
Comments by sharkhunter (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Irma evacuation
    I saw a picture of 10 lanes of congested traffic leaving Florida. Looked like Irmageddon. Good luck. Hopefully the storms energy will be spread out over a wide area instead of refocusing on the center. It could grow stronger again though. 120 sustained now, could pop back to 145 or so with higher gusts. On top of all that hurricane Jose will be sitting out there and who knows where it will go next week. Be safe. Just remember if it suddenly gets quiet, the storm might not be over. It might be the eye. Hundreds died in Florida many years ago going outside when the eye crossed over. Of course they didn't have constant tv updates back then. Maybe not even a weather service either.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone think something interestng will happen Sept 23rd 2017?
    I predict someone on this site will visit a strip club in the 23rd. It's bound to happen. However if a space ship full of gorgeous blonds lands and they are looking for me, see you later. When I come back, I will post pics of the alien landscapes and topless girls lying out in the sun. As long as I can charge up my phone or camera on their planet. I didn't buy a universal or solar charger. It's on my to do list but if topless girls demand my attention, see you later. The religious might say the rapture happened but only a few old horny strip club hounds got taken. They will be scratching their heads wondering why church leaders etc didn't get taken. Nah, they would call that alien abduction, not the rapture. In one video I saw, someone claimed Trump was Titor , the time traveler from the year 2036. YouTube suggested I watch these oddball videos. Thanks YouTube. It was just a few videos past some topless girls and some Japeanese weird stuff. Might be a hacker at YouTube saying, haha, I'm going to suggest this video now.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just another PL
    Has anyone ever taken a break from the club?
    She's not attached to you. If you are spending too much, it's good to take a break. Did she say see you in a couple weeks or whenever?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere between her legs
    Worst or best or most unique song you've seen a stripper dance to.
    Eeewww that Smell. I think the DJ picked out a song, not the one the dancer requested. Maybe it was a hint. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hrsADDHQ4SQ
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone from Floridas east coast regret evacuating?
    Makes sense. They don't want everyone stuck on the highway going bask to eastern Florida while the storm makes landfall. I'm glad to hear eastern Florida will not be hit that bad. Just hurricane wind gusts on the east coast instead of sustained. Of course that could change if a tornado strikes. They tend to strike worse on they eastern side. 12 to 16 inches of rain might flood some streets. My regrets if you live on the west side or keys. I feel a bit sad for the fishermen planning to ride it out in their fishing boats in the keys. Maybe the storm won't intensify as predicted and they survive. Good luck stubborn fishermen.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone from Floridas east coast regret evacuating?
    Hopefully damage is not that bad across Florida even though I expect it will be bad in the keys and south western Florida. Good luck to everyone in affected areas. I've been in Floirda during all day rain events and it seems like roads everywhere start to flood.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone from Floridas east coast regret evacuating?
    I posted the above because I just heard on the weather channel about someone planning on going back to Miami now. I wouldn't go back now after taking all that time to leave.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone from Floridas east coast regret evacuating?
    Interstates could still flood in Florida and trees could be blown across interstates as tornados could do massive damage in spots. I would not advise going back yet unless you like excitement. Miami might still get some hurricane wind gusts. Almost everything will be closed during the storm. All the strippers dancing in Atlanta or other places. Good question, Where do all the evacuated strippers dance? Do they take time off?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone from Floridas east coast regret evacuating?
    Most damage will be on west coast not east coast.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you were wondering if your power might go off what would you eat and drink?
    If I really got in a jam, I could probably take the screen off my fireplace and cook over the natural gas logs. My natural gas never goes off.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you were wondering if your power might go off what would you eat and drink?
    I think my power will stay on. I won't have to drink 19 beers before they warm up. I fell asleep last night after only drinking 2 or 3. I never tried to cook pizza over a fire so I'm not sure if that would taste good or not. I hate the thought of everyone who loses power losing all their frozen food. In the future when everyone has electric cars, maybe the cars can provide backup power and solar cells can keep charging home and vehicles. No more lines to get gas in an emergency. Very long range with future electric cars. I think it's coming within 10 years. Oil industries are already thinking their business models need to change.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Why won't she take my $20?
    It's hard to know. It's like a guy visiting a club first time offering $5000 to a dancer at Platinum Plus in Greenville SC to try to get sexual services. He was told you have the wrong girl. He wasn't an expert undercover officer that had spent a year doubling money several times to get the girls to crack eventually spending up to $2000 a visit to get a few of the girls to break the law. The undercover officers got nothing when they spent the kind of money everyone else who's not a billionaire like Trump spends in a strip club. I heard they got nothing when they doubled the money again and again. It took a year and they got the money up to $2000 a visit before they had success in getting illegal activity with a few girls at the club. Obviously this club had to be shut down because it was deemed a hot bed of illegal prostitution. They even had simulated sexual motions in one or two cases. A girl probably pretended to move her hands on front of her mouth as a joke when an agent asked about something before telling him she didnt do that. I think these agents could have busted Nina for something illegal even if she didn't do anything wrong in most people's eyes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Who has met Mother and Daughter dancers at the same club
    I know of a mother and daughter that both dance but I believe the daughter had a baby recently. I think both must have gotten pregnant around 18. They both appeared in the same strip club one night. I did find out the daughter did not like tipping the mother with me when the mother was topless. I think she thought that was weird. The daughter looked a lot better. Makes me wonder if the father is proud to have 2 strippers. If the daughter had a girl, maybe 3 eventually?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just another PL
    Has anyone ever taken a break from the club?
