Liberal CNN still doesn’t get it

avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Elon Musk

The richest man in the world
May be one of the smartest men in the world

Yet CNN is critical that he’s advising Trump

They still don’t understand why they lost


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avatar for Studme53
2 months ago
I have advice for the Democrats - you’re just not liberal enough. Go even harder left next time. Run that bald dude who wears lipstick and dresses and likes to steal luggage for President next time.
avatar for Meshuggah
2 months ago
CNN has less viewers than members of Tuscl.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
The corrupt liberal media is panicking that Americans no longer believe them. They are right. More and more Americans are waking up to the lies and hypocrisy of the media. All MSNBC viewers know that that they are watching liberal propaganda. Most people understand that CNN is liberal propaganda. After the terrible moderation of the Trump-Harris and Vance-Walz debates, many are admitting that broadcast network news outlets are hopelessly partisan.

Leftist shills like CNN are worried that Trump, by bringing in a diverse circle of advisors (Musk, Kennedy, Gabbard, et al), will be able to fulfill a unifying vision of patriots from all walks of life, politics, and social strata working together to improve life for every American. This will be in stark contrast to the democrat party playbook of catering to their base and punishing any who voted against them. Has everyone seen the headline that FEMA workers in Florida were instructed to skip houses with Trump signs and flags?…
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
@motorhead doesn't provide a link, so we can't see what he's actually referring to. Without the context, such a post is almost meaningless.

In any event, the topic of Musk advising Trump is largely separate and irrelevant to the discussion on why Dems lost the election. Right wingers trying to extrapolate the election results to assume they are correct and the left is wrong on all topics is laughable though not completely surprising.

Right wingers will continue to watch CNN and other media outlets because they know they can't get the full truth from Fox News. The network that had to pay a $787 Million settlement for promoting Trump's lies about the 2020 election.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Why do you think Dems lost the election?
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
Wild is the typical ignorant, bitter progressive, wetting herself. Despite the democrats lying, despite the democrats cheating despite the lies and propaganda of the news America looked at progressives and said: "begone cunts." Begone little bitch Wildforcock. You trans fuck.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
@PT I'm still digesting all the post-election analysis and discussion. Will revert back later once I have distilled it down.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ OK. I'm not trolling or being sarcastic. I really want the take from someone on the left here (as long as it isn't that the American people are sexist and racist).
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
^ you forgot homophobic, misogynistic, classist etc.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Really, that's what I'm seeing from both the mainstream media and the rags on the left. We didn't deserve her. This nation is irredeemable.

Leftists just love being told how morally superior they are to everyone else, and use that as a license to treat everyone else as subhuman.
avatar for mogul1985
2 months ago
"Leftist shills like CNN are worried that Trump, by bringing in a diverse circle of advisors (Musk, Kennedy, Gabbard, et al), will be able to fulfill a unifying vision of patriots from all walks of life, politics, and social strata working together to improve life for every American. "

Gutfeld calls this The Pirate Ship. Trump and Vance did all media outlets: Pods, Rogan, All-In, Black Journalist Conference, Nelk Boys (Baron suggested them) and he flew them with him a lot, Chicago Economic Conference, debated Joe on his terms, he was EVERYWHERE. Meanwhile, "Duck and Cover" Harris went to "Middle Class Neighborhood" safe places with pre-planned questions and answers from the Dem Machine. Only this time she didn't have to bring kneepads. Calling 80M voters "anti-Democracy", Nazis, Garbage, ect didn't set too well with voters.

On 6-Jan, Harris needs to certify Hitler, and Biden has invited Hitler to the WH for lunch. Priceless. Biden would get a TON of excellent press (for a change) if he brought in McDonalds with fries.

wld4tatas needs to "digest all the post-election analysis and discussion".

When you live in an airtight, hermetically sealed mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnalls' porch at the Echo Chamber House and the Dem Machine runs a Star Chamber at that house with Capo Pelosi and Godfather Barack it's really anti-Democracy. Of course it's confusing why Trump won by a strong margin in the Electorals and Popular. When someone's beliefs are nuked, it's tough as milk and cookies won't help.

