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New York

Comments by rattdog (page 18)

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a year ago
avatar for Sheldon2022
Bikini coffee reviews
searching for otc with these coffee girls is most likely going to result at a real high failure rate. no different than searching at a hooters, regular bar, or anywhere else that is not a strip club, whorehouse, etc. if you choose to go the coffee girl route please heed this advice: get your coffee first before you start asking questions.
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2 years ago
avatar for nicespice
Clubs where the bar regs are friends
not exactly into a cheers type of scene, as that is far and away from my to do list when inside strip clubs. it would be nice instead to meet at the club a girl that will be my reliable fave and best case scenario eventually hump together on a piece of furniture, whether inside the club or some living or bedroom. friend groups eventually via facebook, twitter (soon to be x?) - shit like that? ahh not really.
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2 years ago
avatar for LapHunt
Question for MLB Baseball Fans
some of the best looking girls i've ever seen was my only visit to yankee stadium in the late 80's.
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2 years ago
avatar for LapHunt
Question for MLB Baseball Fans
ay crosscheck, i knew that ohtani was doing real well this season but did not realize how well until i just looked at the stats - holy shit!!!! i stand corrected. if i owned the angels the guy i would get rid of is trout, not ohtani. and contrary to popular baseball consensus i actually like the angels roster. their fanbase constantly trashes them but i like that team as they're fun to watch and are regularly competitive, even without trout.
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2 years ago
avatar for LapHunt
Question for MLB Baseball Fans
why shouldn't a hitter show off flamboyantly after hitting a home run? if you played baseball or even stickball you'd realized trying to hit a ball is one of the most difficult feats in sports to attempt. then imagine doing that at the highest level of competition. if the opposition gets pissed off fuck them. have the pitchers pitch better and more smartly. best way to get back to these hitters is striking them out, go yeaaaah!! then stare and smile. acuna is the best offensive player by a wide margin over his peers. he's not just a home run hacker. great baserunner and is 3rd in the league in hits. he's a terror - an absolute nightmare that pitchers have to deal with.
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2 years ago
avatar for Piratebaldhead
White American Strippers
or the green girl that capt kirk fucked in star trek?
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2 years ago
avatar for idletraveler
it is time for a Muddy intervention?
"Maybe I'm getting too stupid with it though I can tone it down though, that's fair." tone it down? naw man fuck that!!!! just because a couple of guys you don't even know on this site chimed in on how you do things? the reasons you explained as to why you do what you do makes perfect sense to me. keep doing your shit - it's real good!!!!
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2 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Hollywood Strikes
"If what you do can be done by a robot, then you don't deserve to be paid much." it depends. does the robot do the job as well as one of these highly paid actors? it also depends on who is programming these robots.
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2 years ago
avatar for Dustyhawkins
Real Girls Vs Strippers
ski, makes sense. men lose a lot of their assets due to the way the laws are structured. staying hitched would be the safest play. but my question is this: do women regret it eventually as they suddenly over time realize that they guy they left was most ideal to be with overall? generally speaking they're usually left with options that are usually worse off.
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2 years ago
avatar for blahblahblah23
>:( ๐Ÿงš๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿผ busy being a "psycho bitch" ๐Ÿคฃ
i'm sure they're a bunch of guys that want to be treated like piles of shit over at seeking. hell you probably could arrange to meet 5 of them in one shot and they'll all pay you real well too.
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2 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Hollywood Strikes
you're not missing much. better off just watching the trailers rather instead of the entire movie. it is pretty cool to learn stuff through the podcasts. i never knew that before hollywood the film industry used to be based in new jersey. tv/show movie production sets have been slowly migrating to those cities that you mentioned to reduce costs, which is the smart thing to do. but let's be honest - do you think that will bring back the entertainment quality that we all enjoyed decades ago? i have a real hard time thinking that it will. yeah they can go fuck themselves
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2 years ago
avatar for Dustyhawkins
If a girl blows you off
"If she Blows Me Off, I usually tip if she swallows !!!!!" hell i'll even tip her if she spits my load on a curtain or wall. then i react with a what the fuck? did she just do what i saw her do and then a one minute hard hahaha.
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2 years ago
avatar for skibum609
Songs we'd like to hear.....
the only way that you're going to hear what you want to hear is give the dj $5-10 per song request. otherwise, unless there's that one rare dancer that likes some of the oldies mentioned above then just have to tolerate whatever music the dancers want to listen to.
