
Comments by clubscanner

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What is a good Chicago club to go?
    Well it all depends on what entertains you. I would say that IS is a good choice because it has the right balance of girls (not 9 or 10s but a good number of cute girls), good prices (55 for 3 dances in private room), and friendly staff. In my opinion Club 390 puts up a good challenge. The girls (while a good number of IS girls are in the 5,6,7 range, you can actually find a couple of 8s and maybe a 9 on any given night at Club 390), friendly staff (the staff at 390 will actually go and get a girl for you. I have seen them do it at least a couple of times). The dances (3 dances for 55 in a private room, you just can't beat that. The dances are pretty good also, 2 way touching and fairly heavy grindage. But believe it or not, I have found the girls at Club 390 to be even more aggressive in general, I have not failed to have a girl just grab mr private and move him so she could get a better grindage angle, but it is tempered by the fact that the semi-private room is not all that private and the staff passes thru often enough to spoil any real fun. It also can become expensive very quickly if you are not careful. It is only about 20 minutes away from IS. Another club I like is Club O. I don't think the girls are better then Club 390 or IS but I have had many nights that a girl will just sit and talk to you for a while without you spending money on her. Both Club O and Club 390 are in the south suburb area of Chicago and not in the city limits.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Recent Reviews
    I look at it for local clubs or clubs I may be in the same area as. Sometimes clubs I have been to in the past catch my attention.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do you tell strippers you go to other clubs?
    This happened for the first time for me this past weekend. Before that I was only asked if I had been to that particular club before. This past weekend every girl that sat and spoke to me asked what other clubs I had been to. I told them in general but downplayed the amount. Don't know why. I think they used this to brake the ice and maybe to gauge how much experience you have dealing with strippers. I wanted them to feel I was not a rookie but did not go so much that I was jaded.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Bed Dances
    Industrial Strip In Indiana has something they call a "Waterbed Dance" but I have not used it nor do I know anyone that has used it so I don't know if it would the same thing you are talking about or not.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Info on Club 390
    Club O and Skybox are about a block or so apart. Also, Club 390 is only about 5 minutes from Atlantis. Atlantis bills itself as a high class club but I have never been there. Also, the reviews on Atlantis are not all that great. I will have to check it out myself sooner or later. One more thing, if you are in Matteson and take Lincoln highway over to Club 390, you will pass Jimmy's. Jimmy's is more of a low level club that has the feel of a neigborhood bar that just happens to have strippers walking around. It's very cheap (no cover and low cost drinks) but the contact is not that high in most cases. Good luck on which ever club you choose to visit.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Info on Club 390
    Club 390 is in a relatively safe area. Mostly Factories and other businesses. I had a good time at this club but it can be expensive (especially if you are into the vip room scene). Industrial Strip in Indiana is only about 20 minutes away (might be a little closer) from it if you know where you are going. I had a good time here also and it did not cost as much.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    HBO's "Real Sex" Series
    Thanks for the heads up on this. i did not know they were still making new ones so I had not been paying attention to them. I just looked at my on demand and saw it listed there. I am going to take a look at it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Extras rating
    I would not have a problem with a rating system in general, but would worry about getting them in trouble. I have worried in past reviews about having said too much and getting someone in trouble. Don't mind telling you guys but you really can't tell you guys without telling eyes that should not see it. It's hard to find a balance.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever had a threesome??
    I have never had a threesome with strippers. Heck, I have not even had lap dances from 2 girls at once yet. Once, a girl who I knew came to town to visit relatives and me. She traveled with a girlfriend who I had met before and they were staying in a hotel room. He friend was suppose to meet with someone but they did not connect. I stayed at the hotel one night, my friend insisted. One room with double beds. We were in one bed with the lights off and took care of business (my friend did not mind, so what the hell). We were just cooling out in the bed when her friend started talking about not having any fun on this trip. My friend told her she would send me over to her bed to make her happy. She called out okay and I went over to her bed. This is not an offical threesome since we were not all in the same bed at one time but it was close enough for me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    When was the last time you saw a really good "feature" dancer?
    Almost 20 years ago me and some friends stopped at the Admiral Theatre in Chicago as part of a bachelor party celebration. The feature that night was Vanessa Del Rio. She gave a pretty good stage show but some of the regular girls were a little better I must admit. After the stage show she posed for pictures and signed autographs. I posed with her and spoke with her a bit. She was actually smaller then I expected (not a tiny woman, and full figured, but smaller then you would think). I spoke with her for a little while and she was perfectly nice. Feature dancer appearances used to be advertised in the chicago area papers but I have not seen this in a while. I guess you have to go to the clubs web site to find this information now. That idea about getting a lap dance in the lap dance room during a feature dancer appearance is pretty good. If I ever have a chance to do this, I would.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Extras .........and the time it takes
    The quick answer is it would be fair for the dancer to ask for additional $$$ from me if we took longer then the agreed upon time. I don't think it would take me too long to figure out what was or was not going to happen. But the key is "what was agreed to". Was the person told a certain amount until the end of a certain number of songs? A certain amount for a certain amount of time? or a certain amount for a certain act? I would think that clear communication of what is "agreed to" is the key to happiness for both parties. I must admit that I have not participated in any extra's at a club so far and have no idea how that kind of environment would affect me. I would think that other factors may also come into play. A good regular that you may go the extra mile to keep would be one.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    dancers who want to meet outside of the club
    Me and a couple of buddies stopped by Club o, near Chicago in May. While there we were talking to each other about going to Buddy Guys blues bar (Legends) after leaving the Club. A dancer that had been over to our table a couple of times and even sat with us for a while during the night overheard us talking and stated that she would not mind stopping in a blues bar after she got off. None of us said anything. Later on she mentioned stopping after work again. Once again we did not say anything. You should know that we are kind of new to stopping in the strip clubs. Later as we were driving to the bar we all said that we did not know if she was serious but should have invited her to come with us or meet us there. We were new and don't know what were doing yet, but we will catch on.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I don't mind stockings but I prefer bare legs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Just Asking
    1) Nude. 2) Both. 3) I don't mind costume, but would find topless or nude interesting. 4) full range. 5) Food would be fine.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    She's Got the Look
    The one who seems to be in a really good mood. This makes my visit a good experience.