Fuck The Police

avatar for Bandit5160
If you are a cop please let me say that I am sorry in advance. Sorry that you chose such a lowdown fucked up profession, that is! In addition to killing innocent black people like they were mere bugs, giving meaningless speeding tickets for going above artificially low limits, hiding out near clubs to bust people who are perfectly capable of driving home with a "DUI" for being at an artificially low BAC limit, the pig ass cop is also an enemy to the strip club itself. In my town, two clubs have been RUINED by having to make the girls there wear pasties while a third club had to give up its skybox dances, all due to pigs. If you ask me, pigs are just jealous that their meager ass salaries aren't enough to get any good action in a strip club so they try to fuck up the fun for those of us who HAVE money! Fuck the police for fucking up our strip clubs plus all that other fucked up shit you do that I mentioned? Do you really have to ask why you get shot up in your cars and refused restaurant service? Seriously, fuck you! Fuck you right up your smelly greasy pig assholes!


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I wouldn't, and couldn't do the job of a police officer. Yet since normal deviation states there will always be 15-30% of your population will be lawbreakers , I guess we need somebody to do the job.

However only 5-10% of the population will actually be brace enough to calm themselves to the duties of public safety. Seems like the good guys are already outnumbered by the bad guys, so any support we can show for the good guys means the average citizen who has a normal civilian career doesn't have to worry about civil disorder.

I for one am thankful for the officers in blue. Thank you.
Don't you guys understand that as a strip club lover, the cops are enemies because they stop extras? All of you love getting extras in strip clubs, right? After all, that's why you go to them, right? If it were up to these cops, you'd no longer be able to get those extras. Think about that before you sing the praises of cops.
You stupid fuck, cops don't give a shot about anything but safety. If you step over the boundaries, they will check your ass. Sometimes you are the pawn of something bigger going on around you. That's the risk you take walking into a magnet that draws questionable practices you find in a club, i.e. Drugs, dui, cash trades,violence, and the underbelly of society that tends to gravitate towards this scene.

Don't go thinking you're ways are so altruistic in busting clubs. There's more going on than you can imagine. 99% of the time they could care less about extras, because extras are a symptom of a bigger problem.
avatar for motownkid
8 years ago
You know I kind of avoid cops as much as possible - they are kind of a different breed speaking in generalities. However, that does not mean I do not respect them for the incredibly hard job they have to do. Many talk about how they hate cops - those same people will be the first to call 911 when their ass is in trouble they cannot handle. Just like any profession - there are good and bad. Try cutting them a little slack - you might need a cop one day.
All I know is cops shut down Platinum Plus and I'm pissed as fuck about it. They also put Lust girls in pasties and now they are trying to zero in on the Trophy Club by taking away skybox dancing. I used to have so much fun at these clubs. Now it is becoming harder and harder to get hard in them :). I don't like that my fun is being compromised, and if that makes me a stupid fuck, then so be it.
Cops did not shut down Platinum Plus. They were merely following the direction of your elected officials.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I was wondering, where is this? sounds like my location and it is.
I'm not as upset with the cops as I am with the politicians or officials making these stupid laws. Cops don't get paid a whole lot and are paid to uphold the law. Who made all these stupid laws? Elected officials. Then we have a solicitor that was out to shut down platinum for apparently personal reasons and the public was ok with agents willing to spend $2000 per visit to get girls arrested and the club shut down.

I'm not trying to change anything. I may move.
I support the police and fins the original post to be beyond ignorant.
Another troll to go on the muted mic feature. Usually it takes more than one ignorant post but I'll make an exception here....bye bye....
Well I for one am pretty down on any drinking and driving so I'm really not going to go along with the original poster on that rant. Really, if you've been drinking just don't get behind the wheel.

shadowcat is also right that busting strip clubs reflect local ordinances, not the decisions of individual cops.

But some of the police worship that comes out on TUSCL baffles me. This is a forum where people brag about doing illegal (but harmless) things.

Here is the reality. Cops are doing an important job but the whole system we have set up is a bit crazy. We have armed people that we pay about $50K to $55K a year who have deal with a lot of shit and they know the court system that has their back even if they fuck up.

Is it a surprise that shit like this guy being beaten on the United flight occurs? Think about it. The problem started because of shitty policies on the part of United. But it went over the top because of the cop. There was zero possible danger to the cop. No chance the passenger was armed (assuming TSA did their job).

That Chicago airport policeman could have deescalated that confrontation easily by taking a step back and saying something like "sir, I'm going to give you a choice. You can leave with me peacefully or we pick somebody else but call ahead and have police waiting for you. The airline has requested that you leave and you either have to leave or be arrested".