    I don't call it a break if you are too busy with other things or life happens and it keeps you away, Taking a break sounds like something voluntary like I think I will take a vacation to the beach for a break. I've gone months without visiting strip clubs. Earlier this year in fact. Several years ago I had a bone fracture and the doctors said I had to avoid alcohol and smoke. That sucked. It was for 5 weeks. I made it 6 or 7 to be on the safe side. I think. I'm not always safe. I usually go to church every week as well but had to leave service early during that time walking right out early in the service. They were using incense and when a whiff hit me, it gave me a splitting headache. I had to get out of there. I knew the doctors were right. I had to avoid all smoke even if that meant getting out of church. I'm just thankful I was wearing a helmet because it was dented. I might have been killed or suffered brain injuries if I hadn't had a helmet on.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    OT: It would be nice not to have to log in to the site every time I come here
    Have to visit the string bikini section to get better ads following you around. http://www.venus.com/products.aspx?BRANCH=24~95~3206~
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    OT: It would be nice not to have to log in to the site every time I come here
    Ok a quick search and this site pops up. I don't mind seeing these girls pop up on every site I visit. http://www.venus.com/viewproduct.aspx?BRANCH=24~95~&ProductDisplayID=43953&clr=BFS&cm_mmc=SEMNB-_-GGLSPLA-_-XWEBGPS17FS-_-XWEBGPS17FS&sc=XWEBGPS17FS&mkwid=ss7Cpl3Ph-dt_pcrid_121159493896_pkw__pmt__slid__&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzfHA-YSX1gIVAyaGCh2nWw70EAQYAiABEgL-0PD_BwE#
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    OT: It would be nice not to have to log in to the site every time I come here
    I should look at some bikini girls. I don't mind those ads popping up everywhere I go.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Washington State
    Dealing with uninteresting dancers
    I have wondered if I was acting like a beta male when a dancer said she was going to suck my dick. I stood my ground and called her bluff. She wasn't joking. She claimed she knew me years ago. Must have been a parallel Earth. I didn't recognize her. I think she liked me. I once read a tip that it's best not to argue when she has her mouth full. She didn't even ask for any money either. Another weird dancer. Maybe she was really an alien female posing as a dancer. You never know where some of these girls come from.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: going to a breastraunt alone
    The only reason it seems weird is because you haven't been doing it. I've done it and it doesn't seem weird or creepy at all to me. I think it seems weird to go in large groups but some people do it. If you're worried about taking up too much space and there are groups waiting to be seated, the bar is a good place to sit. I like going when it's not crowded but I go for the food, beer, and the view.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Washington State
    Dealing with uninteresting dancers
    I think it sounds a bit harsh to describe someone as a beta male. Whenever I described the situation, I may have omitted that I wasn't trying to piss her off or be rude. However it can come to that if she doesn't take no for an answer. 1 out of 2000 dancers I've met has not accepted no as an answer. If she doesn't leave when asked or knows you aren't buying dances, you can ignore her or walk away from her. I think in one case the dancer felt so rejected, she might have quit. I did not intend that. A more rude way of saying no is what I heard one night, "go away bitch, we don't want any freaking dances!" Now that is a rude way to give a hint. If you've been asked for dances over 200 times in less than 2 hours, your problem is not getting rid of dancers, you need to keep a few around a bit longer than 3 seconds. On the other hand a dancer that stays at your table can have an advantage. I've had a dancer hold my table while I went to the restroom.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere between her legs
    Ever get in trouble (bouncer/management)?
    Credit card company not cinema.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere between her legs
    Ever get in trouble (bouncer/management)?
    Guys shouldn't have to pay for something they didn't agree to but strip clubs are women's workplaces and they persuade big bouncers to convince or persuade you to pay up if you aren't likely to return. It's kind of like a credit card cinema being slack on some of their security even though they have info on everyone in the country that has a credit card and they think it's ok to say oops, my bad, we didn't have good enough security for everything, we'll just offer one year credit monitoring if you agree in small unknown print not to sue when you sign up for one year credit monitoring.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    OT: It would be nice not to have to log in to the site every time I come here
    You can have mobile devices remember your password. However this site isn't Facebook. Facebook keeps you logged in for months even if you don't visit. They probably monitor your web site history. This site logs you out at midnight I think plus whenever it feels like it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Irma evacuation
    Or you could build Noah's ark but you need a lot of land and wood and or labor and nails. A big 10 story tall boat built on land could survive earthquakes, floods, tsunamis. Might be trouble if a wild fire breaks out. Plus if you park it in a foreign country like MT Ararat in Turkey, they might make you leave it there and restrict access. Who knows, maybe aliens spoke to Noah via a telepathic broadcast and he thought it was God. The aliens might have known there were several asteroids on a collision course with the Earth's oceans and that the whole planet was going to have oceans moving around as a large Planet X came within the inner solar system.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    States of emergency FL, GA, SC, NC
    Myrtle beach probably has rooms if the storm continues west. Probably less wind than my location will have over 200 miles west. I hope we have no tornadoes.