
If you were wondering if your power might go off what would you eat and drink?

Avatar for sharkhunter

Drink up 20 beers? They will last though. Eat ice cream and pizza? So much cool stuff to eat and drink. What would you do?

I read there are people from Charlestown, Florida, Hilton head already in my area on Thursday. No wonder the traffic has been so busy. I bet the strip clubs will be busy too. How about you? Real busy?


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Avatar for JAprufrock

I'd eat pussy and drink beer. But I'm weird that way.

Avatar for Jascoi

JApru.... good balanced diet.

Avatar for shadowcat

I can fire up my charcoal grill but I don't know how well that will work for TV dinners. :)

Avatar for sharkhunter

I think my power will stay on. I won't have to drink 19 beers before they warm up. I fell asleep last night after only drinking 2 or 3. I never tried to cook pizza over a fire so I'm not sure if that would taste good or not. I hate the thought of everyone who loses power losing all their frozen food. In the future when everyone has electric cars, maybe the cars can provide backup power and solar cells can keep charging home and vehicles. No more lines to get gas in an emergency. Very long range with future electric cars. I think it's coming within 10 years. Oil industries are already thinking their business models need to change.

Avatar for sharkhunter

If I really got in a jam, I could probably take the screen off my fireplace and cook over the natural gas logs. My natural gas never goes off.

Avatar for twentyfive

Shark get with 1950s technology just get some ice and an old Styrofoam cooler should be able to keep most of your frozen foodstuffs from spoiling, and a good quality gas

Bar-b-cue you should be able to cook most anything from Pizza to hamburgers to chicken to fish, with a side burner that can be used with a pot to cook veggies. I had my home wired about 15 years ago, if the power goes out I have a 15000 thousand watt Honda generator, just close the feed to the house and plug the generator to the panel already set-up I should be fine. Plus the storm is going to be on the other side of the state from me, I doubt we will have any long-term problems here.

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