But I don't think deescalation is a real priority in training. They say it is, but I'm not convinced.
Let us ignore the fact 4 people were bumped on that flight. Three reacted as normal, decent human beings and got off the plane. Some lousy, self-important fuck decided to react hysterically and go beserk. He got what he deserved. They should have just said the plane goes nowhere until this passenger disembarks, but we'll get off the plane and let the other passengers decide. That would have been justice.
Most cops don't care about extras or pasties, etc. When indoor prostitution was legal in Rhode Island (Google it) the cops mostly didn't care and many saw that there were benefits. Prostitution was kept out of the public eye (mostly) and the cops had more time to go after actual criminals.

Even after Rhode Island closed the "prostitution loophole", extras remained easy to obtain and the cops continued to not care. That ended when an aggressively extras-friendly club (Cheaters) hired a 14 year-old runaway and both the cops and the media found out. All of the news outlets ran stories about extras in RI strip clubs, with the subtext of human trafficking. Suddenly, the cops *had* to care about extras, and we went through a longish dry spell.

The Cheaters thing happened around 2013 (I think). Cut to today, and it is again pretty easy to get extras in Rhode Island strip clubs. You want to know why?

Cops don't care about extras.

Direct your foot-stamping keyboard anger towards the politicians and the bureaucrats. Possibly local media. The politicians usually don't wake up on this issue unless there's a news report.
Disappointed with this thread as I had hoped a NWA member had joined the board.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I haven't looked at the exact agreement you sign when you buy a United ticket, but I suspect skihomo (for once!) is right in this case: probably he did legally have to give up his seat and get off the plane. But, shit. The attention the case got. Bigger news that Trump sending an armada over to Korea. Inexplicable.
Legal ≠ right.
Legal ≠ smart.

United is likely well within the bounds of the law. But in terms of customer relations, optics, and crisis management, they made all the worst decisions.
Blue lives matter. Intelligent Americans are as appreciative of the work that good cops do, as we are aware that there are bad cops.
I think this poster is a troll, but to even post this kind of generalized hate makes him a truly worthless, ignorant, loser.
fuck the police
I wish the United security crew worked at Publix and takes care of the next customer that even attempts to use the express lane with more than 10 items.
It was actually Chicago Transportation Police, and not United security
I agree with C-Flock and Flagooner
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I see the major problem as the local laws that get passed. Police can go overboard as is obvious from shootings and the recent airline PR disaster with an unarmed guy that wasn't breaking any law except the airline decided he needed to go without much explanation.

I do hate to see local strip clubs getting ruined. I think pasties are not needed. Why are they being worn? Something to do with local ordinances and club Lust not being grandfathered in even though a strip club has been at the location for over 20 years.
I agree with bubba. Bye asshole.
skibum609, I agree completely that the doctor in that flight was a fucking asshole. Whether he got what he deserves is debatable. Personally, I would have preferred it if he got hauled off to jail without injury.

The reality, however, is that a police officer did allow this to escalate. The cop ultimately made a decision that created a national uproar, an international incident (a lot of Chinese think the doctor was targeted because of his race), opened the airline and possibly the Chicago PD to lawsuits, triggered a temporary drop in stock prices for a major corporation, and got himself suspended. Not a brilliant outcome.

Plus, in the long run, the asshole doctor may win a settlement. If the cop keeps his job he'll still be making somewhere around $55K a year. So I actually don't think the doctor got what he deserved. He deserved to be thrown in jail for what he did, not beat up. Especially if being beat up is a prelude to a big settlement.

I view police like I view doctors. Not the asshole doctor on the plane. Just doctors in general. I'm glad we have doctors. We need doctors. Most of them are good people. But sometimes doctors fuck up so I'm also glad we have malpractice lawyers.

Likewise, I'm glad we have cops. We need cops. But cops need strict oversight if freedom actually means something.
The clubs where I am are strict no touching. LE forces this.

Who called the po-po?
"... Let us ignore the fact 4 people were bumped on that flight. Three reacted as normal, decent human beings and got off the plane ..."

If the other 3 did not "comply"' they would have received the same treatment - this guy decided to stand-up for himself - even if there is a "law" that allows you to get kicked-off an airplane, does not mean is not a fucked-up law - at one time in this great country of ours a black person or a woman was not allowed to vote; by law.
Cops are given too-much leeway - they know they can do pretty-much anything and get away it unless It is video-taped - the advent of the cell-phone has made many things come to light that most people would believe happened; and I'm sure it was way worse in the 70s and 80s especially in big-city police departments. IMO cops do not seem to either be well-trained enough or they just don't give a fuck about how they were trained - this shit of if by any chance you feel threatened for WHATEVER reason then go ahead and shoot but not only shoot but shoot to kill; even if the person is not armed; as long as you think whatever; then do it; we got your back (police dept) - "better them than you; so don't take any chances; we (the police) will back you up (police officer) no matter what; even we have to falsify-reports and lie to protect you.
Look a this shit that happened just recently in Sacramento - the dude is assaulted by a police office just b/c the dude was jaywalking - c'mon - this motherfucker just wanted to harass this guy and was looking for the simplest excuse - kinda like what the police dept was doing in Ferguson, MO constantly ticketing people for minor infractions - when the people could not pay; a $50 minor infraction would sometimes escalate to $1000s in penalties and even arrest warrants issued - all this on the backs of a population mostly living under the poverty line
And this other ducey - no f'ing way a full-grown man has to resort to this when dealing w/ a 22 y/o woman - I think any private citizen that did this would be arrested for assault - and the police department's stance is that "proper takedown procedures" were used - yeah maybe if you gotta take down a full-grown man - so if a 90 y/o grandma w/o her hearing-aid does not obey the officer's commands; he should take her down like-this b/c "it's proper procedure" - of course I am exaggerating; just saying that just like you don't need nor would use that force on a grandma; you don't need to use it on a 22 y/o chick especially if there are other officers around, she's not armed; and right b/f the takedown she was not assaulting him - a normal citizen caught on video would not get away w/ this; but a cop is beyond reproach b/c he's a cop and "has a tough job" so yeah so what if he fucks up people or even shoots them when he doesn't have to:

