
Extra Terrestrials Living In The Asteroid Belt!

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
It has just been discovered that out in the remnants of our 5th planet, in that microgravity created by its fragments, and having traveled hundreds of light years from the Pleiades to arrive here, we have extra terrestrials in residence. And they are little by little taking over.

And further, our own financial wiz Dougster is one of their operatives. And so when we hear him going on and on lecturing to his doe eyed minions like twentyfive, about what the markets are going to do, he is not just Monday morning quarterbacking for what already has happened and is reflected in current prices.

No, our extra terrestrials, soon to become our conquerors and masters, are feeding financial market information to Dougster with a 72 hour lead. Then after that 72 hours is up they give the same information to the mangers of the large pension and insurance funds. After that the information becomes worthless, as it will instantly become reflected in current prices.

It had looked like Dougster was serving his Wagner friends in Bayreuth, the Underground Reich. But no, they have been superseded by extra terrestrials. So when Dougster gives financial advice we all need to act at once, to profit from that 72 hour window. Its not just what you know, its when you know it. And in this case, that's determined by who you know.


Graham Bond ✪ Holy Magick [full album]

Belly Dancing in High Heels

Belly Dancing in Liquid Dress and High Heels


  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Tongue in cheek not withstanding, to address the point of ET: no aliens have ever visited the earth and anyone who thinks they have is not doing their homework.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    Don't give up your day job, Antoine de Saint- Exupery wrote a much better story. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go look at some pyramids which were built by primitive humans and look forward to the day our modern engineers can do as well.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    But was Saint- Exupery getting stock market advice passed on to them from the extra terrestrials?

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    So, SJG, how fast do prices moves in regard to information. Is it instantaneous? Does it take minutes? Hours? Days? Does the movement depend on the liquidity of the particular market?

    Sounds like you are back off your belief that you and just a few others could know the markets were "overvalued" and in a bubble when fund managers could not see. It's nice to see admit that you were wrong about something for a change. Seems like you are big believer in the efficient market hypothesis. Depending which flavor that would mean markets absorb information instantly, or even perfectly prior to the information coming out. Kind of naive, but still nice to see adjust your beliefs over time.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    How long ago did the extra terrestrials give you this information?

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Looks like I asked some questions you're unwilling to answer there, SJG. Keep dancing.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The market is clearly a bubble because it has not been this high before, and there are lots of unsustainable things going on. This not to say that it could not someday go higher, it is just to say that at the present there is much downside risk. The large fund managers of course know this, but they have other means available to them of lowering the risk, and of having the best chances of knowing when to get out.

    And so these markets are not as you say, "efficient", because it is a highly unlevel playing field.

    But none of us know what it will do tomorrow, that is unless we are being giving information by people who have control over it.

    And actually the large pension fund and insurance fund managers do have a degree of control over it, because they handle so much money that their actions do to a large degree establish the prices. And this effect is multiplied because others watch them and imitate their movements.

    And so if I were to say that because of this or that, the market is likely to do something, my thesis really is useless, as anything I know is already also known by these managers of the large funds. So it does get to be very much like weather futures, or roulette wheel futures.

    Now on the other hand for someone like Dougster, getting feed information from extra terrestrials in the asteroid belt who are intent on taking over, and giving him a 72 hour window, it is an entirely different story.

    The big question is, for how long will they find Dougster to be of use to them?


    Wicked Lady, great album cover
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    You didn't answer the question of how long it takes markets to absorb information. In your first post you said it was "instantly" in your latest your suggest there is enough time for others to observe and copy large money movements. So which is it?

    (In reality large funds will generally ignore the day to day news and have already have bracketed orders in for stuff they want to buy. They then let the day to day play out: eventually the market will drop into their buy regions and they'll get filled. They rarely chase price. They are buying things with very long horizons, in which case almost all our day to day news is irrelevant.

    Other players in the market operate differently. But the information on what the large funds are doing is available to some degree on a day to day basis. At least if you are willing to pay for it.)
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    SJG, you are worse in trolling almost as bad as you are at making sense. You should stick to commenting on what you know best, sucking off dudes ages 15-55.