The other puzzling question to "right wingers": Total votes are -16M from 2020. In past cycles, total votes have been in a nominal/deterministic range adjusted for population growth. A lot more people were registered with Get Out The Vote by all parties. 16M is a big downward gap.

For the first time ever, I watched The View on Wednesday. It was like watching a Buster "Stone Face" Keaton movie. Hilarious.

To all the lefties here: you'll be fine. Someday you'll understand the Dem Machines just views you as Useful Idiots.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 months ago
@puddy: here is my center left take: in a nutshell, the left are obsessed with social justice for a few small groups of people (lgbtqia, racial minorities), and a handful of causes like total abortion freedom, climate change, racism, etc. They’re so obsessed with these issues that they have equated that obsession with morality, and are busy shaming anyone inside or outside their ranks for a lack of purity. The basic impulse is very similar to the hard core Christian. The progressive sjw of today has essentially become the snl church lady of yesterday. In this context, Trump goes from being a piece of shit president to the Antichrist. Queue Kimmel crying on network tv, my friends talking(shit) about moving to Canada, etc.

In all of this, they missed the fact that millions of Americans have had a shitty 4 years dealing with inflation, housing costs, and the homeless. The missed the fact that many voters recently came of age and can’t remember another state of life in America. And they missed the fact that their treasured minorities also live in that lousy state of life.

So they lost. But at the same time, their “religion” tells that that they’ve been wronged, so they do the “right” thing and double down.

What you’re seeing now is the liberal equivalent of “oh lord why hast thou forsaken me?” …the eternal refrain of people who thought they were right, but were actually just up their own asses.

I hope the New Democratic Party will think a bit harder about who is voting next time.
avatar for dustyj
2 months ago
Many voted for Trump because they thought he would be better for the economy and bring prices down. In reality Trump will be an absolute disaster for the economy and if you think things are expensive now they are about to be more expensive. Our national debt will explode and social security could soon be bankrupt. Trump is not a good business man at all. The only possible good news is that he's a liar and often doesn't keep his promises of tariffs etc because that would be an absolute disaster for our economy.
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
^One day lefties will finally have their come to Jesus moments and understand that posts such as this drove the middle to Trump. Things were better under Trump, even with the surprise pandemic and even with the cheating lying two impeachments by the traitors called democrats, than they were under Biden/Harris and yet you simplistic idiots keep up the same stupid shit.
avatar for dustyj
2 months ago
Actually our pandemic recovery has been the best in the world. There was global inflation. Every time a Republican president leaves office the Democrat president has to clean up the financial shit show left by the Republican president. Trump not be good for the economy.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Weren't you the clown that said Trump wouldn't even get 200 electoral votes because abortion?

You may resume eating my asshole at your leisure.
avatar for dustyj
2 months ago
Trump will not be good for our country in any way. How do you argue with maga voters who think that Democrats create hurricanes? When our economy is much worse in a couple of years will you admit that it was a mistake to elect Trump or will you keep supporting the same shit?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
@drew - I'm center-right and agree with you substantially across the board. I was hoping for someone further left like @wld4tatas to add his two cents. I don't know why people need more time to digest this...the facts are out there, people were writing "pre-mortems" in case either candidate won. But i want to emphasize one of your points...politics has become religion for the left. One of their prophecies just miserably failed, so they can't process what happened and need time to come up with a justification that doesn't change their worldview TOO much, lol.

avatar for dustyj
2 months ago
I overestimated the intelligence of our country. 54% of Latino men voted for Trump who now wants to deport them. I can't put a brain in people's heads.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
Don't let facts get in the way of your narrative.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
avatar for jaybud999
2 months ago
This election had zero election fraud! It’s truly amazing what 4years can do to really shore up the process! I’d like President Trump to really take credit for being ok on those mail in ballots! Clearly, all the votes are legit on this one.

Bullshit aside, congrats on the win….electorally and popular. Assuming Congress also goes conservative, I look forward to see what will actually happen.

