
Comments by occurious

  • discussion comment
    15 days ago
    Fire in the strip mall (no pun intended)
    Since Satin Topless (old Flamingo) down the street is owned by the same company I wonder if they will just convert that into a new Sahara. Seems like it would be pretty easy.
  • review comment
    21 days ago
    Nice relaxing evening looking at pretty girls
    Sorry thought I had mentioned it the only LD is in the VIP rooms and they are full nude.
  • discussion comment
    22 days ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Want to see sexy right-wingers in bikinis?
    It kills me to say anything nice about Boebert but she does have a hot body and she knows how to work her looks. Not a fan of the tat though.
  • discussion comment
    24 days ago
    Fire in the strip mall (no pun intended)
    Yeah I saw the video finally it was bad. They interviewed a woman who said she worked at the club she didn't want to show her face on camera she said she didn't know what she was going to do. That seems strange to me, unless she's a waitress I would think it would be simple for a dancer to go to one of the other clubs in the area. Of course since it was an extras club it's going to be hard if you move to a club that isn't.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Women having pubic hair growth treatments?
    So I was at a club the other night and there was a dancer who I guess was trying to look goth which I'm fine with but then it got weird. She had a unibrow which was intentional and might have even been fake, she had hairy armpits but when she got nude she had a shaved pussy. Ok I'm not into the hairy armpits trend at all, I'd prefer a trimmed bush or smooth but why go smooth down below and hairy up top? Who does that? BTW she looked like she was absolutely miserable dancing but then again that might have been just her thing.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    “I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who
    I've used the Hitler comment about Trump too and I think for many of us it's more about how he acts than his actual potential for evil. Hitler was absolutely insane, I don't think Trump is insane like that. However he is exactly like Hitler in a very dangerous way, he is capable of getting otherwise intelligent people to completely ignore reality and do what he wants. That alone raises the specter of what happened in Nazi Germany in the 30's. Trump is probably a sociopath but it doesn't mean he's a violent one, he simply will do whatever he can that will benefit him the most even at the extreme cost of others. He lacks empathy for the people impacted by his decisions, that doesn't mean he lacks empathy all together. I think he does feel for people but only if they are not in any way shape or form blocking something he feels he needs. Mostly he wants to feel powerful and his best way in the past to get that was through money. Now he's found a new way to feel powerful and that's leading the most powerful nation in the world and controlling his followers. Unfortunately to exercise this power he needs people around him and those in power around him tend to be the kind that are like him and don't care about what their decisions do to others and this is where the comparison to Hitler really hits home. There were otherwise good people in the Nazi government who did Hitler's bidding but there were others who were total monsters and used their position to do evil. It doesn't take many people like this to really do tremendously evil things if they are given the chance and that's why Trump is so dangerous. He lacks the desire to stop those truly evil people because they are helping him.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Not as dry as the club name makes you think
    Great review I love girls like Natalie, I've found a few like that at other clubs and I always tip then nicely. I hope everyone else does as well.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Not many taboos broken here but hey
    Well its licensed as a nude club and the dancers can get nude on stage. I've never seen a dancer not get topless on stage but it's about 50/50 if they get nude. I think because this is known as a low mileage kind of relaxed club it attracts dancers that don't want to get totally nude. One thing I have noticed is more pole work (and pretty good at that) than in other nude clubs. So you're trading off mileage and nudity for relaxed atmosphere with no drink hustle. If you want mileage and guaranteed nudity go to Sahara it's just 10 minutes away.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Retired, traveling for fun
    More than expected
    I've been going here for well over 20 years and the interesting thing about the place is the more it changes the more it stays the same. I haven't gone since COVID so I'll have to check it out again. From the sound of the review even though the dancer quality has gone down the activity is the same. As someone else said I have always gotten extras and never been quoted a price upfront it's always just up to me to tip what I felt like, again same thing over a multi-decade span.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What's up with scanning IDs in PA?
    Yeah I really didn't think to ask or think anything about it until after I left. I made a comment that it was the first time I've been carded in decades and only after that did I notice the scan but it was so quick it just passed me by then later when I was reading reviews I started thinking about it. I had two thoughts, it seems like it's probably a liability thing, probably not at the level of insurance but I could see a club lawyer suggesting it just to be safe. I also thought it might be COVID/contact tracing related but then why wouldn't that occur in every bar in the state?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    return to taboo
    Regarding the comment about nude laps not being allowed in OC that's not true. I'm honestly not sure what the deal is with Taboo and one other Anaheim club. They have very strict rules about no nude or even topless laps but then another Anaheim club has no problem with it. There are a few other OC clubs that go to the extreme end on nude laps so whatever it is has to do with Anaheim.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Great club
    I agree this is the one club I've been going to since the late 90's. They used to be busier and have more stunners but it's still good. It's funny the pricing hasn't changed in at least 20 years, it's EXPENSIVE but it can be worth it.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Odd Sunday night visit to a friendly/comfortable club
    I should have added the main reason I gave the dancers rating an 8 was because of how hard they were working given it was just two of them.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    OK club after the incident
    Given the current situation a date would be useful because as zodiacmouse said I think they closed since OC closed a lot of indoor things again.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Same old Sahara with healthier girls
    Curious about the comments about Suki and Andrea too. As I said in a previous review Andrea was great and honest.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anaheim 2AMer.
    Just saw this on the news, I just went there yesterday afternoon and wrote a review. First time back into a club since COVID. The building is a strip mall (no pun intended) with a 7-11 next door. They don't frisk you when you go in but reading the article I think it was more of a drive by, the front wall is really just the blacked out windows from whatever it was before so I bet he shot from the outside and the rounds went through to the inside. The area isn't exactly horrible, my guess is there were some gang members inside and a rival gang decided to send a message.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How's Covid Enforcement in Your Area?
    I header at least one nude clue in Orange County is open (TJ's) not sure about any others or in City Of Industry. Anyone check them out?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Listless Library, Quiet Enough to Study In
    Different clubs in Anaheim seem to operate by different rules. This one and at least 2 others are stricly no touch even in the nude clubs. Then you have 2 others that are almost COI clubs. Weird
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "Just give me what ever you think it was worth"
    I've had something like this happen a few times and it's always shocked me but in a good way. The most recent was really the best I had gotten a couple of topless dances from her and finally took her to a VIP booth. It was a specials day so the booth was I think $120 for 30 minutes, at this club it's generally understood what goes on when you go back there but there's always been a price discussion up front for the extras. This time there wasn't and I figured she would bring it up at some point. She got nude, started grinding away and pretty soon I had my fingers moving around down south. Within about 5-10 minutes she had my pants unzipped then pulled down. She put a cover on and again all without mentioning any price rode me for a while then moved to CBJ and finished me off. When we were all done and put back together she hugged me and acted like she wasn't expecting a thing. Of course I tipped her I was really torn how much and I forget what I did but I think it was $100, she acted very pleased and surprised. It will probably never happen again but it was a very nice surprise.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Broadest Question Ever
    Depends on the club and what I'm going for. I only bring cash so I never get tempted to use the ATM. As for how many dances it depends on how good the first one was. I've given up after one and not given a tip. Generally if the dances don't get more friendly as they go on I cut them off where the routine levels out. Tipping depends on many factors.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Surprising stripper conversations
    DarkBlue, it was at TJ's in Stanton. Very tight body, maybe a 32b. She definitely had a broad range of interests, while we were in private she started discussing what kind of porn she likes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Surprising stripper conversations
    LOL, well she was not shy in the vip booth
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    What would you do?
    It's their business, if the situation were reversed would you want to be ratted out by someone? Privately I would be VERY jealous that he has a wife/girlfriend who is so uninhibited they would do that.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    "Courtesy" dances...
    Yes I have done that and sometimes it actually turns out well. A version of this is if I go to a club during the day and there aren't a lot of customers and clearly the girls are bored out of their minds. I feel guilty (I know I shouldn't) if one asks me for a dance and I don't really want to but I do it anyway.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    How many strippers are actually full fledged lesbians
    It's much more acceptable these days for a girl to be bi so in general I think there are more girls that bi in any given population however a stripper already is accepting of an environment that is out of the norm so they are much more likely to accept advances from another girl and enjoy both sexes. In old days this would be called having loose morals but in really it has nothing to do with morals, it's just being more inviting to experiences and trying things. I also think that there is a psychological effect of having to deal with creepy guys all day long that drives some strippers to less creepy girls. The corollary to this would be that many strippers are drawn to guys that are bad for them because they are mentally beaten down by the guys they have to do deal with in the clubs.