
Comments by Anna (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Reasons to visit a strip club...
    1) You can actually carry on a conversation without screaming 2) You can unleash your inner horny 18 year old 3) You can spend the same as you would taking a civilian girl out except you know exactly what you will get in return. 4) You can get away with being a slight asshole 5) Like going to a regular bar where the women patrons are required to wear less 6) It builds character 7) Develops unique interpersonal skills 8) To stay updated on the latest slang 9) Your friends will think you are cool 10) Just be a guy with little or few consequences
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Most consecutive private/lap dances
    My answer to this question... wait...dances paid for or actually done? Lol...I had a customer from Austin buy 6 hours upstairs with me at Treasures...It is a minimum of 20 dances an hour up there...so technically he paid for 120 dances...I am not sure how many I actually danced...maybe 40 total and I think he danced like 5 for me. Doing a bunch of dances back to back is...well I like to have a break song every 4 or so because you can only get so horny...and there needs to be some drinking time too.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you ever had this happen to you???
    Sorry to post so late on this... 1) She says that to everyone almost instinctively and never follows through... 2) She was going to come back but saw someone she knew for a fact would spend (a regular, guaranteed money) In either case, que sera sera...we can't go getting offended each time you tell us you "aren't the dance type of guy, just got here, is broke, or waiting for someone"...lol.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    I mean...ok two different things I guess... 1) If I ask you something personal like, why are you a Democrat? or why do you cheat on your wife? Can I pretty much give up the idea of you spending on me. 2) If you get to know a dancer and like what you find out...does that make it boring to get dances...would you be more likely not to try naughty stuff if you felt like you KNOW the girl...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Interested in Employment
    Amanda...cute! Lol...private message me and I will give you my number...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The skinny, anorexic look: when will it end?
    When strip clubs are not full of people selling meth & coke.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Houston, the struggle goes on
    It's just so sad.... <3
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dallas Ft. Worth
    So...would your suggestions change if I were going to dance?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dallas Ft. Worth
    i am a dancer...but I think i will go as a customer...for fun.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dallas Ft. Worth
    BTW...IT SNOWED here in Houston the other night....crazy!lol I was like a little kid.
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    16 years ago
    Dallas Ft. Worth
    It's more for fun than anything...I hate night clubs...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    As a customer, would you ever get up on stage and strip?
    I didn't read yalls posts....just scrolled on down here to type about the mental picture of me stripping down customer girls at PP...LOL!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Most consecutive private/lap dances
    Can't you claim them as a deduction for your business...like entertaining clients?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hot dancer asks if you remember her, what do you say?
    Funny cheesy stripper line...if she has to ask...then no...obviously you don't. However, if she is HOT as you say, then you should admit no, you don't but would like to...and offer her some money. Happily ever after.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Roofies: Are the stories true or are they just a strippers "urban legends?"
    you should google what GHB is made of...disgusting
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Roofies: Are the stories true or are they just a strippers "urban legends?"
    Ah...I have seen in Houston, three girls having convulsions in the dressing room...not from roofies...but GHB. I myself was poisoned last year by a guy who I let walk to the bar and get me a drink because the waitress was slow. I drank half of it and could not get up out of the booth. He kept telling me to go get dressed and he would take me home because the manager would fire me if he saw me like that. I may have fallen for that if I was even able to respond, but instead when the lights came on at 3am I was still sitting there but with no outfit and no money. The manager helped me to the bathroom where one of the girls decided a line or two of coke would "sober my ass up" and yes...I did get taken in an ambulance where the ER doc told me I was lucky to be alive. GHB comes in a vial it is a clear liquid and tasteless. Thankfully my managers know I am not usually into any drugs and they did not fire me...and I am so much more careful now....so in my case, I WISH it was an urban legend. Btw it took me three days to even walk straight.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    miss your questions
    girlwatcher: Wow. Alyssa seems like a pretty typical young dancer...Christie seems like she wasn't into any extra crap and sometimes that happens when there are two girls because every dancer has different boundaries and attitudes and even sometimes censor themselves when around other dancers. As far as the naked talk, dinner talk, fantasy two-girl talk...that was all more than likely just to keep you in the VIP spending money. The whole phone/car keys thing...maybe done just so they wouldn't have to get your number and add as a distraction from the fact that none of the talk you were told was actually going to happen. Management I would seriously doubt had anything to do with any of it. Honestly, you just fell for the hustle.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    miss your questions
    Superdude: I don't know how good looking you are...but maybe the economy...I am not familiar with Detroit...or it's economy...business was getting crappy early this year when the stock market had yet to take that plunge...I have regulars that are awesome thank God. I have no idea honestly.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    miss your questions
    Fibber: No club i have ever been to since even compares to PP ....unless maybe the ones in Canada do...I don't know...that place is...a legend. LOL
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    miss your questions
    TUSCL_Brother: Yes, that was her. I never knew her like that to know anything about her...you know...just sat with her bf when it was slow cause he was hilarious. The two girl shows I did with other platinum blondes LOL. I miss PP.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    miss your questions
    shadowcat: The first time he left PP he did not get fired...[[Jacob Flowers]] he left when Christies retained new management and made him an offer I guess that was better than PP. The second time he left I do believe he was fired...but I am not sure why exactly...I think drama. Now he is a DJ at The Pony [[one of Jerry Westlund's clubs...used to be PT's]] and as a matter of fact, the majority of the PP girls went there if not to the PP is SC.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    miss your questions
    TUSCL_Brother: I remember one...not sure of her name, but she had ridiculously long hair and her boyfriend always sat by the curtain to the VIP...There were soooo many girls there...I still talk to a lot of them, but I was a night girl...did the two girl shows and all...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    miss your questions
    Clubber: Yes, that is my picture.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    miss your questions
    Someyoungguysomeyoungguy: My Thanksgiving has sucked major donkey balls if I may be graphic, I cooked for everyone, everyone got in a fight, and I came in the office to the computer which loves me unconditionally. *sigh*
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    miss your questions
    Dain: If I really am just scoping people out, I avoid such pants AND shorts, I do not discriminate based upon age, however you can look at someone and tell by their general appearance if they take care of themselves and by this I mean hygiene and all that...also attitude, and how they treat the other dancers and waitresses.