
Hide the children and children

Avatar for sfrsox
sfrsoxI love boobies

Matt Goetz will be AG. What a horrific point in American history.

F all the people that voted for Cheeto Benito


last comment
Avatar for Icey

Goetz...ie 😂

Avatar for ATACdawg

Dear God. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse,bit does🫤

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

Man, even I can't defend this one. Gaetz is a shithead.

Avatar for gammanu95

Elections have consequences. Buckle up, buttercup, because Trump has not even begun to fuck you, yet.

I truly hope that picking Gaetz, a very unorthodox choice, signals Trump's intent to wage total lawfare against the democrat party. Remember, they picked this fight.

Every prosecutor and judge who made politically motivated prosecution and judgements against Trump, every Sen/Rep/bureaucrat who made false claims and lied about Trump and his proxies (e.g. Kavanaugh or Ivanka's husband), every mayor or gov who has threatened to obstruct Trump and his policies is on notice: clear your calendars and buy a shit ton of KY jelly.

The democrats have been acting like there are no consequences for them and the country is their private fiefdom. They sowed the wind and will now reap the whirlwind.

Avatar for TheeOSU

HaHaHa. For as much damage as they've done I love watching the lefties squirm but I also wonder about this choice.
Just a wild guess but maybe Trump will wait until a successor to Gaetz's seat is confirmed in congress then cast Gaetz off and choose another AG?

Avatar for whodey

Trump must be trying to swing for the fences with that pick, even with a Republican Senate I'm not sure if Gaetz will be confirmed as AGa. Trump may be able to twist enough arms to get to a 50-50 tie with Vance giving the 51st vote to confirm him, but that is going to be a much bigger battle than most of his nominees and I really don't think he'll get confirmed in the end.

Avatar for TheeOSU

Appointed by the governor that is. EDIT!

Avatar for twentyfive

It might be a misdirection type of pick, put forth someone so extreme and unpalatable, that his other picks look benign by comparison, not saying that’s what it is, but it’s a smart possibility.

Avatar for jaybud999


 Congratulations on the win in both Congress and the Presidency.  I look forward to seeing the progress the new cabinet brings to the country, with both the House and Senate with a conservative majority.    

 It was a fair election this time right?  Even with mail in and fraudulent voting?  Just checking.
Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

^ Past the margin of cheating. Try not running a floozy and a cuck next time.

Avatar for jaybud999


 I'm not an election denier.    

 But this election didn't have any irregularities anywhere right?  Not like the last bogus election, that had all kinds of weird shit happening.  This election was tight, they must have made some serious changes in four years.  Just making sure we're on the same page.  

 I look forward to seeing America lifted to greatness....you know, MAGA.
Avatar for shailynn

Matt Gaetz probably just got a get out of jail card - for life. If the allegations against him are true (and he seems creepy enough to believe them) they’ll be buried deep in the Floriduh sand now.

I don’t like the Noem nod either. Her kid was so dumb she couldn’t even become a realtor and pulling strings for her caused so much drama people thought she should resign, and that was way before she was dumb enough to admit she killed her dog.

Avatar for misterorange

shailynn, I agree on the Noem thing. I couldn't care less if she killed her dog, but not being smart enough to know that bragging about it might be bad politically...

Avatar for misterorange

But about the Gaetz pick... Republicans should get some old lady to say Chuck Schumer shoved his fist up her ass and licked her twat while she was on a tour of the Capitol like 20 years ago. Then Gaetz prosecutes him because it was on Federal property.

Avatar for caseyx

I kind of wonder if this is going to be his one "out there" pick that will draw all the Democrats fire, thus making it easier to confirm his other choices. The logical follow up move is to pick someone who will be easy to confirm for Deputy AG. Let Gaetz take the heat in extended confirmation hearings while the deputy gets down to business in the department.

Avatar for mogul1985

EXACTLY!!!! "The democrats have been acting like there are no consequences for them and the country is their private fiefdom. They sowed the wind and will now reap the whirlwind."

Imagine the "underwear changing" happening as Pete Hegseth gets DefSec. He was a Major in the NatGuard w/2 Bronze Stars and volunteered for active duty in AFG and Iraq. He was selected over 3 & 4 Star Generals and politicians in Congress. Guess all those generals and congress dweebs expecting board & lobbyist positions after office has been tanked. Excellent.

Avast Matties, prepare to be boarded. Trump's pirate ship is on the horizon. He is going to turn DC upside down and really upset the DC Inner Circle Potomac Two-Step.

The resistance in the Senate and House will be wicked & brutal from both parties.

