
Comments by Anna (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    I hate to stereotype...but in my experience, these girls always have a pimp. Always.
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    15 years ago
    A Mistress?
    Hmmm...that situation kinda reminds me of how I got my first job at a the most prominent firm I have ever worked for...lol. <3
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    15 years ago
    Catching something from a dancer
    Well if I was in the mood to make out I am NOT anymore...LOL.
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    15 years ago
    Catching something from a dancer
    There are a lot of variables involved so I guess it's like gambling.
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    15 years ago
    Catching something from a dancer
    Of course there is a possibility of transmission is possible through ANY contact. I am saying it is more likely in times of the symptoms I mentioned above...If you want to get super technical/paranoid...I mean, transmission may occur from a person who has herpes with no sores presently active through the "shedding" of virus particles from the skin and "landing" on the mucous membranes of another person.
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    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Jablake: As far as the girl that went off on your friend...I was having a bad night a year or so ago and this guy at the table we were sitting at kept making fun of my outfit. I finally snapped on him with a rant about how I hope he feels better about whatever pissed him off since he came in to pick on a stripper and blah blah with smart ass comments like wow you put me down that's so sweet you feel better about being an asshole and calling him insecure and ugh...it was bad. Funny thing is he asked me upstairs and he is one of my best clients EVER. Maybe he is into being abused or a freak I don't know but it surprised me I really expected him to go complain about me or ask me to get away from his table. Jayray: Well, I didn't mean I don't talk to new guys. Most times I go to the club when called in by a regular. Then I sit at the bar and socialize a little. Adding to that is my reluctance to approach guys. I figure if you want me you will come talk to me. So that deducts about half the customers in the crowd who either think i am rude or are too shy. I'm not snobby but I am too proud to try and sell someone. y very best client ever who I consider a friend.
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    15 years ago
    Embarrassing moments?
    The most humiliating thing for guys, I would assume, would be your wife/girlfriend/life partner coming in the club and dragging you out. Or your credit card getting declined. LOL um...the first one I would laugh, the second one, not so much.
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    15 years ago
    Embarrassing moments?
    Hmm...I have never fallen (knock on wood)... Oh!!! Well one time a dancer I didn't know was on stage and...the string to her...torpedo was just there for everyone to see. So I tried to tip her and point it out to her...I think she thought I was trying to...poke fun...and she made a big show of yelling at me that she was not a carpet muncher and blah blah so everyone looked at me like I got shot down that was humiliating. I was like damn...let her stay up there that way with her prude ass.
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    15 years ago
    Catching something from a dancer
    Oh and just because someone does not have a breakout(cold sore) of Herpes Simplex I does not mean you are totally safe from catching it. The virus lays dormant until triggered by stress, fever, illness and other times your immune system is compromised and then you get a sore. (so guess you will find out at that time). Wow...my Immunology/Serology class is coming in handy.
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    15 years ago
    Catching something from a dancer
    Hmmm...actually kissing another person with a "fever blister" or mouth ulcer or even gingivitis....an open whatever...could transmit well, most commonly, herpes simplex I (causes common cold sores), and Hepatitis B. Kissing the same person when you ALSO have an open anything in your mouth adds more risk of transmitting borne pathogens. As far as comparing kissing to oral...oral maybe safer seeing as how the penis is not a mucous membrane and hopefully has no um...open sores.(ew) It would be a stretch. I think I will close this post with...better safe than sorry...or perhaps when in doubt whack it...*full body shiver*
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Hey! It's my one year anniversary of being on TUSCL. I now have another excuse to have margaritas not that I needed one. ;)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Slothrop: LMAO...well played sir. Clubber: I recently went with my step father to purchase a clock for his Harley and while browsing I was amazed at the pricing on those things. Either was I <3 Bikers! lol. Jayray: I understand your point. I think maybe I am leaning more towards regulars on this issue because i rarely dance for new clients. Hogsun: While valid, your question would have me sitting here for hours typing and I still have to hit a few other sites before I demolish margaritas at happy hour. I will just say it is not only a personal choice I feel defines a great part of my character but also almost invaluable tool vital to my everyday life. Now starring: I really can't talk to someone I don't like, compensation or lack thereof. I am too blunt and to be honest my face will show my disapproval even if I keep my mouth shut. [[It's a curse and has cost me probably more money than I care to think about]] However I see where you are coming from. Zorro: LOL!! I am right here! I like the way you put that. Jablake: Even though it was perhaps a bad business move for her to get worked up like that, I think it's really sexy when someone is so passionate about their views and so do a few of my regulars lol. I would have like to be a fly on the wall. You guys all need to go to Happy Hour today because I said so. <3
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    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Clubber: I somehow remember Bike Night at Hooters my freshman year being my most profitable night...lol. Well if you had biker gear on I would assume you aren't broke seeing as how your second vehicle (recreational if you will) starts out around 65,000. I would probably think you would either spend it or you wouldn't but which ever you chose it would not be easy to change your mind. LOL. So you are right most dancers wouldn't know but I would. [[and probably run and put on the Hooter's outfit I still have,the black one]] ;) This is fun I feel like we should all have happy hour together or something.
