
Anyone from Floridas east coast regret evacuating?

Avatar for sharkhunter

Now that most of the damage will now be on Florida's east coast?

I guess forecasters are not psychic so authorities practice safe over sorry in Florida.

Storm made landfall in Cuba weakening it but water between Cuba and Florida is in the 90's. That's hot. Cat 4 or cat 5 predicted before landfall in southern Florida.

I know someone in eastern Florida who never evacuates. She doesn't live in a flood zone she says.


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Avatar for sharkhunter

Most damage will be on west coast not east coast.

Avatar for impala

This ain't no little pissy thunder storm, it's still a very significant hurricane. Even if it's center moves slightly, there is still going to be major damage up and down the coast. Play it safe

Avatar for sharkhunter

Interstates could still flood in Florida and trees could be blown across interstates as tornados could do massive damage in spots. I would not advise going back yet unless you like excitement. Miami might still get some hurricane wind gusts. Almost everything will be closed during the storm. All the strippers dancing in Atlanta or other places.

Good question, Where do all the evacuated strippers dance? Do they take time off?

Avatar for sharkhunter

I posted the above because I just heard on the weather channel about someone planning on going back to Miami now. I wouldn't go back now after taking all that time to leave.

Avatar for sharkhunter

Hopefully damage is not that bad across Florida even though I expect it will be bad in the keys and south western Florida.

Good luck to everyone in affected areas. I've been in Floirda during all day rain events and it seems like roads everywhere start to flood.

Avatar for twentyfive

The cant get back in this are there has been a curfew enacted from 3PM till all clear is sounded.

Avatar for sharkhunter

Makes sense. They don't want everyone stuck on the highway going bask to eastern Florida while the storm makes landfall.

I'm glad to hear eastern Florida will not be hit that bad. Just hurricane wind gusts on the east coast instead of sustained. Of course that could change if a tornado strikes. They tend to strike worse on they eastern side. 12 to 16 inches of rain might flood some streets.

My regrets if you live on the west side or keys. I feel a bit sad for the fishermen planning to ride it out in their fishing boats in the keys. Maybe the storm won't intensify as predicted and they survive. Good luck stubborn fishermen.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I'd rather regret evacuating than regret not evacuating.

Avatar for whodey

I'm with Call.Me.Ishmael, I'd rather err on the side of caution and evacuate.

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