
Comments by jaybud999

  • discussion comment
    a day ago
    GA/FL PAWG Hunter
    The 3/$100
    @skibum "As costs rise, I simply feel lucky to be aging out of this." I reject this defeatist mentality!
  • discussion comment
    a day ago
    I just read the text of the bill. Unless I'm missing something in minutia, it looks clean to me, unless there are some situations I don't "understand." As much as it PAINS ME to support a bill with Mace, Boebert, and Biggs as sponsors (I think all three are assholes)....I'm not seeing why this wouldn't get greater bipartisan support. I'm not on the demonizing the immigrant class train (Springfield), but I don't find anything wrong with tossing folks who have messed up.
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    1,000 Bottles of Baby Oil and Lube?
    *in no way do I support shaming, degrading, or assaulting people who did not agree to it* "Bitch! You ain't shiny enough! Come here!" Pulls a bottle straight from the case and proceeds to squirt it all through the air in a zig zag pattern....
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Smash or Pass - pool edition
    Pass. If her breasts were real, smash.
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    Meta-Political Discussions
    This is the ONLY place I talk my politics, other than with my wife. I prefer nobody knowing anything about my politics in "real" life. Here, I can openly spout off wherever I want for my own entertainment. Kind of like jerking off in the club and shooting web everywhere.
  • discussion comment
    3 days ago
    Are you confident enough in the election results to bet on it?
    All you stupid fucks. You're going to vote who you're going to vote for, both sides are going to translate the data the way they want. Stop slapping away the reach around hand and get back into the rhythm of Melania, Boebert, AOC, and MTG (she's for Puddy and Gamm to tag team) dancing for money.
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    The most dangerous demographic in America
    Sometimes your comments are lucid and concise....and then this horseshit. What's wrong with you man?
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    The most dangerous demographic in America
    Oh please. Cut your bullshit. It's old. Almost as old as you.
  • discussion comment
    6 days ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Smash, or pass?
    Well, usually I click in and make my evaluation within 3 seconds and return. This one I clicked in and watched till the end..... This is my style. Smash.
  • review comment
    8 days ago
    Vegas Value, Wow!
    YYYeeeessssss! Glad you enjoyed the Palomino! The semi circular booths are cool hunh? But those stairs can fucking kill you if you aren't careful.
  • discussion comment
    8 days ago
    FUCK IT!
    September 11 2001, Never Forget!
    God damn! You two fucktards are entertaining. It's like high school with emotional retards.
  • discussion comment
    8 days ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    It's slipping away gentlemen, you can see it right? Those last straws of Trumpism....grasping...."Kammy......you bit...."...... It's over. And you're going to be ok. You will still have the same money in your account. You will still go to the club. You can still eat a steak when you want. The "others" will still serve you in "those" jobs.
  • discussion comment
    8 days ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    I don't think most Americans are gonna be influenced by a billionaire celebrity
    @ Puddy Face it, the wrong candidate was chosen. I can run conservative with economics and certain social issues, but Trump is a terrible face of conservative politics. Harris is not my favorite either (but better than Biden)....but Trump is worse....like really.....worse.
  • discussion comment
    9 days ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Mogul feels the failure of his poor representation of a candidate creeping into his psyche......
  • discussion comment
    9 days ago
    FUCK IT!
    September 11 2001, Never Forget!
    Wow! I'm in agreement with gammanu's response to Muddy.
  • discussion comment
    9 days ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people..., and clearly he is having a very
    @misterorange Dude, just go back to carving your pumpkin. "Collusion".....fucking stupid dude. They fired questions, both numb nuts answered the way they wanted. One answered better for the middle ground that they both need. Just accept Trump didn't do well, and hope for the best....because that's what you need now. That, and a better representative of conservative politics next time.
  • discussion comment
    9 days ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    They both are aiming at the middle and undecided. My polling of one indicates that Trump did a worse job at gaining middle votes. +- 1. Face it gentlemen playing in the pumpkin patch.....the beginning of the end has started.
  • discussion comment
    9 days ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Woody Guthrie: This Land is Your Land
    The Cherokee and Navajo nations approve. I'm positive of this.
  • discussion comment
    10 days ago
    Advice Needed for Las Vegas
    @Icey If you say so, but I just don't really see how FS gets done in that space, even with two girls. There's just so much traffic?
  • discussion comment
    10 days ago
    Advice Needed for Las Vegas
    Minimal quality mileage to be had in the clubs. By this, I mean you will have to move into 4 figures to get going in any of the big clubs (think Spearmint, Sapphire, Hustler, Crazy Horse 3, Treasures, Palomino). Prices will come down, but along with quality with the 2nd and 3rd tier clubs. I happen to enjoy Chicas because it's cheap.....but it's not classy, and you aren't going to get full service there. The upscale strip hotel bars should satisfy what you're looking for I suppose.....be prudent.
  • review comment
    11 days ago
    Indulging in the Inland Empire
    Great review. I need to check this out.
  • discussion comment
    11 days ago
    Did ya ever……
    I second Puddy Tats inser----assertion. I will add, even with that logic in place.....my brain NEVER goes there in the moment, and I don't even do much.
  • discussion comment
    12 days ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    edit: I misposted on this Smash or Pass, she isn't blonde! But it's a pass.
  • discussion comment
    12 days ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Georgia school shooting: Typical suspect
    Vote RED if you want to lose freedom of speech, support mandatory gun OWNERSHIP, illegal immigrants PUTTING IN WORK WITH NO RIGHTS, capital flying out of the MIDDLE CLASS so fast your head will spin, want your kids encouraged to become BIBLE THUMPERS (FINE, JUST MEMORIZE THE TOP 10), DECREASE FUNDING FOR DECREASING GREEN HOUSE GAS EMISSIONS BECAUSE IT'S TOO HARD TO START SOMEWHERE, having to choose between food and heating your home, more weakness and war abroad, funding tHE DEFENSE INDUSTRY TO BOMB Hamas and Iran, and a VP who's a fan of BINDING FEET. Yes, that's how stupid your blanket statement sounds. I'll say it again: we both meet somewhere in between. ex. "Jay, you want an open border!" No I don't. "Puddy, you want armed guards along every mile of our border!" No, you don't. ex. "Jay, you want to take my guns away!" No I don't. "Puddy, you want to be able to open carry a long gun at Piggly Wiggly." No you don't.
  • discussion comment
    15 days ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    Blonde isn't my preferred hair color.....but alright.