Melania Trump nude

Atlanta suburb
Beats the hell out of Kamala.
Beats the hell out of Kamala.
last commentShe was beautiful and hot then, even all these years later she still is beautiful and hot!
She is pretty enough... but whatever stylst she had to do those outfits... nah!
It's like they just went through the thrift store and grabbed some random things from the shelf... and went, look! it is high concept!
Those pictures are at least 15-16 years old and all airbrushed, I doubt she looks the same.
^ More likely 25 years old actually
She’s been made of plastic for decades now. Terrible tit job. And she won’t even let Trump hold her hand or kiss her on the mouth. Total whore.
And she isn’t even going to live in the White House this time
You forgot to mention Trump's dick size or have you just decided to hide your obsession now? Lol
Id rather fuck Kamala
Lots of guys talking shit about her couldn't dream of getting with a woman like her.
I'm not into either one, but Kamala is a skank compared to Melania. And a lot dumber.
Melania looks good in the shoot. But not so good for the shot of Trump she took to make Baron. Ruined a good thing there.
Thanking the Tuscl Godfather for the link. Interesting fact: Donald Trump and Jimmy Carter are the only 2 US Presidents to have been interviewed by Playboy. (Both before they were President, but still...)
Baron was IVF generated. No way she lets that clown climb on top of her. That’s what he meant when he said he was the “father” of IVF.
All the libs, so jealous of Donald Trump. Can't you small dick bitches just be happy that the USA has two complete smokeshows for the First and Second Ladies?
^ I'll take Usha over Melania any day. Love the curry.
I think she used to look great but now had way too much work done and married the worst person in the world.
@LexLuther I'll give you that Melania was pretty but Out of curiosity how the fuck would you know how smart she is. She's done nothing except pose for a photographer. The smartest thing she's done is renegotiate her prenup.
^ She speaks 5 languages. Again guys who couldn't get a woman like that talking shit about her.
Melania looks better than any of the other first ladies weve seen. Because of racism or other biases people may laughably claim kamala or michelle obama are on par with her or better.
Like when icee says hed rather fuck kamala.. that’s obviously because of racism or anti right wing bias.
Free the nipple: