“I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who

avatar for CJKent_band
Title couldn’t say it all.

“I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler,”

~ JD Vance


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avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
"The most viral posts in support of the current VP are undeniably bratty, hyping Harris in terms familiar from the moment in 2020 when Joe Biden picked her as a running mate. Her record doesn’t matter; her rhetoric doesn’t matter; her dismal performance in the one and only genuine campaign race of her life—in which she never polled above 15 percent and couldn’t muster the backing even of voters in her own home state—doesn’t matter.

Nobody advocating for Harris has argued that she’s earned your vote—only that she should get it. Why? Because she wants it now, that’s why."

avatar for MonacoGP
7 months ago
Hey take it easy on Harris. Her biggest accomplishment according to Pocahontas is that she went to an abortion clinic. Obviously she's fit to be president.
avatar for StripClubXpert
7 months ago
I hate it when anyone uses the Hitler reference so casually. It is done often these days and shows a real lack of sound judgement IMHO - unless the person you are comparing to Hitler also murdered 11 million human beings.
> I hate it when anyone uses the Hitler reference so casually.

Yeah, so it's crazy that Trump's own VP pick once compared him to Hitler then, isn't that? Shouldn't that tell voters something?

The bottom line is, the comparison is apt. The inventor of Godwin's Law has even said the Hitler comparison is apt. https://www.politico.com/news/…

He's tried to overturn one election, with fake electors paperwork, and a mob that assaulted the Capitol building on Jan 6th. He recently promised evangelicals that if they vote for him this year, "you won't have to vote again."

He banned Muslims from entering the country. He separated children from their parents. He calls immigrants vermin, diseased, invaders, kills, and has said they are "poisoning our blood" - exactly the terms Hitler used to use. The current GOP platform calls for the LARGEST DEPORTATION OPERATION IN AMERICAN HISTORY.

When we have 11 million immigrants in concentration champs under Trump's second term will people still complain you can't compare him to Hitler? When our republic is lost and we're ruled by a Trumpian dictatorship, can we call him Hitler then?
avatar for rickmacrodong
7 months ago
^Ronjax the left isn’t necessarily free of this either but what you have to understand is for many right wingers, some of those categories of people you refer to aren’t actually seen as people.

They may appreciate and respect the Cubanas or latina women they personally dealt with. But the reality is for a lot of those people, those “11 million immigrants in concentration camps” are actually just 11 million terrorists or criminals. Muslims are, terrorists/Hamas affiliates as well, we have the israel war providing much evidence of that.

Even the guys who like latina dancers, will probably assume any latina guy is by default a criminal.

Moreover, the distinction of legal vs illegal immigrant is purely semantics and deflection, we all know even if the immigrants were to enter legally, then the goalposts would shift to “yeah they came here illegally but look how much crime theyre committing”, or it would shift to complaining about how theyre leeching welfare and social services. It’s very strange how some focus this discussion around illegal vs legal immigration as if it makes a difference, the reality is a lot of those people would find a bunch of new things to complain about even if the immigrants were here legally.
If you think he’s anything like hitler im sorry your just not that smart
avatar for 5footguy
7 months ago
"He separated children from their parents"

What else would he do, when they come across the border? They can't put the children in jail, and the border crossings were illegal. When a US citizen commits a crime, the underage children are taken into protective custody. But Obama built the cages and did the same thing. Even the far left AP recognizes this.


avatar for 5footguy
7 months ago

Do you realize that your entire post is conjecture, and a heaping pile of made up shit? You criticize Trump for stereotyping, and then do exactly the same thing.

"Even the guys who like latina dancers, will probably assume ..."
"we all know even if immigrants were to enter legally, then the goalposts would shift"

^^ All bull shit. Not a single fact or bit of objectivity in your post, just demonizing, stereotyping, and hypocritical, almost dehumanizing, of other people.
avatar for 5footguy
7 months ago
"When we have 11 million immigrants in concentration champs under Trump's second term"

Hyperbolic fearmongering. If you want to see what his second term would look like, look at his first. The Hitler comparison is the most intellectually sophomoric take a person can have about this, which is why so many people lazily use it.

Seriously, too much "Politico" for you Ron. If I filled my mind with far left or far right shit like you read, I'd probably be a sheep too. Get off the teet man. They're feeding you such nonsense. When your validating source is Godwin, an "internet legend," it's time to give it up.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
A pathway to citizenship for the 11 million illegals they imported.
That which democrats said they definitely would never do!

> Hyperbolic fearmongering.
> Seriously, too much "Politico" for you Ron.

To draw these inferences, I did some reading on the far left site of gop.com. The first two planks of the GOP's platform this election are: https://prod-static.gop.com/me…


If Trump is elected, say goodbye to your favorite cubana and hello to concentration camps.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ Logistically impossible. We should expel them by removing the economic incentives.

It isn't like ILLEGALS broke the law or anything, LOL.

I'll take a safer, freer, and more prosperous America over all the Cuban strippers in America. You should too.
I've used the Hitler comment about Trump too and I think for many of us it's more about how he acts than his actual potential for evil. Hitler was absolutely insane, I don't think Trump is insane like that. However he is exactly like Hitler in a very dangerous way, he is capable of getting otherwise intelligent people to completely ignore reality and do what he wants.

That alone raises the specter of what happened in Nazi Germany in the 30's. Trump is probably a sociopath but it doesn't mean he's a violent one, he simply will do whatever he can that will benefit him the most even at the extreme cost of others. He lacks empathy for the people impacted by his decisions, that doesn't mean he lacks empathy all together. I think he does feel for people but only if they are not in any way shape or form blocking something he feels he needs.

Mostly he wants to feel powerful and his best way in the past to get that was through money. Now he's found a new way to feel powerful and that's leading the most powerful nation in the world and controlling his followers.

Unfortunately to exercise this power he needs people around him and those in power around him tend to be the kind that are like him and don't care about what their decisions do to others and this is where the comparison to Hitler really hits home. There were otherwise good people in the Nazi government who did Hitler's bidding but there were others who were total monsters and used their position to do evil. It doesn't take many people like this to really do tremendously evil things if they are given the chance and that's why Trump is so dangerous. He lacks the desire to stop those truly evil people because they are helping him.
avatar for rickmacrodong
7 months ago
5footguy not at all, reread my post, the people complaining about illegal immigration are already complaining about crime rates, strain on social services, welfare, and the fact theyll vote democrat. None of that magically changes if the immigrant is legal instead of illegal
Attention Ron Jax, traitor to this country. You gave two points in all caps a few posts above. What is wrong with either or both of those happening?
avatar for TheeOSU
7 months ago
yeah i have to agree, what's wrong?
I read through the whole GOP platform and pretty much agree with all of it.
The dems like to use the words 'common sense' in their talking points, the GOP platform is mostly real common sense!
avatar for TheeOSU
7 months ago
Oh BTW, for those that may not know, OP AKA cjkunt is a dick pic collecting commie homo troll.
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