    If you know anything about commenting on the markets, you would have some experience with skin in the game. You yourself have said you don't invest In markets so why should anyone listen to you, or better yet why do you comment on a topic you know nothing about? Experience is the greatest teacher, and youve admitted to having little experience in this field. So shut the F___ up SJG!

    Did you know that w reunify hates you SJG?
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Excuse me that should read "Everybody hates you SJG?" ^^^^
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I'd go to Mars just to get away from this.

    Hopefully, Mars girls are easy.
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    SJG's brain is made out of shit!
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I haven't had any contact with any extraterrestrials lately unless one nice looking blonde who danced for me last night was not from around here. However I think she danced for me several times in years past. I kind of liked how she was smiling during the dance. Made it seem like she was enjoying dancing for me. I read some people think one group of aliens are tall blondes. Seriously, no joke intended. Sounds kind of funny though.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Might be aliens in Antartica. They have some top secret stuff going on down there.
    Some conspiracy people even think the moon is hollow and it's a massive alien base like a Death Star with a rocky surface. I like that theory. If world governments thought it was true, there would be a race to take over the moon if it wasn't defended.

    Never heard one involving the asteroid belt.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Dougster, I don't know how long stock market relevant information takes to produce an effect. It depends upon who it is disclosed to. Our extra terrestrials don't share it with everyone, only with those the are confident are working on their side.

    Gaffigan, why aren't you out there doing stand up. How is Donald Trump supposed to be able to stay in office if he doesn't have you pitching for him?

    Sharkhunter, out in the asteroid belt they get the benefits of microgravity. They don't like real planets, too hard to get back off of. They refer to them as gravity wells. Right now they are only communicating with people they know are working on their side. And with Dougster they are giving him stock market information a full 72 hours before they give it to anyone else. So the next time he posts any, we all should act at once.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Well let's put it this way: the large fund generally cannot move "instantly" and without being noticed.

    They effectively put a floor under the market or (less likely) a ceiling above it, but as I said they rarely worry about the day to day and they aren't the only players in the market.

    Certainly your model that large funds are continuously watching the market and making the current price instantly factoring all known information and the best predictions is incorrect. That might be possible if all markets had infinitely liquidity, but in practice buying and selling in reality cannot happen instantly for large amounts.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    If they don't have at least a very high level of liquidity, then these markets cannot be as you say, "efficient". And the same goes if the dominant mechanisms do not work symmetrically, creating both floors and ceilings to the same degree. If they do one, but less so the other, then there are other things propping these markets up, or holding them down. In either case were these other constraints to falter, which they eventually will, then a crisis will ensue, and then in not too much more time, these markets will crash hard.

    We need to get a good look at Dougster and examine him to figure out what his New Masters did. Can we see how they went in through the back of his head? Did they get to the temporal lobes by going in behind an ear? Or maybe they went in through an ear canal, and maybe now Dougster really does hear voices.

    And maybe he thinks these voices are his own voice. This would explain his obvious illogic. Believing alien voices are the voice of God, what else is to be expected but irrationality.


    Global March For Science
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Maybe they also severed his corpus callosum, that thick band of nerves which connected his two hemispheres together, so then after that of course he would believe that the ET voices were the voice of God.


    Ginger Baker's Air Force (Jazz and Rock, 1970) Full Show ( AWESOME! )
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    7 years ago
    I suggest anyone reading the O.P.'s little space opera check out the following The Xenu myth L. Ron Hubbard privately preached to his disciples:


    Now add the whole idea of a) An elite organization with the 0.P. as boss and

    b) the whole whack-job ANTI PSYCHIATRY foo he keeps preaching (admittedly my main reason for actively opposing SJG's views although they are totally beyond the scope of this thread: Although I am not ashamed to say that I have family and close friends who rely on Psychiatry and meds to live a functional life and feel threatened by those who would try to shut down this alternative to those who need help)

    and yes I believe SJG is basically an L. Ron Hubbard wannabe. Lets see if we can get another bunch of suckers to drink the grape Kool-Aid (I for one am NOT drinking it) FUCK YOU SJG!!!!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    "SJG is basically an L. Ron Hubbard wannabe"

    :) :) :)

    INTJ = Evil Overlord


    The Scientologists and the Mental Health people don't like each other because they are both working the same con:

    I am opposed to both, and to the Recovery Movement and to Life Coaching and to Self-Improvement as well.