Puddy, you should have taken the bet.
avatar for jaybud999
2 months ago

Well stated, and my personal leanings are probably in line with you.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Bet or no bet, I own you for four years ;-)
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 months ago
@puddy: I think you answered your own question here:

Q: “I don't know why people need more time to digest this”

A: “politics has become religion for the left”

…it’s a big step to admit you had it wrong, and that most people don’t agree with you. It’s going to take time, but I think that democracy will force the dems to become something less elitist self absorbed.

There is a way for them to hold onto their stupid beliefs and perpetuate the cycle, however:

If trump behaves like a real ass: kicks down doors looking for 1M Mexicans, raises inflation with trade wars, lines his pockets, does nothing about homelessness, etc., and the dems have time to run a real candidate (they do have 4 years) they will be able to coast through another election cycle win by just being anti trump. and we can have another round of shitty dem politics.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
@drew - that's been a constant for this campaign cycle. Democrats let their fears run on wild tangents in their minds, and impute it to Trump. They constantly one-upped each other in the Trump paranoia, and called each other nasty names if they weren't paranoid enough. And somehow in there, they completely lost touch with reality. They convinced themselves that Jan 6 struck terror into the heart of the average American, that they cared more about third-trimester elective abortions or deportations than having to worry about making the next rent payment. In short, their heads were up each others' asses the entire time.

Trump is still a bombastic asshole. If Dems had run a Bill Clinton, Third Way New Democrat type, he'd have won 40 states, probably including Texas and Florida, everything except parts of the Deep South and Mountain West. Even a non-demented Joe Biden, who didn't treat the white working class as subhuman, with his record as an albatross around his neck, could have won.

However, since Obama, their leadership's response to any loss has been to go left-er and left-er (with the exception of brazen careerist Hillary Clinton who had no principles beyond personal advancement). Now they're playing the race and gender cards like they're pocket rockets. Remains to be seen if they'll learn their lesson, but...

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
Here's a good sample of the left's pure, 24-karat cope.…
avatar for dustyj
2 months ago
Trump's own words on the Howard Stern show before he got into politics. He said if I'd ever run I'd run as a Republican. There the dumbest group of voters. They'll believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they'd eat it up. I bet my numbers would be fantastic. Trump's own words were proven to be correct. They still haven't figured out that Trump is a lying con man would could absolutely care less about any of them.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ False! Cope harder, @dustyj!…
avatar for dustyj
2 months ago
Whether that is true or not the people that worked with him during his last presidency have said that Trump mocks his own supporters constantly, thinks they are stupid and has zero respect for them. Why do you think almost everyone that worked with him last time didn't support him this time?
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
I am center left, I've said this before. I don't need more time to digest because I'm confused or surprised, as some might infer. I had a crazy busy week and caught about 2 hours of news since Tuesday and I'm listening to all the opinions and perspectives and deciding what merit each has. I'm fairly analytical on many things.

What I would distill it down to, and this was apparent long before election day, would be:

1. External factors. We had one of the worst 4-year periods in a long time, with the pandemic and the regional conflicts. An unprecedented economic environment created huge inflation. Yes, Dems did a few things that made it worse, but it was going to be bad no matter what. We've seen incumbent parties worldwide getting defeated by voter anger over inflation. Any incumbent would have struggled with what Biden had to deal with.

2. Poor connection and messaging with the broader population. This is where the "elitist" arguments come into play, which I think are overblown, but I would agree the Dem party needs to be less insular. Dems failed to turn the question of "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago" into "Will you be better off the next 4 years under Dem or Republican leadership", and explain why.

3. A poor job of explaining their accomplishments and cutting through the right wing spin and lies in general. Republicans have always excelled at taking a few examples of issues which are real but limited, and repeating and amplifying them so they are perceived as giant issues. I've seen it over and over in election cycles. It takes a proactive, skilled and disciplined approach to counter it, which Biden nor Harris did adequately.