2024 America had a record number of new voter registrations for both parties. YET: Trump's numbers: 2020=74M and 2024=76M. Biden/Harris' numbers: 2020 81M and 2024 73M. Trump's votes were nominal in 2024 compared to 2020. Harris' 8M less. 8M less is a big number given more were registered in 2024.

Avatar for Lanechange

If only we had a seperate place to disuss politics...

Avatar for Rightfield

^^ Ah, thanks Lanechange, you made me look for the Political Forum which I had lost track of. It is one of the 3 choices over in the left margin under "Forums".

We are currently in the Front Room. I propose we discuss nothing here that doesn't have labia.

Avatar for nelly76

The catholic pedophile cult loves this pick.

Avatar for gammanu95

Hey, libs - bend over, here it comes! I am really enjoying watching you all melt down. Keep it coming!

Avatar for wld4tatas

This was already going to be an unrespected Presidency. A decision like this just multiplies it.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

^ No, YOU don't respect it. The majority of Americans clearly do, and the conduct of foreign powers during Obama, Biden, and Trump speaks for itself.

I don't like Gaetz but something tells me you wouldn't like anyone he nominated so your approval is moot.

Avatar for wld4tatas

^^ The majority of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, the polling has been consistent on this.

Many people voted for Trump not because they respect him but because they believed he would bring change. You know this. A man who tried to subvert democracy and overturn a free and fair election without evidence will not be respected by huge segments of the population. Trump will never be able to escape this, it is cemented in his legacy.

Avatar for wld4tatas

FWIW I liked the Rubio pick.

Avatar for TheeOSU

^^ The majority of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, the polling has been consistent on this.

And the majority of Americans voted for him and rejected your girl so what's that tell you? #DIPSHIT!

Avatar for rickthelion

Lanechange sez => If only we had a seperate place to disuss politics...

You’re a wise hairless ape Lanechange. Politics in the front room makes baby Jesus cry and shit like that. Only psychos like Gamma ape, Skifredo, and Kent political shit in the front room regularly. Don’t be like those asshats sfrsox. ROAR!!!

Avatar for rickthelion

Imma be serious for just a second. Not about politics per se, but about the psycho posts of Gamma on this thread.

I mean really, if you want a certain outcome for an election because you think the candidate you like will do a better job you’re being reasonable. But if you want a certain outcome because you want to fuck over others. Gamma seriously needs to take a frickin’ chill pill.

Take a lesson from my fellow felid. He’s clearly glad that Trump won, but he isn’t posting psycho screeds about wanting his enemies list fucked over. The election is over. Let’s relax and hope that four years from now America really is better off.

Regarding Gaetz, none of us know how much his public persona matches his behavior behind closed doors. Maybe he’s a dumbass and maybe he’ll be good. Okay…the choice of hairstyle screams dumbass and maybe the Senate should reject him based on that…or force him to get a better haircut.

Maybe we should all calm the fuck down and see what happens. And while we’re at it we should focus on wearing stylin’ suits, drinkin’ Jack, and bangin’ the sexy female hairless apes.

That’s what this lion is gonna do. ROAR!!!

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

@wld4tatas - "The majority of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, the polling has been consistent on this."

The majority of American voters, voted for Trump. That's the favorability rating that matters. I don't have a particularly favorable opinion of him, but I voted for him because he's better than the alternative. I don't necessarily want a lot of "change" other than protecting free speech, not spend like a drunken sailor, close the borders, and clean house at the DoJ.

You should know that among voters who were most concerned about "democracy," TRUMP WON. Obviously to the American people, censorship was more important than a rally that got out of control. Besides, if Dems really believed Trump was a fascist, they wouldn't be talking about ensuring a peaceful transition. Hey, according to the left, presidents have complete immunity. If y'all really believed Trump was a threat to democracy, SEAL Team 6 would be at Mar-a-Lago as we speak. Puts the lie to all of you.

"Huge segments of the population" voted for Trump in 2020. I don't recall the left saying the nation was divided and large swaths of America don't support Biden.

This should trigger some soul searching on the left, but they're too busy saying Americans are racist, sexist, and transphobic. Please keep saying that and calling Republicans "bitter clingers," "deplorables," and "garbage." You might just give the GOP 60 Senators at that rate.

