New to strip clubs (how do you not fall in love with these hoes?)

avatar for PipeHerArcher
Taking your favorite girl for a $100 hamburger
Just a little bit about myself. I’m under 30 and have a job that brings me to new cities every week. Three months ago while sitting in my hotel room I decide fuck it I’ll go to that strip club I passed in the Uber I took. That night I had a myriad of beautiful latinas for LD and VIPs. I had never touched fake tits until that night. Upon leaving I knew that this was the hobby for me. After about 30 mins of googling if found Tuscaloosa. I have a home club that I have gone to twice monthly coming back from that trip. I am looking for the advice you gentleman would give yourselves if you could go back in time.I’ve been lurking this site for the better part of 3 months and understand most of the jargon. Any advice would be great.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
A strip club is not a girlfriend supermarket - if you wanna date chicks stick to the civilian world and chicks that wanna date you for you - if you can't land hot-chicks in the real-world, don't expect hot-chicks in the strip-club to be genuinely into you.

A strip club is business - the avg custy is just focused on having a good time or filling a void, but best believe most strippers only see it as busine$$ no matter how they make it look like - again if girls in the real-world are not fawning over you, then don't expect stripper-fawning to be genuine b/c it's not; it's just part of the hustle/sales-pitch - again, strip-clubs are entertainment, not a place to find a girlfriend - doesn't mean one can't enjoy them but one has to know what they are and what they are not.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You cant control how you feel but you'll end up getting burned...experience will teach you.

Yeah you can date stripper hoes but you won't get them by being a trick
avatar for PipeHerArcher
3 years ago
The article headline was more of a joke. I don’t actually want to date these girls but I do think I can bag them. I’m young and work in a somewhat glamorous industry which strippers find attractive. I have been able to secure a date with a girl otc. Just want to know what to look for or look out for when dealing with these kind of women.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
If she didn't ask for $$$ for the date then u treat it as any other date until she tells you otherwise.

Don't be surprised if she blows u off or keeos giving excuses about not being able to meet or tells u to go see her at the club instead.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
It's pretty straight. If she goes out with you and its not contingent on money then it's a date. If she's using for something odds are she'll play you more than you can try to play her. But it all depends 9n the individual woman when you get into yhe details.
3 years ago

avatar for PipeHerArcher
3 years ago
Thanks heaving this is more what I was looking for.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
Hunnie! We are at our job!

My three best customers of all time:

Two are attorneys, they don’t have glamorous jobs.
The third is a Mexican immigrant who works construction.
I do not care about their jobs, I care that they are good to me, respectful of me, and generous.

I have mingled with some very A-list people because of my job. I’m not any more attracted to those kinds of people over others.

Most of us want to go to the office and go home, just like you. My advice is this: if you are trying to have sex or spend time outside the club with a girl, go ahead, but accept that her motive is to get something from you, whether it’s money, clothes, a car, a green card, whatever.

I am a decent person and I am caring of my regulars who I continue to see. But this is just reality, most girls are here to get the absolute most that they can from you. You can have a successful experience if this is what you want to do, but you have to accept that this is how it works. 🤷🏼‍♀️ We are at our job.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
And there's nothing wrong with their hustle.

When a dancer really likes you she's the exact opposite of her work persona
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
What to look out for? Substance abuse and always somehow being broke and needing help.

Strippers can be a LOT of fun to hang out with off the clock and also a lot of drama. The sweet spot is the same as with civvy women where you can hang out and bang but she doesn't depend on you for anything.

I agree you should know what you want. Since you travel for work having girls you hang out with when you're in town is ideal in general. Have friends have fun don't fall in Love!
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I'm just there to fall in lust multiple times over a few hours.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
When I was in my 20s, strip clubs frustrated me. All these cute girls would flirt with me, act like they liked me. But then didn't want to see me outside the club. I didn't really start to enjoy them until after I got married. I finally realized that strip clubs are fantasy land. I enjoyed the experience of being with the girls while in the club, then I walked out and they were not on my mind. Later in life, I discovered the world of OTC dates. But even then, I fully realize there is a business part of the endeavor. Will you develop feelings for someone that you see again and again, sure you will. But you need to remember that it's a business transaction. I want the girls to have a good time when they are with me, but I know deep down they are working.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
There is good advice posted in this discussion. Papi offers useful customer insight - and Pink Sugar Doll offers good dancer insight as well. There are others offering good customer insight too - heaving, JamesSD and Warrior.

