Anyone think something interestng will happen Sept 23rd 2017?

Lots of people are predicting stuff to happen. Possibly disasters. Possibly the appearance of a massive dwarf star and planets traveling back in towards the inner solar system causing possibly widespread destruction on this planet.
Some thinking, probably not this year, a crust and pole shift causing tsunamis and massive earth changes. We need the X marks the spot total eclipse in about 7 or 8 years in the US to mark the massive mega 11.0 earthquake for the New Madrid fault zone for that one probably before all those other changes. Supposedly there are retired navy personnel living in the ozarks above 600 feet in elevation because they know the pole shift is coming and anyone in the US coastal areas under that level will get submerged in as quick as 30 minutes when it comes but all this is supposed to be top secret so people don't panic. Can you imagine over 100 million people evacuating and then nothing happens until 2020 or whenever?
Then I read a link someone I know posted.
Something about sept 23rd 2017 again.
I will make a prediction. North Korea will launch another missile and threaten the US again. They seem to like doing that. I mean they spend over a quarter percent of their entire GDP just on their military and missile program. Without a common enemy, it would all seem wasted. It's a good thing they have an enemy or they would have to create a different one to justify it all. Meanwhile most Americans probably can't even locate North Korea on a map of the globe. That tells you how much Americans think about North Korea.
What will happen Sept23rd? Are you going to visit a strip club or hide in a bunker? We might all die in Irmageddon.
last commentIf the world is gonna end can someone please let me know. I'm watching football and doing bills today and if it's gonna end I'm not gonna mail these bills out.
I will gauranteed something interesting will happen on September 23rd.
Sept. 23rd is the season premiere of SNL! Trump parodies begin.
Yea, your local fav stripper will take your money and pretend she isn't grossed out by us old fat, bald guys!!!! Thanks to dead statesmen and video games the hot strippers go blind!!
Every few years we hear nonsense about pole shifts and dwarf stars and what have you but nothing ever happens. I predict that after being wrong yet again, these people will just pick a different date.
Pointing out the absurdity of such claims and explaining the science behind it is as useless as telling a PL to not fall in love with a stripper.
I predict it will take place near water. A lake. An ocean. Maybe a pipe. Or, while it's raining. But, I'm certain water will be involved. Do not doubt me on this.
I'm going out on a limb here...
I bet the media will criticize our President for something.
Hillary will quit the Democratic Party because it is their fault she lost the election.
And it's her fault Bill lost his erection.
I predict someone on this site will visit a strip club in the 23rd. It's bound to happen.
However if a space ship full of gorgeous blonds lands and they are looking for me, see you later. When I come back, I will post pics of the alien landscapes and topless girls lying out in the sun. As long as I can charge up my phone or camera on their planet. I didn't buy a universal or solar charger. It's on my to do list but if topless girls demand my attention, see you later. The religious might say the rapture happened but only a few old horny strip club hounds got taken. They will be scratching their heads wondering why church leaders etc didn't get taken. Nah, they would call that alien abduction, not the rapture.
In one video I saw, someone claimed Trump was Titor , the time traveler from the year 2036. YouTube suggested I watch these oddball videos. Thanks YouTube. It was just a few videos past some topless girls and some Japeanese weird stuff. Might be a hacker at YouTube saying, haha, I'm going to suggest this video now.
I hope nothing happens. Civilization is still trying to recover from the widespread devastation caused by Y2K.
It might, but not because it's September 23, 2017.
"I will make a prediction. North Korea will launch another missile and threaten the US again."
As predictions go, that has about a 50/50 chance of coming true on any given day.
On 09/23/2017 we have our monthly family card game. I will drink red wine with my family and tease Frederico and Giuseppe about being over 80.
I predict vincemichaels will give exactly 38 BBBJs in the parking lot of Bogart's that day for only $10/each.
Why would it be 9/23? There's always some date for the disaster prep ppl to focus on next.