  • ime
    7 years ago
    L Ron HUbbard was a shitty author who started a weird cult, sounds about right.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Hugh Urban, talking about Scientology. Urban's stuff is really good!

    Jack Parsons Biographical Compilation [Crowley, O.T.O, L. Ron Hubbard]

    The Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome - Kenneth Anger w/ Marjorie Cameron

    Bachelor Machine




    The Babalon Working

    AEON of HORUS: The Occult History of NASA



    Here Comes the Sun: A Tribute to George Harrison by Paul Simon, Crosby and Grahm Nash
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @SJG: You finally may be getting an inkling. But only after I have spoon feed you everything.

    Yes, I think the fact that the markets have finite an uneven liquidity is the biggest thing that keeps the efficient market hypothesis from working. That being said, they are amazingly efficient, which is why buy and hold is such a good strategy and will probably beat 98% of active managers.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I understand why buy and hold will likely beat fund managers. This has been discussed at length, and also it is common knowledge, and the historical data backs it up.

    But still, it is just gambling. So much better to put your time and money into you own affairs.

    People go for the financial markets because they get an emotional charge off of it, and also because they like the bragging rights.

    And of course you, getting info from ET's who are taking over, you encourage all of this.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    SJG: "People go for the financial markets because they get an emotional charge off of it"

    Wrong. Most people put their money into automatic investment plans and only look at it a couple of times a years when it comes time to rebalance and pay taxes. The last thing they are in it for is the "emotional charge".
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So Dougster, than maybe you and #25 are the exceptions?

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    What the extra-terrestrial doctors did to Dougster was cruel. First hey cut away most of his corpus callosum.


    Usually this is only done in cases of extreme epilepsies. But in this case they cut most of it away, but not all of it. The purpose is to be better able to confuse him about where the voices he hears are coming from.

    Then they implanted a receiver in his left ear canal.

    So the communications start at ET Command in the Asteroid Belt, then ->

    Receiver in Dougster's left ear canal ->

    To his 8th cranial nerve ->

    Crossing over to his right hemisphere and to his temporal lobe, where it is processed ->

    Using what little remains of his corpus callosum to cross back over to his left hemisphere, but the way he experiences it omits any feelings about its origins. Rather, what he hears is a computer simulated synthesis of the voices of James Earl Jones and Paul Robeson.

    So we should ease up on Dougster. No one would want to be in the situation he is in.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    ^^^ SJG has now crossed the line into psychosis.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Starting at Extra Terrestrial Command in the Asteroid Belt -> Receiver surgically implanted in Dougster's left ear canal -> Following his 8th cranial nerve to the temporal lobe of his right hemisphere -> Following the little bit that the ET doctors deliberately left of his corpus callosum, this is how Dougster experiences it in his left hemisphere, and in a computer simulation of the voice of James Earl Jones:


    "Here I am"

    "I have heard the cries of my people, and I have seen how they suffer. Fighting to keep civilization going by keeping the market indices growing, and always having to run off the chicken littles. Millennials not interested in the markets, and then counter culturalists like this SJG, and milliions listening to him and being denied their chance at success.

    So I am sending you to bring my lost sheep back into the fold, and back into the land of milk, of honey, and of strong diversified portfolios and the laws of property."

    "Sending me, oh no Lord, I do not know how to speak, and people see me as cruel and vindictive."

    "Don't worry, I'm also sending Gaffigan and Twentyfive with you. They will speak for you when things are not going well. And I'll send you a bunch of hypnotized snakes too. They come in handy."

    "Yes Lord."

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