posing for all the other girls about how she hates tuscl more than the rest of them, how she respects tuscl reviews even less than the rest of them, and hence, "the best club is the club with no tuscl reviews". When any dimwit should be able to figure out that a strip club with loads of tuscl reviews probably has loads of customers, and that if tuscl reviews should have any bearing at all on a stripper's choice of club, it should be about whether the reviews indicate that that club matches her extras tolerance, what prices are like, etc. But, that would mean admitting tuscl is useful, and on SW, whoever admits that loses. Course, on SW, whoever doesn't buy into the unbelievable delusion that they've created there, also gets ostracized and eventually banned
avatar for Charles Paisley
Charles Paisley
8 years ago
Not really sure why this is surprise to the folks here. Of course a dancer should check out the reviews on TUSCL if she wants to know just how clean/dirty a club is, and how it matches up with her personal sensibilities.

Back in the day, when SW still had actual dancers posting on that site (as opposed to the camwhores, retired dancers with old, out-of-date info and baby stripper wanna-be's that infest the site now), the best to find out what clubs to visit in a city would be to go their own club reviews, and find out which clubs they recommend to never dance at because they allow too much contact. THAT was the club I made a beeline for, and doing the opposite of their advice always paid off for me.

avatar for sflguy123
8 years ago
"However if you google the exact user name tuscl review, then you can read the whole review without writing a bs review."

I wonder why this loophole exists? I just logged out and tried it for a user here who writes long reviews and I was able to pull up review after review from him starting at Google.

It doesn't affect me but kinda weird.
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