There are various other factors, but I'm going with these as the top 3 for now.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Nice resistance to learning from your mistakes. It's always "messaging" and not the fact that the product itself sucks.
avatar for dustyj
2 months ago
What do you think of Project 2025's plan to ban porn and criminalize sex work?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Trump has specifically distanced himself from Project 2025.
Even if that were a centerpiece of his agenda, porn is protected under 1A.
Sex work is a state/city thing.
avatar for dustyj
2 months ago
You do realize that Steve Bannon was pictured holding up Project 2025 the day after the election right? Once again you are gullible enough to believe Trump's lies. 2025 is absolutely the agenda.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Then you better download your spank bank now.
Steve Bannon isn't Trump.
You probably believe all the Handmaid's Tale memes, too.
avatar for dustyj
2 months ago
So you really think that they won't try to implement Project 2025? How much do you want to bet that they do?
avatar for Muddy
2 months ago
At the end of the day, let’s just kick back and watch this golden age unfold. Trumps cabinet are going to be the adults back in the room. Substitute teacher has left the building
avatar for dustyj
2 months ago
The adults that let Putin invade other countries after cutting off Ukraine help while doing nothing about China invading Taiwan leading to World War 3.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Wait, under who did Putin invade Crimea then Ukraine in the first place?

How about $10,000 that porn and sex work will not be banned?
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
None of the liberal media gets it. They still think it was a messaging problem. If only the knuckleheads in the electorate understood how good things really are, they all tell themselves, then they would have never have put the Bad Orange Man back in office.

They don't get that almost half the country has lost real purchasing power since Biden has been in office, with inflation on their core household expenses (rent, food, electricity, insurance premiums) outpacing wage growth

They don't get that people really care about border security.

They don't get that a solid majority of Americans oppose the woke policies that were being quietly pushed on them by an alphabet soup of regulatory agencies, including attempts to strong arm schools into allowing boys on girls playing fields and in their locker rooms and ESG mandates driving up auto and other prices.

They don't get that a majority of Americans saw the lawfare waged against Trump for what it was. Now maybe if it had been limited to the Georgia and federal cases it might have been viewed more seriously. But those cases in NY were a joke, both basically speeding ticket violations that were contorted, by both the prosecutors and all too complicit judges, in unprecedented ways to be treated as major crimes worthy of extraordinary punishment.

They don't get that folks can see that the world has become a much more dangerous place since Biden took office. After our hasty and disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and our willingness to , other bad actors obviously became emboldened.

But don't believe your lying eyes, they keep saying. All that matters is the Bad Orange Man is a felon and is...well...bad. Don't worry about all that other stuff - listen to our messaging instead, they say. It's about joy. Don't worry that Kamala has dodged every policy question posed to her, except to say that she wouldn't have done anything different than Biden. Just don't vote for the Bad Orange Man and all will be good, trust us, they say. 😉

Well, obviously the voting public believed their eyes over the Dem messaging. But sadly, all the Dems take from it is that they need to message better next time, lol.
avatar for dustyj
2 months ago
No response on the Project 2025 though huh? There is a 100% chance that Project 2025 is the agenda or are you still believing Trump's obvious lies about it? Any bets on that?
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
^^^^ Golden age lol. Trump will ride the economic coattails of his Democratic predecessor once again, and claim credit for any marginal improvement he is able to eek out. Fox News will stop running daily stories about the so-called woke monster, and people will think it was vanquished.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ And you won't realize that economies naturally recover after a deflationary shock like COVID, and conveniently rearrange cause and effect so you can blame Trump for everything.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
rick and Puddy are either lost or being deliberately deceptive.

Follow the "liberal" news media and you'll see several factors getting mentioned as the cause of the Dem loss, in addition to messaging. As did I above.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ I can see what YOU are saying, sugar tits. It's all cope.
avatar for dustyj
2 months ago
Still no response on Project 2025? Wow? Typical Republican response of either avoiding the question or changing the subject entirely.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ I did and offered you a bet on a specific aspect.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
I've been called some fun new names today, "sugar tits" and "trans fuck".

If anything I am sensing more anger and bitterness from the right wingers on TUSCL than the lefties, despite their election win. I guess it's hard to shake off after being programmed to be angry for four years.
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
That old Project 25 straw man again, which Trump neither wrote nor ever endorsed? You're really going to cling to that in the face of everything I posted above? 😆
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
Harris lost because people saw the disaster of the Biden Administration with their own eyes and Kamala did nothing to communicate how she would be different. Probably because she had no intention of being different, so at least I'll give her credit for not lying about it.