@rickthelion - thank you. HISSssssss

Avatar for Icey

Trump is making his cabinet picks like hes making a reality show . His last presidency was like Survivor so get ready 😂 😭 🤡

Avatar for rattdog

not even mentioned once:
paul gilbert
nuno bettencourt
randy rhoads
gary moore
eric johnson

Avatar for chiefwiggum

I do not like Gaetz. I think he's creepy and a prick and I think he ousted Kevin McCarthy (who I thought reasonable, at least as much as Johnson) for no reason. I also didn't follow this closely, but there didn't seem to be a good reason other than Gaetz throwing a temper tantrum and take focus off his investigation.

I also think this is a troll pick in which case, I do have to laugh a little bit. This is why we cannot take our government, any government, seriously. I wish there was a better way for the real serious, qualified people to run, not this clown show we get year after year,

Avatar for gammanu95

@wld4tatas - "The majority of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, the polling has been consistent on this."

This statement is factually false. How could Trump have been elected president were that so? The polls have been consistently inaccurate. Libs need to learn to STFU and BOHICA. Open wide for chunky. So much triggered liberal whining. Whining about Gaetz, whining about Gabbard, whining about me.

Elections have consequences. The dems wanted this fight, they wanted to politically prosecute their opposition. The punishment and retribution must be so devastating that they never try it again. Scorched Earth. The consequences have barely begun.

Avatar for nelly76

Gamma is a russian bot, trying to stir up American hatred of Americans.

Democrats wanted to "prosecute their opposition" because Trump committed 34 felonies and was convicted on ALL of them so far, in a court, by a jury.

Then Trump lied about election fraud, with ZERO PROOF, and convinced thousands of his dopes to try to overthrow the capitol, causing 140 injuries to cops, and 3 deaths.

Russian propaganda works when people are stupid enough to believe it, and LOTS of them did.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

^ Yeah, it's always Russia, not the fact that you ran a crap candidate on a far left platform.

PLEASE run on a years-ago riot, transgender surgeries, and millions more illegals. PLEASE listen to your billion donors and effete New York/San Francisco/Chicago/Boston elites and trash the working class. PLEASE try to force the liberal status symbol known as the EV on America.

Until you do, feed me those delicious tears.

Avatar for nelly76


Right wing brainwashing about non-issues.

Tell me how many "transgender surgeries" there were, and show proof. Especially for children. That was hilarious. Trump just making up more shit that never happened, and his sheep believing him.


Yeah, Trump is a deranged crap right wing candidate running on a fraud religious right wing platform. The religous christian pedos already want to shut down porn (Project 2025), and the strip clubs are next.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

^ "Non issues"? Glad you know what's better for the American people than they do. Perhaps when you've been beaten down like last Tuesday, you should be listening rather than telling the American people they're morons. It's a hoot to hear people say Russian propaganda tipped the election when overall coverage was ridiculously biased towards Harris and she outspent Trump by multiples. If she couldn't win despite all this, you might be forced to admit that such an incompetent communicator belongs nowhere near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Yes trans surgeries are performed on children. This is only one hospital that's been outed. www.usatoday.com

You can take my bet with dustyj as he seems to have backed off. $10,000 that porn and strip clubs are still legal in 4 years. Sounds like you're local so if it's true I'll gladly meet you in the parking lot of the shut-down Club Desire with a fat wad of hundreds.

Step up to the plate, or you're yet another liberal Chicken Little who should not be listened to.

Avatar for wld4tatas

"This should trigger some soul searching on the left, but they're too busy saying Americans are racist, sexist, and transphobic. Please keep saying that and calling Republicans "bitter clingers," "deplorables," and "garbage." "

It is Republicans saying that the left is too busy saying those things, more than the left actually saying them.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

^ Yeah, it's not like it was the last 3 Democratic presidential candidates that said it. Anyways, I've shown you citations from top liberal columnists insulting Americans as racist, sexist, and transphobic. Pure self-pitying nonsense.

Oh, and now it's "misinformation." Not like broadcast media (not Fox) covered Harris 80% positive and Trump 80% negative. And not like Harris didn't blow a billion on her campaign, can't pay off debt, and STILL couldn't get the message out.

Avatar for gammanu95

^^ a bell, once rung, cannot be unsung. The dems want to pretend they never said such awful, denigrating things about half of America. Thr GOP have a duty to make sure noone forgets how the un-American left feels about people who refuse to go along with their lunacy.

Avatar for wld4tatas

^^ Oh yes, that handful of remarks from fringe sources, none of which called Americans any of those names. Your claim is false.

As for what Biden and Hillary said, they clarified that their comments were not referring to all Trump supporters. But Republicans in typical dishonest fashion, tried to get their supporters to believe it was an insult to all of them. Republicans think that their own supporters are too stupid to make the distinction.

