
OT: Irma evacuation

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
So which of you other poor bastards are not evacuating? For the record, I haven't either. I wanted to, but even on Wednesday the only hotel I could find was a La Quinta in Tallahassee, and I searched along I-75 all the way to Atlanta. La Quinta seems to be the motel of choice for crack whores and dirty pimps nationwide, but I booked the room. One of my employees evacuated with his family on Wednesday, and was barely past the Florida-Georgia line by the end of the day. By late yesterday. he only just reached the Georgia-Tennessee border. With the interstates that packed, I just said fuck it and cancelled the room. I have a well-built concrete block home, built to all the latest Florida hurricane standards. I have aluminum and lexan hurricane panels for the windows. The doors are all hurricane-rated. I installed shadow box fence, which is proven to help reduce the wind load experienced by a structure. I've got a generator and transfer switch hooked up to my main panel, window and room ACs, guns, provisions, two big dogs, and an ugly woman. Just kidding, my wife is not ugly, but I was thinking of that uptown rug store from Katrina.
Still I worry about a lot of other people. Many good people that I work with (i.e. customers and peer companies) and even for me were bankrupted and had their credit ruined in the housing crisis. The only single family housing they can get are mobile homes. Those are under mandatory evacuation in Lee County.
Well, hopefully we all come out this in one piece. God speed and good luck to all my fellow Florida strip club hounds.


  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Does your house protect you from flooding ?
  • Longball300
    7 years ago
    Assuming that storm surge is not an issue for you, with the preparations you have made it sounds like you are just as well staying put. The stories of people on the roads trying to "evacuate" are not good. The highways and fuel supply are just not designed to handle all the overpopulation we have allowed on the Florida coasts in an large evac situation. Good Luck to you.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago

    Sounds like it my rip through Atlanta then Greenville SC and even the mountains of NC and TN

    Fuck me
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    I have family around Naples (Marco) and they said there was risk evacuating, too. Scared of stuck in traffic running out of gas since there was no fuel was the reason why they are staying, and they are on the island. Since the forecast has it moving slightly west, I am hoping they can find shelter as good as you describe.

    Please keep us posted on developments if you have the time after keeping yourselves safe. Best of luck to all. Stay dry !!
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    At 11AM traffic through downtown Atlanta is so slow due to the evacuation that it will take me 15-20 minutes longer to get to Follies.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I hope all TUSCLers get thru the storm safely. Staying put and evacuating both have their problems. I saw on the news the traffic jams of people trying to get out. You might get caught by the storm out on the highway.
  • Stognasty
    7 years ago
    For those in the Orlando area Delta Flight 2517 is set to depart Detroit at 12:15 p.m. and land in Orlando at 2:52 p.m., then make a swift turnaround and leave for its return to Detroit at 4 p.m. Tickets are set at $399. Escape the storm and experience the Detroit scene all in one fell swoop!
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Shadow I will pray for your struggles LMFAO
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Strong n nasty you got a brilliant idea
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I'm on my way back to Atlanta now after getting kicked out of Savannah. My ETA has gone up by an hour since I left due to the increasing traffic.

    I suppose the good news is that the evacuation order is the least nefarious reason I've been kicked out of a hotel recently. :-)
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Panic buying now going on in Atlanta. I just went to my local Kroger for a few things. Normally would have taken me 20 minutes. Today 1 hour. No potatoes, onions or tomatoes. Saw one woman check out with 2 full grocery carts. The forecast is for windy and rainy on Monday. Not a Hurricane tomorrow. SMH!
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Just saw a convoy of about 40 State Farm emergency response Vehicles headed south.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Fuck State Farm the cancelled most of their HO policies in this state I was either them 28 years never filed a single claim they pulled out and left 39,000 Homeowners with no place to go but the state JUA, that was 15 years ago they can go fuck themselves
  • MrBater2010
    7 years ago
    Would gladly open my home to single displaced strippers or escorts. Limited space available
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Best of luck to all Fla residents. And I do hope that tootsies makes it thru this ok. I need a winter playground.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I believe as soon as this storm starts sucking in the cooler dryer air over the carolinas, it will suck the life out of it. It is bone dry here. I'm hoping we get some significant rain. I'm in western south carolina. I have a sister in Florida, not in a flood zone. She made the wise choice not to evacuate. Now I see they are saying the area could experience winds over 75 mph in gusts. That's not any worse than a severe thunderstorm in my area. Stay safe. Evacuate if you are in a flood zone and the storm surge is going to flood your house. I heard the coast guard was evacuating somewhere in Florida. That might have panicked some people. No emergency services and you are on your own. I would have left the keys if I lived there.
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    Hope Papi is okay.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    If you stay in Florida you need to invest into what that one guy in Texas bought...it was a $8,000 water forte that stopped the waters from flooding his house...everything around him was under water except his house...it got all over the news...he set it up in one day
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Or you could build Noah's ark but you need a lot of land and wood and or labor and nails. A big 10 story tall boat built on land could survive earthquakes, floods, tsunamis. Might be trouble if a wild fire breaks out. Plus if you park it in a foreign country like MT Ararat in Turkey, they might make you leave it there and restrict access.