But too many in the media have spent the last 4 years excusing and whitewashing Biden's many mistakes. So now that they are on record for doing so, they can't backtrack now. So messaging it is, lol.
avatar for dustyj
2 months ago
So you think that Project 2025 will be zero part of Trump's agenda then. You think that's all made up and Steve Bannon was holding it the day after the election for no reason. Inflation is global. If you really think that Trump is going to increase our purchasing power you've got to be kidding.
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
===> "Trump will ride the economic coattails of his Democratic predecessor once again, and claim credit for any marginal improvement he is able to eek out."

Marginal improvement? Obama oversaw the most anemic recession "recover' in the history of the country. Labor force participation plummeted during his tenure, thanks in no small part to him giving out free healthcare to anyone who voluntarily reduced their incomes, including a flock of early retirees. The economy was so shaky that the Fed has to keep it on 0% interest rate life support during his ENTIRE tenure.

Under Trump, the economy finally became healthy enough to begin normalizing interest rates. Labor force participation actually improved, as did real wage growth.

Now Trump will be inheriting an economy on the tail end of a government spending blowout sugar high that has benefitted some and hurt others. He's also inheriting a national debt that is so high that interest payments alone are more than our entire defense budget. Biden has made a real fucking mess of things and normalizing it is going to be a challenging exercise.
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
Dusty, our housing supply is local. So too are our insurance rates. 80% of our food is sourced domestically. We have ample ability to influence global energy supply using our own natural resources. We are also the largest economy in the world and can influence global prices of goods sourced overseas in a number of ways.

So yes, Trump has plenty of tools in the arsenal. A good start would be for us to stop spending like children with credit cards who don't think that the party will ever end.

So yes,
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
@dusty, did I miss where Steve Bannon as hired to be part of the upcoming administration? Trump cannot be responsible for the behavior of every person who used to work for him, lol, including those who decided to align themselves with the Heritage Foundation.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
@wld4tatas - Angry? You have to have less emotional intelligence than Kamala to think that. Your playing the victim, ignorance of basic economics, and rationalizing failure is about what I expect from the left, and it's funny.

@ruckdugan - Truth. The election results speak for themselves. If the Democrats saw Americans for who we are, we'd be having a much different conversation with these two lackwits.

@dustyj - after your "Trump gets less than 200 EV" nonsense, you REALLY should retire from the prediction game. But I offered you a clear bet on a clear provision of 2025, the one that seems to matter most to you. A national ban on porn or sex work (prostitution is illegal so we'll define it as strip clubs too). $10,000. Step up to the plate.

Until the Dems get their heads out of each other's rectums, run a candidate that respects the working class, and tells their radical activists and donors to go eat a dick, that conversation is going to repeat itself.

Vance/Ramaswamy 2028?
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
^ Something triggered you to join other right wingers here in stooping to immature name calling. Arrogance perhaps?

The latest count has 74M votes for Trump, but 70M voted for Harris. The country is still very divided. The narrative that Dems don't understand or respect Americans is exaggerated nonsense and more evidence of your endless addiction to spin.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Lol. Triggered? No, I'm happy as a clam. Watching you get bitchy and passive aggressive is funny though, I'll admit that.

The country is divided because for years Democrats have been segmenting the country into identity groups and playing them against each other. Black vs white. Female vs male. LGBTQ vs straight. Telling every group they have a legitimate grievance against each other.

The bitter clingers, basket of deplorables, Trump supporters are garbage party can't even hide their contempt now. The experiences of Harris supporters at Trump rallies vs Trump supporters at Harris rallies speaks for itself.

After the election, your ugliness is on full display. Your unwillingness to course-correct and instead blame the American people for being stupid and bigoted (read any left wing column on the matter) has been laid bare.

Perhaps if you want to unite America, you should respect the American people.
avatar for motorhead
2 months ago
The MAGA folks didn’t win the election for Trump - it was MARA

“Made America Reasonable Again”

I’m really convinced a silent majority of Americans got really sick of the woke nonsense that just got out of control.

