Massive Miami-Dade prostitution ring busted in "Operation Fallen Angel"

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Miami-Dade police conducted a massive raid on massage parlors they claim were a hotbed of prostitution.
Called "Operation Fallen Angel," the raid focused on seven parlors throughout Miami-Dade and Broward, all owned and run by Michael Angelini.
Angelini, 47, of Miami Beach, three managers, and six of his ladies were all busted in the operation that went down around 2 p.m. yesterday, and were charged with racketeering, money laundering and prostitution.
"The girls that were working inside the massage parlors were giving happy endings," said Sgt. Nicole Donnelly, with the Miami-Dade Police Dept.

Operation Fallen Angel
The services were called "body scrubs," police said, and the operation, which had been running for over a decade brought in between $30,000 and $40,000 per month for Angelini.
Among the other arrested were Dereck Greenberg, 36, Katherine Area, 30, and Michelle Bonilla, 25.
"All of his massage parlors were all set up to sell beauty supplies and throughout all the massage parlors, nothing was being sold," Donnelly said. "It's still against the law, it's still prostitution."…


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avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
And the public was hurt, how? The story didn't say anything about underage workers, or the neighborhood being inconvenienced. Time and money was spent on this?

From all apperances, consenting adults, in private, engaged in acts with each other.
avatar for winorhino
15 years ago
Sounds like a waste of LE resources.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
It's never a waste of LE resources if it increases government control and reduces individual liberty. You people who think that just because you want to do something, and it's not infringing somebody else's rights, you can get away with whatever you want. Grow up! Your lives belong to the government, and your infantile insistence otherwise will only get you in trouble. You'll lose.
avatar for sanitago
15 years ago
once again our police get hijacked by the self-described "morality police
to see to it all us 'unwashed and unsaved' types behave to their standards. WTF, do these people even care whether we want them to tell us how to behave??? some day someone should set them down and tell them it's our sex lives, not theirs, and if they don't like it they should move somewhere with a government that shares their views. hell, I'd even chip in to cover the cost of sending these clowns off to Iran or Saudi Arabia!
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
Of course busting those indicated poses little physical risk to LE, as opposed to busting into a drug house, and has about the same "political" impact. Be it drugs or sex "removed" from our lives to "protect" us, they make wonderful headlines for the politicians.
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
"The services were called 'body scrubs,' police said"

I swear that sometimes LE is fucking clueless. It's not the "body scrubs" that are's the sucking & fucking that goes after the "massage" part is done waaaay later.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I wonder if they are ever going to crack down on Tootsie's. One of the top ranked nude clubs serving alcohol. This would put a dent in Rick's Cabaret stock price,
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
Next Operation Recession will be in full swing, arresting the indigent and homeless to eliminate all potential crime out there.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Gator, you stole my comment...

"Operation Fallen Angel" should really be called "Operation This Economy Sucks".


"All of his massage parlors were all set up to sell beauty supplies and throughout all the massage parlors, nothing was being sold," Donnelly said.

Reminds me of the 'lingerie modelling' shops in Rockford, IL. There's like 4 or 5 with a few items for sale at the front of each; I bet they don't do $100 a day in sales of those items.
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