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2 years ago
avatar for Dustyhawkins
If a girl blows you off
that's ok. one girl did that to me at the club. i gave her a 2nd shot week later. she wound up being my fave for 8 months before she quit. but if she were to blow me off that 2nd time then yeah i absolutely would have moved on and said fuck that bitch.
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2 years ago
avatar for skibum609
Songs we'd like to hear.....
the only complimentary thing i can say about billie eyelash is she has a nice set of tits. musically she just fucking sucks.
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2 years ago
avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Hottest Jeopardy contestants
that's just how the world is. female jeopardy contestants are not going to wow you with their looks. the best looking one there is usually the host mayim bialik. i'm sure some the female players wouldn't mind shaving off 20 pts from their IQ scores to look almost as good as her. the best chances of seeing some semblance of eye candy is during the high school/college challenge of champions.
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2 years ago
avatar for Dustyhawkins
Strippers being rude and harsh
why.... if some young guys that are relatively new on this board here are a bunch of replies you can choose to use: -because you're not my type. -because you don't have a big ass. -oh i don't know. i'm just not in the fucking mood. -silence with a real bad death stare. -i'm waiting for another girl. if the annoying bitch replies "who?" then reply with the name of the girl you're waiting for, i'll know when i see her, or not you.
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2 years ago
avatar for Studme53
Ever get dancer-envy while getting a private dance?
same here SD - i still managed to get my happy ending but the nosy voyeurtistic eyes of that scummy perv checking out my action was way more than unwelcomed. i don't like it when girls are checking out out other girls in the lapper room. one of them could rat out to management.
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2 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Detroit police commissioner caught in car with prostitute
the most important question is not being asked around here: so was the 7AM hooker hot looking at all? anyway the guy was the police commissioner after all. that guy couldn't of gone to one of the clubs in detroit and gotten a freebie as part of some deal with the club owner?
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2 years ago
avatar for Myoman
Seeing Kids or Other Family at the Club
etsutwigg222, holy shit!!! bj even after the family dinner? hahaha!!!! i have to ask: say there is a moment where you and your son are having a beer together. what would his response be if you told him what you did? would it be a hard hahaha or rage? i could only imagine how he would feel if she blew pops but not the son.
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2 years ago
avatar for blahblahblah23
>:( ๐Ÿงš๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿผ busy being a "psycho bitch" ๐Ÿคฃ
Adults that watch anime
blahblah23 was born 30-40 years too late. she would have fit in better during the 70-90's era. anime, chess, and all the rest that is considered socially awkward should not a correlated to faggotry but instead be attributed to being a nerd. there is a big difference among the two. we're all living in modern times such that it is now more acceptable for younger kids to nerd out. even some of today's cool kids admit to nerding out to anime. so yeah gen z should be feel very fortunate to be living in present times. admitting to liking anime would have had any kid shunned by many social circles going way back in time. in some instances that shit could even be a cause for getting a brutal ass kicking.
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2 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
How Much Have You Spent (Wasted)?
how much was spent (wasted) on your fave vinos? weed? concerts? gambling? and so on? it's pointless to think about all this as what's done is done. thinking too deeply on this subject can lead something drastic like bashing your head repeatedly against a massive steel door. if the spending wound up leading to many happy outcomes then the money imho was more than well spent. and the stories that you can tell for days to those who wished to be entertained by such is fucking priceless.
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2 years ago
avatar for Careless_kevin4405
Which girl is the best.
'What should I look out for, to see which girl will give the most contact(high millage) dance.' the answer would be an area filled with drug infested zombies milling all over sections, like the tenderloin in san fran or kensington in philly, target the ugliest and smelliest ones and you'll find gold!!! all it should take is a couple of sticks of newport/camel along with a $5 bill to have your balls drained. i promise you that such an event will be an experience that you'll never forget.
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2 years ago
avatar for Muddy
To all Latin Strip Clubs, Managers, DJ's, Dancers, Patrons...
tx for the update nice - it just keeps getting worse and worse. i'd rather listen to rihanna's most popular 10 songs on a loop in a2-3 hour club visit than that piece of shit i just listened to for 2 minutes.
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2 years ago
avatar for londonguy
Breathe, breathe in the air
out of curiosity i was checking out numbers for the largest grossing tours in the late 70's and was surprised not to see boston in the top 10. high on the list was a shocker for me - foghat. below is a spinoff of boston during the early 80's - orion the hunter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw8mlHFwhYc londonguy, how popular were/are boston over in the UK?