LAs new conservative DA to fight prostitution

avatar for Icey

The hardcore Republican wants to prosecute petty crimes and end prostitution 🤡😂😭 But yall support these types....

He has said the DA's office should be prosecuting lower-level crimes such as loitering for prostitution and drug possession.


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avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 mos ago

Cope and seethe, Icey. Cope and seethe.

avatar for tipton31
4 mos ago

I knew the liberal tears would be glorious today.

avatar for rickmacrodong
4 mos ago

Its nothing new or surprising. A huge element of right wing voters and politicians want to impose Biblical values on everyone.

avatar for mogul1985
4 mos ago

Like the Progressives are doing a smashing job, well, sure, they are smashing the cities up. "Escape From New York" is a good documentary of the shape of…

avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
4 mos ago

@ Rickmacrodong and @Icey

If murder was involved, that needs to be dealt with. The problem is that we have let conservatives replace prostitution with "human trafficking". If you…

avatar for boomer79
4 mos ago

The article says loitering for prostitution which is probably more public nuisance stuff like street walkers and hanging out in hotel parking lots.

I’m strongly pro legalization but I…

avatar for Icey
4 mos ago

In LA it means frivolous arrests on Figueroa. Raiding strip clubs. Going for frivolous petty crimes. The stuff those on here wallow in will be gone after

avatar for Icey
4 mos ago

You cant be a whoremonger pretending to believe in conservative values

avatar for skibum609
4 mos ago

^Hope all of L.A. disappears in an earth quake.

avatar for jaybud999
4 mos ago

^ Choke on your red fucking chowdah.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 mos ago

^ Look who the cat (or the Puddy Tat) dragged in.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 mos ago


avatar for skibum609
4 mos ago

Red Chowdah? So fucking stupid Jaybitch. I am a Bostonian. Red chowder is for men like you who wish they had a period. White chowdah is for men…

avatar for Icey
4 mos ago

Boomer. You like hookers as long as no one sees them. I bet you go to church too 🤡

avatar for Icey
4 mos ago

Newsom basically legalized prostitutes so they wouldnt fear getting and accepting help.

Hochman vows to go after them.

avatar for jaybud999
4 mos ago

And there we have it, skibutt on record stating he is a man that likes “white chowdah.”

But I did mix that one up. Sigh.

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