This is a good discussion for young club fans to read and learn from.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Strip clubs sell fantasy and entertainment. That’s the dancer’s job.

If that’s what you are interested in, and you have the money, going to clubs can be a nice amusement. If you ever find that you prefer this fantasy to connecting with women in the real world, that’s when you are headed for trouble.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
If she really likes you she sees you outside the club and doesn't charge you or try to use you. Anything short of that .she sees you as a trick.
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
You can have sex with strippers--but it's going to cost you money. You can also have relationships with strippers--but it will cost you even more money and your self-respect.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Hopefully this isn’t a flex from the OP.

If his inquiry is sincere, and he is objectively reading the advice, this could help him to avoid drama and lots of wasted money.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 years ago
No matter how much advice you get, you’ll likely need to learn a few lessons on your own. It’s a balance of enjoying the fantasy but not getting lost in it. It’s just like digging a ditch. People can explain to you how to protect your hands from injury, but until you develop a few callouses of your own you won’t be immune from injury; and even then you still might get hurt on occasion if you’re not careful. Enjoy it, but don’t get lost. Regulate your drinking/getting high to balance out the fun and reality. Good luck.
avatar for PipeHerArcher
3 years ago
Not trying to flex cashman . Just trying to get you guys to understand where I’m coming from so I can get adequate advice. From the pros.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
If attraction is real just treat her like you would any girl. See how she responds. Don't flex having money or anything materialistic. That's basically saying I'm a mark and this is all I have to offer.

If you're seeing that being around her is contingent on you paying her. Then you're a trick.

One warning sign as to her using you is if she plays up the stripper hoe fantasy when you're around her. If ahe acts hypersexual she's jn hustle mode.

And a relationship with a dancer is like any relationship with a young girl these days.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
For starters, a guy your age shouldn't be frequenting strip clubs. First because you should be able to score plenty of ass in the civvie world if you have a good job. If you look like a slob then go the the gym and fix it like we all had to do at some point in order to land ass. Second, because it's a very expensive form of entertainment and people in their 20s often don't have that kind of cash to burn.

But ok, let's assume that you're too lazy to go to the gym and have a secret inheritance from Uncle Bob that you're just dying to blow...

There's no lesson that anyone can share with you here that's going to make a lick of difference. Some lessons need to be learned firsthand. Until you've been one of the rollercoaster rides you'll never be able to process how good some of these girls are at providing faux affection. So go make your mistakes and just be prepared to pull yourself from the ledge before you do something TOO stupid. Eventually your instincts will catch up to your desires, lol.

As far as every comment in this thread about "the fantasy' and "going to the office" throw all that nonsense out. Any girl who actually says that stuff to you in the club avoid at all costs - she's likely very new and low mileage. I don't go to a club looking for a "fantasy" I go to enjoy naked women and, when the stars align, rail one while she was bent over the bed in my notel room.

Just take each girl for who she seems to be and figure it out from there. Along the way, remember that your money is ammunition - don't shoot it too frivolously unless you have a fun target in sight.
avatar for Musterd21
3 years ago
Be careful and don’t fall in love! And don’t worry they will not fall in love with you. They are there to work$$.
One reason I like SCs is I like buying a lady 2 or three drinks. I can do it there and I know when I leave the club there are no strings. lol
avatar for Iknowbetter
3 years ago
I’ve mentioned this before in other similar discussions… Young, single, attractive guys in their 20’s and 30’s should be out getting civilian pussy on the open market. Leave the strip club pussy for us old married guys who have to pay for it.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
"When I was in my 20s, strip clubs frustrated me. All these cute girls would flirt with me, act like they liked me. But then didn't want to see me outside the club."

I never went to strip clubs when I was young so I always like hearing comments about experiences like the one left by Warrior15 above. It doesn't sound like I missed much because the girls would still be the same fake friendly when I did start going in my fifties.
avatar for PipeHerArcher
3 years ago
Rickdugan lessons learned in blood are not easily forgotten
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Strip clubs are just places to party when you're younger.
avatar for gothamyte
3 years ago
How do you *not* fall in love with these hoes?