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    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Well it seems my topic has turned...to politics. I will just say that as a College Republican it took me 3 years to convert my Grampa, who lives in East Texas where he runs a farm, from voting Democratic to republican. He held every belief of the party but had "heard" from friends family and co-workers all his life that conservatives were all about the rich and democrats the poor. It was so crazy to me he had no factual basis for his disapproval other than the nightly news and gossip among old people. Perfect example of society today, still too lazy to research for themselves. I have worked at law firms with attorneys having what I called bi-polar party disorder to pick on them. Defending criminals all day they would curse the Republican Judges...then at 5pm (more like 3pm) take off to that same Judge's house to play golf and drink Scotch singing the praises of Bush. Lol. Anyways what I learned is there is a big gray area. In defense of the former President...he governed my state for 2 terms before he was your President for another 2 and I couldn't be happier with his legacy here (especially tax free weekend shopping). ANYWAYS...seriously I can have a civil discussion and have many times about politics in strip clubs...in fact, I won my most generous regular customers over with it. Here is something I wonder...do you guys think strippers can tell something about you based solely upon your appearance? Lol...I have been known to bet money I can spot an attorney or a Republican and can usually predict IT Professional or Medical Professionals but not well enough to risk money on it... have you ever had a dancer just guess something about you? We have really refined interpersonal skills...well some of us. Now I need a drink... <3
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    I want to hit on a few things... Jablake: I would like to believe every man that chooses to spend his time/money at a strip club has having fun as the main objective...I'm sorry some girls are so self-absorbed they think it is just about dances...maybe that's just the mentality they have with dancing. I know when I take my friends to a strip club I want to have fun and when I dance at a club...I do it for that same reason. It is fun. It's a choice not a requirement...it can be the most fun job ever. how: Frankie was my very first stage name and I still love it but can't keep cringing every time I see it on here...lol. It's Anna or Frankie...small stuff. :) The reason I said less likely to try naughty stuff is sometimes customers that know me are intimidated to try fun things and later when I bring it up as a question "Do I not make you want to....?" the response is always "I always have but I thought you would slap me." or " I didn't think you would go for that. " As a kinda experiment...new guys I didn't really seem interesting to and played blank expressions with were acting all grab ass before we even went to VIP. When I apply to graduate school I want to use some of these situations and just wanted input.
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    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Sorry I used overall too many times overall lol
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    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    It seems like you guys are on the defense...like I may approach you and push my opinions and personal information on you...that is common sense [to me at least] not to initiate an argument with a customer whose objective walking in the door is to have fun... Let me give an example... If you are at a table with a friend and I join you two...let's say we are talking about the super bowl and you say the Steelers were the better team overall. I could say: 1) He he I like the Steelers...the uniform is a like awesome color!!! You are sooo right. or 2) Well, I think Arizona was the better team in the Super Bowl however hampered by penalties and overall statistically speaking the Cardinals are a better team overall. Not that it matters because I am a Saints fan haha like we will ever see a Super Bowl...I wish. I mean you would either be thinking you hate me or let me have an opinion...not like arguing but I am not going to agree with everything you say... the overall thing I am curious about is if you treat smart girls different than push overs or dumb ones I guess.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How many married guys visit clubs on the DL?
    I would be more offended today if my other half spent MONEY on a dancer than the fact that he got a dance... Married guys are my favorite...customer and boyfriend. hands down for many reasons... On the customer front...they are usually respectful and predictable...visiting the same time on the same days and spending the same amount...they come in after work but before dinner and I like to get out of the club by 8 or 9...for some reason I feel they are more responsible as far as cleanliness and illegal things...after all they have not just themselves to worry about. As far as dating married men...they value the time spent with me...they tend to know more about women physically and emotionally and are more sensitive to women's issues (having heard all of them ten times from the wifey) .... they have a bedtime so never really interfere with my club hopping or sports events...they aren't all clingy and up my ass all the time...when they go out of town I get to go...no commitment issues or let's move in together bullshit...guilt induced gift giving is wonderful. My advice is take your wife to a strip club with ugly girls...then the next time you ask to go, she will be like "go ahead" because she won't feel intimidated...then head towards the club you really like.
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    15 years ago
    hanger on
    Just be honest... or ask her if you can borrow 10 grand...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you have a myspace page?
    Oh and if you are on myspace... this guy has some blogs about strippers that are HILARIOUS... http://www.myspace.com/badassfrank
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    15 years ago
    Lapping & Talking...(at the same time)
    Lol...I talk if I am nervous...usually I stop dancing and tell the guy he can either have a nervous dance or sit with me through another song and alcoholic beverage until I am no longer uneasy around him...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Or then that would only apply to men who deep down feel having a dancer give them a lap dance is demeaning to her...because I cannot assume it applies to every guy... Not to sound like Dr. Phil but I am looking for complex answers on this lol...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Ha! I am a Republican and often I am the only one...in the club. So when I find men with the same political views it's awesome but usually I find myself preaching or fighting a losing battle with dancers...for example they tell me they are Democrats because...they want free health care...or the many of them on welfare want more benefits...just ignorant stuff. I have no problem voicing my opinion on any subject simply because it is easier than trying to lie or playing dumb(which I feel I am incapable of) The whole thing is I have sat with a customer before and hit it off so well it made the dancing awkward...like he felt I was his equal in some way and that made it difficult for him to demean me...which makes me wonder if men secretly want a dumbass...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you have a myspace page?
    Was that me that asked? Every attorney in the firm i work for has a myspace although the pictures are never them... Private message me if you want my url...I actually have a few TUSCL people on mine!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Reasons to visit a strip club...
    Oh I forgot...Girlfriend type interaction without the hassle and drama of a girlfriend.