
Comments by jaybud999 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    15 days ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    It finally happened
    Oooof. A nightmare for me. The closest I club to home is about 60 miles. Normally, it's out of state.....for these very reasons.
  • discussion comment
    16 days ago
    Your life is on the line
    Montana Nolan Ryan Kirby Puckett
  • discussion comment
    18 days ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Kamala's Big-girl Interview
    Speaking of controls, how bout' those staffers not controlling their cameras? Sounds like staffers on both sides are numb nuts?
  • discussion comment
    19 days ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Now now CJ.....this is the same, but opposite of gamm, puddy, and orange firing off about their bullshit. We all know the majority of both groups meet somewhere closer to the middle. You're firing about ultra conservative evangelicals.....which I see as a subset of Republicans, and not a very flattering set.
  • discussion comment
    20 days ago
    Good/Memorable album covers
    I forgot to mention that I used to masturbate to the Whipped Cream cover when I didn't have any porno mags or wait for the proper music video during the summer as the parents were working (pre internet of course.....).
  • discussion comment
    20 days ago
    Good/Memorable album covers
    Santana- Santana Metallica- Master of Puppets Iron Maiden - Most of them and for the hell of it, Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass- Whipped Cream and Other Delights
  • discussion comment
    21 days ago
    When your looking at reviews for a strip club you might visit...
    I do drewcareypnw, wait, I mean I do what drew does.
  • discussion comment
    21 days ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them.
    @Puddy In the spirit of an attempt at balance in my trolling.... @CJ You yourself are displaying signs of cultism....the anti-MAGA. Some of the shit you start with is outrageous. Now, both you ass clowns meet somewhere in the middle....you can both stay on your side, but cut the mudslinging and get some shit done....AND YOU'RE BOTH GONNA HAVE TO GIVE. That is all.
  • discussion comment
    22 days ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    This is not a satire novel, this is our world in 2024
    Yes Puddy.....the ONLY things I care about are abortions at birth, gender issues, letting everybody into the country, and rioting. C'mon man, you've shown stronger aptitude in past posts. Most of us all sit in a gray area on each of those topics, it's not all black and white. It's like me calling all "lefts" racists. Sure, there's a segment on the left that is extreme, but that doesn't define the party right? Nor should you define a whole party on three topics of progressive rights. To be fair though, what you define as progressive is probably different than mine.....and my definition of extreme ass puckering, I mean extreme conservative are probably different than yours. I assert that we're all closer than we think towards the middle here.
  • discussion comment
    22 days ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    This is not a satire novel, this is our world in 2024
    This is YOUR world numb nut. Your worldview is contained in your links, and besides....just ban the "novel" you speak of above, that'll take care of it. Oh, and your first link is paywalled....at least for me.
  • discussion comment
    24 days ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    How do you feel about EX-POTUS Donald Trump outing you as “basement dwellers?
    Dang! The ass puckered mother fuckers were silent on this one?
  • discussion comment
    24 days ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Well then punkin' head, you are about to be baptized to the full extent of 2/3's. The other 1/3 can be used to help with his commissary rations. Make sure he lives well, ramen with bottled water, not sink. Ok, ok, bullshit aside. I've run middle to liberal, atheist my whole life.....I'm feeling the exact same you are, just change the names.
  • review comment
    25 days ago
    Prices Up, Quality Down, Vultures Abound
    I'm going to agree with b318. I found $20 floors in July, but we had to negotiate that over time by bumping up to a package of 5 dances (I get my rate, she gets her bill). I fucking hate the "VIP ONLY" girls.....how the fuck am I supposed to commit that big without test driving?
  • review comment
    25 days ago
    Chicas Bonitas + the El Rincón Nayarita Run
    Great review of Chicas. And thanks for the heads up on the after hours club. Chicas is my go to when in Vegas.
  • discussion comment
    25 days ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    3 Albums - Pick Wisely
    @shailynn I got super lucky last fall. Living Colour played an outdoor concert with probably a max capacity of 2000 people......there were maybe 500 people in the whole space set up for the concert, half of which were milling around at vendors. Vernon was smashing away, and Corey was walking around in the crowd singing for a couple of songs....it was amazing.
  • review comment
    25 days ago
    Pinpin aint EZ....when you're high
    8/15/24 Wednesday Night: Palomino
    @frustrated It's totally weird. In a city that really does push the limits on free for all adult entertainment....there's still that final puritanical barrier of "liquor and pussy must stay separated." It's really a bizarre idea.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    I wasn’t just a Trump supporter, I was a true believer, I was one of his closest
    @Puddy I fully understand why you will vote for Trump....you have to, in regards to your political worldview. It's the same reason I would have voted for Biden....I just have to. That said, I'm fascinated with why Trump was chosen to represent conservative politics? It seems like there are a ton of other worthy candidates that check off all the same boxes for Republicans that don't have the baggage that Trump is carrying. Clearly, my comment can be used with the name "Biden" inserted as well.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    I wasn’t just a Trump supporter, I was a true believer, I was one of his closest
    @Dong "Its not fair to tax richer people a higher rate to begin with. Technically everyone should be paying the same tax rate." That sounds right on its surface, but how do you account for tax code on capital gains (long/short), dividends, loss carryovers, and a variety of other financial methods of decreasing ones tax burden? If you're saying fuck it, ALL of it gets taxed at "X", fine....I could get on board with your idea, but otherwise....fuck that....the rich can take their hit because they have the means to hide/decrease their tax burdens.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Pinpin aint EZ....when you're high
    Las Vegas, New Club: Las Cariñosas Gentlemen's Club
    @Mypoor That sucks, I hear you on the Palomino cover charge....inconsistent. I've never been pick pocketed at Chicas....bummer. @ilbbaicnl Duly noted.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Mr Persianality is Icee
    @Puddy Noted! I've not been farther east than New Orleans for clubbing. I've been salivating over Atlanta for years.....but I just can't find the opening to get it done between the work schedule, and the mother fucking wife (whom I love!) wondering why the fuck I'm going out to Atlanta without her. The only thing she knows I'll travel solo for is the UFC and Raiders away games (no, I'm not a Raiders fan.....but I am when I need to be!). You never know Puddy, you never know! You bring the coke.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Pinpin aint EZ....when you're high
    Las Vegas, New Club: Las Cariñosas Gentlemen's Club
    You don't care for Chicas or Palomino?
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    How al-Qaeda has found a foothold again in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
    @skibum "..... but the left is too busy wanting every guy to be a trans cock sucking homo and the right is too busy waiting for Jesus to show up and make things right. " ^^^^THAT is a piece of quality work.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    3 Albums - Pick Wisely
    Queensryche: Operation Mindcrime Living Colour: Vivid Metallica: Master of Puppets
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Aubrey Plaza - hot or not?
    Insertion ready.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    “But when I didn't win the election” ~ Donald J Trump 2021
    I can't wait to hear gamma's response when he gets back from Buc-ee's.