Easy! Just go ahead *and* do fall in love with these hoes. You'll quickly realize you absolutely shouldnt. Forever.

I remember my first OTC and the young dancer shows up with a baby seat in the backseat of her car. No baby, of course. But our OTC was like at 1pm in a random hotel on like a Wedesday. I had no idea she was a young mom.

2 other OTCs with other dancers both at their cribs, both places were filthy. I'm thinking you knew I was coming over, right? Didn't even attempt to clean, lol.

Nah, I can't fall in love wit these chicks...
avatar for rattdog
3 years ago
ay there pipes - welcome to the board.

if some of the dancers here are reading this feel free to reply - just want to see if what i'm typing is in line along the way you think.

so pipes, you said you think you can bag some of these dancers. sure it's possible. two ways that can be done. one is via trade. cash/barter something in exchange for something orgasmic inducing in return. or two - chasing like you would a civvie.

by bagging them i'm assuming that you plan on going the chasing route right? if so then be aware of:

-once you enter the doors of a strip club right off the bat most, maybe all, dancers already have somewhere between 0-10% respect for you. it may go up to 20-50%, depending how much some of the dancers think that you're their type looks wise. now here's a tricky part - if you buy some dances from a girl in that 20-50% group you could wind up being in the 0-10% group as most dancers will lose respect for that guy once he starts paying for services. so if chasing refrain from purchasing services and treat your target as a cool civvie and stand out from among the strip club customer norm crowd. doing that increases your bag % dramatically.

here's another tip. using an aspiring actor to a well renowned actor scenario to attempt to illustrate a point.

young kid is standing in line with let's say al pacino at a starbucks. "mr pacino, i'm right now in acting school and was just wondering if you could help me with some pointers. how do you do it?" the kid is looking for a short cut - the fuck - there are no short cuts!!!!

avatar for rattdog
3 years ago
"Nah, I can't fall in love wit these chicks..."

i knew a guy who was with his fave at her apartment. she didn't have any kids but she did own a dog. there were piles of dog shit all over the bath tub. i wonder if he still loves her...
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
111 Rules to Follow

You're welcome!
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Strip clubs are over 90% theater, regardless of what you do or how much you spend. If you can accept that and have fun within that framework, then you'll figure the rest out.

Don't fall in love with dancers, but also don't waste a lot of time hating them. If a dancer pisses you off for whatever reason, move on to another dancer. This is why clubs have more than one dancer.

Don't fall in love with a dancer, but it's fine (even great) to actually like them. And they can genuinely like you, too. If you can get to that point, then you might even get some preferential treatment (but not always). But always keep in mind that a dancer and a customer genuinely liking each other still falls far short of actual attraction or love.

Don't be creepy.
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago
“I find the notion of romantic love to be an unnecessary cultural construct that adds no value to human relationships.”

~ Neurobiologist Amy Farrah Fowler

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
You pick the one you want and let what happens happen.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
Everything in this paragraph is a no-go lol.

“ once you enter the doors of a strip club right off the bat most, maybe all, dancers already have somewhere between 0-10% respect for you. it may go up to 20-50%, depending how much some of the dancers think that you're their type looks wise. now here's a tricky part - if you buy some dances from a girl in that 20-50% group you could wind up being in the 0-10% group as most dancers will lose respect for that guy once he starts paying for services. so if chasing refrain from purchasing services and treat your target as a cool civvie and stand out from among the strip club customer norm crowd. doing that increases your bag % dramatically”

I would say I only respect someone less if they are an asshole. And if you don’t spend any money I’m getting up and going elsewhere. 👍🏼 If you want to see me otc, spending $0 is the opposite way to do that lol.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Oh LOL at the dudebro “too cool for dances” mentality.

I remember when I was a baby dancer in 2016 that “buying dances makes you a simp” mentality was more common with younger customers. As time has gone on, I think that mentality is pretty much gone now. Or at least I haven’t encountered the wanna be PUA in a long time. My guess it’s because most millennial men have had their hopes and dreams in life shattered despite what we were told as children and accepted that, and Gen Z didn’t have delusions in the first place. 🥳

Anyways @OP I think the problem gets solved for you mostly if you’re going to clubs not in your hometown. Mostly because who knows if that dancer you saw back then will be there if you end up going back. I’d say just have fun and enjoy the memories.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
PipeHerArcher, never look at them as anything other than how you would look at any other women. Don't think of them as Hoes.