For some reason after George Floyd, things got crazy. It started with defund the police but then went into some totally unrelated events. Tearing down historical monuments. Renaming military bases. . Supporting Hamas. Transgender athletes. Tampons in boy’s bathrooms. Fat chicks and chicks with dicks in the SI swimsuit issue. None of this stuff has to George Floyd but the left felt empowered to push the limits of their progressive agenda and all of America except for a few pockets of urban coastal elites, people just got tired of it.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
^^ Speaking of respect, I'm not the one calling people names.

And I've been reading dozens of articles post-election and don't recall a single one where Dems were blaming the results on stupid Americans. They are largely faulting themselves on various points.

It's fascinating Puddy Tat can't seem to sit back and enjoy the win, but instead is still spending most of his waking hours posting lies and propaganda online.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ "And I've been reading dozens of articles post-election and don't recall a single one where Dems were blaming the results on stupid Americans."

Look no further than half of Salon, The Nation, and the American Prospect, among others. Stupid, racist, sexist, xenophobic, don't know what's best for them.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago…

Before you give me the hurr durr cOnSeRvAtIvE sItE nonsense, you can look up every damn one of those quotes.

Susan Glasser, a writer for The New Yorker: “It [Trump’s election] is a disastrous revelation about what the United States really is, as opposed to the country that so many hoped that it could be.”

John Harwood, a journalist: “If you’re accustomed, as I am, to believing that a critical mass of Americans embraces the values of freedom, pluralism, and common sense, the choice voters made defies comprehension.”

Jill Filipovic, a feminist author and columnist: “In the coming days there’s gonna be a lot of opining about what the Harris campaign did wrong, but this election was not an indictment of Kamala Harris. It was an indictment of America.”

Peter Wehner, a fellow at the Trinity Forum: “This election was a CAT scan on the American people, and as difficult as it is to say, as hard as it is to name, what it revealed, at least in part, is a frightening affinity for a man of borderless corruption. Donald Trump is no longer an aberration; he is normative.”

George T. Conway, a never-Trumper: “America did this to itself. And now we must all suffer through it.”

Jonathan Last, of The Bulwark: “Joe Biden was given the choice of betting liberal democracy on structures and the levers of power, or on the innate goodness of the American people. He put his entire chip stack on the American people and lost.”

William Kristol, also of The Bulwark: “The American people have made a disastrous choice. And they have done so decisively, and with their eyes wide open. . . . After everything . . . the American people liked what they saw [in Trump]. At a minimum, they were willing to accept what they saw.”

David Frum, an author and columnist for The Atlantic: “Above all, we must learn to live in an America where an overwhelming number of our fellow citizens have chosen a president who holds the most fundamental values and traditions of our democracy, our Constitution, even our military in contempt.

John Cusack, an actor: “The fact that the country would choose to destroy itself by voting in a convicted felon rapist and Nazi is a sign of deep nihilism. To put it mildly.”
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
^ LOL. So much effort to scour the internet to find a handful of remarks from fringe sources.

I could post a hundred articles and quotes where Dems are pointing the finger at themselves. But right now I have to reply to a dancer texting me for OTC tomorrow. Need to move her out later in the week.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ So much effort, maybe for you. Front page of RealClearPolitics this morning. Top columnists at top papers, sugar tits.

Have fun with your dancer. Maybe you can share a good cry.
avatar for minnow
2 months ago
Every time I hear a Cher or Barbara Streisand song, I change channels.
avatar for Icey
2 months ago
The bigots on here are basically just saying Democrats lost for alienating bigots 😂 😭 🤡
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
avatar for ricktheredmeat
2 months ago
Even on the View, the pretty blonde chicken pointed out that the democrats lost on their own merits. The other hens would not hear it and wanted to blame dumb voters. In every county in the country, Harris underperformed Biden. Republicans gained in the Senate and will soon keep the House.

The democrats list for two reasons:

1) Bad policies and politics which hurt Americans and negatively impacted our quality of life across the board.

2) They chose a candidate who was even worse than Hillary. She lost every primary she competed in. She lost every swing state in the "blue wall", and even Nevada, which Hillary won.
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