New York
Comments by rattdog (page 37)
discussion comment
3 years ago
Atlanta suburb
PH in burlington - in some shifts at a certain time the average age of all the dancers is 50 years old.
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3 years ago
dude you have some of the finest looking ladies in the world at the state of georgia, haiti? really? why?
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3 years ago
just looking for a little human contact along the way
wow - i thought i was the only one that found buttons and fishnets don't mesh well.
the first time with my fave it happened it took 20 seconds to disentangle. on the next visit to the club it happened again a second time. while entangled again, i asked her is this the only only outfit you have or can you change to another? only one. so i yanked away and ripped up her fishnet, causing a hole on the side of her thigh. then gave her 20 for the dance and 5 for the fishnet damage. after that i took her friend instead to finish off.
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3 years ago
"I’m in California and I’m one of the dancers you speak of who doesn’t do extras. Not to toot my own horn but I’m attractive with a rocking body and a great personality. I don’t need to sell sex to make money and entertain my customers."
not going to toot your own horn but you wound up doing that anyway. right. well good for you.
the op simply asked a question and your reply had nothing to do with that question.
guys in cali must have substandard standards regarding girl hotness.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Taking your favorite girl for a $100 hamburger
"Nah, I can't fall in love wit these chicks..."
i knew a guy who was with his fave at her apartment. she didn't have any kids but she did own a dog. there were piles of dog shit all over the bath tub. i wonder if he still loves her...
discussion comment
3 years ago
Taking your favorite girl for a $100 hamburger
ay there pipes - welcome to the board.
if some of the dancers here are reading this feel free to reply - just want to see if what i'm typing is in line along the way you think.
so pipes, you said you think you can bag some of these dancers. sure it's possible. two ways that can be done. one is via trade. cash/barter something in exchange for something orgasmic inducing in return. or two - chasing like you would a civvie.
by bagging them i'm assuming that you plan on going the chasing route right? if so then be aware of:
-once you enter the doors of a strip club right off the bat most, maybe all, dancers already have somewhere between 0-10% respect for you. it may go up to 20-50%, depending how much some of the dancers think that you're their type looks wise. now here's a tricky part - if you buy some dances from a girl in that 20-50% group you could wind up being in the 0-10% group as most dancers will lose respect for that guy once he starts paying for services. so if chasing refrain from purchasing services and treat your target as a cool civvie and stand out from among the strip club customer norm crowd. doing that increases your bag % dramatically.
here's another tip. using an aspiring actor to a well renowned actor scenario to attempt to illustrate a point.
young kid is standing in line with let's say al pacino at a starbucks. "mr pacino, i'm right now in acting school and was just wondering if you could help me with some pointers. how do you do it?" the kid is looking for a short cut - the fuck - there are no short cuts!!!!
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3 years ago
The Square Above Charlie Weaver
i've yet to see a customer, dancer, owner, etc. ever hold up a picket sign that said, "leave this club alone."
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3 years ago
The Square Above Charlie Weaver
definitely was not a raid. i've been in 2 raids before, each in a different state. cops do not operate the way like that guy did.
that guy was a loon tune who most likely wanted to enjoy a VIP but was lacking sufficient funds. sucks to be that kind of guy.
most bouncers that i have known over the years would have removed that guy right away.
discussion comment
3 years ago
"Sister in law…… does that count?"
sure i don't see why not. remember, whenever you marry to another person, you're also marrying to that person's family as well.
does that sister in law have a big nice ass or/and tits?
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3 years ago
history sure does have a way of repeating itself. whenever the dems/leftists want and are given am inch of rope they pull up an inch plus an extra mile. after that the mile and inch are not going to be given back. and they keep pulling and pulling.
it's tug and war. all eyes are on the truckers to see if that mile n inch of rope can be taken back. and to all those that are against the truckers' cause because they are temporarily being an inconvenience fuck you!!!! sorry if they're blocking you from where you gotta go. sorry if all your favorite ice cream, fine dining menu items, etc are still in those trucks. as a leftist/dem would say ahh not sorry.
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3 years ago
thanks for the update zebra.
would you know if it's the present owner/management of the players that's taking over or the one from 2016 and before then?
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3 years ago
ever heard of the story about how shaq thinks stevie wonder isn't really blind?
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3 years ago
New York
one would be hard pressed to find 10 pop acts from the past 22 years that would have been signed to a major record label from the 70's to the 90's.
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3 years ago
New York
^ well that collaboration most certainly gave aerosmith a 2nd life to be big major rock stars again.
puff daddy making it big was maybe the biggest reason why we all had to deal with the majority of the rap being real shit for the past 25-30 years.
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3 years ago
thank god for the female metal singers!!!
you can have beyonce, adele, rhianna, taylor, etc. i'll stick with floor jansen, noora louhima, britney slays, just to name a few.
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3 years ago
lots of nightwish fans shit on annette. if ask them which nightwish albums are their favorites most of them will say the ones with annette singing on them. go figure.
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3 years ago
michael landon sure had great hair.
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3 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
on the view they interviewed some ex nfl player about the flores situation and black coaches in the nfl. the guy brought up mike tomlin, saying that he had to be real excellent in order to last all these years. i'm thinking, "hey dipshit. what the fuck is wrong with you? all coaches have to be excellent in order to last in the league for as long as tomlin has."
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3 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
TO already has some name recognition. a thotbag he banged wants to release a video of them doing the deed. if TO doesn't give a shit then he should maybe parlay that into a future career in porn. instead of paying to screw these insta thots how about getting paid to do the same? i'm sure some of those girls wouldn't mind doing that - a chance to self-promote their wares.
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3 years ago
Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
if it's 1 grand on each of my faves for a year then yeah done that many times.
but for 1 night or meet or even a week fuck no!!!!
discussion comment
3 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
bill o'brien wasn't enough?
when will gm's and owners figure out that hiring hoody's helpers will not them the next hoody?
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3 years ago
maybe not the best but i'll throw it out there:
mariah carey
donna summer
matha walsh
floor jansen
discussion comment
3 years ago
Wanna go clubbing?
britt lightning is no slouch either.
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3 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
a few years ago all over the news there were people fighting over the popeye's chicken sandwich. what's so great about this sandwich? was there a secret sauce in that sandwich that was some variation of liquid crack? i bought one last year and really wasn't that impressed.
should i go and check out golden corral and try out this wonderful steak?
discussion comment
3 years ago
All Year Long! 🌞
manfred mann earth band > e street band. springsteen should write the songs and manfred mann should perform and perfect them.