And it is getting worse, Seattle's Norm Stamper taking on Jeff Sessions:


And this deucey from my neck of the woods and a clear example of "shoot at the slightest doubt" - the AA man shot was the care-giver for an autistic adult - the police was called b/c the autistic adult had wondered away from his facility - by the time police got there his caretaker had found him - the autistic adult was holding a toy-truck; his care-giver was on the ground beside him w/ his hands-up saying they were not armed and the other adult was a mental-patient - the police had them surrounded and still shot at the autistic adult missing him and hitting and injuring the care-giver; even though a police radio-call had already been given stating the autistic adult was holding a toy-truck - one police officer still shot at them 3-times w/ a rifle - and then his supervisor lied to cover it up; not even a fellow-officer; but the SUPERVISOR on the scene.

And the police union is up in arms the police officer was arrested and charged - let someone do that to one of theirs and see how they react - police unions are as bad if not worse than teachers unions in that they'll fight *any* cop from being fired; and even then AFAIK they can often just go work at another dept.

Too many cops are too-stupid; apparently ill-trained; and allowed to get away w/ too-much that private citizens would not be.


Norm Stamper is pro-union, but he draws a line with the police union. They defend really bad cops.

avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I believe what has everyone upset is that this could happen to anyone for refusing to get up. Getting beat up, losing teeth, etc is not the kind of treatment people want after they paid for a ticket and sat down on a plane and are waiting to leave to get somewhere they think they need to go to. The airline could have announced the plane wasn't going to leave until one more passenger gave up their seat with extra benefits. Now it's costing the airline millions. Serves them right in my opinion. I never liked the practice of overbooking during busy times.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I hope this story stays on the news and doesn't get replaced with something far worse.
Was better in all ways, except cost, before deregulation. Buy why would anyone want to travel that way unless they absolutely have to. And then, why set it up so you have too?

The wonders of old threads:

MBZ diesel car engines, changed to gear cam drive, and made to run on kerosene jet fuel. To me looks like high aspect ratio, so it has great load carrying, but still stays clear of the 55mph full load stall speed ceiling which messes up the old American twin designs.



^^^^^^^ But, engine cowlings are asymmetrical, as the MBZ engines are dual overhead cam, but the propeller runs off of just one of them. And they then use the same cowling left and right.

And, these engines are not counter rotating, where as the Lycoming and Continental opposed gasoline engines are.

I still think the plane is nice, reflective of some serious thinking:

1. Dieseling on jet fuel.

2. High wing aspect ratio, gives higher load carrying and slower speed, so it stays clear of the 55mph max stall.speed criterion.

I am not defending the police, for knowingly committing a wrongful act, but lets be real here, I personally would hate to live in a country without police,and it's a job I couldn't do.
^the police don't do shit for us so I think I would manage. And I think you could do it(be a cop). It seems like in some cities they take anyone willing and able.
Ok I retract my previous statement. I have come across a few helpful cops but they are definitely in the minority. Like 1 out of every 10 cops.
Nobody argues the police deserves our support - it's just that way too-many times they are put on some kind of pedestal as if they can do no wrong and when they fuck-up; even on purpose; they don't give a fuck and try to defend their actions instead of owning up to them, and they are given the "hey they have a tough job" pass. Too many bad-cops w/ bad-attitudes that abuse their power are given a pass; and it's systematic where the good-cops can't/are-not-allowed to speak-up and call them out (the blue-line is often more important to many of them than right or wrong).
A righteous person w/ power will use that power as a last-resort - a douche w/ power will abuse that power whenever they get the chance.
"Fuck the police!"

Wasn't that what was quoted by the dentist character played by Ed Helms in the second "Hangover" movie, when they were in downtown Bangkok? I could see sjg standing in for that movie's character in real life, cumming too fast for the tranny with a dick! Lol...
Gaffigan, you are the one who keeps talking about tranny and mutual masturbation stuff, not me.

avatar for Revnow
8 years ago
Papi for the win here
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