And you don't have to be a PUA. Not good to be a PUA, it is bull shit.

If you are out of town you might want a local girl to be bedding down with regularly. If so, she will be your mistress.

If you are in your hometown, you still might want a local girl.

Buying dances does make you a simp. Buying dances is a chump's game.

It's not because you are giving up money. The only reason to go into a strip club is if you want to be generous with women. So you will be passing out money.

But this does not mean that you are buying dances. And it is not a "too cool for dances" mentality either. You will be engaging with the girl you approach on your own terms. This is not like being a PUA and it is not like you think you are cool. Its really just because you look at the strip club women just as you would at any other woman. So you are generous, respectful, open and honest.

Best is Front Room Feel Up And Make Out Session, and then you invite her to the back room to continue, and then get her outside ASAP for more.

Also, sometimes stage side DATY is possible, so go for it with the girl you have selected. Even dance booth DATY goes a long way towards softening a girl up. One who has refused kissing in the front room, will often be seen to be demonstrably reversing herself.

Its not that you are cool or a PUA, its just that you see her as an ordinary woman.

Approaching her this way you will likely be waking up with her in the mornings. So make your choice.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Calling someone a simp is played out. A simp would pretty much just be a trick.

Broke bums use the term for anyone who spoils their girl
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Great advice on how to be a creepy-ass motherfucker, trying to engage in sex acts in public.

Are you allowed within 500 feet of a school?
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ And that was to SJG who thinks he's some Casanova of strippers.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
What's wrong with sex acts in public lulz I've gone into alleys garages stairwells behind dumpsters with drunk vegas party girls. I used to really love that.


Generous with women = p4p

I've never seen a club where you can eat girls out by the stage
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
No, not a Casanova, and not a PUA, just a guy who has learned to see the women who work in strip clubs as ordinary women. And I learned this by accident in my first visits to a strip club decades ago.

"Sorry *I* don't go out with customers", after she saw that I didn't mean it that way and was interacting with her in a completely civilian mode, turned into "I want to SEE you" , left on my old fashioned mechanical tape answering machine the next night.

Not a Casanova, not a PUA, not anything special, I just treat all women as ordinary women.

But I also learned that you shouldn't start anything unless you really intend to finish it. You need to have space in your life to be able to do that.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Sjg it's all about money they're at work
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Stage side DATY is common in Tijuana and it has been posted about in a US club by at least one dancer who is well known and quite credible. Dance booth DATY has always gone over really well for me, and it goes a long way to playing a girl out some and having her DFKing in the front room. You get that, not for free, but before you try and do anything more with her.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@SJG, yeah, go for it. Stick your tongue in a stripper's mouth or puss in the front room, see what it gets you, other than tossed out on your ass.

You are a customer.
I am a customer.
But only you are deluding yourself.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Front room DFKing in some strip clubs is not that rare, US clubs. I can personally atest. And often in the more restrictive clubs, it is actually being driven by the girl.

Back room DATYing is common in some, I can personally atest.

Front Room DATYing is not totally unheard of .

And Icey, the money arrangement is just the external context. So what. It comes with the venue. If you see he outside, anything is possible. I for one see no reason to try and get her to play without money though. No benefit to that.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Creepy john in denial.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Take a long, hard look at SJG and Icey's history and reputation here before taking anything they say remotely seriously.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The plain simple truth jack.

I learned with a super cute black girl in SF Market St. Cinema, not pre-planned at all. And then also in our local South Bay Clubs, and then later at an underground place where Latinas were doing Front Room FS, and where DFKing was perfectly common.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^ And then regularly in our string of underground places, and in a San Mateo place which was slated for closure.

And then it all amounts to the same thing I was doing regularly in AMPS, treating the women as I would any other women, and taking the lead in the situation.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Buying Dances is a Chump's Game, and anyone who does not know this is a Simp!

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
^^^ Thank you for rushing back to prove my point.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Can a custy “bag” a stripper; of course – but history shows most inexperienced SCers that try to “date a stripper” or think the stripper in the club “is into them” either end-up w/ their feelings hurt once they realize “it’s just business” or end up get manipulated and u$ed.