Keep playing the victim, but your spin and lies are obvious.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

^ hahahaha good one. Hey, when you call someone the N word, you're not talking about ALL black people, just the ones you don't like, huh?

I've cited the tip of the iceberg. We're not even getting to the NYT and WaPo comment section.

Keep acting like all Americans are misinformed retards (hey, some of you calling us that on this very board). Turns out your hatred of the white working class was VERY mutual, sugar tits...

Avatar for wld4tatas

^ Not even enough integrity to admit that none of your "citations from top liberal columnists" used those names.

I guess that gets in the way of attempts to manufacture outrage.

Avatar for wld4tatas

Back to the original post.... heard this on a late night talk show:

Trump announced that he is picking Matt Gaetz to be his Attorney General.
Even crazier, Gaetz's girlfriend just got class president !

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

^^ I said SOMEONE ON THIS BOARD said it. Dustyj to be precise. Showed you citations from an assload of columnists. And we're not even getting to what I've personally seen and heard.

Here's what else manufactured outrage : border crossers given loaded debit cards and nice hotel rooms while parts of the city rotted, trips to the grocery store, humiliation in Afghanistan, having to ask a store clerk to open the cabinet at CVS so you can get a package of toothpaste *aka crime), radical activists promoting reparations (like Harris in her last run), EV subsidies for progressive coastal status symbols.

Nothing needed to be misrepresented to do that.

If Dems ran 1992 Bill Clinton he'd have taken 40 states. All this stuff was common sense until the far left took over.

^ I'll admit i chuckled at that one.

Avatar for twentyfive

I would caution against equating winning a single election cycle, is the equivalent of winning at life, rather than admitting the center is off somewhat, they trot out that tired old paradigm where they say elections have consequences. It’s true, they do, but they would do better to remember that it’s never been good for our democracy when one party controlled all three branches of government.
When this has happened in the past the backlash has cost the winning party severely in subsequent elections.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

@25 - the worm always turns, think we're all aware of that. It has every couple years for a while now. But losers in any election cycle, midterm or presidential, Democratic or Republican, would do best to learn their lessons and adapt. The American electorate sent strong messages in 2020 and 2024 (a weaker one in 2022). Right now the message is that the American people want more Trump and right/populist governance.

But I have never seen, on any side after any cycle, the level of disdain for THE AMERICAN PEOPLE than the left is showing right now. A small sample from just what I've seen, either personally or on here, in the last week...racist, sexist, how dare you prioritize putting food on your table over my right to kill my kid, retards, <insert phrase advertising that one can't function because their side lost, and blaming their own lack of mental fortitude on Trump>, "you don't deserve Harris," "you deserve to be miserable and broke," "you voted to enslave us."

Fine, don't like Trump, but shitting on the people you want to vote for you is classless and a terrible business model. It amazes me how liberals think more-aggrieved-than-thou is the mark of moral superiority.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ " Asmall sample from just what I've seen, either personally or in here, in the last week..."

Out of curiosity are you referring to Gammanu or Icce ?

"it amazes me how (can't call him a conservative or the other a liberal) think more-aggrieved-than-thou- is the mark of moral superiority."

Avatar for wld4tatas

^^ says the guy who calls people names like "sugar tits" lol. And then he complains about the left disrespecting people.

I agree some people on the left should be more careful in the words they choose. But you are seriously overblowing the comments from the left, and ignoring similar comments from the right.

Avatar for gammanu95

^^living in his head, rent-free. What a loser.

^says the guy whose entire political view is shaped by Rachel Maddow overblowing comments from the right

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

@25 - it was dustyj who was dead certain Trump was going to ban porn and strip clubs, then when asked to put his money where his mouth was, changed the topic.

@wld - "sugar tits" does not insult your morals or intelligence. There is no comparison. But this is the proof that the left's insults carried more weight... we won in the elections after Dems said that shit.

Avatar for twentyfive

I’m not interested in a debate, the shit that’s been said by gammanu, is about as low as anyone can go, both him and icce have no class, but that’s par for low information people. Only two regular posters that I have on ignore, not because I have any interest in what they say, but because of everyone here those are the only two whom I have absolutely nothing in common with and wouldn’t even bother to piss on them if they were on fire.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

^ Not debating, just telling you who I'm addressing.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ I had figured that out, I wasn’t referring to that I was referring to my post from earlier

Avatar for twentyfive

My point was there’s no point in singling out either side because both are equally vile.

Avatar for TheeOSU

It looks like the crybabies will have to find another hand wringing target.
Gaetz has withdrawn his name from AG consideration.