    Who knows, maybe aliens spoke to Noah via a telepathic broadcast and he thought it was God. The aliens might have known there were several asteroids on a collision course with the Earth's oceans and that the whole planet was going to have oceans moving around as a large Planet X came within the inner solar system.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Or you could just build or go buy a particle bout LMFAO
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Stognasty had a great idea--the Florida mongers should fly to Detroit. We could have a great meet up here.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    As much as I hate flying if I was in Florida I would spring for the $400 flight into Detroit for sure

    Hell after watching hurricane videos all day I would be freaked out staying...I guess I would take my chances trying to flee to safety

    God speed my friends...pay his love, piece, forgiveness, grace and rest be forever upon you guy's
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    7 years ago
    Good Luck to you Gammanu on the ride of your life, we're hoping for the best outcome for all here who have to face this storm.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I saw a picture of 10 lanes of congested traffic leaving Florida. Looked like Irmageddon.
    Good luck. Hopefully the storms energy will be spread out over a wide area instead of refocusing on the center. It could grow stronger again though. 120 sustained now, could pop back to 145 or so with higher gusts.

    On top of all that hurricane Jose will be sitting out there and who knows where it will go next week. Be safe. Just remember if it suddenly gets quiet, the storm might not be over. It might be the eye. Hundreds died in Florida many years ago going outside when the eye crossed over. Of course they didn't have constant tv updates back then. Maybe not even a weather service either.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Yeah, my friend Florida is in for a nasty ride in the next day. It's the people that concern me. I have a number of TUSCL friends living in the state. They are prepared as best they can, and after life will go on. Florida will rebuild, let's hope Jose is not a major problem.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Jose will stay out in the Atlantic.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    I got a call from my parents this morning. They are both retired and live in Pasco County. They were originally going to stay, but changed their mind after talking to me and my siblings. They drove to South Carolina and arrived safely at my aunt and uncle's place this evening.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I'm down to only 18 beers in the fridge. Weathering the storm ok so far. No beer sold in grocery stores statewide tomorrow. I think I'll survive Irmageddon though. They act like South Carolina has never had any tropical storm force winds but we get high winds blowing down from the mountains more than you think gusting up to hurricane force on occasion. However our power can go out on a clear night so I'm not sure about power problems.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Oops, no beer sold in grocery stores today. I didn't realize it's already no beer and liquor day across South Carolina grocery stores. They have some stupid laws here just like many other states, If it was up to me, I'd legalize beer and liquor for every day sale. Poker and gambling would be legal along with prostitutes and marijuana except I'd keep restrictions while driving and no smoking in the car at all while the car is moving on the road. I would outlaw pasties and make it a law that strip clubs must have bare titties at some point. I'd also raise tax revenue by taxing brothels and online sex sales but put some of the tax money towards testing of stds and education towards safe sex. I'd also tax gambling and pot sales. Tax revenue would likely skyrocket. I'd have to get roads and education the best In the nation here in South Carolina and cut income taxes with all the extra money. Vice would be restricted to checking for drugs, not prostitution since that would be legal.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    On the downside talking about Irma, I saw where the storm surge is supposed to go miles inland at Naples and that doesn't include the waves on top of that. A big wave can knock a house down. Hopefully people didn't stay where they will be flooded. If anyone reading this dies, just remember in your next life, evacuate, dont drown. Be like Captain Kirk and always leave yourself an out to get away from any situation that could be life threatening. Unless you are superman or have a submarine on standby in your basement, you don't have an out staying in an area where the storm surge surrounds your house. Too late now unless you live in the Florida panhandle.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Well, I got lucky, again. We evacuated to Miami when the track was forecast to cause life-threatening storm surge. A mandatory evacuation was declared for my zone B neighborhood. We knew I-75 north, SR-27, and SR-82 were clusterfucks, so we took Alligator Alley over to a friend's in inland Miami-Dade (University Park). Spent a stormy Saturday and Sunday night there. Returned home to find no flooding, no power loss, phones and internet up, and only a section of pool screen removed.
    I am even a little disappointed that it wasn't necessary to get a hotel for a few days on the east coast, so I could visit Tootsie's and check out the new Solid Gold.
    I hope the other Florida mongers made out okay.

    Except twentyfive. Fuck him.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Well my family members who live on Marco Island decided to leave a day before the storm. They found some fuel and the roads weren't as clogged for an easier evacuation. That's when it pays to wait. Haven't heard from them since their return. I'm betting it's a big time loss and clean up. Too bad, natural disasters seem to be their luck after losing a prior home to a wildfire!
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Didn't evacuate.
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