If a guy has game outside the club and has a history of “bagging” hot chicks, sure he can bag a stripper – but most guys that go to strip-clubs go b/c they don’t have that kinda game; in reality very few guys are able to consistently “bag” hot chicks w/o any commitment.

So the rule-of-thumb more-or-less is that if you don’t generally/regularly score w/ hot-chicks outside the club; don’t expect to score/bag hot strippers you meet at the club; unless you are talking about P4P - 99% of stripper/custy interactions is based on what the cu$ty can do for a stripper and what a stripper can do for the custy.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@Papi, I'll go a step further. Even if my game were tighter than a fat dyke's snatch, would I want to date a stripper? Knowing she's grinding on strange men with a few bucks like us, and possibly giving extras for cash? Or begging for rent money because she spent it on weed and pills? I'll leave that to someone else. Knock yourselves out.

My last girlfriend was a sweetheart with a Harvard degree. Right now I'm dating a hot physician. They look better naked than most strippers.

_THAT_ is a flex, not Sexual_Assault_Guy thinking strippers go for the bulge in the front of his pants, rather than the bulge in the back.
avatar for gobstopper007
3 years ago
My $0.02, focus on what the dancers who have replied have said. The ones who post here and don’t get run off are not the type who only see you as an ATM. They know the dancer mindset better than any PL.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
SJG so frmos and frdfk aren't free... and there's no benefit to fucking for free? But paying for it isn't p4p? And you only go to the club coz you want to give women money for nothing but when you do they have aex for it and it's not p4p but you prefer it to free sex?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
If I were young enough, I'd see strippers as more dateable on average than non-strippers. They are generally more open-minded, as I try to be. I don't think being a prude means anybody is more moral, male or female. The main negative is the one for people who live on sales commissions in general. If they succeed at it, it's usually because they learn what/where people's buttons are. Hard to refrain from pushing buttons once you know where the are. If you want a closed relationship, typically strippers want that too. Plenty will stop dancing if you have enough $ so they can maintain their standard of living. It may be the case that a woman who can count the men who have touched her on the fingers of one hand is more likely to be faithful. But I'd think you'd have to be happy with the sort of sex life that's appealing to necrophiliacs. On, the other hand, it's actually not rare for strippers to have low sex drives, I'm not even sure they have higher sex drives than women on average. It's about the $.

Bigotry against strippers is similar to other types of bigotry. You focus on certain behaviors by a certain group, and ignore the fact that those behaviors are just common generally. If you find a 23 -year-old virgin who falls in love with you and totally fucks your brains out every night, but never looks at another guy, let me know, I'll admit I'm wrong.

But, as has already been mentioned, strip clubs are not places for finding Mrs. Right, just Mrs. Right Now. If you put the moves on a stripper, or even respond to it when she seems to put some moves on you, it's a unwritten rule that she has the right to assume you are looking for a fantasy relationship, and if you think it's real, that's your problem. Many strippers will only go so far with this, but you never know.

Customers are looking to have some combination of these needs met:
1) Want some level of simulation of a hot hookup.
2) Want to feel like an attractive woman finds them charming and interesting to talk to.
3) Want to feel like a mac daddy.

I am only looking for #1. For that, I enjoy myself the most if I don't try to run game on strippers, and avoid the ones who are trying to run game on me. If you want the other two things, especially #3, it's harder to avoid games. I'll leave it to the rickier PLs to give advice in that area.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I date strippers. And 8vr met plenty in clubs. Their jobs don't dictate anything in those relationships. They're girls who work as strippers. Being strippers doesn't define them. Same as with any profession
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
As has been said before, if the OP wants to try and “bag” strippers outside of the club, it might be worth a try.

Remember, it’s likely any seasoned stripper has heard your best game many times already.

Give it a try. But put some limits on your spending and involvement with dancers.

I remember a line that was something like - don’t confuse the fantasy world inside a strip club with the reality of the outside world.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Hey, if you don't like the women who dance in strip clubs, then don't go to strip clubs.

The only good reason to go to strip clubs is if you like handing money to beautiful women. It makes them feel good.

And you don't have to "bag strippers", as they are no different from other women. Once they see that you have a respectful interest in them, they clack to you like a magnet to a refrigerator door.