Avatar for skibum609

Republicans might be vile but they are americans, unlike the Democrats who are foreign, fucked up terrorist supporting muslim vile.

Avatar for gammanu95

Running his retirement and owning all the empty space between his ears. Weirdo.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Exactly how are you running my retirement weirdo, you can’t even run your own business.
How stupid are you for real. Pathetic little loser

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

This looks like the classic technique of running someone controversial, then when everyone is freaking out, putting out someone less controversial who will pass more easily.

Avatar for nelly76

Matt Gaetz just pulled out of the nomination,
unlike he does with 17 year old girls........

Avatar for gammanu95

His reaction proves that I own him. Touch grass, weirdo.

Don't gloat, libs of TUSCL. Matt Gaetz only retired from the 118th congress. He is still congressman-elect for the 119th congress and will be seated without any special election.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ My reaction is you’re a weird idiot!
You are so stupid if you contracted a brain eating parasite like Bobby Kennedy the parasite would starve to death.

Avatar for TheeOSU

Trump's new choice is former Florida AG Pam Bondi.

Avatar for TheeOSU

'Just a wild guess but maybe Trump will wait until a successor to Gaetz's seat is confirmed in congress then cast Gaetz off and choose another AG?'

^My earlier comment.
What I didn't know then is unlike Ohio where the governor just appoints a successor Fl elects one but that's all mute either way since Gaetz resigned from congress.
But I wonder if my guess about choosing Gaetz as a way to get him out of congress holds some water as now he's out and Trump has chosen another AG.

I do admit that Gaetz is/was a heavy pro trump guy but this all seems odd since the beginning and we often don't know what people's thoughts/motves are.

Avatar for gammanu95

Hah hah, I love it!

MSNBC contributor warns ‘we should all fear’ Trump’s new AG pick Pam Bondi ‘because she’s competent’


Avatar for JimGassagain

The US vs THEM mentality witnessed by so many ideological thinking members here make me scream…..


Avatar for misterorange

Well, we really don't know what's contained in that ethics investigation, but it's now irrelevant since he's gone, right? And technically he resigned in anticipation of becoming AG, not to avoid the ethics probe. If that was his intention, then he got to make his exit with some dignity and without it being blatantly obvious why he stepped down.

In the meanwhile, he probably added some value by drawing the left's vitriol away from other high profile Trump picks. Quite possibly a win-win for him and the Republicans. Plus, his district is solid red, so no worries about his replacement.

Avatar for skibum609

I have lived in a very blue state, in a very blue area, for almost my entire life. I consider blue staters my enemies, not "them". They're no more American than the garbage coming through the open borders and living in AOC's district.

Avatar for gammanu95

I lived in Chicago for a very long time. Chicago has always been a dem stronghold. That was where Kennedy stole the election from Nixon. However, I lived in a red district on the suburbs. I was always surprised at how many of my friends and peers were devoted dems, but we were too busy chasing pussy and having fun to argue politics. We argued more about the White Sox v the Cubs. But, they were not my enemies. My old neighborhood is overwhelmingly blue now.

When I lived in New Orleans, it was a red district. Again, not much discussion about politics in the partisan sense, more about specific politicians' conducts and merits. I see that red district is blue now.

Now, I live in one of the reddest districts in Florida. What I see most in my old districts, is that they turned blue as wokeness, CRT, and DEI began trending - especially around 2016 when supporting Trump was weaponized and falsely equated to label Trump voters as racists and various "-phobes". A lot of people from my old neighborhoods had begun voting blue to fit in, to avoid conflict, labels, or else. That is cowardice. Cowards, who refuse to stand up for what they believe in and take the lies, the labels, and the slurs, and bend to the will of the mob are the enemy. To be certain, the liberal mob which attacks with lies, labels, and slurs are also the enemy, but we need to demand better from each other. Another enemy is amongst the worst and most worthless - the spineless cowards who railed against Trump and MAGA and the turned around claiming that Biden is terrible, all politicians are terrible, partisan politics is terrible, and they don't support Biden; but they voted for him and attacked Trump. That is the inverse of the Republican coward - the liberal coward who refuses to own his mistakes. This encompasses almost all of mainstream media and some posters on this board. You know who you are.

My point is that I do not hate anyone or consider any of our countrymen to be an enemy simply because they believe differently or have valid reasons for voting for the other candidate. It is when they lie, attack people for voting differently, or refuse to accept the consequences of their actions (and elections) that they become the enemy - because bearing false witness, oppressing others' beliefs, and dodging responsibility are un-American.

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