A guy learns by the time he is junior high school age that the women who are held up as sex symbols are out of his social league. So would that also apply to the dancers at a place like the Sunnyvale Brass Rail? Only one way of finding out.

My earliest strip club experience, "Sorry *I* don't go out with customers."

Then listening to me talk a little and seeing that I am not a PUA and not what she was concerned about, in a apologetic tone, "You don't unstand, I get hit on by 50 guys a night."

And coming home from work late and pressing the botton on my answering machine, there is her voice, "I want to see you."


70s Electric Miles Davis Mix (Jazz, Jazz Funk, Jazz Rock, Fusion..)…

Jefferson Starship - Jane (Official Audio)………
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
"I want to see you." = "I want to you hand me more money."
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Not in the context of what she had said, "I don't go out with customers."

And then all I had given her was couple of bucks at stage side, and then I followed custom and bought her a drink.

I was a cheapass!

The reason she opened up to me was that I was not in any manner treating her as a prostitute. That was what those other 50 guys did. I was just open and on the level with her, and giving her money beyond what I have described was the furthest thing from my mind.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Until she's hanging out with you for free, it's P4P
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Did you lau when you saw her?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Well that was what she wanted to do in leaving the phone message. She had 50 guys a night offering her P4P.

But for me today, I am totally comfortable with paying Mistress Maintenance.

Its a show of respect.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
So uts just p4p. When a sex worker really likes you she's the opposite of her work persona with you
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
No more than marriage is P4P.

avatar for jestrite50
3 years ago
If there is no set price and no set action what are you paying for ? It's just a free will gift to break the ice. It can be any amount and as long as you expect nothing in return then it can't be P4P.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
3 years ago
PSD will give you perspective.

Going to the club with Game is far less effective than going to a nightclub or bar. In many ways it may crimp your chances except with new less experienced dancers.

Pro strippers become earning veterans by objectively evaluating customers in terms of their bankroll and not their looks or so-called game. Successful ones treat their best earners with their best efforts.

They are immune to conventional romantic nonsense unless it is accompanied with commensurate compensation
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
You don't need to have Game with women, not in bars and civvie night clubs and not in strip clubs either.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Maybe in an elite college where the women don't want relationships yet, game would help, sort of. But otherwise it does not. They are perfectly capable of seeing through game, and seeing how stupid and insecure is the guy who is using it.

In a strip club, all you have to do is treat the women in a respectful and open and honest manner and you can have whatever you want.

So identify the one you want to be waking up with in the mornings.

Papi said that a strip club is not a super market for girl friends.

Well, is a super market a super market for girl friends? How about a bank with lots of tellers, or a shopping mall, or a civvie night club?

You don't need a super market, if you just take note of the young women and are open and honest with them, it will happen.


Stevie Nicks - "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around" feat. Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers…
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
"You don't need a super market, if you just take note of the young women and are open and honest with them, it will happen."

In particular, if your wallet is open and honest.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Women like guys who have big incomes.

But if a woman is working in a strip club, then that is how she pays her bills.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
So marriage is p4p but giving hookers money isn't?

This debate is getting stupid
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ It's not a debate, it's a delusion.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Giving out money is not P4P. Most relations between men and women are lubricated and sustained by money.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
If you give her money and she fucks you for it it's p4p
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Women like money. If she works in a strip club, it is how she pays her bills.

Don't like it, then don't go there and you will be happier.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
So you admit she's working and it's p4p if she's a hooker
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ It's simultaneously P4P and not-P4P. Very zen.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
At least he finally admitted he gives strippers money coz they're working jn the club.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Of course the women working in a strip club want money. It is how they pay their bills. You want them to pay their bills, right?

If you don't like that, then best to stay away from strip clubs.

Is it P4P? it depends on how you talk to her. They way I do it, it is just generosity.

That is the reason for strip clubs, for guys who want to be generous with beautiful women. You can't really do it that way in a civvie night club. You like that, right?

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You admit they're just working and you admit to giving working hookers money but claim the money isn't for sex. It's a token 9f generosity and she just happens to have been with you after getting paid. That's like something guys whobget caught with hookers try to tell cops
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The women are women, plain and simple.

They go to the strip club because they get money which they need to pay their bills.

You go to the strip club when you plan to be passing out money.

So What?

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